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Amyloid formation by globular proteins

under native conditions
Fabrizio Chiti1 & Christopher M Dobson2

The conversion of proteins from their soluble states into well-organized fibrillar aggregates is associated with a wide range
of pathological conditions, including neurodegenerative diseases and systemic amyloidoses. In this review, we discuss the
mechanism of aggregation of globular proteins under conditions in which they are initially folded. Although a conformational
change of the native state is generally necessary to initiate aggregation, we show that a transition across the major energy barrier
for unfolding is not essential and that aggregation may well be initiated from locally unfolded states that become accessible, for
© 2009 Nature America, Inc. All rights reserved.

example, via thermal fluctuations occurring under physiological conditions. We review recent evidence on this topic and discuss
its significance for understanding the onset and potential inhibition of protein aggregation in the context of diseases.

A wide range of human pathologies are associated with the conversion diseases have been shown to decrease the conformational stability of
of polypeptide chains from their soluble states into well-organized fibril- the globular native fold (∆GU-F) and to promote aggregation in vitro;
lar aggregates having extensive β-sheet structure1–3. Such disorders, they have therefore been considered to give rise to disease as a conse-
which may collectively be grouped as “protein deposition diseases,” quence of their destabilizing effect13–16. These lines of evidence have
include neurodegenerative conditions, such as Alzheimer’s disease, contributed to the formulation of the conformational change hypothesis,
Parkinson’s disease and the spongiform encephalopathies. They also which is based on the simple concept that a process of global or partial
include systemic amyloidoses, such as light chain and lysozyme amy- unfolding is required to initiate the aggregation of a globular protein
loidoses, familial amyloid polyneuropathy and dialysis-related amy- that is normally cooperatively folded17,18.
loidosis, as well as localized amyloidoses, including type II diabetes This concept can be described by using established thermodynamic
and aortic medial amyloidosis. Overall, more than 40 human protein and kinetic principles (Fig. 1a), as well as more recent representations of
deposition diseases have been described so far, each having a distinct protein (un)folding processes based on energy landscapes (Fig. 1b). If a
clinical profile and each associated with the aggregation of a single mutation, or a change of solution conditions, destabilizes and increases
dominant peptide or protein3. the free energy of the native fold (N) relative to that of the fully unfolded
Some of the protein deposition disorders result from the aggregation state (U) or of any partially unfolded state (I) that exists before the
of unstructured peptides, intrinsically disordered proteins or unfolded major free energy barrier for folding, it will result in a higher equilib-
fragments of otherwise folded proteins3. Many of the polypeptide chains rium population of the non-native U and I states. In addition, if such a
undergoing aggregation in protein deposition diseases are, however, mutational or environmental change does not destabilize the transition
globular proteins—that is, they normally adopt under physiological con- state, or destabilizes it to a lesser extent than it does the native state, it
ditions a cooperative and persistent fold in which well-defined secondary will also result in an increased kinetic accessibility of the U and I states.
and tertiary structures are present. Examples include immunoglobulin Because in such states many of the hydrophobic and backbone moieties
light chains, transthyretin, β2-microglobulin, lysozyme, various forms of that are normally buried in the interior of the native fold are solvent
ataxins, superoxide dismutase 1 and prolactin3. In these highly evolved exposed, and thus accessible for intermolecular interactions, this readier
states, the propensity of the proteins to aggregate is generally very low4. thermodynamic and kinetic accessibility of the non-native states will
Nevertheless, such folded proteins, and indeed many similar proteins result in a greatly enhanced propensity for aggregation.
that are not associated with disease, have been shown in vitro to undergo The attainment of the U and I states requires a transition from the
amyloid fibril formation readily under solution conditions that promote N state across the major free energy barrier for unfolding. This model
their partial unfolding, such as at low pH5,6, high temperature7,8, high of protein aggregation has led for nearly two decades to an extensive
pressure9,10 and in the presence of co-solvents11,12. In addition, most investigation of protein aggregation processes when such conforma-
of the mutations associated with hereditary forms of protein deposition tional states are populated. Such studies have provided important and
fundamental insights into the nature of the aggregates involved and the
1Dipartimento di Scienze Biochimiche, Università degli Studi di Firenze, Viale
mechanisms of their formation. Nevertheless, recent findings suggest
Morgagni 50, I-50134 Firenze, Italy. 2 Department of Chemistry, University of that unfolding processes of this magnitude are not essential to generate
Cambridge, Lensfield Road, Cambridge CB2 1EW, UK. Correspondence should precursor states that are prone to amyloid formation. Conformational
be addressed to F.C. ( or C.M.D. (
states thermodynamically distinct from the native state, but structur-
Published online 16 December 2008; doi:10.1038/nchembio.131 ally similar to it, can be accessed directly from the native state through

