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3/25/2014 Books recommended/positively reviewed by Chomsky list?

: chomsky

Books recommended/positively reviewed by Chomsky list?

12 ( se lf.chom sk y)
subm itte d 2 ye ars ago* by JayR aow

For those of us that have an unhealthy obsession of Prof. Chomsky's worldview

and analysis (like me), there may be a few who are curious to know of certain
books he personally recommends.
Now, of course we can just take a look at any footnote in one of his books he
has written to find a plethora of sources-but obviously he wouldn't recommend
reading all of those sources as he has just picked few key facts from those
sources to use in his works...
So I've compiled a list of just a few books that I have found he personally
appreciates/recommends in their entirety to read; as well as the actual quote
of what he said about the book; and the source of where I found the quote
that he recommended the book.
And of course, the whole point of this post is for others who have found books
reviewed by him to post them up here and maybe eventually if this subreddit
thinks it's a good idea we can make a big list..
Let me know what you all think about my idea, and whether it's just silly or not.
Books Chomsky Recommends:
How America Gets Away With Murder: Illegal Wars, Collateral Damage
and Crimes Against - Michael Mandel
"This closely reasoned and carefully documented study is sad and grim, and
necessary. Unless its lessons are heeded by citizens of the rich and powerful
states, the fate of the world will be left to the whim of those with the guns and
the faith to enforce their will." --Noam Chomsky
Killing Hope: U. S. Military and CIA Interventions Since World War II –
William blum
"Far and away the best book on the topic." Source:
*Ideal Illusions: How the U.S. Government Co-opted Human Rights *
"This incisive and sophisticated analysis exposes the 'hidden history that once
again reveals just how tied into U.S. national security concerns the evolution of
human rights attitudes has been.' Ideal Illusions is a well-documented,
impressive account and a timely warning to seek the interests that lie behind
appealing rhetoric." —Noam Chomsky
Al-Qaeda: Casting a Shadow of Terror – Jason Burke
“the best book there is” [on Al-Qaeda] – Noam Chomsky
The Anarchist Collectives: Workers' Self-management in the Spanish
Revolution 1936-1939
“Varied, complex, often inspiring, the achievement of the people in Spain is
unique in the history of 20th century revolution. It should be carefully
studied.”—Noam Chomsky
A Theory of Power - Jeff Vail
"Fascinating" --Noam Chomsky
Available here
Between the Lines: Israel, the Palestinians, and the U.S. War on Terror 1/7
3/25/2014 Books recommended/positively reviewed by Chomsky list? : chomsky

“The destruction of a nation is not an everyday event in history. It is being

carried out before our eyes, systematically and consciously, with cruelty and
self-righteousness, and with the backing of the global superpower. These acute
and informed essays develop a perspective on the background and unfolding of
these events that is remote from anything likely to be heard in the West. They
merit close attention and thoughtful consideration.”
The ABC's of Political Economy: A Modern Approach
"I can think of no better advice than to read this book...It is a contribution of
very great value." -- Noam Chomsky Source:
The Industrial Worker, 1840-1860: The Reaction of American Industrial
Society to the Advance of the Industrial Revolution -- Norman Ware Link
"Actually one of the most interesting books I know, and if you haven't read I'd
urge you to, is the first modern book on labor history I know of. ... It's mostly
quotes from the labor press, which are just fascinating. ... It's very interesting,
it's very eloquent, very well-written." -- Noam Chomsky
The Birth of Israel: Myths and Realities -- Simha Flapan Link
"Simha Flapan's study of the events surrounding the establishment of the state
of Israel offers new insight and understanding that requires a serious rethinking
of much that has long been believed" -- Noam Chomsky
The Deaths of Others: The Fate of Civilians in America's Wars link
"This sad and gripping record of crimes we dare not face, and the probing
analysis of the roots of indifference and denial, tell us all too much about
ourselves. It should be read, and pondered." -Noam Chomsky
The Altenberg 16: An Exposé of the Evolution Industry -- Suzan Mazur
“Very glad to see the book. I suspect it should have some (very much needed)
influence now against the background of the ‘evo-devo revolution’ and the
belated recognition of Margulis’s work.” -- Noam Chomsky
Understanding Capitalism: Critical Analysis from Karl Marx to Amartya
Sen Link
"[Dowd] brings an admirable ability to extricate and expound what is really
important with lucidity and skill." -- Noam Chomsky
American Empire.
A great series/project of books critical of American foreign policy in which
Chomsky has contributed 4 works and as such, I assume he endorses the rest
of the books in the collective.
The Punishment of Gaza link
"There are more terrible atrocities in the world than what is being done to the
caged prisoners of Gaza, but it is not easy to think of a more cruel and
cowardly exhibition of human savagery, fully supported by the US, with Europe
trailing politely behind. Gideon Levy’s passionate and revealing account is an
eloquent, even desperate, call to bring this shocking tragedy to an end, as can
easily be done." - Noam Chomsky
Bad Samaritans: The Myth of Free Trade and the Secret History of
Capitalism link
"Lucid, deeply informed, and enlivened with striking illustrations, this penetrating
study could be entitled "economics in the real world." Chang reveals the
yawning gap between standard doctrines concerning economic development
and what really has taken place from the origins of the industrial revolution until
today. His incisive analysis shows how, and why, prescriptions based on
reigning doctrines have caused severe harm, particularly to the most vulnerable
and defenseless, and are likely to continue to do so. He goes on to provide 2/7
3/25/2014 Books recommended/positively reviewed by Chomsky list? : chomsky

