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Calcium (Ca)

Natural Food Sources

Almonds, Brazil nuts, blackstrap molasses, broccoli, calcium fortified cereal & juice, caviar, cheese, cottage cheese, green leafy
vegetables, kelp, milk products, canned salmon & sardines, tofu, turnip greens, yogurt.

Main Functions
Calcium is necessary for bone and tooth formation, heart function, blood coagulation and muscle contraction. Calcium has a role in
controlling blood pressure and may help prevent colorectal cancer, high blood pressure, heart disease, PMS and osteoporosis. Leg
cramps may be alleviated with calcium.

Deficiency Symptoms
Muscle cramps, tingling in the arms and legs, cramps, joint pain, heart palpitations, dental cavities, insomnia and stunted growth are
some symptoms of calcium deficiency. Brittle bones, a humped spine and osteoporosis may result over time. Children with extreme
calcium deficiency may develop rickets, a disease that causes deformed bones. Too much magnesium or phosphorus in the diet may
lead to a calcium deficiency, as can excessive smoking, alcohol or consumption of soft drinks.

Toxicity Symptoms
If greater than several thousand mg of calcium are consumed daily, symptoms such as confusion, constipation, nausea, bloating,
irregular heart beat, excessive bone calcification, kidney stones, poor iron and zinc absorption and calcium deposits in the arteries
and veins may result.

Chloride (Cl)

Natural Food Sources

Sea salt, table salt, salt substitutes, processed food.

Main Functions
Chloride regulates fluid and acid-base balance, plus forms part of gastric juice necessary for digestion. It is necessary for the proper
functioning of the liver and for healthy joints and tendons.

Deficiency Symptoms
Chloride deficiency is essentially unheard of in the developed world. Excess vomiting or acute acid-base disorders may lead to
symptoms such as digestive problems, muscle issues, hair loss, tooth loss and even coma.

Toxicity Symptoms
Weakness, confusion and coma may result with either too much or too little chloride.

Magnesium (Mg)

Natural Food Sources

Almonds, avocado, banana, bluefish, carp, cod, collard greens, dairy products, flounder, halibut, herring, green leafy vegetables,
legumes, mackerel, milk, molasses, nuts, shrimp, swordfish, wheat germ, whole wheat bread.

Main Functions
Magnesium is involved in the formation of bone and teeth. It is also vital for nerve conduction and muscle contraction, plus activates
enzymes that aid in the release of energy from food. It helps control blood pressure, regulate body temperature and maintain the
acid-base balance in the body. Calcium and magnesium must be in proper proportion to perform their closely related body
functions. For example, calcium stimulates muscles while magnesium relaxes them. Magnesium has had some success in treating
migraines, asthma and diabetes.

Deficiency Symptoms
A magnesium deficiency is not uncommon in modern diets. Processed and refined foods remove most of the magnesium, which is
not replaced during enrichment. Excess calcium can cause a magnesium deficiency. Severe deficiency symptoms include muscle
weakness, poor coordination, convulsions, hypertension, irritability, depression, nausea, gastrointestinal problems, hair loss, swollen
gums, and calcium deposits in the kidneys, heart and blood vessels.

Toxicity Symptoms
Toxicity is unlikely as the kidneys excrete any excess magnesium. If the kidneys are not functioning properly, magnesium toxicity
symptoms may include weakness, lethargy nausea and breathing difficulties. Magnesium is often used as a laxative - a 600 mg plus
dose of magnesium will lead to diarrhea.

Phosphorus (P)

Natural Food Sources

Almonds, beans, calf liver, cheese, eggs, fish, legumes, milk products, peanuts, peas, poultry, pumpkin seeds, red meat, scallops,
soybeans, sunflower seeds, tuna, whole grain products.

Main Functions
Like many minerals, phosphorus is involved in bone and tooth formation, and it helps release energy from nutrients. It is involved in
almost all body processes and is part of the genetic code of cells. It is also part of the structure of all soft tissues and organs.
Phosphorus acidifies urine and reduces the incidence of kidney stones.

Deficiency Symptoms
Phosphorus is found so abundantly in plant and animal foods that deficiency is unlikely. Excess vomiting or consumption of
aluminum hydroxide, found in some antacids and anticonvulsant medications, may lead to phosphorus deficiency. Symptoms
include bone pain, loss of appetite, weakness and brittle bones.