nature chemical biology volume 5 number 1 januarY 2009 15


b Human lysozyme
Variants of human lysozyme, bearing either the I56T, F57I, W64R or
TS U D67H single mutations or the F57I T70N or W112R T70N double
mutations, are associated with familial forms of systemic or renal
amyloidosis22–25. It has been shown through detailed in vitro studies
of the I56T and D67H variants of human lysozyme that these species
undergo transient locally cooperative unfolding under physiologically

U relevant conditions of pH and temperature26,27 (Fig. 2). That this transi-
I tion does not involve crossing the major free energy barrier for unfold-
ing can be deduced from the rate constant determined for the global
N* unfolding process, which is estimated to be within the 10−6 to 10−9 s–1
N range by measurements at high GdnHCl concentrations followed by
Number of
extrapolation to physiological conditions (assuming typical values for
of native
Protein aggregation residue contacts the dependence of the unfolding rate constant on GdnHCl concentra-
tion and temperature)28. By contrast, a value of about 10−1 s–1 has been
Figure 1 The process of protein folding. (a,b) Folding is shown according determined by hydrogen/deuterium (H/D) exchange experiments for the
to classical thermodynamic and kinetic principles (a) and a free energy “opening” rate constant that gives rise to the partially unfolded ensemble
landscape (b). The unfolded state (U), consisting of a large ensemble of through fluctuations26. This partially unfolded state is thus accessed at
unstructured conformations, can collapse to a partially folded state (I)
least five orders of magnitude faster than global unfolding, and must
and then fold across the major free energy barrier for folding to the native
folded state (N). Both figures can be read backward with N unfolding to
therefore result from inherent fluctuations associated with the native
form I through the major free energy barrier for unfolding. One or more state. However, this timescale is very long compared to that of ther-
locally unfolded states (N*) may become accessible from N via thermal mal fluctuation occurring within native state ensembles. The partially
© 2009 Nature America, Inc. All rights reserved.

