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A: Good morning Mom

B: morning nurse

A: I introduce nurse mei. here I will take care of the mother from 7 am to 2 pm. whether this mother
yesterday sera have been doing a caesarean?

B: yeah right

A: where do you come from?

B: I come from slinga Purbalingga.

A: What complaints that most mothers feel at this moment?

B: I felt pain in the abdomen

A: what there is in addition to feel pain?

B: I feel my appetite is reduced

A: mothers should eat that much, to multiply the release of ASI

B: yes sisters. I will try to reproduce eat

A: how to defecate and urinate mother? whether smoothly?

B: yes fluently nurse.

A: if overnight a mother can sleep soundly?

B: not sus. because I feel pain

A: yes already bu. both later at 12 I am here again to deliver lunch and catorolac medication to
reduce the pain on the mother's abdomen

B: well yes nurse

12 pm

YES: good afternoon mother

B: good afternoon nurse

A: This lunch mom and medicine. eating little by little mom, which is important discharged. after
taking the medicine.

B: Well nurse

PA: Good morning mom

B: Morning Susa: This I bring medicine to drink this morning after breakfast yes ma'am, the mother
had breakfast or not?

B: Yes, I have eaten nurse

A: yes it later do not forget to drink yes. My first excuse to continue with my other duties. Good

B: yes nurse. Good morning

at 9 am

A: Good morning mother.

B: good morning nurse

A: I will give caterolac vitamins and medications to reduce the pain of the mother passing the IV

B: yes Sisters please

2 minutes later

A: good mother. I am done. I would then replace the mother's dressing. so later the mother followed
my instructions mom?

B: Good nurse

A: can be started now mom?anyone want to ask? or mother wants to back first?

B: not nurse. please start alone

10 minutes later

IA: Well mom I'm done doing this action. how it feels mom?

B: I feel more comfortable because I was in the dressing bandage

A: Is that the mother feels the pain has been reduced?

B: Yes sus has no pain anymore

A: Are there other complaints mom?

B: Nothink nurse
A: Both the mother, the former operations of this seam is dry and has a nice and mother also had no
complaints. so the mother later in the afternoon has been allowed to go home

B: Oncenurse, thank nurse has been taking care of me

A: Yes, at the same mom, so be it I will go back to the nurses' station, when my mother took my
mother just push the green button is yes ma'am, if you do not find me at the nursing station

B: Iyes nurse

A: Good afternoon

B: afternoon nurse

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