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Year 3- Under the Sea Gard ner’s Multiple Intelligences Activity 4 Activity 2 Activity 3 Activity 4 Class Band Rhyming Time _| Time to shine Sounds in the ocean Listen to the song "Under | Use your Write your own song | Get your electronic device and the Sea” from the little | favourite under _ lyrics about the ocean, | go to kahootit and connect to Use the the sea animal to | it can be a rap for the classroom kahoot game. percussion instruments | create atwo- —_| example. You can use _| Listen carefully to the sounds such as maracas, sentence rhyme | the tune to a particular | being played and quickly, but shakers, tambourines that describes a | song to help create carefully guess what underwater and tapping sticks to form | fact about your _| your hit song! animal is making the noise. your own class band favourite animal. tapping along to the song. Craft with a sting Molding Fun Underwater fantasy | Turtley eggcellent Ee ; Learn about what a Use the cards of /| Make your own Make your own turtles using egg |° jellyfish looks like and different animals | underwater world using | cartons, googly eyes, coloured create your own jellyfish | and plants and | a shoebox, streamers, | cardboard and paint. f out of paper bowls and | mold these paint, animal cut outs, 4 ‘streamers. objects out of egg cartons, coloured playdough. paper, cellophane and coloured textas. Exploring Under the Let's get A to Z Fun with me Word search Sea Creative Complete an alphabet | Complete the underwater word Explore under the sea__| Construct a search where you have | search given. through Anna Milbournes to list a type of plant or 22 for each L oreate your own, favourite animal | fd Sea. discuss with your _ | the picture letter of the alphabet» teacher. provided. : What is your Favourite | Puzzle Time What's next? A Animal? Use the given | You will be given —_| Youwill be given an underwater | _ Perform a survey where | sheets of shaped | fishing rod, you have to | sea pattern, you have to try to. you will need to ask animals marked | try to attempt to catch | complete the sequence. A everyone in your class | with geometric | as many fish as you _| Students can then choose to “What is your favourite | puzzle pieces. | can in 10 seconds, by _| make their own clever animal?" then make this | Fill the sheet with | the end of the game _| underwater pattern. survey into a tally. the correct you will have to collect puzzle piece your fish to try and get ‘shapes to create | the number closest to the animals. 20. Yoga Rainbow fish Just Dance! Obstacle course Use the given yoga cards | Make a rainbow | Come up with your own | Plan and create your own under inspired by under the sea | fish after reading | dance moves to the sea obstacle course! You and move around the story. Create | describe the ocean or a | can use different objects in the stations to perform each | this by cutting | specific animall It can _| classroom and objects from the | position. scales out of be as crazy and silly as | sports box. a coloured paper | you want it to be! 2 6 and alfoil and layering them on a card cut out of J a fish. Puppeteer Performance | Buddies! Play time! Create your own puppet | Plantoteach — | Choose your favourite | Create your own under the sea show inspired by under | your younger sea animal and make _| activity or game and share it with the sea animals. You can | buddy from an informative and the class. use the given under the | another year creative poster based sea puppets or you can | group about your | on the information you Including; what this animal eats, where they live, if they are dangerous and any other interesting facts. The life inthe day of | Lost at Sea Write a short Write a diary entry about | story in first a day in the life of your | person point of favourite animal and what | view about being they may face on a daily | lost at sea and basis. how this would make you feel and act. Make a brainstorm about the different dangers that can occur and safety rules that you might encounter on the beach. Circle of life Choose a desired sea animal, draw and describe the life cycle of this specific creature! This can be done in your work books. Beach Experience Waste in our Take a field trip to.a Seal beach and explore the | Research three habitat and note what —_| problems waste you may find on the creates in the beach. sea and make a popplet (online brainstorm) including information and pictures of the issues that arise. Aqua Take a field trip with your teacher to the underwater world of ‘Aqua to learn about the different animals you ‘encounter, whilst answering some questions along the way. Use the Ipad microscope to look closely at the shells given and draw what you can see through ‘the microscope on your worksheet! a

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