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Date: 8 February 2018.

Teacher: Liz

Kia ora Ayra and Asalam Alaykom. Today I saw you loading small buckets into a trolley and
pulling it across the playground. “I got a garden; it’s a garden” you told me. I asked you
“what plants do you have in your garden” and you replied “flowers”. I watched as you looked
around the playground for somewhere to plant your flowers, and you decided to plant some
near the play house. You listened when Farida joined in your game and told me “yes, we are
going to plant it over there” and pointed to the other side of the playground near the swings.
You quickly took some buckets off the trolley and put them on the bench to plant them. You
drove the trolley over to the place Farida had suggested and planted the rest of your plants.
Tino pai to mahi (great work) Ayra

What Learning Occurred?

Ayra is very confident at expressing her ideas at preschool. It is great to see she is using
her imagination as she makes connections between preschool and the wider community. Ayra
is showing us her creativity to use buckets to represent flowers for her garden. She is
developing her friendship skills by being happy for Farida to join in her game and contribute
her ideas to Ayra’s game.

What next
We will continue to support Ayra’s interest in caring for our environment by inviting her to
help care for our worm farm by giving them food. Maybe she would like to help us sweep the
rubber pavers one day.

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