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& INDIAN SCALE FOR ASSESSMENT OF AUTISM a National Institute 0.0.8 Age for the Mentally Sirections Handicapped (ina tS atc an ERSTE ea tt_| te pars oder ates Autor Manovikasnaga, Secunderabad - 500 009. Li Examiner Gender | Below are given 40 statements which are divided under six domains, please tick (/) mark the appropriate rating for each item ofthe scale by observing the child and by interviewing Date Refer tothe guidelines glven in the manual for making observations and ratings. | “1 Has poor eye contact 2 Lacks social smile 3 Remain soo! 4 Does not each out to others ‘5 Unable to rlate to people {6 Unable to respond to sociaVenvironmental cues 7 Engages in soltary and repettve play activities 18 Unable to take tums in socal interaction 8 Does not maintain per relationships 10. Shows inappropriate emotional response 11 Shows exeggerated emotions 12 Engages i sostimulating emotions 19 Lacks fer of danger Sometimes. mae +4 Excl or agate for no apparent reason 18 Acquired speech and ltt 16 Has difcuty in using nonverbal language ‘or gestures to communicate 17 Engages in sorelyped and repeitive use of language 18. Engages in echolic speech 19 Produces infantile squeal! unusual noises 20 Unable to inate or sustain conversation with others 21 Uses jargon or meaningloes words 22 Uses pronoun reversals 23. Unable o grasp pragmatics of communication (real meaning) ‘24. Engages in stereotyped and repettve motor mannersms 25 Shows attachment to narimate objects 25 Shows hyperactivity! restlessness 27 Exhibits aggressive behavior 28 Trvows temper tantrums

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