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S Rob
Chapter 1

Using the bible as a source of magick power is

something which is surprisingly still unexploited.

Yes it is a religious book but it also has the power

to work magick of many different types. I feel that

this lesser known type of magick should be

rectified so that everyone can know that magick

flows from many different sources and has many
variations. For instance the bible itself could be

thought as a large spell book but it also is true that

the book itself has immense power and it can be

used if done so correctly as a type of talisman. But

the method to do this is required knowledge if

magick with the holy bible is going to be

performed. But it should be known that the magick

in this book is of the lightest and only draws on the

power of the bible itself, angelic magick: also

called enochian: and also the power of your will,

your own human magick: although also a pen and

piece of paper and two white candles with

something to light them with, also something to

stand them in will also be required. However the

bible has many interesting aspects within, which

could be quoted and the quotation which is used in

this magick: which is where the piece of paper

when written upon will go: also is important. In

fact it is this combination of these different

elements which make the magick what it is. But the

real source of power is you, because without you

no magick would take part and it is for this reason

that you need to want the magick to work; that you

should do whatever is required while intending

magick to take place. But what is also of

importance is that the two candles which you use

are white; this is to represent to purity of god and

of the magick. The bible should be ideally the King

James Bible and with a white cover and it is used

in such a way that it is placed in the middle of the

two lit candles once the piece of paper on which

you have written on, is placed touching the correct

quote in the bible.

But I also will be using angels in this magick and

angels are actually thought to be arranged and

classified into three spheres with three choirs

each. But do not think that all angels are the same

because this could not be further from the truth, and

they are all quite different. In fact I will start off by
using the highest type of angel called the Seraphim
who are of the first sphere and the first choir; these

entities have three sets of wings: with one set they

cover their face, with one set they cover their feet
and with the other they fly. They fly shouting

“Holy, holy, holy” which is their way of showing

the power of god. This does mean that these angels

are good at letting us know the power of God and

feel goodness and its power upon ourselves and

others. However it is important that the correct

quote from the bible is used and the quote which

will be used is Luke 22:43 “Then an angel from

heaven appeared to him and gave him strength”.

This quote is about an angel appearing and this

angel gives the person strength. But we need to

think about what type of strength we want from the

angel, and we need to now realise that this quote

will be magically altered or directed by the piece

of paper which we will write upon, and so what

we write is very important.

But do not think that all of the different elements of

the magick is now set out, because even if we

know what is to be written upon the piece of

paper: which I have not told you yet: this is not all

you need because for the type of angel called the

seraphim to come to us the gates of Heaven must
be opened and the gates of Heaven are controlled
by Saint Peter who is an entity who has control

over the gateway to Paradise. This means that we

must first get Saint Peter to open the gates of

Heaven where we are, so that the seraphim can

come through: and after all the magick is done, the

seraphim will go back and Saint Peter will close

the gates of Heaven again: so that it is not left

where you are. But do not think that this means that

there is not, other ways to Heaven because entities

such as Saint Peter are not physical as we are:

although they can choose to manifest in physical

form. But moving on the piece of paper which will

be placed within the bible at the correct point, will

have written upon it:”Angel give me strength and

guidance”. This phrase will work through you

feeling the goodness of this angel. But it also is

possible that within the period of the gates of

Heaven being opened and they being closed again,

that you will actually see the angel in question and

if you do you should feel very privileged because

these type of angel which are so high up they do

not usually get seen at all. I do feel that you will

find that a feeling of good well being will occur,

and that problem in your life will start to disappear

and this is because these angels can give such a

high blessing, no matter what you ask for. However

I will now put all of the different elements of the

magick together so that you can perform the ritual

which follows. But you will need the two white

candles, something to light them with, something to

put the candles in when lit, the King James Bible

with a white cover, and some paper and a pen.

Ritual of the Seraphim

(You should light your two candles with one at

either side and say what follows)

Saint Peter you have the power to open the gates of

Heaven the gates which you sit at and control.

Saint Peter open the gates of Heaven here and now

open the gateway here, so that heaven itself is near.

Open the gates open the gateway to Heaven here

and now. The gateway is open. Seraphim angel of

the first sphere and first choir: highest of angels

come through the gates, come through here and

now. Step through to this world, you who have six

wings, and flies while saying:”Holy, Holy, Holy”.

The seraphim come through the gates. Seraphim I

ask you to empower me, make me strong with your

strength, this is what I ask from you. I will now

read a quote from the bible for all to hear so that

the word of god is known Luke 22:43 “Then an

angel from heaven appeared to him and gave him

strength” I will now take this bible and place

within words of my own, a petition for help. (Take

the paper and write upon it “Let me feel your

goodness and by it be strengthened” and then place

this within the bible touching Luke 22:43 and place

it between the candles) Seraphim empower this

magick, the seraphim agrees and walks through the

gates. Saint Peter close the gates of Heaven, close

the gateway. The gates of Heaven are closed.


(The candles can be blown out after 3 minutes or

less although they can be left as long as you wish)
This magick will have a very positive impact upon

your life. It will help you in many ways and you

may find that many of life’s difficulties become

easier and in fact the strength you gain will be

mental and physical. Also it should be understood

that magick itself does not have to be complex and

while this may look at first to be more complicated

than it actually is; this does mean that magick

which is used like this is easy to do: once you have

the bible and the other necessary things. I also feel

that you should think back to what you have done:

which is opened the gates of Heaven enough for an

angel to come through, and to then get this angel to

work magick; you also used the bible as part of the
magick and so when the paper is within it, it is like
a talisman which will work for as long as it is left

there. Therefore you should be congratulating

yourself on what you have learnt. You should also

realise however that you will learn much more as

this book progresses and you will find that the
magick within, will help to improve your life and

make it better. But I know that at first the idea of

using entities such as angels is frightening because

they have such power and actually scare people

more when seen than when people see devils or
demons, which seems strange but you will get used
to seeing or feeling their presence.

Chapter 2

The magick I will show you now will draw on the

power and assistance of two different angels.