sensible and constructive proposals, solidly based on economic theory and

historical evidence, as to how the global economy could be redesigned to
proceed on a far more humane and civilized course. And his warnings of what
might happen if corrective action is not taken are grim and apt." - Noam
The Verso Book of Dissent: From Spartacus to the Shoe-Thrower of
Baghdad -- Edited by Andrew Hsiao & Audrea Lim
“The Verso Book of Dissent shows the many ways in which the constant
struggle to create a better world has broken through the walls of apathy and
acquiescence.” -- Noam Chomsky
Workers' Councils -- Anton Pannekoek
"Good, Solid, working-class literature." - Noam Chomsky He's also interviewed in
this new edition.
Whose Crisis? Whose Future? - Susan George
"A really valuable and impressive book. Susan George leads us through a
chamber of horrors ... Fortunately, the lucid and carefully documented picture
she presents also shows that there are paths out of the darkness, realistic and
within reach if the will is there. Lessons to be taken to heart by those who
have concern for humans and their fate." Noam Chomsky
Business as Usual: The Economic Crisis and the Failure of Capitalism --
Paul Mattick (Jr.)
“This lucid and thoughtful study is not just another important contribution to
the rapidly expanding literature on the current economic crisis, though it is that
as well. With historical depth and penetrating analysis, it seeks to reveal what
is ‘wrong with the mainstream approach to understanding current economic
affairs..." link
And I added the following book just because I happened to find that Edward S.
Herman (who wrote Manufacturing Consent with Chomsky) recommended it and
thought it would be pertinent to Chomsky fans..
State Terrorism and the United States: From Counterinsurgency to the
War on Terrorism – Frederick H. Gareau
"This book is a valuable addition to the literature on terrorism." -- Edward

16 comments share

all 16 comments
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[–] Daewwoo 3 points 2 ye ars ago

He highly recommends "A People's History of the United States" by Howard Zinn, but that is a
no-brainer and probably seems pretty entry level for this sub-reddit.

[–] Buck-Nasty 3 points 2 ye ars ago

Bad Samaritans: The Myth of Free Trade and the Secret History of Capitalism -- Ha-Joon
"Lucid, deeply informed, and enlivened with striking illustrations, this penetrating study could
be entitled "economics in the real world." Chang reveals the yawning gap between standard
doctrines concerning economic development and what really has taken place from the origins
of the industrial revolution until today. His incisive analysis shows how, and why, prescriptions
based on reigning doctrines have caused severe harm, particularly to the most vulnerable and
defenseless, and are likely to continue to do so. He goes on to provide sensible and
constructive proposals, solidly based on economic theory and historical evidence, as to how 3/7
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the global economy could be redesigned to proceed on a far more humane and civilized course.
And his warnings of what might happen if corrective action is not taken are grim and apt." -
Noam Chomsky

[–] Buck-Nasty 3 points 2 ye ars ago

Ha-Joon Chang has some great talks on youtube btw.