fluctuations. Such conformational ensembles represent high energy states unfolded state is therefore formed through a locally cooperative process
with respect to N under physiological conditions, but are typically separated and can be considered to be a conformational state thermodynamically
from N by a low energy barrier. Although they form transiently and are rarely distinct from the native state, but still on the native side of the free
populated at equilibrium, they are sampled frequently. Protein molecules
adopting the U, I and N* states or conformations can all self-assemble
energy barrier for unfolding (N* in Fig. 1).
and consequently trigger amyloid formation. However, under physiological But is this conformational ensemble amyloidogenic? H/D exchange
conditions, N* is both thermodynamically and kinetically more readily rate measurements monitored by means of NMR spectroscopy have
accessible from N than are I and U and may therefore represent a key shown that in this conformational ensemble the β-domain and C-helix,
precursor to protein aggregation. spanning approximately residues 36-102, are simultaneously highly
unstructured, whereas the remainder of the α-domain appears to main-
thermal fluctuations. These conformational states, which we term N*, tain its native-like structure26,27 (Fig. 2). The region of the sequence
are at higher energy than N, but are separated from it by a relatively low exposed in this way has been shown to be highly amyloidogenic: pro-
energy barrier (Fig. 1a,b). They are therefore only transiently populated teolysis with pepsin of fibrils from human lysozyme reveals that the
under physiological conditions, yet they can be sampled more frequently minimal region of the sequence left undigested, and thus presumed to
than states such as I and U. The existence of such conformational states form the structured core of the fibrils, encompasses residues 32–108
is suggested both by simulations19,20 and by the long-standing observa- (ref. 29) (Fig. 2). The same structural fluctuations from the native state
tion that some (often many) of the amide hydrogens buried in the interior to the partially unfolded ensemble also occur for the wild-type protein
of a native protein can often exchange with the solvent at detectable and for a non-amyloidogenic variant, bearing the T70N substitution,
rates under physiological conditions, more rapidly than unfolding21.
If such states prove to be of significance for aggregation in vivo, they
could provide a general mechanism for pathological amyloid formation
that does not require the existence of the relatively harsh conditions that Structural
have been observed to give rise to aggregation in vitro.
In this review we summarize the evidence for the aggregation of nor-
mally globular proteins as a direct consequence of fluctuations from the
native state or other local unfolding events, that are, however, distinct
from global unfolding in that they do not involve crossing the major
energy barrier between N and U or I. This review focuses on systems that Native monomer (N) Locally unfolded Amyloid fibrils
adopt fully folded structures under physiological conditions and does not monomer (N*)
discuss the aggregation mechanisms of systems that are intrinsically dis-
Figure 2 Proposed process of fibril formation for human lysozyme. The
ordered, such as the amyloid β peptide and α-synuclein, or that contain protein is initially in its native monomeric form N (left, Protein Data Bank
unstructured domains, such as the prion proteins. We will focus mainly (PDB) entry 1LZ1). In this structure, the region spanning residues 36–102,
on five well-studied proteins: lysozyme, a hyperthermophilic acylphos- encompassing the β-domain and the C-helix, is indicated in light blue. A
phatase, superoxide dismutase 1, transthyretin and β2-microglobulin. locally unfolded monomer N*, having a highly flexible β-domain and C-helix,
We show that locally unfolded states may not only be populated under is accessed through thermal fluctuations26,27. The transition from N to N*
conditions close to physiological, but are also able to give rise to amyloid is distinct from the global unfolding process and is facilitated by the D67H
and I56T mutations associated with familial amyloidosis. The region that is
formation. We suggest that the accessibility of an amyloidogenic state
unfolded in N* promotes the process of aggregation and is found to form the
can occur through thermal fluctuations of the native folded state and β-sheet core in the amyloid fibrils29 (right). The picture of the amyloid fibril
that this is likely to be an important step in the pathogenesis of protein reported in the figure is for descriptive purposes only and emphasizes simply
deposition diseases associated with initially globular proteins. that the β-sheet core of the fibrils is contributed by the region unfolded in N*.

16 volume 5 number 1 JanuarY 2009 nature chemical biology


that is present in about 10% of the human population30. However, the

kinetic data show that these aggregation-prone states are accessed orders
of magnitude less frequently than those in the amyloidogenic variants, Structural
unless the temperature is raised to values well above physiological30. N*
These findings allow a mechanism of amyloid fibril formation to be
proposed for the I56T and D67H variants of human lysozyme31. Full
unfolding to form states such as U or I across the major energy barrier
for unfolding is not required32. The variants access an N* state on the Native Native-like Native-like Amyloid-like
monomer (N) monomer (N*) aggregates protofibrils
“native side” of the barrier through thermal fluctuations that are rare
in the wild-type protein, but much more frequent in the amyloidogenic Figure 3 Proposed process of aggregation for Sso AcP. The protein is
variants31 (Fig. 2). Fibril formation will occur as a consequence of initially in its native monomeric form N (left, PDB entry 1Y9O). In this
the intermolecular interactions between regions that are unfolded and state the unstructured N-terminal segment and β-strand 4 are depicted in
exposed in the N* state; such regions will thus form the cross-β core of blue and red, respectively. A native-like monomer N* is accessed through
thermal fluctuations32–34. The transition from N to N* is distinct from the
the resulting fibrils (Fig. 2). Because the fluctuations from the native
global unfolding process across the major free energy barrier and is aided
to the N* state will occur with significant frequency under physiologi- by mutations destabilizing the native state N. Interactions between the
cal conditions, a mechanism of this type does not need to invoke even unstructured N-terminal segment and a portion of the globular structure,
transiently the existence in vivo of extreme conditions (for example, most probably the peripheral β-strand 4, promote the initial formation of
low pH or high temperature) in the pathogenesis of familial lysozyme native-like aggregates in which the various protein molecules maintain a
amyloidosis. native-like topology34–36. These aggregates then convert into protofibrils with
amyloid-like characteristics (right). Reprinted from ref. 36 with permission
from Elsevier.
Acylphosphatase from Sulfolobus solfataricus
If a globular protein can aggregate via local structural fluctuations that
© 2009 Nature America, Inc. All rights reserved.