However the relationship between these angels is

unique because theologians think that the two are

related in some way and are in some way also one

entity. The first of these angel is called a Cherubim

and these should not be confused with the cherubs

which appear in a lot of art because of Cherubim

actually are human like except they have four

faces, a face of a human man, a face of a lion, a

face of an ox, and a face of an eagle. They have

wings; some say three sets of joined wings and the
rest of them human, except they have ox’s feet. The

Cherubim are angels of the first sphere, and the

second choir, and so are the second most powerful

types of angels which exist. But these angels called

Cherubim are also seen in the vicinity of the

Thrones which also are a type of angel. The

Thrones are angels of the first sphere and third

choir. They look like a wheel of light, or a wheel

within a wheel and the rim of the wheel is covered

with eyes. But these angels are not the only thing
which we will be using to empower this magick,

because also we will be using the bible. But we

should not forget that no matter how different these

things look, they are types of angels, but they are

different types. Also our own human power should

never be forgotten because this is the source of

much if not all of magical power. But also it is the

combination of these elements which makes the

magick work so well. We also will be using two

white candles and something to light them with,

and the candles need something to stand them in,

such as candle sticks, although in times gone by

candles were sometimes lit and the hot wax

dropped onto the saucer and then the candle held

on top until the wax dried holding the candle there:

however we will be using the candle with the

bible: near it: and so doing this would lead to a

fire risk.

But the quote from the bible which is used is also

of great importance because this is another element

of the magick. But the quote which will be used is

Ezekiel 10:15-16 “The cherubim rose up. These

were the living creatures that I saw by the river

Chebar. When the cherubim move the wheels

moved beside them; and when the cherubim lifted

up their wings to rise up from the earth, the wheels

at their side did not veer”. We will use this quote,

but it and even the angels are not all that is needed
for the magick to work because in addition to the
correct quote, we will be placing a piece of paper

on which will be written words into the bible. But

even this is not all there is because we will need to

utilise Saint Peter to open the gateway to Heaven,

so that the angels; the Cherubim and the Thrones:

can be summoned through the gates and then sent

back again and the gateway shut. I also know that

you will need to know what these angels the

Cherubim and the Thrones areas of power is; and

in fact both the Cherubim and the Thrones are

God’s servants, and so near the throne of God.

This does mean that the throne of God: not to be

confuse with the angels names Thrones: is such that

it has these entities around it, or in less biblical

terms these entities are nearest to god and so the

most special of all angels. I will now tell you what

is required of you to work this magick. But what

you will write upon the paper is as follows: but do

not write upon it yet:”I ask for friendship and

love”. I will now show you how to put all of the

different parts of the magick together so that it

works in this next ritual.

Ritual of the Cherubim and the Thrones

(You should light your two candles with one at

either side and say what follows)

Saint Peter you have the power to open the gates of

Heaven the gates which you sit at and control.

Saint Peter open the gates of Heaven here and now

open the gateway here, so that heaven itself is near.

Open the gates, open the gateway to Heaven here

and now. The gateway is open. Cherubim angel of

the first sphere and second choir: come through the

gates, come through here and now. Step through to

this world, you who have four faces, one of a man,

one of a lion, one of an ox and one of an eagle:

angel who flies with three sets of wings. The

Cherubim comes through the gates. Thrones angel

of the first sphere and third choir: come through the

gates, come through here and now. Step through to

this world, you who is a wheel within a wheel,

great circle of light. Cherubim I ask that you send

to me friends make friendship my friend and attract

love to me. Throne I ask that you make friendship

my friend and attract love to me. I will now read a

quote from the bible for all to hear so that the word

of god is known Ezekiel 10:15-16 “The cherubim

rose up. These were the living creatures that I saw

by the river Chebar. When the cherubim move the

wheels moved beside them; and when the cherubim

lifted up their wings to rise up from the earth, the

wheels at their side did not veer” I will now take

this bible and place within words of my own a

petition for help. (Take the paper and write upon it

“I ask for friendship and love” and then place this

within the bible touching Ezekiel 10:15-16 and

place it between the candles) Cherubim empower

this magick: the Cherubim agree. Thrones

empower this magick: the Throne agrees: The

Cherubim and the Thrones depart through the gates.

Saint Peter close the gates of Heaven, close the

gateway. The gates of Heaven are closed. AMEN

(The candles can be blown out after 3 minutes or

less although they can be left as long as you wish)

The bible can be left with the paper within it and

the magick will keep having some effect but if you
were to take it out, the magick would still work a

long time. But you also can recast the magick

whenever you desire. But you need to complete the

ritual I have just described while intending it to

work. But it also is quite possible that the angels

may manifest themselves, and in fact you are quite

likely to see the Thone as a circle of light. I do

wish you to work this magick and to know its

effects. But this is also done by you seeing the

difference in your own life. But this magick is not

about religion and it is not necessary at all for the

reader to worship these entities because such

magick where angels are used is commonly named

Enochian and many occultists use this and many

other types of magick interchangeably. I also do not

want you to feel small and unimportant because

this is not the aim of this magick or my aim at all,

but instead to see the hugeness of you and just what

you can do and achieve. I see it as one of the flaws

of religion is that it tries to remove choice from

people and humble them. But although there is

nothing wrong with being humble it is not

appropriate at all times. In fact much of the times it

is a sense of our own importance and power which

enables humanity to move forward. To move the

occult forward is my aim: but then again this is my

jobs also. But by moving the subject and the world

forward we do move humanity forward and this is

when we are at our best. It like the athlete who

always is fittest when working to beat some time,

rather than simply exercising; the human race are

athletes of a sort but we compete against what has

not been done and in this way we are pioneers who

forever improve the world and our understanding.

To understand is easier once one person has

understood it, and so each and every day we try to

bring the boundaries of what is possible further

forward. But maybe we should ask ourselves the

question of whether these angelic beings exist

because we think they do, or do we think they exist

because they do?

