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but conversational ux is hard

- conversations are multi-turn

- each channel has different features and setup
- each channel has different integration method
- detecting human intent is not something that comes naturally for machine
- NLP for bahasa indonesia is still rare

emulator doesn't support carausel button dll

scheduler, get, store data

Qiscus Omnichannel Solution presented by saad
customer service chat appp thath conects agents to custemers via multiple channels
such as website, live chat, faceook, messenger, linde messenger etc.

feature qismo
- engage customers through their preferred channels - via FB me, line

- centralise inbound chats onto single platform to ease the precess of responding
to cutomer and mark them as resolve in real time

- manage and assign agents who are online to handle specific enquiries to prevent
any potential sales lea
ds from being lost

- filter the chats by platform type or the chat status itself

- enchanced event furthuer by bot inttegration. you can toggle it on/off

- handover to human custumer service agents whenever bot fails to meet client

=== ada analitik

hands over bot to human setalh 3 kali salah jawab

update flow
active (mematikan flow
presistent (bolak-balik flow pesen pizza-pesen minum)
default (hanya boleh satu, rekomendasi flow fallback

create state
initial state (start state
end state (akhir dari flow state
action - tipe balasan ke user

on enter
user balas sebelum pindah state
transition user pindah state
self transition -> menanyakan hal yang sama hingga jawaban benar

attribute -
context -> flow
date ->

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