are independent of complete unfolding, it might be expected that (in H/D exchange using mass spectrometry reveal that Sso AcP undergoes
some cases at least) the initially formed oligomeric species could retain more rapid fluctuations in the presence of TFE than in simple aqueous
a native-like structure. The study of acylphosphatase from Sulfolobus solutions34. It is therefore likely that, in the presence of the co-solvent,
solfataricus (Sso AcP), a protein that has no link with human disease but Sso AcP acquires a sufficiently high dynamic character to allow confor-
that has proved to be a valuable system for the study of the mechanism mational ensembles such as N* to be sampled more frequently than is
of protein aggregation, has been particularly informative in this context. the case in its absence (Figs. 1 and 3). Nevertheless, dynamic behavior
Aggregation of Sso AcP has been characterized in particular detail in of this type will be a characteristic of the protein under physiological
a buffered solution containing 20% (v/v) trifluoroethanol (TFE)32–34. conditions. As a result, the globular unit of Sso AcP is likely to interact
Under these conditions, before aggregation, Sso AcP is present in a fully with the unstructured N-terminal segment and give rise to the formation
native-like state, as indicated by far- and near-UV circular dichroism, of initial aggregates that convert later into amyloid-like protofibrils via
enzymatic activity measurements and stopped-flow measurements of internal reorganization (Fig. 3).
folding and unfolding rates32–34.
Aggregation of initially folded Sso AcP under these conditions Human superoxide dismutase 1
has been found to occur in two distinct and sequential kinetic steps33 The lysozyme and Sso AcP cases described above have shown that N*
(Fig. 3). In the first step, the protein converts within one minute from the states can be accessed transiently from N structures through fluctua-
initial native state into small oligomeric aggregates33. These oligomers tions, and that the frequency of the fluctuations increases with factors
(i) have a secondary structure content close to that of the native state, as destabilizing the N state, such as mutations or co-solvents. In principle,
revealed by far-UV circular dichroism and Fourier-transform infrared however, locally destabilizing mutations may also cause the persistent,
spectroscopy, (ii) do not yet bind Congo red, thioflavin T or 8-anili- rather than transient, formation of conformations with locally unstruc-
nonaphthalene-1-sulfonate (ANS), and remarkably (iii) have extensive tured regions in the absence of global unfolding (N*). This situation
enzymatic activity33. In the second step, these native-like aggregates will occur if the mutations destabilize the N state in such a manner
convert, on a timescale of several minutes, into spherical species and that its stability is lower than one or more N* states, and the latter then
chain-like protofibrils with diameters of 3 to 5 nm, which bind Congo become the predominant species at equilibrium under physiological
red, thioflavin T and ANS and have an extensive β-sheet structure and conditions. This appears to be the case for the S134N mutant of copper-
no enzymatic activity33. zinc superoxide dismutase 1 (SOD1), a variant associated with familial
Under the conditions used to stimulate aggregation in these studies, amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (FALS)37. S134N SOD1 has been found to
the unfolding process of Sso AcP is approximately four and two orders have an essentially native-like dimeric structure, very similar to that of
of magnitude slower, respectively, than the first and second aggrega- wild-type SOD1 (refs. 38,39); nevertheless, in S134N SOD1 the region
tion steps, which indicates that global unfolding cannot be a neces- of the sequence including the mutation site, known as loop VII or the
sary prerequisite of the initiation of aggregation32,33. The first step of “electrostatic loop,” has been shown to be highly flexible and structurally
aggregation of initially native Sso AcP therefore results in oligomeric heterogeneous in solution, as revealed by NMR, even in the dimeric and
species that maintain a native-like structure (Fig. 3). Protein engineer- fully metal-bound form39 (Fig. 4).
ing studies have established that this assembly process is promoted Multiple lines of evidence indicate that this unstructured loop plays
by interactions between the unstructured N-terminal segment and a a key role in aggregation of S134N SOD1 (refs. 38,39). First, NMR
portion of the globular unit, most probably the peripheral β-strand 4 studies have shown that the dimeric and fully metal-bound S134N
(refs. 34–36) (Fig. 3). SOD1 mutant can form transient, soluble oligomers through interac-
Although formation of the initial native-like aggregates does not tions involving the unstructured loop while the remainder of the mol-
require global unfolding, it does not occur at a detectable rate except in ecule maintains its native structure39 (Fig. 4). In addition, crystals of the
the presence of a co-solvent, such as 20% TFE. Kinetic measurements of same variant have been shown to consist of amyloid-like filaments in