Chapter 3

I will now move onto magick which uses angels of

the second sphere and first choir. These angels are

called Dominions or Lordships and they are

thought to look like beautiful humans with wings:

but are different from other angels who do look

similar because they have an orb of light either on

a stick or on their swords hilt. But these angels are

very powerful and command other angels and so

they are rarely seen: they could be thought of as

Heavenly governors. But these angels are further
down the hierarchy than the angels of the first

sphere which you have already seen. I need to say

however that the power of these angels is only part

of the source of the power of the magick because

you yourself also have power, and the bible could

also be thought of as a source of power. However

without you to work this magick there is no power

at all. It is one thing for you to simply decide to say

the words and do what is required and yet another

to work magick because you have to intend the

magick to work. It is one thing that we should

remember: we are the key to magick, we are why it

will work and it is the power we have which

makes our lives different. It is one thing which is

available for us all and everyone has magical

power if they know the correct technique, and this

is one reason why this book is very much needed

because no one should go through life without

realising what magical power they have and what

they can really do. Therefore embrace what is

within this book and all will be well. However to

work magick with the Lordships we also will need

the ability to summon them and so we will also be

using Saint Peter because this entity has the ability

to open the gates of Heaven so that the type of

angels called the Lordships can come through and

help us. You should not forget however that this

magick occurs through your will and this is the key

to the lock of magical power. However we will

not be using the Lordships alone because although

we will be using a bible we will need to select a

quote from that bible.

The quote from the bible which is selected is

important and it is a very important key element to

the magick and its effects. But the quote will itself
also be influenced by what we will write upon a

piece of paper and the selected angel: the

Lordships. But the quote which I have selected to
use is Colossians 1:16 “For in him all things in
heaven and on earth were created, things visible

and invisible whether thrones or dominions or

rulers or powers all things have been created

through him and for him”. This quote mentions the

type of angels which will be used. But it also talks

about god creating and so this is a theme which

will be used in the magick. But it should be

understood that this is but one part of the magick

and what is important is how this parts works with

all of the other parts of the ritual. But you will

require a bible: obviously: but also two candles

which should be white in colour and something to

light them with, and of course a paper and pen. But

we should not rush to work this magick without

wondering what it is for. In fact this magick will be

used to create abundance in our life; because much

of wealth, power and privileged, comes from

abundance and in fact abundance is another way of

saying wealth. But because it is created it does not

need to be there already and does not need to

simply grow what exists, and this is a distinct

advantage. But we will also need to write

something on some paper in order to make the

magick work this way, and I will tell you what you

will need to write: but do not write this down

now: but it is as follows:”I will have abundance in

my life”. This will be placed within the bible

touching the aforementioned quotation in the ritual.

But the ritual has many different ways and elements

to it which should not be forgotten, but this should

give you some understanding of how it works. But

remember you should follow the ritual as it is

described exactly and if this was not done then the

results would be different or at least less

controlled. Therefore I will now describe the

ritual for abundance using the Lordships here.

Ritual of the Lordship’s for abundance

(You should light your two candles with one at

either side and say what follows)

Saint Peter you have the power to open the gates of

Heaven the gates which you sit at and control.

Saint Peter open the gates of Heaven here and now

open the gateway here, so that Heaven itself is

near. Open the gates open the gateway to Heaven

here and now. The gateway is open. Lordships

angels of the second sphere and first choir: come

through the gates, come through here and now. Step

through to this world, you who have look like a

human with wings and yet with a pommel on your

staff of bright beaming light, you are they who rule.

I ask the Lordships to come through the gates.
Lordships come through to this world: the
Lordships come through the gates. Lordships I ask

that you help me to gain abundance in my life, give

this to me: the Lordships agree. I will now read a

quote from the bible for all to hear so that the word

of god is known Colossians 1:16 “For in him all

things in heaven and on earth were created, things

visible and invisible whether thrones or dominions

or rulers or powers all things have been created

through him and for him” I will now take this bible

and place within words of my own a petition for

help. (Take the paper and write upon it:”I will

have abundance in my life” and then place this

within the bible touching Colossians 1:16 and

place it between the candles) Lordships empower

this magick: the Lordships agree. The Lordships

depart through the gates. Saint Peter close the gates

of Heaven, close the gateway. The gates of Heaven

are closed. AMEN

(The candles can be blown out after 3 minutes or

less although they can be left as long as you wish)

I feel that this magick is helpful to anyone and

everyone, it is important to us that we have

abundance and yet many religious figures tell us

that we should have less and yet religious

institutions are usually very wealthy. But it should

not be forgotten that this is a book on magick and
not one on religion, if it were a religious book it

would be telling you what not to do, while this

book tells you what you can do and how best to do

it. This is an important distinction between the

various avenues which one can take; to understand

that the occult one is actually about empowering

people whereas sometimes it feels like religious

paths are about empowering other people and

organisations rather than the individual. But also it

is good to know that sometimes what we want and

what we need is not about discipline or giving

things up but about learning more and gaining in

power. Many people will say that in order to get

this you must give that something which is based

upon the idea that everything has equal upsides and

downsides and so we must lose love something we

love to gain something else. Of course it is

completely wrong and you can have it all or at

least a lot of it, and not give anything up. The

reason is that life is about being efficient and this

way a lot can be done and achieved without giving

up anything. However simply reading this magick

through will give you an insight into how it works

and what it is about. In fact reading through rituals

is one way which we can gain knowledge about

magick and its uses. But ultimately we also should

understand that there are always different ways and

what we are doing is not so much building a house

as painting a picture or sculpting, and in this way

magick can be viewed as a creative act, and also

as a way of pushing forward human limitations: or

what was thought to be limitations: and so it should

not come as too much of a shock, the benefits

people gain from the occult. In fact it is my belief

that many people are of a type that they need to do

the occult, and after humanity embracing the occult

for thousands of years there are many such people

and these people are only ever at their true strength

and ability in practically all ways when they do


Chapter 4

I will now write about a type of angel which is of

the second sphere and the second choir, and these

angels look like humans with wings. But we should

not assume from this that they are just like us

because they are not, and they are actually only

physical beings when they want to be. The type of

angels I am referring to are named Virtues or

Strongholds. But these angels are those through

which signs and miracles occur in the world. This

means that if a melon is found with the face of

Jesus within then this is the Virtues; the
aforementioned type of angel: or if someone gets

healed or a dog were to turn into a picture of Jesus

this would be them: ok maybe not if a dog turned

into a picture Jesus, but you get the idea. But these

angels have to be summoned for us to communicate

with them and we will therefore be utilising Saint

Peter because he is the entity which has the power

to open and close the gates of Heaven: note that

closing such gateways is as important as opening


However what also is require is a passage from

the bible, and it is important what quote we choose
because this quote will be an influencing factor in
the magick: although not the only influencing factor.

