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Basic foods Prepared foods

Seafood (Salmon, lobster, Crab, etc.) Appetizers
Dairy products (Butter, cheese, milk, Condiments ( soy/tomato/fish/chilli sauce,
yogurt/ Fat-free, Low-fat) Mayonnaise, sugar, salt, pepper, honey,
Jam, Syrup, Wasabi, Hot sauce, chilli
sauce, barbeque, Vinegar, garlic, etc.)
Meat (Pork, beef, etc, ) Confectionery
Baked goods (bread, cookie, Cracker) Convenience Foods (instant noodle)
Cereals Desserts
Nuts and Seeds Sorbet
Vegetable and mushroom ( cauliflower, Dumplings
Eggs Fast food
Salads, Sandwiches, Sauces, Snack foods,

Vocabulary to describe foods/dishes.

• Sweet, Savory, salty
• bitter (Coffee, very dark chocolate ,beer),
• Sour/tart( lemon, white wine, Cucumber/papaya pickles),
• smoky (Bacon, smoked salmon),
• rancid (taste unpleasant smell because it is no longer fresh),
• Spicy/hot
Textures ( the way a food feels when you touch it or eat it)
• Creamy foods are smooth, soft and thick. While they are often made with milk or
cream, they don't need to be such as Avocados, ice cream, macaroni and cheese,
yogurt and melted chocolate.
• Crumbly describes food that falls apart into small pieces when you eat or break it.)
• crunchy foods have a hard texture and make a loud sound when chewed such as
Potato chips, nuts, biscotti, raw carrots, and the skin of fried chicken)
• greasy foods taste very much of oil, and usually leave oil behind.
• gooey describes foods that are wet and sticky, often in a positive way such as fudge
• Moist describes foods that are slightly wet and soft (moist chocolate cake)
• mushy also describes foods that are soft and wet, but usually it is used for food that is
not meant to be soft. Example: All the apples have gone mushy, they must be old.
• Frothy
• Gelatinous (sền sệt)/ thick.
• Soothing (soup)
• Fragrant (C2_thơm phức) Ex: the sauce itself was light, fragrant and slightly
• Tangy

• Stunning/charming/devine
• Crispy outsides, juicy insides (beefsteak), tender (mềm). example: perfect
medium or medium-rare steak, get a flavorful crust and a juicy, tender interior
• Perfect golden color, browned, toasty brown.
• Fluffy as a pillow (cake)
• Scrumptious/Delicious/Yummy/Hearty/ Super flavorful or Outrageously delicious
• Full of essential nutrients/ Nutrient-dense (nutrient-dense foods contain vitamins,
minerals, complex carbohydrates, lean protein, and healthy fats)
• Succulent food is pleasantly juicy. Example: a succulent peach, a big piece of
cucculent steak.
• Extremely irresistible (C2_adj, không thể cưỡng lại)
• Taste even better than they look.
• Versatile food (thức ăn có nhiều công dụng) such as eggs, rice, potatoes
• mouth-watering masterpiece/dish
• Rich
• Refreshing (drink)
• Must-try dishes
• flavour-packed
• Negative: bland and tasteless, undercook , burnt, overdone, oilly, greasy, fatty,
turns my stomach/revolting/disgusting, bland.

Ways of eating

Pick at (eat very little)

Snack on smt/popcorn/junk food/sunflower I snack on pop corn when I watch movies.

Pig out (eat a lot of smt)
Polished off (take all the food on the plate) They polished off the wine
I polished off my dinner
Live on I live on instant noodle cups these days.
Cut down on smt He should cut down on fastfood.
Order in Let’s order in, I am too lazy to go out.
Eat out
Dig in The food is getting cold. Dig in!

Ways of cooking

• Garlic (tỏi), ground peper (ớt nghiền) , olive oil, dill (thì là), scallion/spring onion
(hành tươi), ginger (gừng)
Đồ gia dụng

• Skewer (xiên, bamboo skewers), pan, griller, etc.