permalink parent

[–] snakedawgG 3 points 2 ye ars ago

1. Bakunin on Anarchism (Edited by Sam Dolgoff)

"Bakunin's insights are refreshing, original and unsurpassed in clarity and vision.
This selection provides access to the thinking of one of the most remarkable
figures of modern history. I read it with great pleasure and profit."
2. Fashionable Nonsense: Postmodern Intellectuals' Abuse of Science (Alan
Sokal & Jean Bricmont)
"The modern sciences are among the most remarkable of human achievements
and cultural treasures. Like others, they merit--and reward--respectful and
scrupulous engagement. Sokal and Bricmont show how easily such truisms and
recede from view, and how harmful the consequences can be for intellectual life
and human affairs. They also provide a thoughtful and constructive critical
analysis of fundamental issues of empirical inquiry. It is a timely and substantial
3. Beyond the Hoax: Science, Philosophy and Culture (Alan Sokal)
"Sokal’s analysis is sober and incisive, deeply informed over an impressive range,
lucid and careful -- whether the targets are intellectual charlatanism or sincerely
held though indefensible popular beliefs that have caused great harm and by now
pose a serious threat to decent survival. It is a very valuable and most timely
4. Talking to the Enemy: Faith, Brotherhood & the (Un)Making of Terrorists
(Scott Atran)
"This deeply researched, wide ranging, and very timely study provides a
compelling and often surprising account of what lies behind the jihadi
phenomenon . . . . It should be read carefully, and pondered."
5. Granny Made Me an Anarchist: General Franco, The Angry Brigade and Me
(Stuart Christie)
"A fascinating personal account . . . a remarkable picture of the late twentieth
century, seen through sensitive eyes and interpreted by a compassionate,
searching soul."
6. Don't Mourn, Balkanize!: Essays After Yugoslavia (Andrej Grubacic)
"These thoughtful essays offer us a vivid picture of the Balkans experience from
the inside, with its richness and complexity, tragedy and hope, and lessons from
which we can all draw inspiration and insight."
7. Field Notes on Democracy: Listening to Grasshoppers (Arundhati Roy)
"In her searing account of the actual practice of the world's largest democracy,
Arundhati Roy calls for 'factual precision' alongside of the 'real precision of
poetry.' Remarkably, she combines those achievements to a degree that few can
hope to approach. Roy shows in painful detail how the beneficiaries of the highly
admired 10 percent growth rate are enjoying a 'new secessionism,' leaving the
great majority languishing in poverty and despair, with malnutrition reaching the
same levels as sub-Saharan Africa. As surveillance and state terror extend, all
under the guise of flourishing democracy, India is becoming 'a nation waiting to
be accused,' a nation where a confession extracted under torture can lead to
the brink of nuclear war, and where 'fascism's firm footprint has appeared' in
ways reminiscent of the early years of Nazism. Most chilling of all is that much of
the grim portrait is all too familiar in the West. Roy asks whether our shriveled 4/7
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forms of democracy will be 'the endgame of the human race'—and shows vividly
why this is a prospect not to be lightly dismissed."

[–] JayRaow [S] 1 point 2 ye ars ago

Thank you, this is great! It's clear he gets a lot of reading done...haha.
permalink parent

[–] greenA lmond 2 points 2 ye ars ago

You can also add:

The Industrial Worker, 1840-1860: The Reaction of American Industrial Society to the
Advance of the Industrial Revolution -- Norman Ware
"Actually one of the most interesting books I know, and if you haven't read I'd urge you to, is
the first modern book on labor history I know of. ... It's mostly quotes from the labor press,
which are just fascinating. ... It's very interesting, it's very eloquent, very well-written." --
Noam Chomsky
The Birth of Israel: Myths and Realities -- Simha Flapan
Link * The book is out of print i believe, but you can still get it used from amazon
"Simha Flapan's study of the events surrounding the establishment of the state of Israel offers
new insight and understanding that requires a serious rethinking of much that has long been
believed" -- Noam Chomsky

[–] louderthanbombs 2 points 2 ye ars ago

The Altenberg 16: An Exposé of the Evolution Industry -- Suzan Mazur

“Very glad to see the book. I suspect it should have some (very much needed) influence now
against the background of the ‘evo-devo revolution’ and the belated recognition of Margulis’s
work.” -- Noam Chomsky

[–] louderthanbombs 2 points 2 ye ars ago

probably worth mentioning would also be the American Empire Project. Chomsky has written 4
books for the series.

[–] JayRaow [S] 1 point 2 ye ars ago

I got the impression that Chomsky wasn't particularly fond of Andrew Bacevich's works in
some of Chomsky's footnoting [in the limited] cited examples of Bacevich in Chomsky's
works, thinking of him as 'cynical'?
Nevertheless Bacevich isn't the only author in the project so, I'll definitely put it in, it's a
great series/project.
permalink parent

[–] Daewwoo 2 points 2 ye ars ago

Here are two more of Chomsky's recommendations gleamed from Understanding Power: The
Indispensable Chomsky (which I highly recommend):

Rajani Kannepalli Kanth, Political Economy and Laissez-Faire: Economics and Ideology in
the Ricardan Era
Homage to Catalonia by George Orwell

[–] Independent 2 points 2 ye ars ago

Jeff Vail's A Theory of Power is available online

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[–] louderthanbombs 2 points 2 ye ars ago

just found this one at the Borders liquidation sale yesterday...