But it will influence the effect of the magick, as it

relates to the other sources of occult power used in

the ritual. The quote that will be utilised Psalms

9:3 “When my enemies turned back, they stumbled

and perished before you” this quote is therefore

one of protection or of removing obstacles in life

and this together with the Virtues makes a most

powerful combination. But words written on a

piece of paper will also be used too, and these

words must work together with the type of angel

and the bible quote to form magick as we intend it.

This means that you now have to think of this

magick in big picture thinking; let it be seen as how

it will work as a ritual. But remember that we will

need a bible, two white candles, something to light

them with, and also a piece of paper and a pen. But

the words which will be written upon the piece of

paper is:”Miraculously remove all obstacles from

the path to write name of goal”: but do not write

this yet because this is to be written on a piece of

paper later on when it will be placed touching the

bible quote Psalms 9:3. But the ritual has to be

performed while wanting magick to result from it:

however for those that wish to move onto the ritual

here it is now.

Ritual of the Virtues

(You should light your two candles with one at

either side and say what follows)

Saint Peter you have the power to open the gates of

Heaven the gates which you sit at and control.

Saint Peter open the gates of Heaven here and now

open the gateway here, so that heaven itself is near.

Open the gates, open the gateway to Heaven here

and now. The gateway is open. Virtues angels of

the second sphere and second choir: come through

the gates, come through here and now. Step through

to this world, you who look like a human with

wings and have domain over signs and miracles so

that these occur in the world. I ask the Virtues to

come through the gates. Virtues come through to

this world: the Virtues come through the gates.

Virtues I ask that you manifest a miracle so that I

will know the path in life to my goals, give this to

me: the Virtues agree. I will now read a quote from

the bible for all to hear so that the word of god is

known Psalms 9:3 “When my enemies turned back,

they stumbled and perished before you” I will now

take this bible and place within words of my own a

petition for help. (Take the paper and write upon

it:”Miraculously remove all obstacles from the

path to write name of goal”: and then place this

within the bible touching Psalms 9:3 and place it

between the candles) Virtues empower this

magick: the Virtues agree. The Virtues depart

through the gates. Saint Peter close the gates of

Heaven, close the gateway. The gates of Heaven

are closed. AMEN

(The candles can be blown out after 3 minutes or

less although they can be left as long as you wish)

However do not think that this is the only magick

which can be done with the Virtues and I know that

sometimes when miracles seem impossible: most

of the time: what we need is the help of these
angels. Therefore for those that simply wish to see

a miracle: and are not bothered by what type it

will be: they are always positive; here is a ritual

for this now. But the miracle will tackle something

which has been limiting you personally and the

miracle will be life changing. But this is what

these angels are good at and also the ritual will be

for these angels to be seen by you and this also is a

type of miracle. It is difficult sometimes for us to

get these entities to show themselves but here is


Ritual of the Virtues to show themselves and to

perform a miracle

(You should light your two candles with one at

either side and say what follows)

Saint Peter you have the power to open the gates of

Heaven the gates which you sit at and control.

Saint Peter open the gates of Heaven here and now

open the gateway here, so that heaven itself is near.

Open the gates, open the gateway to Heaven here

and now. The gateway is open. Virtues angels of

the second sphere and second choir: come through

the gates, come through here and now. Step through

to this world, you who have look like a human with

wings and have domain over signs and miracles so

that these occur in the world. I ask the Virtues to
come through the gates. Virtues come through to

this world: the Virtues come through the gates.

Virtues I ask that you show yourself to me, to show

yourself in full physical form for all to see and to

perform a miracle for me. The Virtues agree. I will

now read a quote from the bible for all to hear so

that the word of god is known in Genesis 1:1-2 “In

the beginning God created the heavens and the

earth, the earth was a formless void and darkness

covered the face of the deep, while a wind from

god swept over the face of the waters”. I will now

take this bible and place within words of my own a

petition for help. (Take the paper and write upon

it:”Let me experience a miracle”: and then place

this within the bible touching Genesis 1:1-2 and

place it between the candles) Virtues empower this

magick: the Virtues agree. The Virtues depart

through the gates. Saint Peter close the gates of

Heaven, close the gateway. The gates of Heaven

are closed. AMEN

(The candles can be blown out after 3 minutes or

less although they can be left as long as you wish)

You will come away from this magick with

knowledge which others do not have and what

occurs for you will be positive in every way. But

this is a journey as much as a gaining in knowledge
and this is why you gain not just knowledge but a

feeling of expertise. It also gives you a deeper

understanding of angels than someone who was

religious their whole life would have: unless they

too did magick. It is this that is a defining

difference between the merely religious and the

occultist, they believe while we know, they hope

for a miracle while we make it happen. They must

worship while we can if we choose command. But

I also give an understanding that life is not as

humdrum as you were told, but that all of what is

real exists and I do not ask you to deny anything,

and I do not ask for you to take anything

whatsoever on trust. But many will find a sense of

their own personal power will develop, and this is

a very good thing as long as they realise that they

are who they always were and so have all of the

same feelings and responsibilities that they had,

and so, they are simply better prepared for life and

the future: whatever they may choose to make it.

