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1) Generaly i'm a serious person, i like to work hard i construct my career.

I like
to practise sports like street running, trikking, chess and workout in odybuilding
gym (i known you can think it's a lie, because i'm thin, but it is not a lie kkk,
trust me!). The books wich i like to read is about business (coaching , Probelmas?
Oba! ) how to speak for and audience, , psychology (human behave and positive
psychology ) or phylosophy subjects.

2) The base of my english skills i learned within RPG games online. After it, i
started in a engish school to improve it.
Nowadays my english level is at B1+; i can understand the main points of a
conversation within the contexts about work, school, leisure activities.
i think i'll not have big problems if i'll traveling aborad.

3) The pressure is a normal thing in workplace. The challenges will be in

everywhere, you need learning to live with it.

1. Fale sobre si:

R.: Sou bastante anal�tico e prestativo/ proativo, no sentido de olhar as quest�es
por v�rias perspectivas diferentes, e partindo disso, eu pego e fa�o o que tem que
ser feito ou dou a assist�ncia necess�ria para a pessoas.

2. Descreva o melhor e o pior chefe que j� teve


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