The Verso Book of Dissent: From Spartacus to the Shoe-Thrower of Baghdad -- Edited
by Andrew Hsiao & Audrea Lim
“The Verso Book of Dissent shows the many ways in which the constant struggle to create a
better world has broken through the walls of apathy and acquiescence.” -- Noam Chomsky

[–] louderthanbombs 2 points 2 ye ars ago

I didn't know if you were still doing this, but here's a couple more...
Workers' Councils -- Anton Pannekoek
"Good, Solid, working-class literature." - Noam Chomsky He's also interviewed in this new
edition. source
Whose Crisis? Whose Future? - Susan George
"A really valuable and impressive book. Susan George leads us through a chamber of horrors ...
Fortunately, the lucid and carefully documented picture she presents also shows that there
are paths out of the darkness, realistic and within reach if the will is there. Lessons to be
taken to heart by those who have concern for humans and their fate." Noam Chomsky

[–] JayRaow [S] 1 point 2 ye ars ago

Definitely, always looking for more reading to do! Thanks :)

permalink parent

[–] JayRaow [S] 1 point 2 ye ars ago*

Ran out of characters in the OP, so adding a comment to continue this list.
Adding some books that people have commented to add to the list that i've missed as well.
*War and State Terrorism: The United States, Japan, and the Asia-Pacific in the Long
Twentieth Century (War and Peace Library) - Edited by Mark Selden & Alvin Y. So *
These perceptive and deeply informed essays should be studied carefully by those who
hope to comprehend the past and play a constructive part in shaping a better future
Bakunin on Anarchism (Edited by Sam Dolgoff)
"Bakunin's insights are refreshing, original and unsurpassed in clarity and vision. This
selection provides access to the thinking of one of the most remarkable figures of modern
history. I read it with great pleasure and profit."
Fashionable Nonsense: Postmodern Intellectuals' Abuse of Science (Alan Sokal & Jean
"The modern sciences are among the most remarkable of human achievements and cultural
treasures. Like others, they merit--and reward--respectful and scrupulous engagement.
Sokal and Bricmont show how easily such truisms and recede from view, and how harmful
the consequences can be for intellectual life and human affairs. They also provide a
thoughtful and constructive critical analysis of fundamental issues of empirical inquiry. It is
a timely and substantial contribution."
Beyond the Hoax: Science, Philosophy and Culture (Alan Sokal)
"Sokal’s analysis is sober and incisive, deeply informed over an impressive range, lucid and
careful -- whether the targets are intellectual charlatanism or sincerely held though
indefensible popular beliefs that have caused great harm and by now pose a serious threat
to decent survival. It is a very valuable and most timely contribution."
Talking to the Enemy: Faith, Brotherhood & the (Un)Making of Terrorists (Scott Atran)
"This deeply researched, wide ranging, and very timely study provides a compelling and
often surprising account of what lies behind the jihadi phenomenon . . . . It should be read
carefully, and pondered."
Granny Made Me an Anarchist: General Franco, The Angry Brigade and Me (Stuart
Christie) 6/7
3/25/2014 Books recommended/positively reviewed by Chomsky list? : chomsky

"A fascinating personal account . . . a remarkable picture of the late twentieth century,
seen through sensitive eyes and interpreted by a compassionate, searching soul."
Don't Mourn, Balkanize!: Essays After Yugoslavia (Andrej Grubacic)
"These thoughtful essays offer us a vivid picture of the Balkans experience from the inside,
with its richness and complexity, tragedy and hope, and lessons from which we can all
draw inspiration and insight."
Field Notes on Democracy: Listening to Grasshoppers (Arundhati Roy)
"In her searing account of the actual practice of the world's largest democracy, Arundhati
Roy calls for 'factual precision' alongside of the 'real precision of poetry.' Remarkably, she
combines those achievements to a degree that few can hope to approach. Roy shows in
painful detail how the beneficiaries of the highly admired 10 percent growth rate are
enjoying a 'new secessionism,' leaving the great majority languishing in poverty and
despair, with malnutrition reaching the same levels as sub-Saharan Africa. As surveillance
and state terror extend, all under the guise of flourishing democracy, India is becoming 'a
nation waiting to be accused,' a nation where a confession extracted under torture can
lead to the brink of nuclear war, and where 'fascism's firm footprint has appeared' in ways
reminiscent of the early years of Nazism. Most chilling of all is that much of the grim
portrait is all too familiar in the West. Roy asks whether our shriveled forms of democracy
will be 'the endgame of the human race'—and shows vividly why this is a prospect not to
be lightly dismissed."

[–] Robertson-Glasgow 2 points 2 ye ars ago*

I've been doing precisely this sort of thing for quite some time now. I keep a shelf of
Chomsky's commendations on Goodreads:
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