Chapter 5

I will now write about a most fascinating angel of

the second sphere and the third rank called Powers

or Authorities, and although these angels look like

humans with wings they are usually said to be

dresses in full armour and helmets: this is because
these angels are warriors and oppose evil. But

their main purpose is to govern the way planetary

bodies move and also other types of matter and so

they oppose evil spirits which make use of matter

to appear or to do as they wish. It also means that

these Powers are the angels which have stopped

the Earth from being hit with a meteorite and

destroyed, and also restrain the many devils and

demons from appear unwanted in physical form:

not that this is impossible and they can do this but

it means that devils and demons are not as common

in full physical form on this Earth as we are. But

the Powers: also called Authorities: are also the

keepers of history and bearers of conscience and

these too are important roles. But most importantly

we should realise that these entities although an

important aspect of the magick which is used they

are not the only important part of the magick which

follows there are other important additions too: the

most important thing in this magick of course being

you. But also you should not forget the importance

of the bible: which ideally should be a King James

Bible with a white cover: also the addition of two

white candles, something to light them with and

also paper and a pen. But it is most important that

we use these in the correct manner because it is the

method of using these which makes the magick

work correctly. This is important that it is not just a

matter of having certain ingredients but the manner

in which these ingredients are used which is of

importance; also our human will and intent because

this is very much the fuel for magick.

But also the correct passage from the bible is

Ephesians 3:10 “So that through the church the

wisdom of God in its rich variety might now be

made known to the rulers and authorities in the

heavenly places”: this quote when it says

authorities, it means the angels called Powers.
This quote therefore is very much about harnessing
the power of these angels and it does help us to

harness the power of these angels. But also it

simply is not a matter of us using the correct bible

quote because we will be adding words of our

own. But we should think back to what the Powers

are for, and their power is over heavenly bodies,

opposing evil but are also about history and

knowledge and morality, and this gives us a good

idea of their power, this means that they have the

power to help us gain the correct direction in our

life, and to give us the guidance that we may

require. This means that what we could write on

the paper to do this could be about this focus and

so it will be “Guide me to my best future”: you

would write this later on: but do not do this now.

However in order to summon the angels called

Powers we require the help of Saint Peter because

he has the power to open the gates to another

world: Heaven: and so allow the angels to be

summoned through. However Saint Peter will also

help to seal the doorway shut so that all is as it

was. Of course the magick which follows is quite

subtle but is quite easy to perform.

Ritual of the Powers to gain guidance

(You should light your two candles with one at

either side and say what follows)

Saint Peter you have the power to open the gates of

Heaven the gates which you sit at and control.

Saint Peter open the gates of Heaven here and now

open the gateway here, so that heaven itself is near.

Open the gates open the gateway to Heaven here

and now. The gateway is open. Powers angels of

the second sphere and third choir: come through

the gates, come through here and now. Step through

to this world, you who look like a human with

wings and have control of matter and the heavenly

bodies, you who oppose evil and its use of matter

and also keepers of history, those that keep the
human conscience and can help to guide us all. I
ask that you, the powers step through to this world

here and now. I ask the Powers to come through the

gates. Powers come through to this world: the

Powers come through the gates. Powers I ask that

you show yourself to me, to show yourself in full

physical form for all to see and I ask that you guide

me to my best future and this is what I ask from

you. The Powers agree. I will now read a quote

from the bible for all to hear so that the word of

god is known Ephesians 3:10 “So that through the

church the wisdom of God in its rich variety might

now be made known to the rulers and authorities in

the heavenly places”. I will now take this bible

and place within words of my own a petition for

help. (Take the paper and write upon it: “Guide me

to my best future”: and then place this within the

bible touching Ephesians 3:10 and place it

between the candles) Powers empower this

magick: the Powers agree. The Powers depart

through the gates. Saint Peter close the gates of

Heaven, close the gateway. The gates of Heaven

are closed. AMEN

(The candles can be blown out after 3 minutes or

less although they can be left as long as you wish)

But do not think that this is the only type of magick

which these entities can be used for, because they
can also be utilised to protect you from accidents

and from physical injury because they have some

control over physical matters. But I will show you

something bigger and this next magical ritual is for

the protection of the Earth against planetary bodies

and this does mean that if anything is coming

towards us which is likely to hit us then we can use

this magick to help us to avoid destruction: unless

of course we are not living on the Earth which at

the time of writing is incredibly unlikely, unless

you are already dead in which case all help is

greatly appreciated. But anyway here is how to

protect the Earth against other planetary bodies.

Ritual of the Powers to protect the Earth from

other planetary bodies

(You should light your two candles with one at

either side and say what follows)

Saint Peter you have the power to open the gates of

Heaven the gates which you sit at and control.

Saint Peter open the gates of Heaven here and now

open the gateway here, so that heaven itself is near.

Open the gates, open the gateway to Heaven here

and now. The gateway is open. Powers angels of

the second sphere and third choir: come through

the gates, come through here and now. Step through

to this world, you who have look like humans with

wings and have control of matter and the heavenly

bodies, you who oppose evil and its use of matter,

you are also keepers of history, those that keep the

human conscience and can help to guide us all. I

ask that you, the Powers step through to this world

here and now. I ask the Powers to come through the

gates. Powers come through to this world: the

Powers come through the gates. Powers I ask that

you show yourself to me, to show yourself in full

physical form for all to see and I ask that you use

your power over matter and planetary bodies to

protect the Earth from any and all planetary bodies

which may hit. The Powers agree. I will now read

a quote from the bible for all to hear so that the

word of god is known in Ephesians 3:10 “So that

through the church the wisdom of God in its rich

variety might now be made known to the rulers and

authorities in the heavenly places”. I will now take

this bible and place within words of my own a

petition for help. (Take the paper and write upon it:

“Protect the Earth”: and then place this within the

bible touching Ephesians 3:10 and place it

between the candles) Powers empower this

magick: the Powers agree. The Powers depart

through the gates. Saint Peter close the gates of

Heaven, close the gateway. The gates of Heaven

are closed. AMEN

(The candles can be blown out after 3 minutes or

less although they can be left as long as you wish)