nature chemical biology volume 5 number 1 januarY 2009 17


which adjacent dimers interact via hydrogen bonding and hydrophobic Human transthyretin
contacts contributed by the unstructured loop and the cleft between the Conversion of both wild-type and mutant transthyretins (TTRs) from
open-ended edge β-strands 5 and 6 (ref. 38) (Fig. 4). In the interface their native tetrameric states into amyloid fibrils is associated with a
between adjacent dimers, the loop of a given dimer interacts with the range of diseases, including senile systemic amyloidosis (SSA), familial
cleft of the second dimer. The loop of the latter also forms an interaction amyloidotic polyneuropathy (FAP), familial amyloid cardiomyopathy
with the cleft of the preceding dimer, so that the same type of interac- (FAC), leptomeningeal amyloidosis (LMA), carpal tunnel syndrome
tion is present twice (Fig. 4). In such an amyloid-like array, the dimers (CTS) and vitreous opacity44. Under nonpathological conditions, wild-
have a native-like structure, and the individual β-strands are oriented type TTR is normally a homotetramer in which each subunit consists of
approximately perpendicularly to the filament axis38. These results indi- eight β-strands (A-H) arranged in a sandwich of two β-sheets, involving
cate that S134N SOD1 dimers can form oligomers and even fibrils while strands DAGH and CBEF, respectively45 (Fig. 5).
maintaining a largely native-like conformation and without the need It is widely accepted that the native TTR tetramer needs to dis-
to dissociate and unfold before self-assembly. X-ray structures with sociate into a locally unfolded monomeric state in order to become
disordered loops have been reported for other SOD1 variants, including competent for amyloid fibril formation46–48 and that this process is
H46R SOD1 (ref. 40) and G85R SOD1 (ref. 41). both energetically and kinetically favored by the mutations that are
Mutations associated with FALS have been proposed to exert their linked to TTR-associated familial diseases16. However, this conver-
pro-aggregating potential through a variety of mechanisms, for example sion to the amyloid-competent form of the protein does not involve full
by decreasing the conformational stability of the native fold, by increas- unfolding of the monomer once it is released from the other subunits
ing the intrinsic aggregation propensity of the sequence, by causing (Fig. 5); indeed, spectroscopic data and limited proteolysis studies indi-
metal loss, post-translational modifications, dimer dissociation and so cate that monomeric wild-type TTR maintains largely folded native-like
on (ref. 42 and references therein). It is however possible that for some β-strands AGH and BEF, with only the peripheral β-strands C and D
particular SOD1 variants, such as S134N SOD1, H46R SOD1 and G85R undergoing substantial unfolding47 (Fig. 5). Thus, H/D exchange mea-
SOD1, amyloid formation occurs directly from dimeric native-like surements, carried out on the TTR tetramer and monitored by using
© 2009 Nature America, Inc. All rights reserved.

