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Since the catheter enters through the skin and provides a direct path that microbes may follow
from the surface into the central circulation, the most appropriate nursing diagnosis would be:
a. Impaired Tissue Integrity
b. Knowledge Deficit
c. Risk for Infection
d. Body Image Disturbance
2. A nurse was asked why specialized care techniques are required in caring for central venous
catheters. All of her statements are correct except:
a. It offers an effective route for the administration of needed therapy for patients whose
small veins are unusable
b. It has a direct access to the central circulation
c. It is difficult to replace central IV lines
d. It allows repeated use of small, easily sclerosed, veins
3. A patient about to undergo central intravenous catheter insertion asked the nurse about the
common sites where the catheter is inserted. An inappropriate answer would be:
a. Left basilic vein
b. Left subclavian vein
c. Right cephalic vein
d. Right internal jugular vein
4. The attending physician of the patient ordered that a short catheter is to be inserted to the
patient. As the assisting nurse, you anticipate the best insertion site would be:
a. Left basilic vein
b. Left subclavian vein
c. Right cephalic vein
d. Right internal jugular vein
5. A patient who has a subcutaneous catheter port asked the nurse about the advantage of this
type of central IV line. The best answer the nurse could provide is:
a. It has an external exit site, there is no need to insert needles through the skin
b. It decreases the potential for infection
c. A smaller volume of heparinized saline is needed to fill it
d. It does not require surgery to be inserted
6. When asked about the difference between a Hickman and a Broviac, the nurse’s best reply
would be:
a. Hickman catheter is surgically inserted whereas the Broviac catheter is not
b. Both can be used for withdrawal of blood and infusion of fluid
c. Broviac catheter has a smaller internal diameter compared to Hickman catheter
d. Both are double lumen catheters allowing medication and blood to be given intermittently
7. This catheter is made of silicone rubber and has a specially designed tip that allows the pressure
of fluid being instilled to open the tip and administer fluid.
a. Hickman catheter
b. Groshong catheter
c. Broviac catheter
d. Subcutaneous catheter
8. This is a surgically inserted central IV line where the catheter ends in a reservoir that has a
rubber diaphragm for a top and implanted under the skin.
a. Hickman catheter
b. Groshong catheter
c. Broviac catheter
d. Subcutaneous catheter
9. A patient to be inserted with a Groshong catheter asked the nurse about the advantages of this
type of catheter. Her following remarks are correct except:
a. The tip easily opens from the blood pressure in the central vein
b. The tip does not allow negative pressure in the chest to be transmitted to the catheter
c. It protects the patient from air embolism and prevents clot formation
d. It is safer for patients who should not receive heparin
10. A nurse is about to assist in inserting a standard central intravenous catheter. The following are
part of her assessment except:
a. Assess whether the patient can be positioned in High Fowler’s position
b. Assess the patient’s ability to hold breath on command
c. Assess the patient’s ability to understand and follow directions
d. Determine if a signed permission is form is required for this procedure
11. After the procedure, the following should be included in the nurse’s evaluation except:
a. The patient’s comfort
b. The dressing
c. The IV line
d. The doctor’s order
12. A nurse is preparing to change the dressing of a standard central intravenous line. Which of the
following supplies is not necessary for the procedure:
a. Sterile gloves
b. Sterile gown
c. Clean gloves
d. Mask
13. During insertion of a standard central intravenous catheter, you observed that the patient
seems to be anxious. To provide psychological support to the patient, you may do the following
a. Allow other staff to make any comment or remarks
b. Maintain touch with the patient
c. Give positive reinforcements to the patient
d. Provide feedback to the patient even if the face is covered
14. During irrigation of an intermittent central intravenous catheter, you felt a resistance when you
injected a heparinized saline. Your most appropriate action would be:
a. Withdraw a small amount of IVF and push the solution to dislodge the clot
b. Have the patient turn and try again
c. Remove the catheter and call the physician immediately
d. Fast drip the solution to flush the occlusion
15. After giving a medication through the heparin lock on a central intravenous catheter, which of
the following should be reflected in your documentation:
a. Document the medication given on the intravenous fluid sheet
b. Note the heparin flush with the medication and chart it at the same time
c. Document the heparin flush with the present intravenous fluid
d. Note the time the present intravenous fluid was discontinued after giving heparin flush

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