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Lampiran 2. Perhitungan Analisa Kadar Air


Perlakuan Ulangan 1 Ulangan 2 Ulangan 3 Jumlah Rerata
A1B1 5,2593 5,601 5,3661 16,2264 5,4088 0,1748
A1B2 5,4159 5,3193 4,9638 15,699 5,233 0,2381
A1B3 5,1259 5,1039 4,84 15,0698 5,0233 0,1591
A2B1 5,3912 5,4483 5,7656 16,6051 5,5350 0,2017
A2B2 5,287 5,1009 5,2748 15,6627 5,2209 0,1041
A2B3 5,2442 5,4561 5,5971 16,2974 5,4325 0,1776
A3B1 5,3398 5,494 5,7069 16,5407 5,5136 0,1843
A3B2 5,415 5,2495 5,6317 16,2962 5,4321 0,1917
A3B3 4,8498 4,7617 4,8807 14,4922 4,8307 0,0617


Source DF SS MS F P
KELOMPOK 2 0,68567 0,342837 11,42 0,001
PENYALUT 2 0,15201 0,076006 2,53 0,107
Interaction 4 0,52632 0,131580 4,38 0,012
Error 18 0,54031 0,030017
Total 26 1,90432

S = 0,1733 R-Sq = 71,63% R-Sq(adj) = 59,02%

Individual 95% CIs For Mean Based on

Pooled StDev
KELOMPOK Mean ---------+---------+---------+---------+
k hijau 5,29532 (-------*-------)
k merah 5,09549 (------*-------)
Lamtoro 5,48580 (-------*------)
5,12 5,28 5,44 5,60

Individual 95% CIs For Mean Based on

Pooled StDev
PENYALUT Mean -----+---------+---------+---------+----
A 5,22169 (---------*---------)
B 5,39613 (---------*---------)
C 5,25879 (---------*---------)
5,16 5,28 5,40 5,52

One-way ANOVA: AIR versus KELOMPOK

Source DF SS MS F P
KELOMPOK 2 0,6857 0,3428 6,75 0,005
Error 24 1,2186 0,0508
Total 26 1,9043

S = 0,2253 R-Sq = 36,01% R-Sq(adj) = 30,67%


Individual 95% CIs For Mean Based on

Pooled StDev
Level N Mean StDev ---+---------+---------+---------+------
k hijau 9 5,2953 0,1913 (-------*-------)
k merah 9 5,0955 0,2932 (-------*-------)
Lamtoro 9 5,4858 0,1724 (------*-------)
5,00 5,20 5,40 5,60

Pooled StDev = 0,2253

Grouping Information Using Tukey Method

KELOMPOK N Mean Grouping

Lamtoro 9 5,4858 A
k hijau 9 5,2953 A B
k merah 9 5,0955 B

Means that do not share a letter are significantly different.

Tukey 95% Simultaneous Confidence Intervals

All Pairwise Comparisons among Levels of KELOMPOK

Individual confidence level = 98,02%

KELOMPOK = k hijau subtracted from:

KELOMPOK Lower Center Upper ---------+---------+---------+---------+

k merah -0,4650 -0,1998 0,0653 (------*-------)
Lamtoro -0,0747 0,1905 0,4556 (------*-------)
-0,35 0,00 0,35 0,70

KELOMPOK = k merah subtracted from:

KELOMPOK Lower Center Upper ---------+---------+---------+---------+

Lamtoro 0,1252 0,3903 0,6555 (------*-------)
-0,35 0,00 0,35 0,70
One-way ANOVA: AIR versus PENYALUT

Source DF SS MS F P
PENYALUT 2 0,1520 0,0760 1,04 0,369
Error 24 1,7523 0,0730
Total 26 1,9043

S = 0,2702 R-Sq = 7,98% R-Sq(adj) = 0,31%

Individual 95% CIs For Mean Based on

Pooled StDev
Level N Mean StDev ----+---------+---------+---------+-----
A 9 5,2217 0,2368 (-----------*------------)
B 9 5,3961 0,2000 (------------*-----------)
C 9 5,2588 0,3506 (------------*-----------)
5,10 5,25 5,40 5,55

Pooled StDev = 0,2702

Grouping Information Using Tukey Method


PENYALUT N Mean Grouping

B 9 5,3961 A
C 9 5,2588 A
A 9 5,2217 A

Means that do not share a letter are significantly different.

Tukey 95% Simultaneous Confidence Intervals

All Pairwise Comparisons among Levels of PENYALUT

Individual confidence level = 98,02%

PENYALUT = A subtracted from:

PENYALUT Lower Center Upper --------+---------+---------+---------+-

B -0,1435 0,1744 0,4924 (------------*------------)
C -0,2808 0,0371 0,3550 (-----------*------------)
-0,25 0,00 0,25 0,50

PENYALUT = B subtracted from:

PENYALUT Lower Center Upper --------+---------+---------+---------+-

C -0,4553 -0,1373 0,1806 (------------*-----------)
-0,25 0,00 0,25 0,50


Source DF SS MS F P
INTERAKSI 8 1,3640 0,1705 5,68 0,001
Error 18 0,5403 0,0300
Total 26 1,9043

S = 0,1733 R-Sq = 71,63% R-Sq(adj) = 59,02%

Individual 95% CIs For Mean Based on

Pooled StDev
Level N Mean StDev ------+---------+---------+---------+---
k hijau A 3 5,2330 0,2381 (------*------)
k hijau B 3 5,2209 0,1041 (------*------)
k hijau C 3 5,4321 0,1917 (------*------)
k merah A 3 5,0233 0,1591 (------*------)
k merah B 3 5,4325 0,1776 (------*------)
k merah C 3 4,8307 0,0617 (------*------)
Lamtoro A 3 5,4088 0,1748 (------*------)
Lamtoro B 3 5,5350 0,2017 (-------*------)
Lamtoro C 3 5,5136 0,1843 (------*------)
4,80 5,10 5,40 5,70

Pooled StDev = 0,1733

Grouping Information Using Tukey Method

INTERAKSI N Mean Grouping

Lamtoro B 3 5,5350 A
Lamtoro C 3 5,5136 A B
k merah B 3 5,4325 A B
k hijau C 3 5,4321 A B

Lamtoro A 3 5,4088 A B
k hijau A 3 5,2330 A B C
k hijau B 3 5,2209 A B C
k merah A 3 5,0233 B C
k merah C 3 4,8307 C

Means that do not share a letter are significantly different.