Chapter 6

I will now move onto a type of angel which is

perhaps more powerful in everyday terms than any

we have so far discussed, and this type of angel is

a being of the third sphere and first choir and they

are called Principalities or Rulers. The reason

these beings have such influence is because these

angels command bands of angels and protect

groups of people, countries, organisations, and

also can guide them too. This means that the

Principalities have a lot of influence over the

world through the countries they guide. It means

that a lot of the things which go right and wrong

happen because of these angels, they are so

powerful that they have more power over the Earth

as individuals than we do. They could be thought

as being in a way similar to a type of royalty and

they are seen wearing a crown and holding a

sceptre and they look in other ways like humans

with wings. But these entities can sometimes not

just protect or influence but rule: they have so

much power that using these entities expands our

power and the power of the human race. But also

they can inspire people in arts and science and

many other ways. These angels have power over

so much it is difficult for us to even comprehend it


But the bible is also used in this magick and so we

need to use a quote from the bible and what quote

we select will influence the type of magick which

is performed. In fact the quote which will be used

is one which is Daniel 2:31-35 “You were looking

O King and lo! there was a great statue. This statue
was huge; its brilliance extraordinary; it was
standing before you and its appearance was

frightening. The head of that statue was of fine

gold, its chest and arms of silver, its middle and

thigh of bronze, its legs of iron, its feet partly of

clay. As you looked on, a stone was cut out, not by

human hand, and it struck the statue on its feet of

iron and clay and broke them in pieces.” This

quote is about having the power to destroy and so

it will be used by these angels to destroy an

organisation of your choosing. This means that for

you to use this, what you will be required to write

upon a piece of paper: but not yet: the

words:”Destroy write name of organisation you

want destroyed”. I will show you how to put the

different parts of this ritual together. But you will

need to have the name of an organisation which

you want to destroy and this could even be the

name of a country although it will work better if it

is an organisation much smaller than this: for

instance a terrorist organisation, business or other

type of organisation.

Ritual of the Principalities to destroy an


(You should light your two candles with one at

either side and say what follows)

Saint Peter you have the power to open the gates of

Heaven the gates which you sit at and control.

Saint Peter open the gates of Heaven here and now

open the gateway here, so that Heaven itself is

near. Open the gates, open the gateway to Heaven

here and now. The gateway is open. Principalities

angels of the third sphere and first choir: come

through the gates, come through here and now. Step

through to this world, you who look like humans

with wings and have the power to guide and

protect all organisations, even countries are under

your guidance, you who govern and rule many

other angels. I ask that you, the Principalities step

through to this world here and now. I ask the

Principalities to come through the gates.

Principalities come through to this world: the

Principalities come through the gates.

Principalities I ask that you show yourself to me, to

show yourself in full physical form and for you to

attack state name of organisation you want

destroyed. The Principalities agree. I will now

read a quote from the bible for all to hear so that

the word of god is known in Daniel 2:31-35 “You

were looking O King and lo! there was a great

statue. This statue was huge, its brilliance

extraordinary; it was standing before you and its

appearance was frightening. The head of that statue

was of fine gold, its chest and arms of silver, its

middle and thigh of bronze, its legs of iron, its feet

partly of clay. As you looked on, a stone was cut

out, not by human hand, and it struck the statue on

its feet of iron and clay and broke them in pieces.”

I will now take this bible and place within words

of my own a petition for help. (Take the paper and

write upon it:”Destroy write name of organisation

you want destroyed”: and then place this within the

bible touching in Daniel 2:31-35 and place it

between the candles) Principalities empower this

magick: the Principalities agree. The Principalities

depart through the gates. Saint Peter close the gates

of Heaven, close the gateway. The gates of Heaven

are closed. AMEN

(The candles can be blown out after 3 minutes or

less although they can be left as long as you desire)

I know that sometimes what we need is a way of

getting the aid of an organisation and so here is

some magick which while being similar to that

which followed is in some important ways

different because it is to get an organisation to help

you. All that you must do is to do what follows:

although you do need the name of an organisation

which you want to assist you and generally make

your life easier.

Ritual of the Principalities to get an

organisation to help you

(You should light your two candles with one at

either side and say what follows)

Saint Peter you have the power to open the gates of

Heaven the gates which you sit at and control.

Saint Peter open the gates of Heaven here and now

open the gateway here, so that heaven itself is near.

Open the gates, open the gateway to Heaven here

and now. The gateway is open. Principalities

angels of the third sphere and first choir: come

through the gates, come through here and now. Step

through to this world, you who look like a human

with wings and have the power to guide and

protect all organisations, even countries are under

your guidance, you who govern and rule many

other angels. I ask that you, the Principalities step

through to this world here and now. I ask the

Principalities to come through the gates.

Principalities come through to this world: the

Principalities come through the gates.

Principalities I ask that you show yourself to me, to

show yourself in full physical form and for you to

make state name of organisation help me and make

my life better and easier. The Principalities agree.

I will now read a quote from the bible for all to

hear so that the word of god is known Daniel 2:31-

34 “You were looking O King and lo! there was a

great statue. This statue was huge, its brilliance

extraordinary; it was standing before you and its

appearance was frightening. The head of that statue

was of fine gold, its chest and arms of silver, its

middle and thigh of bronze, its legs of iron, its feet

partly of clay.” I will now take this bible and place

within words of my own a petition for help. (Take

the paper and write upon it:”Make write name of

organisation help me”: and then place this within

the bible touching in Daniel 2:31-34 and place it

between the candles) Principalities empower this

magick: the Principalities agree. The Principalities

depart through the gates. Saint Peter close the gates

of Heaven, close the gateway. The gates of Heaven

are closed. AMEN

(The candles can be blown out after 3 minutes or

less: although they can be left as long as you


You now have learnt how to gain power from a

most interesting and useful type of angel. But it is

also helpful in that you now know that what lies

behind what seems to be reality is quite different

from what lies in front of it, and that these hidden
elements: some of which are angels: do have

power and are real. In some ways the world makes

more sense because it explains why sometimes

people do what is correct for them yet seem to be

blockaded from getting through to where they want

to be. While now we know that there are always

guiding hands which have their own agenda but

that by the use of magick we can be freed from any

negative influence and that we can use their power

to our advantage. This is the power that the occult

gives to you, true freedom.

