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① – Referência ao mandato dos deuses para conquistar.

● – Precedência em relação aos antecessores.

● – Referência a estelas e outros monumentos na periferia.
◙ – Referência a estelas e outros monumentos na Assíria.
● – Referência a produtos exóticos trazidos de várias partes do mundo.
● – O rei como caçador
● – Legitimação do rei: escolha divina sem continuidade dinástica.
● – Terror do rei.
▲ – Apelo aos sucessores do rei para honrar os seus monumentos e inscrições.

Tiglat-Falasar I

1. Tiglat-Falasar I

① ARAB I, 219

“Assur and the great gods, who have made my kingdom great, and
who have bestowed might and power as a (lit. my) gift, commanded
that I should extend the boundary of their land, and they intrusted to
my hand their mighty weapons, the storm of battle.”

2. Tiglat-Falasar I

● ARAB I, 223

“The people of Urratinash, a stronghold of theirs which lies on Mount

Panari – terror and fear of the splendor of Assur, my lord,
overwhelmed them, and, to save their lives, they fled like birds to the
tops of the lofty mountains.”
3. Tiglat-Falasar I

● ARAB I, 230

“The people of the land of Adaush feared the mighty advance of my

battle array, they left their land (lit. place) and fled like birds to the
tops of the lofty mountains.”

4. Tiglat-Falasar I

● ARAB I, 231

“The lands of Saraush and Ammaush, which had never before known
defeat, I overwhelmed…”

5. Tiglat-Falasar I

● ARAB I, 236
Inscrição em prismas do templo de Anu-Adad em Aššur. Campanha
contra Nairi

“At that time, in the exalted might of Assur, my lord, through the sure
mercy of Shamash the hero and with the help of the Great gods, I,
who have ruled with righteousness in the four quarters (of the world)
and who have not had a conqueror in battle, nor a rival in the fight,
marched over difficult roads and through steep passes whose interior
(heart) no king of former days had ever known, unto the lands of
distant kings which are on the shore of the Upper Sea, and which had
never known subjection, - Assur, my lord, having sent me.”

6. Tiglat-Falasar I

● ARAB I, 243
Após a vitória contra Musri e os habitantes de Kumani.

“Hunusa, their stronghold, I overthrew (so that it became) like unto a

heap of ruins (after) a flood. (col. vi) I fought fiercely against their
dense array, in the city and on the mountais, and I defeated them.
Their fighting men I cast down in the midst of the hills, like a gust of
wind (?); I cut off their heads like lambs; their blood I caused to flow in
the valleys and on the high places of the mountains. That city I
captured; their gods I carried away; I brought out their goods and
their possessions, and I burned the city with fire. The three great
walls of their city, which were strongly built of burnt brick, and a wall
of the city I laid waste, I destroyed, I turned into heaps and ruins and I
sowed sipa thereon. I fashioned a bronze lightning-bolt, and (the tale
of) the spoliation of the lands which I had conquered through (the aid
of) my god, my lord, and a (decree) that that city should not again be
inhabited, I inscribed thereon. I built a temple of burnt brick in that
place and set up therein the bronze lightning-bolt.”

7. Tiglat-Falasar I

● ● ARAB I, 246-248
O rei como caçador.
“Tiglath-pileser, the valiant hero, who grasps a bow without

equal, who exercises lordship over the field.”+

“The gods Urta and Nergal have given their terrible weapons and
their majestic bow into my lordly grasp. At the bidding of Urta, who
loves me, four wild bulls (aurochs) which were mighty and of
monstruous size, in the desert, in the country of Mitâni, and near to
the city of Araziki, which is over against the land of Hatti, with my
mighty bow, with my iron spear, and with my sharp darts, I killed.
Their hides and their horns I brought unto my city Assur. Ten mighty
bull-elephants I slew in the country of Harran, and in the district of the
river Habur. Four elephants I caught alive. Their hides and their tusks,
together with the live elephants, I brought unto my city Assur”.

8. Tiglat-Falasar I

● ● ARAB I, 254
Resumo de actividades pacíficas do rei, como restauração de
templos, palácios e muralhas.

“I brought cedars, boxwood, and allakanish-trees from the countries

which I have subdued, trees the like of which none of the kings, my
ancient fathers, had ever planted, and I planted them in the gardens
of my land. I took rare garden plants, which were not found in my own
land, and caused them to flourish in the gardens of Assyria. I
increased the output of chariots, (with their) teams over that of
former days, for the strengthening of my land. Unto the land of
Assyria I added land, unto her peoples, peoples. I have kept
good the condition of my people, and in peaceful habitations I have
caused them to dwell.”

