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R12/11i2: Understanding Payments Output Formatting, Extracts and Templates [ID 799597.1]

Modified:Feb 2, 2012 Type:WHITE PAPER Status:PUBLISHED Priority:3


In this Document
Document History
R12/11i2: Understanding Payments Output Formatting, Extracts and Templates
Extracts and Templates
Importing a new custom template
Other Helpful Documents
Note on customizations
Community Discussions

Applies to:
Oracle Payments - Version: to 12.1.3 - Release: 11.5 to 12.1
Information in this document applies to any platform.
iPayment (Payments Funds Capture Portion) is an engine that translates EBS data into 3rd Party Payment S
other tasks.
This document concentrates in the data formatting portion.
Before 11i IBY.Q patchset data formatting was handled by specialized Java classes that step-by-step crafted
While this approach is still supported by the product (E.g: Paypal Servlet is a 3rd party servlet that uses this
known as XML Publisher) as the centralized formatting engine eliminating the dependency on specialized c
Document History
Author : The Oracle iPayment Global Support Team
Create Date 02-APR-2009
Update Date 02-APR-2009
R12/11i2: Understanding Payments Output Formatting, Extracts and Templates
Extracts and Templates
Two key concepts in the way iPayment formats data as per the requirements of 3rd Party Payment Systems
Extracts and Templates work similarly to "mail merge" features of word processors. Data is on one side, tem
fields replaced in the template. In iPayment case the result is a single document with one or several entity re
BI Publisher (XDO) uses the same concept, Templates follow the same purpose and Extracts are the dataso
document (plain text) as most of the Payment Systems and Banks require.
Extract + Template = Formatted E-Text or XML Output
Every time there is an online transaction or a batch transaction iPayment queries the extract for the same. T
views that leverage the XML features of Oracle Server, the view output is a fully formatted XML documen
For online transactions (Credit Card/Purchase Card Authorizations) the Extract contains information for a s
Extract contains information for as many entities (funds capture instructions) as there are in the batch.
Extracts are gathered in package IBY_FNDCPT_EXTRACT_GEN_PVT (ibyfcxgb.pls) procedure Create_
Extract information (the first megabyte) was available in IBY Debug Log files up to BatchEFTPayment.cla
logged, however it can be obtained from the database as described in Note:752802.1
The top level extract views are:
IBY_XML_BATCH_FCI_1_0_V: For batch extracts
IBY_XML_ONLINE_FCI_1_0_V: For online extracts
The view dependency hierarchy can be scanned with the following helper script (it will not drill down othe
create or replace
procedure oss_iby_diag_explode_ev(pLevel number, pMv varchar2) is
cursor mvDepend is
select referenced_name, referenced_type
from dba_dependencies
where name = pMv
order by decode(referenced_type, 'TABLE', 1, 2);
if pLevel = 0 then
dbms_output.put_line('. Dependencies and rows for: '||pMv);
end if;
for i in mvDepend loop
if i.referenced_type = 'VIEW' and i.referenced_name like 'IBY%' then
' (VIEW)');
oss_iby_diag_explode_ev(pLevel + 2,i.referenced_name);
' ('||i.referenced_type||')');
end if;
end loop;

SQL>set serveroutput on size 1000000

SQL>exec oss_iby_diag_explode_ev(0,'IBY_XML_BATCH_FCI_1_0_V');
It will show the current hierarchy of dependencies for the top level view, e.g:
. Dependencies and rows for: IBY_XML_BATCH_FCI_1_0_V
The Extract views produce when queried (See Note:752802.1) an XML document containing all details for
As Payment System requirements change, Extracts views change as well (if needed). At the time of writing
Batch Extract Sample
- <FundsCaptureInstruction>
- <InstructionInfo>
- <InstructionStatus>
<Meaning />
- <InstructionSequence>
- <InstructionTotals>
- <SettlementTotal>
- <Currency>
<Code />
<InstructionGrouping />
- <PayeeAccount>
- <PaymentSystemAccount>
- <AccountOption>

