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THE POSITIONS OF THE TAO Taoism is an ancient system of religious and philosophical belief whose foremost proponent was Lao Tzu, who was born around 604 BC. Although its central text, the Tao Te Ching, has traditionally been ascribed to Lao Tzu, scholars now date it to some two centuries after his time. At the heart of Taoism is the belief that ultimate harmony exists in the universe and can be attained by following the Tao. The word literally means “the path,” but in Taoism it also signifies the functioning of the universe. To the Taoist, life is a balance of opposites in which everything that occurs has an equal and opposite reaction Animating all that exists are twin forces: Yin, which is negative, passive, and nourishing, and Yang, which is positive, active, and consuming. The major component of woman's nature is J / seen as Yin, while a man is predominantly Yang. f An imbalance exists between the sexes, so that woman needs the male force and man needs the female force. These forces are exchanged by sexual union, and it is at orgasm that they are at their most potent. THE FOUR BASIC POSTURES In the Taoist book Tung Hsian Tzu, the author, Li T’ung Hstian, describes 26 positions for lovemaking, nearly all of which are variants of four basic postures. These bas (woman-on-top); Close Attachment (side-by-side and face-to-face); and © postures are the Intimate Union (man-on-top); The Unicorn’s Horn The Fish Sunning Itself (rear-entry). THE DRAGON TURNS This positon is ome thet allows the maximum posible penetration, so the man should not attempt to enter his parmer until she is fully aroused and her vagina ‘has enlarged to its fullest extent. he -ontact is blocked Tis position 1s. pretty impersonal w to find saiserion. By by the woman's upright leg, the strain on er legs sakes the her, and the speriunce uncomfortable for re held tightly that her legs together and upright ensures that her clitoris ges ly no stimulation ftom his penis. Pd vorea di tno" on this of | Legs up ep yu legs together and as Manipulation Use ome hand to push her legs back asf as is comfortable for har, and the other to guide your penis inta her vagina

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