Tukey 95% Simultaneous Confidence Intervals

All Pairwise Comparisons among Levels of INTERAKSI

Individual confidence level = 99,75%

INTERAKSI = k hijau A subtracted from:

INTERAKSI Lower Center Upper -------+---------+---------+---------+--

k hijau B -0,5082 -0,0121 0,4840 (------*------)
k hijau C -0,2971 0,1991 0,6952 (------*------)
k merah A -0,7059 -0,2097 0,2864 (------*------)
k merah B -0,2967 0,1995 0,6956 (------*------)
k merah C -0,8984 -0,4023 0,0939 (------*------)
Lamtoro A -0,3203 0,1758 0,6719 (-------*------)
Lamtoro B -0,1941 0,3020 0,7982 (------*------)
Lamtoro C -0,2156 0,2806 0,7767 (------*------)
-0,70 0,00 0,70 1,40

INTERAKSI = k hijau B subtracted from:

INTERAKSI Lower Center Upper -------+---------+---------+---------+--

k hijau C -0,2850 0,2112 0,7073 (------*------)
k merah A -0,6938 -0,1976 0,2985 (------*------)
k merah B -0,2846 0,2116 0,7077 (------*------)
k merah C -0,8863 -0,3902 0,1060 (------*-------)
Lamtoro A -0,3082 0,1879 0,6840 (------*------)
Lamtoro B -0,1820 0,3141 0,8103 (------*-------)
Lamtoro C -0,2035 0,2927 0,7888 (------*------)
-0,70 0,00 0,70 1,40

INTERAKSI = k hijau C subtracted from:

INTERAKSI Lower Center Upper -------+---------+---------+---------+--

k merah A -0,9049 -0,4088 0,0873 (------*------)
k merah B -0,4957 0,0004 0,4965 (------*------)
k merah C -1,0975 -0,6013 -0,1052 (------*------)
Lamtoro A -0,5194 -0,0233 0,4729 (------*------)
Lamtoro B -0,3932 0,1030 0,5991 (------*-------)
Lamtoro C -0,4146 0,0815 0,5776 (------*------)
-0,70 0,00 0,70 1,40

INTERAKSI = k merah A subtracted from:

INTERAKSI Lower Center Upper -------+---------+---------+---------+--

k merah B -0,0869 0,4092 0,9053 (------*------)
k merah C -0,6887 -0,1925 0,3036 (------*------)
Lamtoro A -0,1106 0,3855 0,8817 (-------*------)
Lamtoro B 0,0156 0,5118 1,0079 (------*------)
Lamtoro C -0,0058 0,4903 0,9864 (------*------)
-0,70 0,00 0,70 1,40

INTERAKSI = k merah B subtracted from:

INTERAKSI Lower Center Upper -------+---------+---------+---------+--

k merah C -1,0979 -0,6017 -0,1056 (------*------)
Lamtoro A -0,5198 -0,0237 0,4725 (------*------)
Lamtoro B -0,3936 0,1026 0,5987 (------*-------)
Lamtoro C -0,4150 0,0811 0,5772 (------*------)
-0,70 0,00 0,70 1,40

INTERAKSI = k merah C subtracted from:

INTERAKSI Lower Center Upper -------+---------+---------+---------+--

Lamtoro A 0,0819 0,5781 1,0742 (------*------)
Lamtoro B 0,2082 0,7043 1,2004 (------*------)
Lamtoro C 0,1867 0,6828 1,1790 (------*------)
-0,70 0,00 0,70 1,40

INTERAKSI = Lamtoro A subtracted from:

INTERAKSI Lower Center Upper -------+---------+---------+---------+--

Lamtoro B -0,3699 0,1262 0,6224 (------*------)
Lamtoro C -0,3914 0,1048 0,6009 (------*-------)
-0,70 0,00 0,70 1,40

INTERAKSI = Lamtoro B subtracted from:

INTERAKSI Lower Center Upper -------+---------+---------+---------+--

Lamtoro C -0,5176 -0,0215 0,4747 (------*------)
-0,70 0,00 0,70 1,40

Lampiran 3. Perhitungan Analisa Protein Terlarut


Perlakuan Ulangan 1 Ulangan 2 Jumlah Rerata
A1B1 0,0391 0,0555 0,0947 0,0473 0,0116
A1B2 0,0399 0,0498 0,0897 0,0449 0,0070
A1B3 0,1188 0,1105 0,2293 0,1147 0,0058
A2B1 0,1508 0,1754 0,3262 0,1631 0,0174
A2B2 0,1081 0,0876 0,1956 0,0978 0,0145
A2B3 0,1335 0,1196 0,2531 0,1266 0,0099
A3B1 0,1639 0,1705 0,3344 0,1672 0,0046
A3B2 0,1434 0,1376 0,2810 0,1405 0,0041
A3B3 0,1631 0,1582 0,3213 0,1606 0,0035


Source DF SS MS F P
KELOMPOK 2 0,0052441 0,0026221 26,82 0,000
PENYALUT 2 0,0239084 0,0119542 122,27 0,000
Interaction 4 0,0060908 0,0015227 15,57 0,000
Error 9 0,0008799 0,0000978
Total 17 0,0361232

S = 0,009888 R-Sq = 97,56% R-Sq(adj) = 95,40%


Individual 95% CIs For Mean Based on

Pooled StDev
KELOMPOK Mean ---+---------+---------+---------+------
k hijau 0,094383 (-----*-----)
k merah 0,133950 (-----*-----)
Lamtoro 0,125867 (-----*-----)
0,090 0,105 0,120 0,135

Individual 95% CIs For Mean Based on Pooled StDev

PENYALUT Mean +---------+---------+---------+---------
A 0,068933 (--*--)
B 0,129150 (--*--)
C 0,156117 (--*--)
0,060 0,090 0,120 0,150


Source DF SS MS F P
KELOMPOK 2 0,00524 0,00262 1,27 0,308
Error 15 0,03088 0,00206
Total 17 0,03612

S = 0,04537 R-Sq = 14,52% R-Sq(adj) = 3,12%

Individual 95% CIs For Mean Based on

Pooled StDev
Level N Mean StDev --+---------+---------+---------+-------
k hijau 6 0,09438 0,04350 (------------*-------------)
k merah 6 0,13395 0,02202 (-------------*------------)
Lamtoro 6 0,12587 0,06163 (------------*------------)
0,060 0,090 0,120 0,150

Pooled StDev = 0,04537

Grouping Information Using Tukey Method

KELOMPOK N Mean Grouping

k merah 6 0,13395 A
Lamtoro 6 0,12587 A
k hijau 6 0,09438 A

Means that do not share a letter are significantly different.

Tukey 95% Simultaneous Confidence Intervals

All Pairwise Comparisons among Levels of KELOMPOK

Individual confidence level = 97,97%

KELOMPOK = k hijau subtracted from:

KELOMPOK Lower Center Upper -----+---------+---------+---------+----

k merah -0,02841 0,03957 0,10755 (-------------*-------------)
Lamtoro -0,03650 0,03148 0,09946 (------------*-------------)
-0,050 0,000 0,050 0,100

KELOMPOK = k merah subtracted from:

KELOMPOK Lower Center Upper -----+---------+---------+---------+----

Lamtoro -0,07606 -0,00808 0,05990 (------------*-------------)
-0,050 0,000 0,050 0,100


Source DF SS MS F P
PENYALUT 2 0,023908 0,011954 14,68 0,000
Error 15 0,012215 0,000814
Total 17 0,036123

S = 0,02854 R-Sq = 66,19% R-Sq(adj) = 61,68%

Individual 95% CIs For Mean Based on

Pooled StDev
Level N Mean StDev -------+---------+---------+---------+--
A 6 0,06893 0,03604 (------*------)
B 6 0,12915 0,03129 (------*------)
C 6 0,15612 0,01285 (------*------)
0,070 0,105 0,140 0,175

Pooled StDev = 0,02854

Grouping Information Using Tukey Method

PENYALUT N Mean Grouping

C 6 0,15612 A
B 6 0,12915 A
A 6 0,06893 B

Means that do not share a letter are significantly different.

