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Q: What are the different components of a research report?

A research report consists of different components which are mentioned below briefly.

Title page is the first page of research report. It shows report title, student name and due date.

Next one is table of contents, as the name is self explanatory, displays the contents covered in the

report. The third component of a research report is known as abstract which contains the

summary of the whole report in compact form. Then it comes to introduction part where

background and terms in report are described. There is another component that is known

methodology, this reveals that how the research was carried out and the process involved in

gathering relevant data. In Results/ Findings section, the facts and figures and any findings are

shown in the form of graphs or tabular form. Discussion part deals with interpretation of facts

and refers to other similar studies carried out earlier. Conclusion is a collection of brief

statements regarding what was achieved after research. Appendix contains the additional

information and at last references are given. (Writing a research report, 2007)

Q: Oral presentation and its parts?

Oral presentation is a great means of sharing your ideas and knowledge to a group. Oral

presentation consists of different component which results in its failure or success. Some of them

are discussed here. The most important part of presentation is content. Content is intended

information to be shared during presentation. So it must be relevant and interesting for audience.

Another section of the oral presentation is structure. It refers to logical beginning, middle and

final part of presentation. Ideas should be shared in sequential manner to be easily

understandable for the audience. Next one is packaging, this is the part where you are about to

summing up your presentation, so leave no stone unturned to revise the main points once again.
Above all, the human element plays a key role for a successful oral presentation that is your body

language, voice, self-confidence eye contact etc. etc. (Clark, 2016)

Works Cited

Donalad Clark. “Presentations.” Presentations.N.p., 27 Mar. 1998. Web.o3 Nov.2016

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