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B1 14th session quiz (2)

1) Choose the correct answer:

1) Hello there, I would like to talk to your ( director – manager –
publicist) I believe you are perfect for my next movie
2) The (producer – publicist – composer) really outdid him self, this
piece of music sounds amazing!
3) This statue is the manifestation of perfection, the (sculptor –
choreographer – conductor) truly put his heart and soul into this
4) Dad !, the commercial break is over, the (author – journalist –
news Broadcaster) is back with more news
2) Correct the mistake:
1) Hey Nancy, do you nancy going to the restaurant with me?
2) I wish I could meet you tomorrow, but I really can’t, I have
something else off. on
3) Watch your step jack! , we can’t have our manager hurt
himself, who is going to get all the money for our show?
4) I went to talk to the main singer, he was singing his heart on in
his room. out
3) Fill the gaps:
1) Would you ……prefer…. If we would meet next week instead?
2) Hopefully the ………journalists……. Give our play some good
reviews in tomorrow news papers
3) The …………….. of the bestselling book for this year was H.J
4) I was going to meet my mother for a cup of coffee today but I had
to take a ………….rain check……… I had an emergency at work

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