Tukey 95% Simultaneous Confidence Intervals

All Pairwise Comparisons among Levels of PENYALUT

Individual confidence level = 97,97%

PENYALUT = A subtracted from:

PENYALUT Lower Center Upper ----+---------+---------+---------+-----

B 0,01746 0,06022 0,10297 (--------*--------)
C 0,04443 0,08718 0,12994 (-------*--------)
-0,050 0,000 0,050 0,100

PENYALUT = B subtracted from:

PENYALUT Lower Center Upper ----+---------+---------+---------+-----

C -0,01579 0,02697 0,06972 (-------*--------)
-0,050 0,000 0,050 0,100


Source DF SS MS F P
INTERAKSI 8 0,0352433 0,0044054 45,06 0,000
Error 9 0,0008799 0,0000978
Total 17 0,0361232

S = 0,009888 R-Sq = 97,56% R-Sq(adj) = 95,40%

Individual 95% CIs For Mean Based on

Pooled StDev
Level N Mean StDev ---+---------+---------+---------+------
k hijau A 2 0,04485 0,00700 (---*---)
k hijau B 2 0,09780 0,01457 (---*---)
k hijau C 2 0,14050 0,00410 (---*---)
k merah A 2 0,11465 0,00587 (---*---)
k merah B 2 0,12655 0,00983 (---*---)
k merah C 2 0,16065 0,00346 (---*---)
Lamtoro A 2 0,04730 0,01160 (---*---)
Lamtoro B 2 0,16310 0,01739 (---*---)
Lamtoro C 2 0,16720 0,00467 (---*---)
0,040 0,080 0,120 0,160

Pooled StDev = 0,00989

Grouping Information Using Tukey Method

INTERAKSI N Mean Grouping

Lamtoro C 2 0,16720 A
Lamtoro B 2 0,16310 A B
k merah C 2 0,16065 A B
k hijau C 2 0,14050 A B C
k merah B 2 0,12655 B C D
k merah A 2 0,11465 C D
k hijau B 2 0,09780 D
Lamtoro A 2 0,04730 E
k hijau A 2 0,04485 E

Means that do not share a letter are significantly different.

Tukey 95% Simultaneous Confidence Intervals

All Pairwise Comparisons among Levels of INTERAKSI

Individual confidence level = 99,67%

INTERAKSI = k hijau A subtracted from:

INTERAKSI Lower Center Upper ------+---------+---------+---------+---

k hijau B 0,01380 0,05295 0,09210 (---*---)
k hijau C 0,05650 0,09565 0,13480 (---*--)
k merah A 0,03065 0,06980 0,10895 (---*---)
k merah B 0,04255 0,08170 0,12085 (---*---)
k merah C 0,07665 0,11580 0,15495 (---*--)
Lamtoro A -0,03670 0,00245 0,04160 (---*---)
Lamtoro B 0,07910 0,11825 0,15740 (---*---)
Lamtoro C 0,08320 0,12235 0,16150 (---*---)
-0,10 0,00 0,10 0,20

INTERAKSI = k hijau B subtracted from:

INTERAKSI Lower Center Upper

k hijau C 0,00355 0,04270 0,08185
k merah A -0,02230 0,01685 0,05600
k merah B -0,01040 0,02875 0,06790
k merah C 0,02370 0,06285 0,10200
Lamtoro A -0,08965 -0,05050 -0,01135
Lamtoro B 0,02615 0,06530 0,10445
Lamtoro C 0,03025 0,06940 0,10855

INTERAKSI ------+---------+---------+---------+---
k hijau C (---*---)
k merah A (---*---)
k merah B (---*---)
k merah C (---*---)
Lamtoro A (---*---)
Lamtoro B (---*--)
Lamtoro C (---*---)
-0,10 0,00 0,10 0,20

INTERAKSI = k hijau C subtracted from:

INTERAKSI Lower Center Upper

k merah A -0,06500 -0,02585 0,01330
k merah B -0,05310 -0,01395 0,02520
k merah C -0,01900 0,02015 0,05930
Lamtoro A -0,13235 -0,09320 -0,05405
Lamtoro B -0,01655 0,02260 0,06175
Lamtoro C -0,01245 0,02670 0,06585

INTERAKSI ------+---------+---------+---------+---
k merah A (---*---)
k merah B (---*---)
k merah C (---*---)
Lamtoro A (---*---)
Lamtoro B (---*---)
Lamtoro C (---*---)
-0,10 0,00 0,10 0,20

INTERAKSI = k merah A subtracted from:

INTERAKSI Lower Center Upper

k merah B -0,02725 0,01190 0,05105
k merah C 0,00685 0,04600 0,08515
Lamtoro A -0,10650 -0,06735 -0,02820
Lamtoro B 0,00930 0,04845 0,08760
Lamtoro C 0,01340 0,05255 0,09170

INTERAKSI ------+---------+---------+---------+---
k merah B (---*---)
k merah C (---*---)
Lamtoro A (---*---)
Lamtoro B (---*---)
Lamtoro C (---*---)
-0,10 0,00 0,10 0,20

INTERAKSI = k merah B subtracted from:

INTERAKSI Lower Center Upper

k merah C -0,00505 0,03410 0,07325
Lamtoro A -0,11840 -0,07925 -0,04010

Lamtoro B -0,00260 0,03655 0,07570

Lamtoro C 0,00150 0,04065 0,07980

INTERAKSI ------+---------+---------+---------+---
k merah C (---*---)
Lamtoro A (---*---)
Lamtoro B (---*---)
Lamtoro C (---*---)
-0,10 0,00 0,10 0,20

INTERAKSI = k merah C subtracted from:

INTERAKSI Lower Center Upper

Lamtoro A -0,15250 -0,11335 -0,07420
Lamtoro B -0,03670 0,00245 0,04160
Lamtoro C -0,03260 0,00655 0,04570

INTERAKSI ------+---------+---------+---------+---
Lamtoro A (---*---)
Lamtoro B (---*---)
Lamtoro C (---*---)
-0,10 0,00 0,10 0,20

INTERAKSI = Lamtoro A subtracted from:

INTERAKSI Lower Center Upper ------+---------+---------+---------+---

Lamtoro B 0,07665 0,11580 0,15495 (---*--)
Lamtoro C 0,08075 0,11990 0,15905 (---*---)
-0,10 0,00 0,10 0,20

INTERAKSI = Lamtoro B subtracted from:

INTERAKSI Lower Center Upper ------+---------+---------+---------+---

Lamtoro C -0,03505 0,00410 0,04325 (---*---)
-0,10 0,00 0,10 0,20

Lampiran 4. Perhitungan Analisa Kadar Lemak


Perlakuan Ulangan 1 Ulangan 2 Ulangan 3 Jumlah Rerata
A1B1 21,245 19,9801 21,2351 62,4602 20,8201 0,7274
A1B2 19,7552 18,357 19,7253 57,8375 19,2792 0,7988
A1B3 17,2004 19,7255 18,7253 55,6512 18,5504 1,2716
A2B1 18,2607 20,9354 18,2778 57,4739 19,1580 1,5393
A2B2 20,1176 20,0811 18,2703 58,469 19,4897 1,0562
A2B3 16,5269 17,6114 15,2007 49,339 16,4463 1,2074
A3B1 31,0669 29,1752 29,3418 89,5839 29,8613 1,0474
A3B2 25,4881 26,0174 25,2385 76,744 25,5813 0,3977
A3B3 34,4973 35,4815 34,7421 104,7209 34,9070 0,5124


Source DF SS MS F P
KELOMPOK 2 20,326 10,163 9,89 0,001
PENYALUT 2 753,497 376,748 366,78 0,000
Interaction 4 135,200 33,800 32,91 0,000
Error 18 18,489 1,027
Total 26 927,512

S = 1,014 R-Sq = 98,01% R-Sq(adj) = 97,12%

Individual 95% CIs For Mean Based on

Pooled StDev
KELOMPOK Mean ---+---------+---------+---------+------
k hijau 21,4501 (-------*------)
k merah 23,3012 (------*------)
Lamtoro 23,2798 (------*------)
21,0 22,0 23,0 24,0

Individual 95% CIs For Mean Based on Pooled StDev

PENYALUT Mean +---------+---------+---------+---------

A 19,5499 (-*-)
B 18,3647 (-*-)
C 30,1165 (-*-)
17,5 21,0 24,5 28,0


Source DF SS MS F P
KELOMPOK 2 20,3 10,2 0,27 0,767
Error 24 907,2 37,8
Total 26 927,5

S = 6,148 R-Sq = 2,19% R-Sq(adj) = 0,00%


Individual 95% CIs For Mean Based on

Pooled StDev
Level N Mean StDev ---+---------+---------+---------+------
k hijau 9 21,450 3,176 (--------------*-------------)
k merah 9 23,301 8,799 (-------------*-------------)
Lamtoro 9 23,280 5,087 (-------------*-------------)
18,0 21,0 24,0 27,0

Pooled StDev = 6,148

Grouping Information Using Tukey Method

KELOMPOK N Mean Grouping

k merah 9 23,301 A
Lamtoro 9 23,280 A
k hijau 9 21,450 A

Means that do not share a letter are significantly different.

Tukey 95% Simultaneous Confidence Intervals

All Pairwise Comparisons among Levels of KELOMPOK

Individual confidence level = 98,02%

KELOMPOK = k hijau subtracted from:

KELOMPOK Lower Center Upper -----+---------+---------+---------+----

k merah -5,383 1,851 9,085 (--------------*-------------)
Lamtoro -5,405 1,830 9,064 (--------------*-------------)
-5,0 0,0 5,0 10,0

KELOMPOK = k merah subtracted from:

KELOMPOK Lower Center Upper -----+---------+---------+---------+----

Lamtoro -7,256 -0,021 7,213 (--------------*-------------)
-5,0 0,0 5,0 10,0


Source DF SS MS F P
PENYALUT 2 753,50 376,75 51,96 0,000
Error 24 174,02 7,25
Total 26 927,51

S = 2,693 R-Sq = 81,24% R-Sq(adj) = 79,68%

Individual 95% CIs For Mean Based on

Pooled StDev
Level N Mean StDev ---------+---------+---------+---------+
A 9 19,550 1,305 (----*----)
B 9 18,365 1,824 (----*----)
C 9 30,117 4,089 (---*----)
20,0 24,0 28,0 32,0

Pooled StDev = 2,693

Grouping Information Using Tukey Method

PENYALUT N Mean Grouping

C 9 30,117 A
A 9 19,550 B
B 9 18,365 B

Means that do not share a letter are significantly different.

Tukey 95% Simultaneous Confidence Intervals

All Pairwise Comparisons among Levels of PENYALUT

Individual confidence level = 98,02%

PENYALUT = A subtracted from:

PENYALUT Lower Center Upper ---------+---------+---------+---------+

B -4,354 -1,185 1,983 (---*--)
C 7,398 10,567 13,735 (---*---)
-8,0 0,0 8,0 16,0

PENYALUT = B subtracted from:

PENYALUT Lower Center Upper ---------+---------+---------+---------+

C 8,583 11,752 14,920 (---*---)
-8,0 0,0 8,0 16,0


Source DF SS MS F P
INTERAKSI 8 909,02 113,63 110,62 0,000
Error 18 18,49 1,03
Total 26 927,51

S = 1,014 R-Sq = 98,01% R-Sq(adj) = 97,12%

Individual 95% CIs For Mean Based on

Pooled StDev
Level N Mean StDev -----+---------+---------+---------+----
k hijau A 3 19,279 0,799 (-*-)
k hijau B 3 19,490 1,056 (-*--)
k hijau C 3 25,581 0,398 (-*-)
k merah A 3 18,550 1,272 (-*-)
k merah B 3 16,446 1,207 (-*-)
k merah C 3 34,907 0,512 (-*-)
Lamtoro A 3 20,820 0,727 (-*-)
Lamtoro B 3 19,158 1,539 (-*-)
Lamtoro C 3 29,861 1,047 (-*-)
18,0 24,0 30,0 36,0

Pooled StDev = 1,014

Grouping Information Using Tukey Method


INTERAKSI N Mean Grouping

k merah C 3 34,907 A
Lamtoro C 3 29,861 B
k hijau C 3 25,581 C
Lamtoro A 3 20,820 D
k hijau B 3 19,490 D
k hijau A 3 19,279 D E
Lamtoro B 3 19,158 D E
k merah A 3 18,550 D E
k merah B 3 16,446 E

Means that do not share a letter are significantly different.

