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K angkong

Production Harvesting
Kangkong or water convolvulus (Ipomoea When seed pods are mature (Fig. 25), up-
spp.) can be grown successfully both as a root plants when dry weather is expected
leafy vegetable crop or for seed production for several days.
under tropical conditions. For seed produc-
tion, kangkong prefers a long period of Processing
warm weather and good irrigation.
Remove plant roots with a hoe, and keep
Kangkong can be planted on any type of soil,
plants in the field for a few days to ensure
but prefers a slightly acidic soil as long as
that all the seeds will mature at the same
there is adequate sunlight and water. Low-
time. The plant mat will then curl into a loose
land plantings give higher seed yields than
bundle. Each day, turn the bundles several
do upland plantings, but take 5–6 months
times so they dry uniformly (Fig. 26). After
to complete the seed cycle.
3–4 days of drying, the plants should be fully
dry and ready for threshing. Use an appro-
Isolation priate mechanical thresher, such as a belt
Kangkong is considered to be a self-polli- thresher (Fig. 27). After threshing, the seed
nated crop, but cross-pollination may occur. should be cleaned by winnowing.
Isolate varieties 100 m apart.
Selection Kangkong seed will store for up to two
Select plants that are vigorous, disease-free years, a shorter time compared to most veg-
and uniform in plant characteristics. etable crops. Storage pests are a problem if
seed moisture content is high.

Figs. 25–27. Mature seed pods (left); rolling plants seed plants into loose bundles for drying
(center); mechanical threshing of dried plants (right)

Saving Your Own Vegetable Seeds | 13

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