Chapter 7
There are many angels that you have already learnt

about, but the type of angels I talk about now are

probably one of the most famous because one of

their number is the archangel Michael, and another

is Raphael. In fact generally it is thought that less

is said about archangels than many of the other

types but the word archangel means messenger and

envoy. But the archangels are thought to be those

angels that stand before god and are guardian

angels of countries and nations: similarly to the

way the angels called Principalities are: but

perhaps the most important part about these

archangels is that they are warriors, I suppose that

many angels are warriors in that they fight evil but
these angels could also be describe as real
scrappers, in the sense that they like a fight, they

like a bit of a dust up now and then. But people

find it difficult to classify the archangels and it is

more likely to see these angels than any of the type

of angels already mentioned. But this means that
these angels have some traits that humans have:

perhaps more than the others: after all, the world is

full of war and it is human fighting human we do

not need any outside help at all. Therefore these

angels are easier for us to connect with, and yet
they are only one part of the magick which you will
work. But it is easy to get overwhelmed and to

think that whatever the rank, that they are better

than us: even if you think this only unconsciously:

but we are better than the angels and we have the

power to command. This power to command and

work magick is what is important to our future. The

real problems in the future is not human war
wiping us out, but us being too weak and so being

destroyed by some external forces; it is for this

reason that I am quite aware that much of war

could well be occurring to prepare us for any

attack from alien forces: and by alien I also
include magical, inter-dimensional and from other
planets, planed of existence and by entities which

may not even be physical as we are. So I say thank

no one for the ability to command other entities and

keep using it or else we may all be wiped out and

all of human kind become not even a footnote as

we marched to oblivion. We are humans and there

is magick in us and traits of all kinds, and war is
not needed to make us stronger: because we have

incredible strength all along.

However this magick here also uses the bible:

ideally a King James Bible with a white cover. We

will be using a quote from this bible and selecting

the correct quote is crucial because this is what
targets the magick correctly, and makes the magick
work as we want it to. Think of the bible in this

context, not as a religious book, but as a doorway

to true freedom. It is this goal to gain greater

freedom and power which will lead humanity

forward. Like everyone else when I make a

telephone call I wonder if someone else is

listening who is not supposed to, and of course

they are: us occult authors seem to be greatly

preferable targets for these organisations: and yet

as the demented jobsworths: an English terms for

people who do the most stupid or horrendous

things and when asked not to, will say:”It’s more

than my jobs worth” believing that they would get

fired: they people do not truly grasp that listening

to everyone all the time should not be normal and

that no matter how important they think what they

are doing is, it is by sharing of information and

helping people: even if just their own people:

which will solve most of the problems they seek to

battle. The thing is many problems cannot be

battled or fought against, and instead each and

every move and action must be thought about when

the time is available: rather than acting like a static

pillar that thinks it is a machine serving some

clever mechanical purpose. But the quote which

you should use in this magick is Genesis 42: 8-9

“Although Joseph had recognised his brothers, they

did not recognise him. Joseph also remembered the

dreams he that he had dreamed about them. He said

to them: You are spies: you have come to see the

undefended parts of our land!” This quote is for the

power of divination and the power to have the

advantage on your enemies. This is one part of this

magick, another ingredient being the archangels.

But of course we also require two white candles,

something to light them with and also a piece of

paper and a pen.

This brings me to another point and this is the

importance of what is wrote down on the paper:
because this paper when placed touching the

correct bible quote will make a big difference to

this magick and what form it takes. But do not

write anything yet and yet what is written is of

importance. What will be written will be done to

give you an advantage over an opponent no matter

how large or powerful; even an organisation will

not be undefeatable and you will have an

advantage over them. Therefore what will be

written on the piece of paper will be:”I will have

an advantage over every opponent, rival or

enemy”. This will be placed in the bible at the

correct point in the ceremony which I will

describe now.

Ritual of the Archangels for an advantage over

every opponent, rival or enemy

(You should light your two candles with one at

either side and say what follows)

Saint Peter you have the power to open the gates of

Heaven the gates which you sit at and control.

Saint Peter open the gates of Heaven here and now

open the gateway here, so that Heaven itself is

near. Open the gates, open the gateway to Heaven

here and now. The gateway is open. Archangels,

angels of the third sphere and second choir: come

through the gates, come through here and now. Step

through to this world: you who look like a human

with wings and are the guardians of countries, true

warriors too. I ask that you, the Archangels step

through to this world here and now. I ask the

Archangels to come through the gates. Archangels

come through to this world: the Archangels come

through the gates. Archangel I ask that you show

yourself to me, to show yourself in full physical

form and for you to give me an advantage over

every opponent, rival and enemy. The Archangel

agree. I will now read a quote from the bible for

all to hear so that the word of god is known

Genesis 42: 8-9 “Although Joseph had recognised

his brothers, they did not recognise him. Joseph

also remembered the dreams he that he had

dreamed about them. He said to them:” You are

spies: you have come to see the undefended parts

of our land!” I will now take this bible and place

within words of my own a petition for help. (Take

the paper and write upon it:”I will have an

advantage over every opponent, rival or enemy”:

and then place this within the bible touching

Genesis 42: 8-9 and place it between the candles)

Archangels empower this magick: the Archangels

agree. The Archangels depart through the gates.

Saint Peter close the gates of Heaven, close the

gateway. The gates of Heaven are closed. AMEN

(The candles can be blown out after 3 minutes or

less: although they can be left as long as you


It is now that you have learnt this magick that you

may wonder what lies in the future and realise that

a constant advantage is a powerful thing, empires

have been built on much less, and lost over not

having a constant advantage. But a lot of what

people get out of magick is difficult to define

because of the feeling of fullness and power which

is gained through it. Humanity is not meant to do
without magick and its power, it is not meant to do

without such things. Therefore this book is part of

something greater a world magick movement

which gives humanity a greater power, a forward

journey to a greater world and to empower us to be

greater in all ways. I feel that what is best is for

people to choose what power they embrace and

this book is here to help you see what magick can

do for you. This may only be one type of magick

and there is much more to it, and yet I hope that

even what is within this chapter shows options and

new ways to organise your perception of reality.