Tukey 95% Simultaneous Confidence Intervals

All Pairwise Comparisons among Levels of INTERAKSI

Individual confidence level = 99,75%

INTERAKSI = k hijau A subtracted from:

INTERAKSI Lower Center Upper --------+---------+---------+---------+-

k hijau B -2,692 0,210 3,113 (-*--)
k hijau C 3,400 6,302 9,204 (-*--)
k merah A -3,631 -0,729 2,174 (-*--)
k merah B -5,735 -2,833 0,069 (--*-)
k merah C 12,725 15,628 18,530 (-*-)
Lamtoro A -1,361 1,541 4,443 (-*--)
Lamtoro B -3,024 -0,121 2,781 (--*-)
Lamtoro C 7,680 10,582 13,484 (--*-)
-12 0 12 24

INTERAKSI = k hijau B subtracted from:

INTERAKSI Lower Center Upper --------+---------+---------+---------+-

k hijau C 3,189 6,092 8,994 (-*-)
k merah A -3,842 -0,939 1,963 (-*--)
k merah B -5,946 -3,043 -0,141 (-*--)
k merah C 12,515 15,417 18,320 (--*-)
Lamtoro A -1,572 1,330 4,233 (-*--)
Lamtoro B -3,234 -0,332 2,571 (--*-)
Lamtoro C 7,469 10,372 13,274 (--*-)
-12 0 12 24

INTERAKSI = k hijau C subtracted from:

INTERAKSI Lower Center Upper --------+---------+---------+---------+-

k merah A -9,933 -7,031 -4,129 (-*--)
k merah B -12,037 -9,135 -6,233 (-*--)
k merah C 6,423 9,326 12,228 (--*-)
Lamtoro A -7,664 -4,761 -1,859 (-*-)
Lamtoro B -9,326 -6,423 -3,521 (--*-)
Lamtoro C 1,378 4,280 7,182 (--*-)
-12 0 12 24

INTERAKSI = k merah A subtracted from:

INTERAKSI Lower Center Upper --------+---------+---------+---------+-

k merah B -5,006 -2,104 0,798 (-*--)
k merah C 13,454 16,357 19,259 (--*-)
Lamtoro A -0,633 2,270 5,172 (--*-)

Lamtoro B -2,295 0,608 3,510 (--*-)

Lamtoro C 8,409 11,311 14,213 (-*--)
-12 0 12 24

INTERAKSI = k merah B subtracted from:

INTERAKSI Lower Center Upper --------+---------+---------+---------+-

k merah C 15,558 18,461 21,363 (-*--)
Lamtoro A 1,471 4,374 7,276 (--*-)
Lamtoro B -0,191 2,712 5,614 (-*--)
Lamtoro C 10,513 13,415 16,317 (-*--)
-12 0 12 24

INTERAKSI = k merah C subtracted from:

INTERAKSI Lower Center Upper --------+---------+---------+---------+-

Lamtoro A -16,989 -14,087 -11,185 (-*--)
Lamtoro B -18,651 -15,749 -12,847 (--*-)
Lamtoro C -7,948 -5,046 -2,143 (--*-)
-12 0 12 24

INTERAKSI = Lamtoro A subtracted from:

INTERAKSI Lower Center Upper --------+---------+---------+---------+-

Lamtoro B -4,564 -1,662 1,240 (--*-)
Lamtoro C 6,139 9,041 11,944 (--*-)
-12 0 12 24

INTERAKSI = Lamtoro B subtracted from:

INTERAKSI Lower Center Upper --------+---------+---------+---------+-

Lamtoro C 7,801 10,703 13,606 (-*-)
-12 0 12 24

Lampiran 5. Perhitungan Analisa Kadar Abu


Perlakuan Ulangan 1 Ulangan 2 Ulangan 3 Jumlah Rerata
A1B1 0,3518 0,3616 0,3083 1,0217 0,3406 0,0284
A1B2 0,3482 0,2936 0,3245 0,9663 0,3221 0,0274
A1B3 0,3977 0,3553 0,3702 1,1232 0,3744 0,0215
A2B1 0,3905 0,4109 0,323 1,1244 0,3748 0,0460
A2B2 0,3781 0,4016 0,3814 1,1611 0,3870 0,0127
A2B3 0,3278 0,4342 0,3965 1,1585 0,3862 0,0539
A3B1 0,2273 0,4079 0,3484 0,9836 0,3279 0,0920
A3B2 0,2665 0,3799 0,3999 1,0463 0,3488 0,0719
A3B3 0,2836 0,3984 0,3685 1,0505 0,3502 0,0596


Source DF SS MS F P
KELOMPOK 2 0,0025209 0,0012605 0,46 0,636
PENYALUT 2 0,0090337 0,0045168 1,67 0,217
Interaction 4 0,0029158 0,0007289 0,27 0,894
Error 18 0,0487976 0,0027110
Total 26 0,0632680

S = 0,05207 R-Sq = 22,87% R-Sq(adj) = 0,00%

Individual 95% CIs For Mean Based on

Pooled StDev
KELOMPOK Mean -----+---------+---------+---------+----
k hijau 0,352633 (--------------*--------------)
k merah 0,370244 (-------------*--------------)
Lamtoro 0,347744 (-------------*--------------)
0,325 0,350 0,375 0,400

Individual 95% CIs For Mean Based on

Pooled StDev
PENYALUT Mean --------+---------+---------+---------+-
A 0,345689 (-----------*-----------)
B 0,382667 (------------*-----------)
C 0,342267 (-----------*-----------)
0,330 0,360 0,390 0,420

One-way ANOVA: ABU versus KELOMPOK

Source DF SS MS F P
KELOMPOK 2 0,00252 0,00126 0,50 0,614
Error 24 0,06075 0,00253
Total 26 0,06327

S = 0,05031 R-Sq = 3,98% R-Sq(adj) = 0,00%


Individual 95% CIs For Mean Based on

Pooled StDev
Level N Mean StDev -----+---------+---------+---------+----
k hijau 9 0,35263 0,04817 (-------------*-------------)
k merah 9 0,37024 0,04453 (-------------*-------------)
Lamtoro 9 0,34774 0,05736 (-------------*-------------)
0,325 0,350 0,375 0,400

Pooled StDev = 0,05031

Grouping Information Using Tukey Method

KELOMPOK N Mean Grouping

k merah 9 0,37024 A
k hijau 9 0,35263 A
Lamtoro 9 0,34774 A

Means that do not share a letter are significantly different.

Tukey 95% Simultaneous Confidence Intervals

All Pairwise Comparisons among Levels of KELOMPOK

Individual confidence level = 98,02%

KELOMPOK = k hijau subtracted from:

KELOMPOK Lower Center Upper ------+---------+---------+---------+---

k merah -0,04159 0,01761 0,07681 (-----------*----------)
Lamtoro -0,06409 -0,00489 0,05431 (-----------*-----------)
-0,050 0,000 0,050 0,100

KELOMPOK = k merah subtracted from:

KELOMPOK Lower Center Upper ------+---------+---------+---------+---

Lamtoro -0,08170 -0,02250 0,03670 (-----------*----------)
-0,050 0,000 0,050 0,100

One-way ANOVA: ABU versus PENYALUT

Source DF SS MS F P
PENYALUT 2 0,00903 0,00452 2,00 0,157
Error 24 0,05423 0,00226
Total 26 0,06327

S = 0,04754 R-Sq = 14,28% R-Sq(adj) = 7,13%

Individual 95% CIs For Mean Based on

Pooled StDev
Level N Mean StDev -------+---------+---------+---------+--
A 9 0,34569 0,03212 (----------*----------)
B 9 0,38267 0,03650 (----------*---------)
C 9 0,34227 0,06645 (----------*----------)
0,330 0,360 0,390 0,420

Pooled StDev = 0,04754


Grouping Information Using Tukey Method

PENYALUT N Mean Grouping

B 9 0,38267 A
A 9 0,34569 A
C 9 0,34227 A

Means that do not share a letter are significantly different.