[several account options]

- </PaymentSystemAccount>
- <Payee>
- <AccountTotals>
- <AuthorizationsTotal>
- <Currency>
- <CapturesTotal>
- <Currency>
- <CreditsTotal>
- <Currency>
- <FundsCaptureOrder>
- <OrderSourceInfo>
- <OrderNumber>
<PayeeBankAccount />
- <OrderAmount>
- <Currency>
- <PayeeLegalEntity>
- <PartyType>
- <Address>
<AddressLine2 />
<AddressLine3 />
<County />
<TaxRegistrationNumber />
- <PartyType>
<TaxRegistrationNumber />
<LegalRegistrationNumber />
<AlternateName />
- <Address>
<AddressLine3 />
<County />
<State />
<AlternateAddressName />
- <CardHolder>
- <BillingAddress>
<State />
<AddressName />
[There can be more CC records]-
- <Currency>
<PaymentMethodFormatValue />
<Code />
<Meaning />
<Meaning />
<DocumentDescription />
<Value />

[More charge records may exist]

- <Discount>
[More discount records may exist]
<Value />
<RatePercent />

[More tax records may exist]

- <ShipmentOrigin>
<AddressLine1 />
<City />
<State />
<Country />
<PostalCode />

[More shipment origin records may exist]

<AddressLine1 />
<City />
<State />
<Country />
<PostalCode />

[More shipment destination records may exist]

- <DocumentLine>
- <LineType>
<Meaning />
- <LineAmount>
- <Currency>
- <Amount>
- <Currency>

[More tax line records may exist]


[More document line records may exist]


Most formatting templates for iPayment are RTF (rich text format) documents that conform to BI Publisher
The structure of the template is relatively simple to understand by opening it in MS Word or any other RTF
and lookup the value within the same table. E.g:
Carriage Return
Sets general options for the template.
There exists a helper application to assist on template design/edit: BI (XML) Publisher Desktop, this applic
The template is arranged in a hierachy of records. Each record mapping to a given level in the Extract XML
Open $IBY_TOP/patch/115/publisher/templates/IBY_PTK_B_2_1_en.rtf
This is the Paymentech Batch Template
It contains the following hierarchy of records:
<LEVEL> FundsCaptureInstruction
<NEW RECORD> FileHeaderRec
1 4 Alpha R, ‘ ‘‘PID=’
5 6 Alpha R, ‘ ‘/FundsCaptureInstruction/PayeeAccount/Payment

FileHeaderRec that maps to level <FundsCaptureInstruction> in the Extract XML

The first field of the record is constant
Position 1, length 5, Alphanumeric,
Right Padded with spaces, constant value 'PID='
The second field references the Extract XML
Position 5, length 6, Alphanumeric,
Right Padded with spaces,
References the Extract with one condition:
Extract path:
When account option <name> =’PID’
==> Place the <value> in the field
<LEVEL> FundsCaptureOrder
<NEW RECORD> FileDetailRec
1 1 Alpha R, ‘ ‘ ‘S’
2 10 Alpha L, '0' ../PaymentSystemAccount/AccountOption[Na
12 22 Alpha R, ' ' OrderNumber/PayeeOrderNumber

34 2 Alpha L, ' ' IF LENGTH(PayerCreditCard) > 0 THEN IF

CreditCardTransaction/ActionType [...]
FileDetailRec shows a more elaborated conditional field that maps to level <FundsCaptureOrder> in the XM
Field #4 uses IF...ELSIF...END IF constructs to output different values in the result based on the values of t
And so each record and it's fields as required by the Payment System/Bank is defined in the template.