Chapter 8

The angels of the lowest rank are those called

simply angel or Malakhim. But these angels can be

useful because they are of the lowest rank and so

they are very hands on, they do things even for

individuals without magick needing to be used.

Their power is such that they are said to be furthest

from God but also closest to us. These angels of

the lowest rank are of the third sphere and third

choir: but who are we to argue because we want

help. I know that these angels may by now seem to

be quite normal or at least less bizarre, and these

angels look like humans with wings, but these
Malakhim have a lot of different functions although
they are messengers to humanity, they can do many

things. But these angels are only one part of the

magick which we will use. I know that this magick

is something which is now more familiar and so

you can by now utilise different elements. But I

will state now that because of the versatility of the

Malakhim angels that they are the most use to those

that are unsure which angel to use, and for what

use. But of course what also is useful is that we

use a bible quote and the correct one. But the bible
quote which is used should be one which

represents something which feels as though it can

be used for something you want. The reason I say

feel is that although reasoning is important: and

you should do this too: you also should try to

choose something which is a good choice for you.

But you should not forget the different elements and

they are not just composed of using the bible, the

angels, words wrote on a piece of paper and the

white candles, but also that which is within the

ritual itself.

I will therefore now show you a different way of

looking at this magick. This is because you need to

not just perform the magick but also to get a greater

understanding of it and how it works and for this
reason I will move through a ritual while
attempting to show you what is behind it: how it

works. This is because this ritual is made up of

different stages or elements and once this is

understood it is then known that there is an

underlying pattern which you will see as clearly as

a map which points the way forward for you. But

to work this ritual you also will need a bible quote

and although you can choose to utilise in time any

quote chosen by you, here I will use the quote

Genesis 11:3-4”And they said to one another, come

let us make bricks for stone, and bitumen for

mortar. Then they said, come let us build ourselves

a city and the tower, with it’s top in the heavens,

and let us make a name for ourselves; otherwise

we will be scattered abroad on the face of the

earth”. This quote is a good one and it will be used

to represent organisation and the creation of

something. But just to show the difference between

magick and religion here is Genesis 11:5-6 (That

which follow on from the last quote) “The LORD

came down to see the city and the tower, which

mortals had built. And the LORD said, look they

are one people and they have one language: and

this is only the beginning of what they will do;

nothing that they propose to do will now be

impossible for them. Come let us go down and

confuse their language there so that they will not

understand one another’s speech. So the LORD

scattered them abroad from there over the face of

all the earth and they left off building the city” you

have to think what a complete bastard god is to

have done that. But it doesn’t matter because we

are simply using these entities for our purpose: the

angels being simply some type or types of magical

beings in a world of so many: god also being one.

However you also will need to write upon a piece

of paper something which will be placed within

your bible and what I recommend that you write

is:”Let me have great wealth, income and power”.

Ritual of the Malakhim angel for wealth, income

and power

(You should light your two candles with one at

either side and say what follows)

(The part which follows is where Saint Peter is

used to open the gates of Heaven and without this

we could not summon the angels that we chose to


Saint Peter you have the power to open the gates of

Heaven the gates which you sit at and control.
Saint Peter open the gates of Heaven here and now

open the gateway here, so that heaven itself is near.

Open the gates, open the gateway to Heaven here

and now. The gateway is open.

(What follows, is the Malakhim angels being

summoned and this is being done by asking them to

come through the gates of Heaven)

Malakhim, angels of the third sphere and third

choir: come through the gates, come through here

and now. Step through to this world, you who look

like a human with wing; messengers and those that

help humanity. I ask that you, the Malakhim step

through to this world here and now. I ask the

Malakhim to come through the gates. Malakhim
come through to this world: the Malakhim come

through the gates.

(What follows is a direct request from the

Malakhim angels, this is done to add this extra

element to the magick and help it gain in power)

Malakhim I ask that you show yourself to me, to

show yourself in full physical form and for you to

send to me wealth, income and power. The

Malakhim agree.

(Next comes the bible quote which is an important

element in this magick)

I will now read a quote from the bible for all to

hear so that the word of god is known Genesis

11:3-4”And they said to one another, come let us

make bricks for stone, and bitumen for mortar.

Then they said, come let us build ourselves a city

and the tower, with it’s top in the heavens and let

us make a name for ourselves; otherwise we will

be scattered abroad on the face of the earth”.

(This next part is where we write upon the paper

and this element of the magick is added)

I will now take this bible and place within words

of my own a petition for help. (Take the paper and

write upon it:”Let me have great wealth, income

and power” and then place this within the bible
touching in Genesis 11:3-4 and place it between

the candles)

(Next comes the part where the angel agrees and

departs and then the gates of Heaven are closed)

Malakhim empower this magick: the Malakhim

agree. The Malakhim depart through the gates.

Saint Peter close the gates of Heaven, close the

gateway. The gates of Heaven are closed. AMEN

(The candles can be blown out after 3 minutes or

less: although they can be left as long as you

I hope that this magick will prove as useful to you

as it has for me. I also feel sure that your view of

the world is quite different from that which you

had before, but different because it is more

complete. But having a more complete view of the

world means that although a lot of the time what

you already knew is all that is needed, that when

necessary you can make a more informed decision

on courses of action: but also know the value that

you have. I believe in humanity: and not just

because I am part of it: but because we have a

great capability for improvement and continually

reach out to know and control more. It is our

ability to spread which will be of most importance

in the future, we need to reach out and expand

ourselves into other planes of existence. We are a

great people already and we all hope to become

greater. I also want to congratulate you because

you have made a huge step in life; you have learnt

to command all type of angel; you have learnt how

to use the bible in magick and also how to use a

statement within the bible for magical purposes.

You have learnt what many occultists take a whole

life to learn or even then never do. But since my

job is to help you then whatever you have achieved
and will achieve is done by your own effort and
power. It is true that what power you gain,

increases the power of all of us and as we walk

ever forward to even better more powerful times,

and try to gain more, what we really do is to show

the we are far more than we ever thought we

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