Tukey 95% Simultaneous Confidence Intervals

All Pairwise Comparisons among Levels of PENYALUT

Individual confidence level = 98,02%

PENYALUT = A subtracted from:

PENYALUT Lower Center Upper

B -0,01896 0,03698 0,09291
C -0,05936 -0,00342 0,05251

PENYALUT ---------+---------+---------+---------+
B (----------*-----------)
C (----------*-----------)
-0,050 0,000 0,050 0,100

PENYALUT = B subtracted from:

PENYALUT Lower Center Upper

C -0,09634 -0,04040 0,01554

PENYALUT ---------+---------+---------+---------+
C (----------*----------)
-0,050 0,000 0,050 0,100

Lampiran 6. Perhitungan Analisa Densitas Kamba


Perlakuan Ulangan 1 Ulangan 2 Ulangan 3 Jumlah Rerata
A1B1 0,6069 0,6448 0,6189 1,8706 0,6235 0,0194
A1B2 0,6329 0,6196 0,5752 1,8277 0,6092 0,0302
A1B3 0,6108 0,5243 0,5372 1,6723 0,5574 0,0467
A2B1 0,6024 0,6095 0,5243 1,7362 0,5787 0,0473
A2B2 0,6582 0,6352 0,5721 1,8655 0,6218 0,0446
A2B3 0,5768 0,5584 0,5112 1,6464 0,5488 0,0338
A3B1 0,5739 0,5389 0,5495 1,6623 0,5541 0,0179
A3B2 0,7031 0,5074 0,5062 1,7167 0,5722 0,1133
A3B3 0,5675 0,5729 0,5683 1,7087 0,5696 0,0029


Source DF SS MS F P
KELOMPOK 2 0,0083167 0,0041583 1,70 0,211
PENYALUT 2 0,0044728 0,0022364 0,91 0,419
Interaction 4 0,0076029 0,0019007 0,78 0,554
Error 18 0,0440167 0,0024454
Total 26 0,0644092

S = 0,04945 R-Sq = 31,66% R-Sq(adj) = 1,29%

Individual 95% CIs For Mean Based on

Pooled StDev
KELOMPOK Mean -----+---------+---------+---------+----
k hijau 0,601100 (----------*-----------)
k merah 0,558600 (----------*-----------)
Lamtoro 0,585456 (----------*-----------)
0,540 0,570 0,600 0,630

Individual 95% CIs For Mean Based on

Pooled StDev
PENYALUT Mean ---+---------+---------+---------+------
A 0,596733 (-----------*----------)
B 0,583122 (----------*-----------)
C 0,565300 (----------*-----------)
0,540 0,570 0,600 0,630


Source DF SS MS F P
KELOMPOK 2 0,00832 0,00416 1,78 0,190
Error 24 0,05609 0,00234
Total 26 0,06441

S = 0,04834 R-Sq = 12,91% R-Sq(adj) = 5,65%


Individual 95% CIs For Mean Based on

Pooled StDev
Level N Mean StDev -----+---------+---------+---------+----
k hijau 9 0,60110 0,06659 (----------*----------)
k merah 9 0,55860 0,03024 (----------*----------)
Lamtoro 9 0,58546 0,04077 (----------*----------)
0,540 0,570 0,600 0,630

Pooled StDev = 0,04834

Grouping Information Using Tukey Method

KELOMPOK N Mean Grouping

k hijau 9 0,60110 A
Lamtoro 9 0,58546 A
k merah 9 0,55860 A

Means that do not share a letter are significantly different.

Tukey 95% Simultaneous Confidence Intervals

All Pairwise Comparisons among Levels of KELOMPOK

Individual confidence level = 98,02%

KELOMPOK = k hijau subtracted from:

KELOMPOK Lower Center Upper

k merah -0,09939 -0,04250 0,01439
Lamtoro -0,07253 -0,01564 0,04124

KELOMPOK +---------+---------+---------+---------
k merah (-----------*----------)
Lamtoro (-----------*----------)
-0,100 -0,050 0,000 0,050

KELOMPOK = k merah subtracted from:

KELOMPOK Lower Center Upper

Lamtoro -0,03003 0,02686 0,08374

KELOMPOK +---------+---------+---------+---------
Lamtoro (----------*-----------)
-0,100 -0,050 0,000 0,050


Source DF SS MS F P
PENYALUT 2 0,00447 0,00224 0,90 0,422
Error 24 0,05994 0,00250
Total 26 0,06441

S = 0,04997 R-Sq = 6,94% R-Sq(adj) = 0,00%


Individual 95% CIs For Mean Based on

Pooled StDev
Level N Mean StDev ---+---------+---------+---------+------
A 9 0,59673 0,04211 (-----------*----------)
B 9 0,58312 0,04850 (----------*-----------)
C 9 0,56530 0,05802 (----------*-----------)
0,540 0,570 0,600 0,630

Pooled StDev = 0,04997

Grouping Information Using Tukey Method

PENYALUT N Mean Grouping

A 9 0,59673 A
B 9 0,58312 A
C 9 0,56530 A

Means that do not share a letter are significantly different.

Tukey 95% Simultaneous Confidence Intervals

All Pairwise Comparisons among Levels of PENYALUT

Individual confidence level = 98,02%

PENYALUT = A subtracted from:

PENYALUT Lower Center Upper

B -0,07241 -0,01361 0,04519
C -0,09024 -0,03143 0,02737

PENYALUT --------+---------+---------+---------+-
B (----------*-----------)
C (-----------*----------)
-0,050 0,000 0,050 0,100

PENYALUT = B subtracted from:

PENYALUT Lower Center Upper

C -0,07662 -0,01782 0,04098

PENYALUT --------+---------+---------+---------+-
C (----------*-----------)
-0,050 0,000 0,050 0,100

Lampiran 7. Perhitungan Analisa Kelarutan

Perlakuan Ulangan 1 Ulangan 2 Ulangan 3 Jumlah Rerata
A1B1 40,6178 40,3814 40,5104 121,5096 40,5032 0,1184
A1B2 33,0909 32,0442 31,8649 97 32,3333 0,6622
A1B3 41,956 40,8541 41,1576 123,9677 41,3226 0,5692
A2B1 30,6647 31,7378 31,5266 93,9291 31,3097 0,5685
A2B2 44,0263 40,955 41,1595 126,1408 42,0469 1,7172
A2B3 30,2157 30,9579 30,0617 91,2353 30,4118 0,4792
A3B1 37,3684 37,5403 37,4125 112,3212 37,4404 0,0893
A3B2 37,6249 37,4492 36,3658 111,4399 37,1466 0,6819
A3B3 41,6471 41,4439 41,315 124,406 41,4687 0,1674


Source DF SS MS F P
KELOMPOK 2 7,860 3,930 7,40 0,005
PENYALUT 2 87,514 43,757 82,40 0,000
Interaction 4 426,830 106,707 200,95 0,000
Error 18 9,558 0,531
Total 26 531,761