Importing a new custom template

While changing the iPayment data Extract is a complex customization task, the creation of new templates th
funds capture processing is a relatively simple task.
Customizing the iPayment Extract views is not recommended. A change in their definition could affect neg
when patches are applied it could prove a very complex and costly maintenance task to keep re-applying cu
amount of data related to the funds capture process, as such the need for extra information should be carefu
The process for creating a new template can start with a blank one or from an existing one. If is desired to s
XML Publisher Administrator > Templates
Query for Application = Payments
Click on the desired template to use as a starting point
Click on the download icon
RTF template will download
With help of the BI (XML) Publisher desktop application (or simply editing it in an RTF capable editor like
will be imported under a different name.
It is discouraged to ovewrite seeded templates. The main reason is that as soon as a patch delivering a new
a new logical template will avoid this event.
Once a template is finished the process to register it into EBS and link it to a Payment System is:
Payments Setup Administrator > Formats > XML Publisher Templates
Click Go To Task and on the next screen Create Template
Name = <Enter a name for the template>
Application = Payments
Type = RTF (or XSL for Payment Systems like Concord)
Code = <Enter a unique code for the template, no spaces>
Data Definition = iPayment Funds Capture Instruction Extract 1.0
Type = eText - Outbound (For plain text files)
- OR -
Type = XSL-XML (For Payment Systems such as Concord that require XML format)
Browse for the file
Language = English
Click Apply
Now the new template as to be associated with a new Format:
Payments Setup Administrator > Formats > Formats
Click Go To Task
Select "Funds Capture Settlement Batch" for either Online or Batch Templates
Click Create
Code = <Enter a unique code name, no spaces>
Data Extract = Oracle Payments Funds Capture Settlement Batch Extract, Version 1.0
Name = <Enter a user name for the format>
XML Publisher Template = <Select the template created in prior steps>
Click Apply
Now you can create a new Payment System specifying the formats defined, transmission protocols, and the
refer to the Payments Documentation.
Other Helpful Documents
Note 752802.1 Describes Level II & Level III Data and how to get extracts from specific online/batch trans
Note 265330.1 and Note 452830.1 Describe how to get Debug Logs for iPayment 11i and R12 respectively
Note 364547.1 Has troubleshooting information for Oracle BI (XML) Publisher
Note 362496.1 Has instructions to determine the version of Oracle BI (XML) Publisher your EBS instance
Note 794542.1 Contains a data gathering script that reports on all DB setups for iPayment with a Payment S
Note 748309.1 Guides on how to customize the file name for the Local File System delivery transmission p

Note on customizations
While this document provides guidance for the creation of customizations, Oracle Global Customer Suppor
vanilla portions of the application. As such BI (XML) Publisher output generation is supported provided the
iPayment extract is supported if not providing the expected data however the sample data depicted in this d
continue to be the same neither that desired data will be included upon request. The iPayment engine and se
In General the Global iPayment Support Team will request a vanilla setup with known to work templates to
product or the customizations. The Global iPayment Support Team will not support an installation using cu
[ID 799597.1]

Modified:Feb 2, 2012 Type:WHITE PAPER
Status:PUBLISHED Priority:3


In this Document
Document History
R12/11i2: Understanding Payments Output Formatting, Extracts and Templates
Extracts and Templates
Importing a new custom template
Other Helpful Documents
Note on customizations
Community Discussions