states, which may be populated under physiological conditions. NMR, indicate that the backbone amide hydrogen atoms of the C and
In another study the folding mechanism of a quadruple mutant of D strands, and of the loops preceding and following the D strands, are
SOD1 has been investigated, in its monomeric form, in the absence of the least protected from H/D exchange relative to the remaining strands,
any bound metal ions and free cysteine residues (apoSOD1)43. It has been which lends further support to the structural lability of this region49,50.
shown from mutational studies, by means of the Φ value analysis, that Following crystallization of the A108Y L110E mutant TTR, two crystal
in the folding of apoSOD1 the β-strands 5, 6 and 8 are not yet formed in structures differing in the conformation of the D strands were observed,
the major transition state but form later in the process. This result has led thereby confirming the ability of the D strand to adopt multiple con-
to the suggestion that an intermediate exists that is close to N along the formations51. As this partially unfolded state maintains a native-like
reaction coordinate but has a high free energy relative to the native pro- structure and features only local unfolding, it is distinct from states such
tein43. This “late intermediate” state appears to be characterized by some as I and U and bears a close structural resemblance to conformations or
unfolded regions, but also by structured regions that become exposed as conformational ensembles such as N*.
a result of the unfolding of the other regions. Such a conformational state The structure of the amyloid fibrils formed by TTR has been inves-
is accessible through thermal fluctuations of the monomeric apoenzyme tigated in molecular detail in two independent studies using (i) fibrils
and may be the species that initiates the aggregation reaction43. generated from spin-labeled protein at pH 4.4 and physiological
temperature52,53 and (ii) fibrils formed from a mutational form of TTR
containing the Y114C substitution, at 55 °C and physiological pH54.
The first study was performed using site-directed spin labeling elec-
tron paramagnetic resonance (SDSL-EPR) to monitor subunit interfaces
in the fibril52,53, and the second was performed using H/D exchange
rate measurements to probe the regions of the sequence involved in
the formation of the β-sheet fibril core54. A structural model of a TTR
fibril resulting from combining the results of these two approaches
consists of an array of consecutive monomers arranged along the axis
of the fibril, in which the C and D strands and the loop connecting
them appear to be unfolded (Fig. 5). The core structure involves the
Native dimer Oligomer Fibril AGH and BEF sheets of each monomer in a native-like conformation
(Fig. 5). The canonical cross-β structure in the fibril, typical of the
Figure 4 Proposed process of fibril formation for S134N SOD1. The amyloid architecture, results from intermolecular interactions between
protein is initially in its native dimeric form (left, PDB entry 1OZU), in B strands and A strands from adjacent molecules (that is, head-to-head
which the highly flexible electrostatic loop (blue) and the peripheral open-
monomer interaction) and between F strands and H strands, also from
ended β-strands 5 and 6 (red) play a key role in aggregation. Native dimers
interact to form larger oligomers stabilized by transient interactions between adjacent monomers (Fig. 5).
electrostatic loops from different dimers39. These oligomers grow further These results suggest that, following tetramer dissociation, the TTR
to form fibrils (right). In the fibrillar structure indicated in the figure, monomer undergoes only a local unfolding transition, involving princi-
blue, orange and green colors refer to different native-like dimers38. The pally the C and D strands, which are both peripheral to their respective
interactions between adjacent dimers occur via hydrogen bonding and β-sheets47 (Fig. 5). Unlike the lysozyme and SOD1 cases described
hydrophobic contacts established between the electrostatic loop of a dimer
above, the interaction between TTR monomers in the fibrils is not medi-
and a cleft between β-strands 5 and 6 of the next dimer; the electrostatic
loop of the latter forms a similar interaction with the cleft between β-strands ated by the newly unfolded regions, but rather by the A and B strands
5 and 6 of the preceding dimer38. The fibril structure on the right is that become solvent exposed following dislocation of the C and D
reprinted with permission from ref. 38. strands, which remain similarly exposed in the fibrils53,54 (Fig. 5).

18 volume 5 number 1 JanuarY 2009 nature chemical biology


Unfolded 115 Å
C and D


Native Locally unfolded

tetramer monomer N´

C´ D´

© 2009 Nature America, Inc. All rights reserved.

C˝ D˝
Structure of three
Structure of two subunits C˝
subunits in the fibril
in the tetramer

Figure 5 Proposed process of fibril formation for human TTR. The protein is initially in its native tetrameric form (left, PDB entry 1F41). Two subunits of the
tetramer are shown enlarged to illustrate the structural arrangement of the DAGH and CBEF sheets in one subunit and of the D′A′G′H′ and C′B′E′F′ sheets in
the other subunit. The region encompassing β-strands C and D is shown in red in both subunits. Aggregation involves dissociation of the tetramer to form a
monomer in which the C and D strands are unfolded47. The transition from the native tetramer to the locally unfolded monomer is enhanced by the mutations
associated with disease16. The region that is unfolded in the monomer is also unfolded in the fibril52–54 (right). A section of the fibril is shown enlarged to
illustrate the unfolded state of the C and D strands and the orientation of the remaining β-strands. The A and B strands of each subunit form a continuous
hydrogen bonded network with the A and B strands of the preceding subunit. The F and H strands of each subunit also form a continuous hydrogen
bonded network with the F and H strands of the next subunit (right). The fibril structure on the right is adapted with permission of the American Society of
Biochemistry & Molecular Biology from ref. 54. Permission conveyed through Copyright Clearance Center, Inc.

