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Writing Challenge 4


Narrate a terrifying incident. Type your composition below.

Additional Tip:

Paragraph 1: introduction, events leading to the climax

Paragraph 2: climax – the most exciting part of the story

Paragraph 3: after climax - what happened, conclusion – the ending of the story,
moral of the story – what did you learn?

My uncle decided to bring me along to deep sea fishing at the Andaman Sea during
the last holidays. As it was my first time, my heart was bubbling with exuberance. Riding on
the speed boat, we embarked on the journey early in the morning with full of excitement.

After an hour, I managed to hook a large fish. All of sudden, I saw fear etched on my
uncle's face and as I was about to ask why, a pirate ship approached us from behind. Instantly,
I understood the cause of angst in my uncle. I panicked but my uncle remained calm and
radioed for help.

Soon, the captain of pirate came abroad to us and demanded money from us. My
Uncle did not have much money but he gave to captain anywhere. Bursting in rage upon
seeing the little money we had, the cruel captain pointed the knife at us while yelling angrily
at us in an unknown language. Eventually, the captain made us jump off the speed boat and
robbed the boat as well.

Fortunately, we are wearing life jackets which enabled us to float on the surface. As I
was about to lose hope, the walling sirens of marine police reverberated in the air. After some
time, the police arrived and rescued us.
Writing Challenge 4

I am grateful for Uncle's quick-thinking if he had not radioed for help, we could have
been in grave danger floating in the middle of sea. After this terrifying incident, I learnt that
quick-thinking and being calm can save lives.

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