Applies to:
Oracle Payments - Version: to 12.1.3 - Release: 11.5 to 12.1
Information in this document applies to any platform.
iPayment (Payments Funds Capture Portion) is an engine that translates EBS data into
3rd Party Payment Systems (and Banks) data formats. Additionally it
handles transmission and several other tasks.
This document concentrates in the data formatting portion.
Before 11i IBY.Q patchset data formatting was handled by specialized Java classes that
step-by-step crafted the expected output for a given Payment System or Bank.
While this approach is still supported by the product (E.g: Paypal Servlet is a 3rd party
servlet that uses this old approach) from IBY.Q onwards iPayment leveraged BI
Publisher (Formerly known as XML Publisher) as the centralized formatting engine
eliminating the dependency on specialized classes and improving maintainability and
supportability of the product.
Document History
Author : The Oracle iPayment Global Support Team
Create Date 02-APR-2009
Update Date 02-APR-2009
R12/11i2: Understanding Payments Output Formatting, Extracts and Templates
Extracts and Templates
Two key concepts in the way iPayment formats data as per the requirements of 3rd Party
Payment Systems or Banks are Extracts and Templates.
Extracts and Templates work similarly to "mail merge" features of word processors. Data
is on one side, templates on another, the merge process results in several documents with
dynamic fields replaced in the template. In iPayment case the result is a single document
with one or several entity records.
BI Publisher (XDO) uses the same concept, Templates follow the same purpose and
Extracts are the datasource in XML format. For iPayment interface with XDO the result
is an e-Text document (plain text) as most of the Payment Systems and Banks require.
Extract + Template = Formatted E-Text or XML Output
Every time there is an online transaction or a batch transaction iPayment queries the
extract for the same. The extract is an XML document produced by a complex hierarchy
of database views that leverage the XML features of Oracle Server, the view output is a
fully formatted XML document.
For online transactions (Credit Card/Purchase Card Authorizations) the Extract contains
information for a single entity, whereas for batch transactions (Batch Close, EFT Acct
Xfer) the Extract contains information for as many entities (funds capture instructions) as
there are in the batch.
Extracts are gathered in package IBY_FNDCPT_EXTRACT_GEN_PVT (ibyfcxgb.pls)
procedure Create_Extract_1_0
Extract information (the first megabyte) was available in IBY Debug Log files up to
BatchEFTPayment.class version 120.41.12000000.7, on higher versions extract
information is no longer logged, however it can be obtained from the database as
described in Note:752802.1
The top level extract views are:
IBY_XML_BATCH_FCI_1_0_V: For batch extracts
IBY_XML_ONLINE_FCI_1_0_V: For online extracts
The view dependency hierarchy can be scanned with the following helper script (it will
not drill down other product views):
create or replace
procedure oss_iby_diag_explode_ev(pLevel number, pMv varchar2) is
cursor mvDepend is
select referenced_name, referenced_type
from dba_dependencies
where name = pMv
order by decode(referenced_type, 'TABLE', 1, 2);
if pLevel = 0 then
dbms_output.put_line('. Dependencies and rows for: '||pMv);
end if;
for i in mvDepend loop
if i.referenced_type = 'VIEW' and i.referenced_name like 'IBY%' then
' (VIEW)');
oss_iby_diag_explode_ev(pLevel + 2,i.referenced_name);
' ('||i.referenced_type||')');
end if;
end loop;

SQL>set serveroutput on size 1000000

SQL>exec oss_iby_diag_explode_ev(0,'IBY_XML_BATCH_FCI_1_0_V');
It will show the current hierarchy of dependencies for the top level view, e.g:
. Dependencies and rows for: IBY_XML_BATCH_FCI_1_0_V
The Extract views produce when queried (See Note:752802.1) an XML document
containing all details for the Auth Request or all details for each line in a Batch.
As Payment System requirements change, Extracts views change as well (if needed). At
the time of writing this document Extract hierarchy for Batch is
Batch Extract Sample
- <FundsCaptureInstruction>
- <InstructionInfo>
- <InstructionStatus>
<Meaning />
- <InstructionSequence>
- <InstructionTotals>
- <SettlementTotal>
- <Currency>
<Code />
<InstructionGrouping />
- <PayeeAccount>
- <PaymentSystemAccount>
- <AccountOption>

[several account options]

- </PaymentSystemAccount>
- <Payee>
- <AccountTotals>
- <AuthorizationsTotal>
- <Currency>
- <CapturesTotal>
- <Currency>
- <CreditsTotal>
- <Currency>
- <FundsCaptureOrder>
- <OrderSourceInfo>
- <OrderNumber>
<PayeeBankAccount />
- <OrderAmount>
- <Currency>
- <PayeeLegalEntity>
- <PartyType>
- <Address>
<AddressLine2 />
<AddressLine3 />
<County />