S = 0,7287 R-Sq = 98,20% R-Sq(adj) = 97,40%

Individual 95% CIs For Mean Based on

Pooled StDev
KELOMPOK Mean --+---------+---------+---------+-------
k hijau 37,1756 (--------*-------)
k merah 37,7343 (--------*-------)
Lamtoro 36,4178 (--------*-------)
36,00 36,60 37,20 37,80

Individual 95% CIs For Mean Based on

Pooled StDev
PENYALUT Mean ---+---------+---------+---------+------
A 38,0530 (---*--)
B 34,5895 (---*--)
C 38,6852 (---*--)
34,5 36,0 37,5 39,0


Source DF SS MS F P
KELOMPOK 2 7,9 3,9 0,18 0,836
Error 24 523,9 21,8
Total 26 531,8

S = 4,672 R-Sq = 1,48% R-Sq(adj) = 0,00%


Individual 95% CIs For Mean Based on

Pooled StDev
Level N Mean StDev ----+---------+---------+---------+-----
k hijau 9 37,176 4,319 (---------------*---------------)
k merah 9 37,734 5,506 (---------------*---------------)
Lamtoro 9 36,418 4,065 (---------------*---------------)
34,0 36,0 38,0 40,0

Pooled StDev = 4,672

Grouping Information Using Tukey Method

KELOMPOK N Mean Grouping

k merah 9 37,734 A
k hijau 9 37,176 A
Lamtoro 9 36,418 A

Means that do not share a letter are significantly different.

Tukey 95% Simultaneous Confidence Intervals

All Pairwise Comparisons among Levels of KELOMPOK

Individual confidence level = 98,02%

KELOMPOK = k hijau subtracted from:

KELOMPOK Lower Center Upper ---------+---------+---------+---------+

k merah -4,939 0,559 6,056 (---------------*--------------)
Lamtoro -6,255 -0,758 4,740 (---------------*---------------)
-3,5 0,0 3,5 7,0

KELOMPOK = k merah subtracted from:

KELOMPOK Lower Center Upper ---------+---------+---------+---------+

Lamtoro -6,814 -1,317 4,181 (--------------*---------------)
-3,5 0,0 3,5 7,0


Source DF SS MS F P
PENYALUT 2 87,5 43,8 2,36 0,116
Error 24 444,2 18,5
Total 26 531,8

S = 4,302 R-Sq = 16,46% R-Sq(adj) = 9,50%

Individual 95% CIs For Mean Based on

Pooled StDev
Level N Mean StDev -----+---------+---------+---------+----
A 9 38,053 4,327 (---------*---------)
B 9 34,589 5,684 (---------*---------)
C 9 38,685 2,121 (---------*---------)
33,0 36,0 39,0 42,0

Pooled StDev = 4,302


Grouping Information Using Tukey Method

PENYALUT N Mean Grouping

C 9 38,685 A
A 9 38,053 A
B 9 34,589 A

Means that do not share a letter are significantly different.

Tukey 95% Simultaneous Confidence Intervals

All Pairwise Comparisons among Levels of PENYALUT

Individual confidence level = 98,02%

PENYALUT = A subtracted from:

PENYALUT Lower Center Upper --------+---------+---------+---------+-

B -8,526 -3,464 1,599 (---------*---------)
C -4,430 0,632 5,695 (---------*---------)
-5,0 0,0 5,0 10,0

PENYALUT = B subtracted from:

PENYALUT Lower Center Upper --------+---------+---------+---------+-

C -0,967 4,096 9,158 (---------*---------)
-5,0 0,0 5,0 10,0


Source DF SS MS F P
INTERAKSI 8 522,203 65,275 122,93 0,000
Error 18 9,558 0,531
Total 26 531,761

S = 0,7287 R-Sq = 98,20% R-Sq(adj) = 97,40%

Individual 95% CIs For Mean Based on

Pooled StDev
Level N Mean StDev ------+---------+---------+---------+---
k hijau A 3 32,333 0,662 (-*--)
k hijau B 3 42,047 1,717 (-*--)
k hijau C 3 37,147 0,682 (-*--)
k merah A 3 41,323 0,569 (-*--)
k merah B 3 30,412 0,479 (--*-)
k merah C 3 41,469 0,167 (-*--)
Lamtoro A 3 40,503 0,118 (--*-)
Lamtoro B 3 31,310 0,568 (-*--)
Lamtoro C 3 37,440 0,089 (--*-)
31,5 35,0 38,5 42,0

Pooled StDev = 0,729

Grouping Information Using Tukey Method

INTERAKSI N Mean Grouping

k hijau B 3 42,047 A
k merah C 3 41,469 A
k merah A 3 41,323 A

Lamtoro A 3 40,503 A
Lamtoro C 3 37,440 B
k hijau C 3 37,147 B
k hijau A 3 32,333 C
Lamtoro B 3 31,310 C
k merah B 3 30,412 C

Means that do not share a letter are significantly different.

Tukey 95% Simultaneous Confidence Intervals

All Pairwise Comparisons among Levels of INTERAKSI

Individual confidence level = 99,75%

INTERAKSI = k hijau A subtracted from:

INTERAKSI Lower Center Upper +---------+---------+---------+---------

k hijau B 7,627 9,714 11,800 (--*--)
k hijau C 2,727 4,813 6,900 (--*--)
k merah A 6,902 8,989 11,076 (--*--)
k merah B -4,008 -1,922 0,165 (--*--)
k merah C 7,049 9,135 11,222 (--*--)
Lamtoro A 6,083 8,170 10,257 (--*--)
Lamtoro B -3,110 -1,024 1,063 (--*--)
Lamtoro C 3,020 5,107 7,194 (--*--)
-14,0 -7,0 0,0 7,0

INTERAKSI = k hijau B subtracted from:

INTERAKSI Lower Center Upper

k hijau C -6,987 -4,900 -2,814
k merah A -2,811 -0,724 1,362
k merah B -13,722 -11,635 -9,548
k merah C -2,665 -0,578 1,508
Lamtoro A -3,630 -1,544 0,543
Lamtoro B -12,824 -10,737 -8,650
Lamtoro C -6,693 -4,607 -2,520

INTERAKSI +---------+---------+---------+---------
k hijau C (--*--)
k merah A (--*--)
k merah B (--*--)
k merah C (--*--)
Lamtoro A (--*--)
Lamtoro B (--*--)
Lamtoro C (--*--)
-14,0 -7,0 0,0 7,0

INTERAKSI = k hijau C subtracted from:

INTERAKSI Lower Center Upper +---------+---------+---------+---------

k merah A 2,089 4,176 6,263 (--*--)
k merah B -8,822 -6,735 -4,648 (--*--)
k merah C 2,235 4,322 6,409 (--*--)
Lamtoro A 1,270 3,357 5,443 (--*--)
Lamtoro B -7,924 -5,837 -3,750 (--*--)
Lamtoro C -1,793 0,294 2,381 (--*--)
-14,0 -7,0 0,0 7,0

