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Rivet Example

Determine the allowable tensile force that the P

multi-riveted joint shown can transmit. All 300 mm
rivets are nominally 24 mm in a 26 mm
diameter hole. The design stresses are
(σ all )tension = 160 MPa ,
(τ all )shear = 110 MPa ,
(σ all )bearing = 350 MPa 24 mm main plate
16 mm cover plates


Rivet Shear

Consider a Free Body Diagram of the main plate. The cross- P/10 P/10
sectional area of each rivet is
π π
Ar = d 2 = (0.024 ) = 452.4 × 10−6 m 2
2 P/10 P/10
4 4 P/10 P
P/10 P/10
P/20 Since there are 10 rivets on each side of the
main plate, and each one is in double shear,
the shear force for each rivet is P / 20 . Since
P/10 (τ all )shear = 110 MPa for each rivet
Fs P / 20 Row 3 Row 2 Row 1
110 × 103 = =
Ar 452.4 × 10−6

P = 110 × 106 452.4 × 10− 6 )( 20) = 995.28 kN. The applied force required to fail the rivets in shear is
P = 995 kN
Bearing Failure : Main Plate: With 10 bearing surfaces in double shear and (σ all )bearing = 350 MPa

( )
P = FB = 10 350 × 106 (0.024 )(0.24 ) = 2016 kN
Cover plate: With 20 bearing surfaces in single shear

( )
P = FB = 20 350 × 106 (0.024 )(0.016 ) = 2688 kN

Tension Failure: Main Plate: In the section of the main plate where there are no rivet holes, and having
(σ all )tension = 160 MPa , we find
P = FT = (0.024 )(0.30 ) 160 × 106 = 1152 kN
In the sections of the plate where there are holes, the area that can support load can be given as

A = t ( w − nd )

t = plate thickness (24 mm), w = plate width (300 mm), n = number of holes, d = hole diameter (26 mm)
Row 1: A = 0.024  0.300 − 2 ( 0.026 ) = 5.952 × 10−3 m 2
( )
P = F1−1 = 160 × 106 5.952 × 10−3 = 952.3 kN

Row 2: A = 0.024  0.300 − 4 ( 0.026 ) = 4.704 × 10−3 m 2

F2 − 2 + 2( P /10) = P ⇒ F2 − 2 = P P/10
5 P
F2 − 2 =
( )
P = 160 × 106 4.704 × 10−3 = 752.6 kN F2 −2 P/10

P = 941 kN

Row 3: A = 0.024  0.300 − 4 ( 0.026 ) = 4.704 × 10−3 m 2

F3−3 + 6( P /10) = P ⇒ F2− 2 = P

F3−3 =
( )
P = 160 × 106 4.704 × 10−3 = 752.6 kN

P = 1881 kN

Cover Plate: For the cover plates, the area is A = 0.016 0.300 − n (0.026 ) . Following the same procedure
as with the main plate, we would determine, for each row

Row 1: P = 1280 kN
Row 2: P = 1254.5 kN
Row 3: P = 2509 kN

Therefore, the maximum load that can be applied to the joint is the smallest force we have determined

P = 941 kN
Adhesive Example

Two joints are being considered for an application in which an adhesive with an allowable shear stress of
τ all = 10 MPa is being used. Determine the allowable load that can be applied to each joint shown if the
factor of safety for the joint is required to be 2.5.

p p p p
150 mm 150 mm

p p p
5 mm 20 mm

30 mm
10 mm

Joint 1 Joint 2

Joint 1: As = 3(0.01)(0.15) = 4.5 × 10−3 m 2

τ all
τd = = 4 MPa
4 MPa = = ⇒ P = 18 kN
As 4.5 × 10−3

Joint 2: As = 0.150 (0.020 )2 + (0.030 )2 = 5.41 × 10−3 m 2
From equilibrium considerations of the joint P
S = P cos θ (θ = 33.7 )
o θ
S = 0.832 P
S 0.832 P
4 MPa = = ⇒ P = 26 kN
A 5.41 × 10−3

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