Toxicity Symptoms
If there is an imbalance of phosphorus and calcium in the diet, toxicity symptoms such as seizures, heartbeat irregularities, shortness
of breath and osteoporosis may result.

Potassium (K)

Natural Food Sources

Asparagus, avocados, banana, beans, cantaloupe, carrots, chard, citrus fruit, honeydew legumes, melon, milk, molasses, nuts,
parsnips, peas, potato, prunes, raisons, sardines, soybeans, spinach, wheat germ, whole grain cereals.

Main Functions
Potassium helps maintain blood pressure, and is involved in nerve transmission and muscle contraction. In partnership with sodium
and chloride, potassium helps maintain the water balance in and out of body cells, plus it regulates blood pressure and heartbeat. It
stimulates the kidneys to release toxins from the body. Some studies have shown potassium may help prevent strokes.

Deficiency Symptoms
Potassium deficiency is common due to the modern diet's high salt consumption, which stimulates the body to rid itself of the
mineral. Symptoms include muscle cramps, poor reflexes, heart irregularities, low blood pressure, respiratory failure, kidney
problems, insomnia and dry skin.

Toxicity Symptoms
Potassium intake of greater than 18,000 mg may cause kidney problems, improper fluid balance, infections, irregular heartbeat,
muscle deterioration and even cardiac arrest.

Natural Food Sources

Bacon, bread, butter, clams, green beans, ham, milk, olives, pickles, processed foods, table salt.
Main Functions
Sodium is an electrolyte that plays a crucial role in maintaining blood pressure. Along with potassium and chloride, it regulates fluids
and acid-base balance in the body. It is also involved in nerve transmission and muscle contraction, including the heartbeat.

Deficiency Symptoms
Sodium excess is a more likely scenario, but profound sweating, fever, diarrhea, fasting and very low-salt diets can result in
symptoms like muscle twitching, dehydration, memory loss, nausea, poor concentration and loss of appetite. In rare cases, sodium
deficiency can lead to shock due to decreased blood pressure.

Toxicity Symptoms
High sodium diets, common in modern society, may lead to water retention and hypertension.

Sulfur (S)

Natural Food Sources

Dried beans, cabbage, clams, eggs, fish, garlic, legumes, meat, milk, onions, poultry, wheat germ.

Main Functions
Sulfur is necessary for the formation of hair, nails, cartilage and tissue. It is needed for metabolism and a healthy nervous system,
plus it aids bile secretion in the liver.

Deficiency Symptoms
Sulfur deficiency is only found in conjunction with protein deficiency, and can be alleviated by increasing protein consumption.

Toxicity Symptoms
Excess sulfur is excreted in urine, so is essentially non-toxic.

Cobalt (Co)

Natural Food Sources

Clams, dairy products, kidney, liver, meats, oysters, some seaweed.

Main Functions
Cobalt works in concert with Vitamin B12 for the functioning of enzymes and production of red blood cells. It also helps form the
myelin covering around the nerves.

Deficiency Symptoms
Cobalt is found mainly in animal products, so deficiency is quite common among strict vegetarians. A deficiency in cobalt may lead to
a deficiency in vitamin B12, which can lead to pernicious anemia and nervous system disorders.

Copper (Cu)

Natural Food Sources

Avocado, blackstrap molasses fish, legumes, lentils, liver, lobster, nuts, oats, oysters, peanuts, raisins, salmon, seeds, shell fish,
soybeans, spinach.

Main Functions
Copper is involved in the absorption and metabolism of iron. It also helps form connective tissue, nerve fibers and red blood cells.
Copper helps keep your arteries flexible.

Deficiency Symptoms
Severe copper deficiency is rare. Too much zinc, or excessive diarrhea may lead to a marginal deficiency with symptoms such as
anemia, skeletal defects, loss of pigment in hair and skin, decreased resistance to infection, heart disease, high cholesterol, nervous
system disorders, lack of coordination and a tingling of the extremities.

fluorine (F)
Natural Food Sources
Apples, calf liver, cod, eggs, kidney, canned salmon, canned sardines, fluoridated tap water, some cheese, tea.

Main Functions
Fluoride is essential for healthy bone and tooth formation, as it helps the body retain calcium. It prevents acid and plaque formation
in the mouth caused from food, especially sugar.

