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Why are gays ironically represented as tragic figures?

Why have they been frequently associated with

the AIDS pandemic? Do you think this is a realistic and accurate representation?

I think gays are often represented as tragic figures because most people think that they have no
room for this world. They believe God only created men and women and being gay is a mortal sin. Today,
gays, and also the LGBT individuals, are being discriminated. This has been a problem in our society, that’s
why many authors like Mark Alan Doty, represented gays as tragic figures so that the readers could realize
their sufferings and might be able to accept them. Gays are associated with AIDS because most of them
can’t find a lifelong partner so they deal with lots of men. Gays are also humans so they also look for
affection. But since they are “different” not all of them find their partner. To satisfy their ‘needs”, some
of them go to gay bars where men are available for rent. Because gays have different sexual partners, they
can acquire AIDS. One possible reason is also the lack of sex educations. Many gays aren’t knowledgeable
enough to safe sex. Anal sex, which is more popular to gays, is not hygienic and if they do not use condoms,
there’s a high risk for Sexually Transmitted Diseases.
I think this representation is realistic but not accurate. Realistically speaking, gays have much
higher risk to acquire AIDS and this has been scientifically proven. According to research, it is 18 times
more likely to contract HIV through unprotected anal sex compared to unprotected vaginal sex. Since
there is still no cure for this disease, most likely patients will not live longer and will die. However, it is
not accurate because not all gays have AIDS. Many of them still chose to live happy and healthy. Some of
them already find someone who will love them unconditionally. And others stay single to work for his
family, and enjoy life with his friends.

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