INTERAKSI = k merah A subtracted from:

INTERAKSI Lower Center Upper

k merah B -12,998 -10,911 -8,824
k merah C -1,941 0,146 2,233
Lamtoro A -2,906 -0,819 1,267
Lamtoro B -12,100 -10,013 -7,926
Lamtoro C -5,969 -3,882 -1,795

INTERAKSI +---------+---------+---------+---------
k merah B (--*--)
k merah C (--*--)
Lamtoro A (--*--)
Lamtoro B (--*--)
Lamtoro C (--*--)
-14,0 -7,0 0,0 7,0

INTERAKSI = k merah B subtracted from:

INTERAKSI Lower Center Upper +---------+---------+---------+---------

k merah C 8,970 11,057 13,144 (--*--)
Lamtoro A 8,005 10,091 12,178 (--*--)
Lamtoro B -1,189 0,898 2,985 (--*--)
Lamtoro C 4,942 7,029 9,115 (--*--)
-14,0 -7,0 0,0 7,0

INTERAKSI = k merah C subtracted from:

INTERAKSI Lower Center Upper

Lamtoro A -3,052 -0,965 1,121
Lamtoro B -12,246 -10,159 -8,072
Lamtoro C -6,115 -4,028 -1,942

INTERAKSI +---------+---------+---------+---------
Lamtoro A (--*--)
Lamtoro B (-*--)
Lamtoro C (--*--)
-14,0 -7,0 0,0 7,0

INTERAKSI = Lamtoro A subtracted from:

INTERAKSI Lower Center Upper

Lamtoro B -11,280 -9,193 -7,107
Lamtoro C -5,150 -3,063 -0,976

INTERAKSI +---------+---------+---------+---------
Lamtoro B (--*--)
Lamtoro C (--*--)
-14,0 -7,0 0,0 7,0

INTERAKSI = Lamtoro B subtracted from:

INTERAKSI Lower Center Upper +---------+---------+---------+---------

Lamtoro C 4,044 6,131 8,217 (--*--)
-14,0 -7,0 0,0 7,0

Lampiran 8. Perhitungan Analisa Derajat Putih

Analisa Derajat Putih

L a b Putih
A1.B1/ 1 63,9 28 12,1 52,7388
A1.B1/ 2 64 29,3 12,2 52,0070
JUMLAH 104,7458
RERATA 52,3729
A1.B2/ 1 65,9 26,5 10,9 55,4593
A1.B2/ 2 67,5 20,6 12,5 59,5419
JUMLAH 115,0012
RERATA 57,5006
A1.B3/ 1 65,7 28,5 10,7 54,1390
A1.B3/ 2 66,3 24,4 11,2 56,9130
JUMLAH 111,0520
RERATA 55,5260
A2.B1/ 1 65,7 22,3 13,9 56,7913
A2.B1/ 2 67,3 16,1 16 60,1942
JUMLAH 116,9855
RERATA 58,4928
A2.B2/1 68 16 13,9 61,6176
A2.B2/2 68,2 15,8 13,8 61,9038
JUMLAH 123,5214
RERATA 61,7607
A2.B3/ 1 65,9 14,7 15,5 59,7613
A2.B3/ 2 66,2 15,2 16,2 59,5535
JUMLAH 119,3148
RERATA 59,6574
A3.B1/ 1 66,9 15,3 16,9 59,8091
A3.B1/ 2 67 15,2 17 59,8872
JUMLAH 119,6962
RERATA 59,8481
A3.B2/ 1 66,6 14,7 14,8 60,6212
A3.B2/ 2 66,7 15 14,6 60,6674
JUMLAH 121,2886
RERATA 60,6443
A3.B3/ 1 68,9 15,3 13,4 62,8401
A3.B3/ 2 69 15,4 13,2 62,9541
JUMLAH 125,7942
RERATA 62,8971


Source DF SS MS F P
KELOMPOK 2 31.575 15.7877 7.76 0.011
PENYALUT 2 121.405 60.7024 29.83 0.000
Interaction 4 16.157 4.0393 1.99 0.181
Error 9 18.312 2.0346
Total 17 187.449

S = 1.426 R-Sq = 90.23% R-Sq(adj) = 81.55%


Source DF SS MS F P
KELOMPOK 2 31.6 15.8 1.52 0.251
Error 15 155.9 10.4
Total 17 187.4

S = 3.224 R-Sq = 16.84% R-Sq(adj) = 5.76%

Individual 95% CIs For Mean Based on

Pooled StDev
Level N Mean StDev ----+---------+---------+---------+-----
k hijau 6 59.969 2.362 (----------*----------)
k merah 6 59.360 3.420 (----------*-----------)
Lamtoro 6 56.905 3.728 (-----------*----------)
55.0 57.5 60.0 62.5

Pooled StDev = 3.224

Grouping Information Using Tukey Method

KELOMPOK N Mean Grouping

k hijau 6 59.969 A
k merah 6 59.360 A
Lamtoro 6 56.905 A

Means that do not share a letter are significantly different.

Tukey 95% Simultaneous Confidence Intervals

All Pairwise Comparisons among Levels of KELOMPOK

Individual confidence level = 97.97%

KELOMPOK = k hijau subtracted from:

KELOMPOK Lower Center Upper +---------+---------+---------+---------

k merah -5.438 -0.608 4.221 (-----------*------------)
Lamtoro -7.894 -3.064 1.766 (-----------*-----------)
-8.0 -4.0 0.0 4.0

KELOMPOK = k merah subtracted from:

KELOMPOK Lower Center Upper +---------+---------+---------+---------

Lamtoro -7.285 -2.456 2.374 (-----------*-----------)
-8.0 -4.0 0.0 4.0


Source DF SS MS F P
PENYALUT 2 121.40 60.70 13.79 0.000
Error 15 66.04 4.40
Total 17 187.45

S = 2.098 R-Sq = 64.77% R-Sq(adj) = 60.07%

Individual 95% CIs For Mean Based on

Pooled StDev
Level N Mean StDev -------+---------+---------+---------+--
A 6 55.133 2.800 (-------*------)
B 6 59.970 1.834 (------*------)
C 6 61.130 1.415 (-------*------)
55.0 57.5 60.0 62.5

Pooled StDev = 2.098

Grouping Information Using Tukey Method

PENYALUT N Mean Grouping

C 6 61.130 A
B 6 59.970 A
A 6 55.133 B

Means that do not share a letter are significantly different.

Tukey 95% Simultaneous Confidence Intervals

All Pairwise Comparisons among Levels of PENYALUT

Individual confidence level = 97.97%

PENYALUT = A subtracted from:

PENYALUT Lower Center Upper --+---------+---------+---------+-------

B 1.693 4.837 7.981 (--------*--------)
C 2.853 5.997 9.141 (--------*--------)
-3.5 0.0 3.5 7.0

PENYALUT = B subtracted from:

PENYALUT Lower Center Upper --+---------+---------+---------+-------

C -1.984 1.160 4.303 (--------*--------)
-3.5 0.0 3.5 7.0

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