Deficiency Symptoms
If the water in your area is not fluoridated, supplements are necessary - especially for infants and children - or increased dental
cavities may result.

Iodine (I)

Natural Food Sources

Lobster, milk, mushrooms, nutritional yeast, oysters, canned salmon, salted nuts and seeds, saltwater fish (cod, haddock, herring),
sea salt, seaweed, shrimp, table salt.

Main Functions
Iodine is necessary to form thyroid hormones, which regulate the body's metabolism. It also promotes normal cell function, keeps
skin hair and nails healthy and is important for overall growth and development.

Deficiency Symptoms
Goiter, or thyroid enlargement, is a symptom of iodine deficiency, as is dry hair, irritability, nervousness, slow metabolism and
obesity. If pregnant women are deficient in iodine it may cause cretinism, a form of mental retardation of the fetus.

Iron (Fe)

Natural Food Sources

Enriched bread, beans, blackstrap molasses, chickpeas, clams, egg yolk, fish, green leafy vegetables, lentils, liver, mussels, oysters,
peaches, prunes, raisons, red meat, seaweed, seeds, soybean flour.

Main Functions
Iron binds with hemoglobin molecules and carries oxygen in your blood and throughout your body. It is involved in enzyme activities
related to energy storage and availability. Iron also forms part of several enzymes and proteins in the body.

Deficiency Symptoms
Iron deficiency can lead to anemia, which causes lethargy, poor concentration, pale skin and shortness of breath. Vegetarians have
to ensure they get an adequate iron intake, as do menstruating or pregnant women.

Manganese (Mn)

Natural Food Sources

Beans, blackberries, blueberries, bran, brown rice, buckwheat, carrots, chestnuts, hazelnuts, legumes, oatmeal, peanuts, peas,
pecans, seaweed, spinach, tea, wheat germ, whole grains.

Main Functions
Manganese is used in bone formation, muscle coordination, nervous system function and is involved in several enzyme reactions. It
is also used, along with vitamin K, to promote blood clotting.

Deficiency Symptoms
Deficiencies are rare, as manganese is widely available in the food supply. However, symptoms may include seizures, epilepsy, poor
muscle coordination, facial twitching, bone deformities and general weakness. Manganese deficiencies in children may lead to
stunted growth and development.

Molybdenum (Mo)
Natural Food Sources
Beans, dark green leafy vegetables, lean meats, legumes, organ meats.

Main Functions
Molybdenum forms part of xanthine oxidase, an enzyme involved in converting nucleic acid to uric acid. It also helps promote
normal growth and development, and may prevent anemia, tooth decay and impotency.

Deficiency Symptoms
Deficiency in molybdenum is rare and no symptoms have been reported.

Selenium (Se)

Natural Food Sources

Bran, broccoli, brown rice, cabbage, chicken, garlic, kidney, liver, milk, mushrooms, nuts (especially Brazil nuts), nutritional yeast,
oatmeal, onions, seafood, whole grain products.

Main Functions
Selenium works in conjunction with vitamin E and is involved in several enzyme systems. It is necessary for healthy skin, muscles and
heart function. Selenium promotes the formation of antibodies and can help prevent infection. It also helps prevent the absorption
of metals such as mercury, silver and thallium and may protect against prostate cancer.

Deficiency Symptoms
Selenium deficiency can lead to premature aging, muscular aches, nerve cell damage, mental retardation and infertility. It has even
resulted in myocardial deaths.

Zinc (Zn)

Natural Food Sources

Beef, black beans, blackstrap molasses, chicken heart, egg yolk, fish, lamb, maple syrup, milk, nuts, oysters, pork, sesame seeds,
soybeans, sunflower seeds, turkey, wheat germ, whole grain products, yeast.

Main Functions
Zinc is a component of insulin and over 100 enzymes, proteins, nucleic acids and hormones. It helps in the healing of wounds, tissue
repair, growth, energy conversion and sexual development. It regulates blood sugar, blood pressure, heart rate and cholesterol

Deficiency Symptoms
Although uncommon, zinc deficiency symptoms include anemia, stunted growth, birth defects, sterility, mental problems, skin
problems, hair loss and a decreased ability to taste food. If your diet is too rich in copper or iron, it could lead to a zinc deficiency.

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