Human β2-microglobulin under native conditions following addition of Cu2+ ions61,62. I2, IT and
Amyloid fibril formation by β2-microglobulin (β2m) is a consequence M* will herein be collectively referred to as N* states, to be consistent
of medical treatment in which hemodialysis is used to combat kidney with the nomenclature used in this review.
failure and gives rise to a pathological state known as dialysis-related Evidence exists that such β2m N* states can add, under physiologi-
amyloidosis55. The pioneering observation that a six-residue truncation cal conditions, to preformed fibrils that act to seed59,60 or even initiate
at the N terminus of β2m causes both an increase in structural flexibil- aggregation de novo when formed upon Cu2+ addition61,62. In the latter
ity within the native state, as detected by limited proteolysis and H/D case it has been found that Cu2+ binds to the native state N, acceler-
exchange monitored by mass spectrometry and NMR spectroscopy, and ates the conversion to and stabilizes N*, and promotes its oligomeriza-
a higher tendency to form amyloid fibrils at physiological pH, suggested tion into dimers, tetramers and hexamers61,63–66. Such oligomers have
nearly a decade ago that amyloid fibril formation by β2m can involve a a native-like structure, as inferred from NMR and near-UV circular
native-like conformational state56. dichroism spectroscopy61.
Subsequently, the investigation of the folding process of full-length The structure of IT has been investigated using NMR and circular
β2m has allowed the identification of at least one intermediate that forms dichroism67. These studies have shown a native-like compactness and
in the dominant folding pathway after the major energy barrier for fold- secondary structure content for this state, but also detectable structural
ing57–59. This species has been termed I2 (ref. 57) or IT (refs. 58,59) by perturbations throughout the sequence67. The structure of this species
the various authors that have described them. Although it remains to be has also been determined through studies of the P32G mutant using
elucidated whether I2 and IT represent the same conformational species, NMR spectroscopy59. Because peptide bonds involving nonproline
or alternatively are structurally and thermodynamically distinct states, residues are very unstable when they adopt a cis configuration, this
they both accumulate after the major energy barrier for folding. The mutant represents a valuable means of stabilizing N* relative to N,
rate of conversion of IT into the fully native state N is determined by thus enabling its structural investigation. The NMR analysis of the
the slow trans (intermediate) to cis (native) conversion of the His31- P32G mutant revealed that the N terminus, the two peripheral A and
Pro32 peptide bond58,59. Interestingly, both I2 and IT have been shown D strands and the two loops connecting the B and C and the F and G
to remain populated, albeit to a small extent and in equilibrium with strands have small structural differences from the fully native state59.
the fully native state, after completion of the folding process59,60. A In agreement with the NMR structural analysis of the P32G variant,
conformational state structurally related to IT, termed M*, can be formed the crystallographic structure of the P32A mutant shows considerable

nature chemical biology volume 5 number 1 januarY 2009 19


a b Pro32 Figure 6 Superposition of β2m crystallographic structures. Native wild-type

(gray) and folded P32A (green) β2m structures are shown62. The structures
His31 correspond to chain B of PDB entries 2CLR (wild-type) and 2F8O (mutant),
respectively. (a) The β-bulge present at position 53 in the wild-type protein
and absent in the mutant is indicated. (b) The detail of the loop between
Ala32 β-strands B and C. The His31-Pro32 peptide bond is in cis and trans
Phe30 configuration in the wild-type and mutant proteins, respectively. The cis-
to-trans conversion causes the repositioning of Phe30 (green arrow in b).
(c) The major structural differences involving the hydrophobic side chains
in the two variants are shown. The crystallographic structure of the P32A
c 180 P32A
mutant, and the related NMR solution structure of the P32G mutant, are
thought to be close to both the structure of the Cu2+-bound state62 and
Trp60 the late intermediate state accumulating during folding and coexisting
Phe56 Phe56 with the native state at equilibrium under physiological conditions59. The
Phe30 Trp60 Phe30
concentration of this conformational state, which has been shown to be
Phe62 highly aggregation-prone, increases during hemodialysis as a consequence of
Tyr63 the increase of both β2m and Cu2+ concentrations59,62. In fact, the increase
of protein concentration increases the concentration of any state populated
at equilibrium, and Cu2+ shifts the equilibrium from the native to the native-
like structure. The figure is reprinted with permission from ref. 62. Copyright
Leu54Leu54 2004 American Chemical Society.

