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Ecuador is a small country with a diverse geography.

For this reason, there are different typical

plates in each region of Ecuador.

In the coast and sierra regions have their own unique dishes. However, many foods are shared
by the entire country. One popular meal is “el seco”. Secos are usually stewed of chicken, beef,
or goat. They are typically served with rice, fried ripe plantains, avocado slices, and a small salad.

In the coast, the typical food largely comes from the sea. Fried fish, shrimp, and black clams are
very popular on the beaches, usually served with rice and plantains.

In the Sierra, many of the typical dishes do not include seafood. Instead, meat dishes like
hornado (whole roasted pig), pernil (sandwiches made with roasted turkey or pork), and cuy
(guinea pig) are common.

Another big dish on the coast — though also found in the sierra — is the bolon de verde. Bolones
are stuffed with cheese, chorizo, bacon, or chicharrones. The bolon is made with green plantains
which are fried formed into round balls.

Fanesca This soup is traditionally eaten during the Holy Week celebrations and is made with
twelve different beans and grains cooked in milk.

FOOD OF THE ECUADORIAN AMAZON REGION has the most unusual food by the multiplicity of
products, spices, animals and fruits, the Amazonia offers a gastronomic culture little known
abroad but popular among the native people AS WELL AS, The stewed guanta, chonta worm,
iant ants, snakes, which are combined with mandioca or banana.

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