9. Tiglat-Falasar I
● ARAB I, 262
Restauração do templo de Anu e Adad.

“At that time I brought ka-stone, halla-stone, and shadanu-stone from

the mountains of the lands of Nairi, which I had conquered with the
aid of Assur, my lord, and I placed them forever un the treasure-
house of Adad, my lord.”

10. Tiglat-Falasar I

◙ ▲ ARAB I, 264
Restauração do templo de Anu e Adad.

“The (record of) the triumphs of my valor, of the victories of my arms,

of the subjugation of the enemy, the foes of Assur, which Anu and
Adad have granted unto me as a gift, I inscribed on my (stone)
memorial tablet(s) and on my (clay) prism(s), and in the temple of
Anu and Adad, the great gods, my lords, I have set them up forever.
Furthermore, the memorial-tablets of Shamshi-Adad, my father, I
anointed with oil, I offered sacrifices, and I restored them unto
their place”.
▲ [265] “In the future days, in days to come, let (some) future prince,
when that temple of Anu and Adad, the great gods, my lords, and
these temple towers, shall grow old and shall fall into decay, repair
their ruins. Let him anoint my (stone) memorial tablets and my (clay)
prisms with oil, let him offer sacrifices, and restore them unto their
place. Let him inscribe his own name by the side of mine. Even as
(they have done unto me), so may Anu and Adad, the great gods,
graciously bring him to joy of heart and the attainment of victory.”
11. Tiglat-Falasar I

● ARAB I, 302
Restauração do templo de Anu e Adad (tabuinhas de argila, KAH II,
68, 71 e 71a).

“To Mount Lebanon I went. Logs of cedar for the temple of Anu and
Adad, the great gods, my lords, I cut and brought away. Against
Amurru I returned. Amurru in its entirety I conquered. The tribute of
Gubla, Sidon and Arvad I received. I crossed over in ships of Arvad,
from Arvad, which is in the sea shore, to Samuri of the land of
Amurru, a journey of 3 «double-hours» (bêru), by land. I killed a
nahiru, which they call a «sea-horse», in the midst of the sea.

● [306] “At the command of Anu and Adad, the great gods, my lords,
I went (and) cut logs of cedar for the temple of Anu and Adad, the
Great gods, my lords, and I brought (them to Assyria). Against Amurru
I returned. Amurru in its totality I conquered. I received the tribute of
Arvad. The (tribute) of the seacoast I received, and on my return I
brought the land of Hatti in its entirety under my sway. I imposed
tribute and a levy of logs of cedar upon Ili-Teshub, king of great Hatti.

12. Tiglat-Falasar I

● ARAB I, 270 1

Inscrição sem imagens, em Gonjalu, Nairi (Melazgerd)

“Tiglath-pileser, the mighty king, king of the universe, king of Assyria,

king of the four regions (of the world), conqueror of the lands of Nairi,
from Tummi to Daiani, conqueror of Kirhi to the Great Sea”.

LEHMANN-HAUPT, Materialen zur älleren Geschichte Armeniens, 6.
13. Tiglat-Falasar I

● ARAB I, 271 2

Inscrição sem imagens, em Sebeneh-Su, Nairi.

“With the help of Assur, Shamash (and) Adad, the Great gods, my
lords, I, Tiglath-Pileser, king of Assyria, son of Assur-rêsh-ishi, king of
Assyria, (grand)son of Mutakkil-Nusku, king of Assyria, – conqueror
from the Great Sea of Amurru and the sea of Nairi, I have marched for
the third time against Nairi”.

14. Tiglat-Falasar I

◙ ARAB I, 281
Restauração do palácio real em Aššur (Palácio do rei das Quatro
Regiões, 280).

“In days to come, for all time, when that palace shall become old (…)3
my memorial steles (…) let him offer sacrifices and return them to
their place…”

15. Tiglat-Falasar I

● ARAB I, 297
Inscrições da restauração do bit-labuni, que narram a derrota do rei
babilónio Marduk-nadin-ahe (KAH II, 66-67).

Idem, 7.
2 linhas desaparecidas.
“Its cracks I smoothed over, with cedar and (…)-logs, for which, at the
command of Assur and Anu, the great gods, my lords, I went to the
Lebanon Mountains (where) I cut down, and (whence) I brought these
splendid beams of the temple of (…) where the great gods, my lords,
continually abide.”

● [298] “… a live burhish which from the land of Luma (?) (…) a
nahiru which they call a horse of the sea, they sent...”

16. Tiglat-Falasar I

◙ ARAB I, 315 4

Estela em Aššur.

“Stele (ṣalam) of Tiglath-Pileser, son of Assur-rêsh-ishi”

ANDRAE, Stelenreihen aus Assur, p. 21.

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