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Traditionally in WC it is taught that Bong Sau, Fook Sau, and Tan Sau are the three

heads of the family, or the roots of all hand positions defensively.

Bong Sao - Uses the outside edge of the forearm to deflect in a rising fashion
essentially driving the attack up and off line.

Fook Sao - uses the fingers or palms to move a limb or attack in a drawing fashion

Tan Sao - Uses the thumb side of the arm to deflect an attack by dispersing it

I feel this can be simplified further and in a more useful manner.

Bong Sao - Movements that deflect and attack by bumping it upward

Tan Sao - Movements that deflect an attack by shifting outside and away from the
Fook Sao - Movements that shift a limb or attack inwards to deflect or break the
opponents structure

Though I think we should seperate Fook Sao into movements that deflect inward and
drawing movements

So we end up with

Upward - movements that shift an attack upward

Outward - movements that shift an attack outward
Inward - movements that deflect inward toward center
Drawing - movements that draw an opponent away from their structure and toward

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