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L' ptil1 I il· ()r Ihe 111 11 I I pplltl'S

{ ' ity n r I )uvau

( 'hc.·ddisC of Rt•tpiin·11u•11fs

RF()l lli:ST l◄'()I{ 1u:c1 ,ASSIFl( ';\'J'l()N

(;\ ,·fide.· \ ', St•c 2. and Arfidt.' XIV, St·t•fion 1..i. Comprdll'nsivt· Zoninl,.! Onlinam·c.· of
Ha,·iio Cif)' (2013-2022)
!\ . /,l)lli11 g. C L'rtificatil)II rrn111 ()(' Pl)(.'
H. CL' rtil i l'd trul' cnpy ur tit IL' (s) a11d currl'11t tax receipts
(_'_ R iglit -nl'-wa y nr aCCL'SS rnad (right tt) IISL' or tked or snk)
D. Sill' de vl'lnp111e11t pl:111 indicatin g area and ho1111darics l1f lot (propert y li11c)
1-:. V ici11it y M:1p sho w i11 g maj or l:111d 111arks w ithi11 a radiu s of 200 meters
I·' . Bara11 g.ay Council RL'snlution nf No Objectin11
G . Bar:lll gay DL'wlnp111e11t Counc il Resolt;tion fo vorahly i11dorsi11 g the prn_jcct
11. C ity I kaltlt Otfo.:e f'or s:111itatinn c learance
I. Cit y !\ssessm·s Offi ce f'or new lax tkclaratinn
.I . C it~, Trea surer ' s Offi ce for realt y tax c leara11ce
K . l>a v:l\) Cit y Water District for certifi cation of waler supply availabilit y
L . Da vao I ,ig, ht and Power Compan y tix certiti cation nr pnwer suppl y av11ilahili1y
M. Mines and Geoscic11ce Bureau for certifi cation for poss ible gcol111znrd a11d
recn111me1Hicd 111 it igat in g mea sures
N. (.\:rtiticatinn from lkp:1rt111rnt nf !\gri c1ilture that land is 11\) lnn ger prnductivc li>r
fannin g

l'nicL·d II n:s : The f'llllllwin g prncedurl's shall he f'nllll\\L'd :

I. A written :1pplicatin11 is filed e1t111 g the seclill11 or thi s Ordinan ce 1111der whi ch the same is
suu g ht :111d statin g the grlH111d /s lll'j11 stiticalil111 s tli erl'llf.
lllh'n tilin g lhl' appli calinn . a visihk pn1jel't s ig.11 . (indi catin g the 1wn1<.: and naltire of' the
prn1H1sed pn~jL'L't) shall he pnsted al thL' 1m1jL'L' t s itL' and thL' applirntion 11111 st he puhlislied in a
ne,\ sp!lj1l'r of' gl'lll'ral L'irr1ilntil111 ll1r three (3) L'onsL·cuti vL' WL'ck s nt the expen se of'tlie project
.I . ThL' /()nin g !\dmi11istralur shnll L' lllldUL't a pr<.:li111inar) studiL's 011 the appli cation .
·I. A \\-rittL'll 11tfol11vi1 ()r lhllt -\ll~jcclil 111 t() the.: pn 1jl'ct hy thL' (l\\ 11er of the properties adj oining lo
thl' pmjL'l' t shall he tikll hy thl' appli cant "ith the I i\ at ka st liticen ( 15) d;1 ys prior lo lhc
lkl'iSillll .
5. In L':tSL' llf l1l~iL'etinn , thL' I.I\ shall hnld public hearin g.
(l . /\t the hl·nrin g. any party 11111y appcar in pL·rsun . l,r h1.: reprl'senll'd hy ;1ge nt s/s. all intc.:resfl:.:d
pnrtiL·s shall bc :tl'L'llt'lkd till' ()ppnrtunit y 111 l1L· heard and pre~cnt l' videm:cs and tcsti111011 ics.
7. l'hL' l.llllin ~ /\dministrnltlf· shall rL'nlkr a dcc isilHl "ith in thirt y (1 0 ) <.l ay~ fro,11 thc filin g of' Ilic
:1ppli1.:ntil,n, t::\clu s ivc l,f thc ti111L' SIH.' 111 ti.ll' thl' prL'parat io11 o f' writ1c11 ;rf'ficf;1vi1 o f' 11 011
libil'L'til,n and/1.x the public henrin g in L'II SL' of an y obj ecti1m to the grantin g o t' varia11 cc .
X It' ·, hc 1.kcisilln is tin •lirahh:. the npplicatiun shall he rnn sidcrt·<..I in the I ,ocal Zoning Board or
Ad justnwnt and Appeals (LZ B/\ A) and the C ity lkvcl op111e11t Coun c il (C DC) Lxcc1111 vc
<.._\,.mmittc1..· in II j l1i11t lllL'L'tin~ \\hid1 shall L'Ulllt' up \-, ith e ither fo vor;1hlc nr t111t'a v()ra hk
i, 1dnrscmcnt .
q tr 1h'-· tk<..:i,i 1)11 i, u11t:n ·(1rn hk . the appl il·atin n i, Lkn icd h~ th e / 011 i11g. /\<..l111 111i -.trn 1or. act111 t!
a" tlK· q ·l·rctu rint und nl't il,11 o flicc r ,,f thl' Ll. B/\t\ .
10 If lhL· d<:t i, illfl 1<.; t.1q,rat, k·, th L' 111attl:rs -" ha ll hL' 111dnr,cd 111 "-:11 1!-!,i;u111 ,111 g 1';111li111~-,nJ tu,
c11ns1dt·rat ,l1 11 111 acn,nf:111 c1..· " 11'1 til l· fi •rq,tlllll J.!. p1 ,, , 1-.. 11111 ,


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