• Marinate… in (liquid seasoning) : Tẩm ướp


• season with (salt) : Nêm gia vị

Marinate chicken breast in knorr liquid seasoning, olive oil, garlic, brown sugar for 30

• Peel (lột vỏ), slice (thái) , chop (cắt nhỏ ) , grind (băm), smash (nghiền) , rinse and
drain (rửa sạch làm khô), shred (cắt vụn)
• Boil (luộc) , Grill (nướng) , stir (xào) , stew (hầm thịt) , steam (hầm rau củ) , drizzle
with (rưới ) , touch (nêm ) , sprinkle with (rắc) , blend (trộn)
• In + Medium/high heat/low heat /medium high heat.
• Assemble…in plate -> garnish with… ; serve with…(fish sauce/cucumber salad,
etc.) , top with (shredded dill)

Go to the restaurant.
3 Courses: starter (soup, salad) main course desert/sweet (a small portion of ice
cream, pudding, cake)

The atmosphere/decor
• Interiors are warm and inviting with quality black marble, dark woods leather
sofas, romantic, dimmed lighting , luxurious yet casual.
• Simple decorated, the restaurant is classy and charming with tasteful pieces of
artwork on the walls.
• The view
• offer a laid-back, welcoming , social and warm atmosphere.

The food
• Special sourced ingredients prepared by skilled chefs.
• Flavors enrich natural tastes of the food/ Enhancing the (buttery) flavour of the
• Authentic technique
• Multi-cultural cusines and tasty food
• they do Chinese-Thai-Vietnamese fusion
• Culinary infusion (phương thức nấu gia truyền)
• a wide-range of beef cuts (steakhouse)
• trending tastes
• Signature dishes such as pho, bun cha, etc.
• the melt that’s incomparable. The taste that’s unmistakable.
• Quick and easy to make and taste fantastic
• Offer big flavor with little effort
• Add a fresh lift to weekday meals
• Real spices. Real taste. No artificial preservatives.
• Ward off diseases and even slow aging
• child-friendly recipes
• bursting with flavor
• The meat here boasts incredible flavour, enhanced through a patented cooking
method to achieve a crispy seal on the meat which keeps it tender and juicy inside
• Fish and seafood focused restaurant
• Cooked to tender perfection

• Beef/ the rib-eye cap was most tender and had great marbling (mo va thit deu
nhau) , the black Onyx Fillet was juicy and bursting with flavor (tran day huong vi)
• gluten-free, dairy-free, sugar-free –accessible to all with dietary requirements
• the flavor the dish brought is mind blowing
• Enabling diners to interact with the chef whilst choosing how they would like to
customise through cooking style, side and sauce
• Experience flavours from over 10 different gastronomies from fine dining to casual
dining set-menus there is something for everyone
• distinct characteristics of a variety of favoured steaks
• fish/seafood on offer is caught daily off the coast and brought to the
restaurant/seafood market/etc.
• flavours/condiments enrich natural tastes of the fish and seafood.

• The staff are very accommodating , friendly, and extremely well-versed (sành sỏi)
on the menu.
• Price-friendly /family-friendly, .etc
• Have a fabulous time enjoying scrumptious food
• dining experience is really enjoyable
• We were blown away by the food and can’t wait to return.
• (Seafood) lovers are sure to leave satisfied, with intriguing options like red
snapper, black cod fillet, butterfly prawns, and lobster all on the menu.
• boost your mood

• Bananas and dairy are good sources of the amino acid tryptophan, which the body
needs to make the feel-good hormone. When eaten with a carb source such as oats
the brain can absorb the tryptophan more easily (banana porridge)
• Avocados
• Proteins support muscle synthesis and repair, and fats provide energy and can help
keep your joints healthy.

Everything about beef cuts

Sirloin (Thăn bò) T-bone (miếng thịt có xương chữ T , perfect

Firm and marbled with fat, best served for sharing
medium-rare, comes from the loin towards Part-fillet and part-sirloin attached by a
the middle of the animail, has a trip of fat bone. Slice at the table so each person gets
that runs along the top. a bit of fillet and a bit of sirloin.

• A gourmet restaurant
• Fine dining/casual dining
• Set-menu , sharing style menu
• The culinary world

• Gastronomy
• breezy efficiency to help carry you through the dog days : ngày nóng nhất trong năm
• Eatery/ Fastfood Establishment
• Dining establishment
• A treat
• fine dining / casual dining set-menus, sharing style menu
• Flick through the menu
• Cook to tender perfection
• Fish and seafood focused restaurant
• Dull one’s appetite
• Hit and miss
• Whet one’s appetite
• Relish the richness of nutrients and flavours
• Flavour- packed recipes that are perfect for making and enjoying at home/out door…
• Rustic-style (mộc mạc)

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