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Good Morning brothers and sisters (みんなさんおはようございます。)

I pray in order to have the Holy Spirit with in order to be able to be understood by everyone.


When we speak of faith—the faith that can move mountains—we are not speaking of faith

in general but of faith in the Lord Jesus Christ.Faith in the Lord Jesus Christ can be bolstered

as we learn about Him and live our religion. The doctrine of Jesus Christ was designed by the

Lord to help us increase our faith

Nelson かんちょうはわたしたちが,信仰,すなわち山をも動かす信仰について語るとき,そ





But what is religion?


The word religion literally means “to ligate again” or “to tie back” to God.1 The question we

might ask ourselves is, are we securely tied to God so that our faith shows, or are we actually

tied to something else?

We might each ask ourselves, where is our faith? Is it in a team? Is it in a brand? Is it in a

celebrity? Even the best teams can fail. Celebrities can fade. There is only One in whom your

faith is always safe, and that is in the Lord Jesus Christ. And you need to let your faith show!

Nelson かんちょうは宗教という言葉は,神と「再び縛られる」あるいは「元

のように結ばれる」という意味です。1 わたしたちは次のように自問す

As I read before, we need to invest time learning about him and his atonement, Pdte Nelson

in another speech said that “heavenly Father never intended that we could deal with the maze

of personal problems on our own, He sent his son to help us. Jesus Christ gave his life so that

we could have access to a godly power. This godly power is sufficient to deal with burdens

obstacles and temptations of our day”. We need this power because our faith will be tested

and challenged.

President Monson said “Of course we will face fear, experience ridicule, and meet opposition.

Let us have the courage to defy the consensus, the courage to stand for principle. Courage,

not compromise, brings the smile of God’s approval. … Remember that all men have their

fears, but those who face their fears with [faith] have courage as well.
Monson かんちょうはもちろん,恐れを感じ,嘲弄され,反発に遭うこ
ん。しかし, 〔信仰をもって〕その恐れに立ち向かう人こそが勇気ある
The moment I was more clueless about the future was in my mission. As every missionary I

didn’t know where I was going to live in the next month, with whom I was going to live with,

even with which people I was going to talk with in any regular day, even though missionaries

plan every hour of theirs day It’s difficult to know what is going to happen. Let me tell you

that during all that time I felt confident that everything was going to be fine, that I was using

my time in the best way I could. I know that that was because of the faith in Jesus Christ,

trusting in the promptings of the Holy Spirit and acting according to those feelings.

As we trust in Jesus Christ and put our lives in His hands, following his example we will

become more faithful, more confident, more blessed, more joyful, more like Him.

I Know Jesus Christ lives and that He Loves us. I know that through his atonement we can

come back to our Heavenly Father as Eternal Families.

I say these things in the name of Jesus Christ.


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