alterations in the BC loop and in the peripheral D strand relative to the camelid heavy chain antibody fragments have been shown to bind to
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wild-type structure (the D strand has lost the β-bulge that is present in the amyloidogenic variants of human lysozyme and inhibit aggregation
the wild-type structure)62 (Fig. 6). In addition, some re-packing of the substantially by suppressing the local unfolding process and enhancing
hydrophobic core of the protein was detected in the mutant relative to the cooperative nature of the native state72. The design of species of
the wild-type protein62 (Fig. 6). this type therefore represents an important strategy to prevent protein
After these studies it is clear that β2m becomes prone to form fibrils deposition diseases.
following a structural conversion that is distinct from the global unfold-
ing process. The N* states of β2m characterized so far are neither par- Generalization of the concept of native-like aggregation
tially unfolded nor fully unfolded states such as I or U. They coexist We have shown that native-like states expressing limited local perturba-
with the fully native state and maintain a largely native-like topology. tions can be accessed transiently via structural fluctuations facilitated by
The IT and M* states of β2m are separated from N by a relatively high mutations, more stably via mutations that cause the unfolding of nor-
energy barrier, as a result of cis-trans prolyl peptide bond isomerization. mally structured regions, or via other processes such as subunit disso-
Nevertheless, the resulting N* states are on the “native side” of the free ciation or cis-to-trans prolyl peptide bond isomerization. The resulting
energy barrier for unfolding and in this respect are analogous to the N* native-like states can be highly amyloidogenic and may be responsible
states of lysozyme, Sso AcP, SOD1 and TTR. for aggregation under physiological conditions. In addition to the sys-
tems described here, other normally folded proteins have been shown
Factors affecting native state conformational stability to aggregate in vitro from native-like states, including human insulin73,
The analysis of the systems described in the previous five sections the protein S6 from Thermus thermophilus74, human ataxin-3 (ref. 75),
suggests that aggregation of at least some globular proteins may well the acylphosphatase from Drosophila melanogaster76 and a mutant of
be initiated by fluctuations giving rise to the population of amy- sperm whale apomyoglobin77.
loidogenic native-like states, without the need to cross the major The resulting aggregates may maintain their native-like structure
free energy barrier for unfolding. This view is not in any manner in the initial oligomers only and later undergo a global structural
incompatible with the notion that most of the mutations giving rise reorganization to form the amyloid structure. We have discussed a
to protein deposition diseases, and directly involving the globular clear example of this behavior (Sso AcP), but an even more marked
protein that undergoes aggregation, decrease the protein’s free energy example is insulin, which converts from completely helical initial
change of unfolding (∆GU-F); mutations or indeed environmental aggregates to fibrils that have an almost completely β-sheet struc-
changes that destabilize the native structure generally increase the ture73. In other cases the aggregates may maintain their native-like
populations of all non-native states, including U, I and N* states. It structure even in the fibrillar state, as found for S134N SOD1 and
is therefore not surprising that inverse correlations have been found TTR, as the resulting assemblies contain the essential arrangement
between the free energy change of unfolding (∆GU-F), or a correlated of hydrogen bonds that stabilize the fibrillar form of the polypeptide
parameter, and the propensity to aggregate for all five proteins dis- chain. The latter situation is naturally much more likely to occur for
cussed in this article13,15,16,34,68. proteins that contain only or mainly β-sheet structure (for example,
Accordingly, species that bind selectively to the native structure of S134N SOD1, TTR, β2m), while other predominantly helical proteins
such proteins, for example ligands and antibodies, have been shown to require major structural reorganization to form the cross-β structure
substantially reduce the propensity for aggregation69–72. Such binding typical of the fibrils (for example, lysozyme, Sso AcP and insulin).
inhibits not only global unfolding but also the magnitude of the thermal Moreover, the newly formed interfaces within the native-like oligom-
fluctuations of the native ensemble. In fact, small molecules that bind ers and fibrils may involve the regions that have become unfolded (for
selectively to the native tetramer of TTR (ref. 69), to the dimeric state example, lysozyme and S134N SOD1) or that remain structured but
of SOD1 (ref. 70) or to the monomeric state of Sso AcP (ref. 71) have have been exposed by the unfolding of other portions of the protein
all been shown to have an inhibitory effect on aggregation. Similarly, (for example, TTR) in the amyloidogenic native-like state.

20 volume 5 number 1 JanuarY 2009 nature chemical biology


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