<TaxRegistrationNumber />
- <PartyType>
<TaxRegistrationNumber />
<LegalRegistrationNumber />
<AlternateName />
- <Address>
<AddressLine3 />
<County />
<State />
<AlternateAddressName />
- <CardHolder>
- <BillingAddress>
<State />

<AddressName />
[There can be more CC records]-
- <Currency>
<PaymentMethodFormatValue />
<Code />
<Meaning />
<Meaning />
<DocumentDescription />
<Value />

[More charge records may exist]

- <Discount>
[More discount records may exist]
<Value />
<RatePercent />

[More tax records may exist]

- <ShipmentOrigin>
<AddressLine1 />
<City />
<State />
<Country />
<PostalCode />

[More shipment origin records may exist]

<AddressLine1 />
<City />
<State />
<Country />
<PostalCode />

[More shipment destination records may exist]

- <DocumentLine>
- <LineType>
<Meaning />
- <LineAmount>
- <Currency>
- <Amount>
- <Currency>

[More tax line records may exist]


[More document line records may exist]


Most formatting templates for iPayment are RTF (rich text format) documents that
conform to BI Publisher template syntax (For more information please consult BI
Publisher product documentation).
The structure of the template is relatively simple to understand by opening it in MS Word
or any other RTF text editor. BI Publisher will scan for keywords between <keyword>
within a table and lookup the value within the same table. E.g:
Carriage Return
Sets general options for the template.
There exists a helper application to assist on template design/edit: BI (XML) Publisher
Desktop, this application will interact with MS Word, to download click here.
The template is arranged in a hierachy of records. Each record mapping to a given level
in the Extract XML hierarch. E.g:
Open $IBY_TOP/patch/115/publisher/templates/IBY_PTK_B_2_1_en.rtf
This is the Paymentech Batch Template
It contains the following hierarchy of records:
<LEVEL> FundsCaptureInstruction
<NEW FileHeaderRec
1 4 Alpha R, ‘PID=’ Presenter
‘ ’s ID
‘ (PID)
5 6 Alpha R, / Presenter
‘ FundsCaptureInstruction/PayeeAccount/PaymentS ’s ID
‘ ystemAccount/AccountOption[Name=’PID†(PID)

FileHeaderRec that maps to level <FundsCaptureInstruction> in the Extract XML

The first field of the record is constant
Position 1, length 5, Alphanumeric,
Right Padded with spaces, constant value 'PID='
The second field references the Extract XML
Position 5, length 6, Alphanumeric,
Right Padded with spaces,
References the Extract with one condition:
Extract path:
When account option <name> =’PID’
==> Place the <value> in the field
<LEVEL> FundsCaptureOrder
<NEW FileDetailRec
1 1 Alpha R, ‘ ‘S’ Record
‘ type code
2 10 Alpha L, '0' ../PaymentSystemAccount/AccountOption[N Division
ame=’DIV_NUM’]/Value number
12 22 Alpha R, ' ' OrderNumber/PayeeOrderNumber Merchantâ
€™s Order
34 2 Alpha L, ' ' IF LENGTH(PayerCreditCard) > 0 THEN IF Action
CreditCardTransaction/ActionType = Code AU =
‘AUTH’ THEN ‘AU’ ELSIF Authorizati
CreditCardTransaction/ActionType = on DC =
‘DC’ ELSIF l Deposit
CreditCardTransaction/ActionType [...] DP =
RF =
FileDetailRec shows a more elaborated conditional field that maps to level
<FundsCaptureOrder> in the XML Extract
Field #4 uses IF...ELSIF...END IF constructs to output different values in the result based
on the values of the <ActionType> tag in the Extract XML
And so each record and it's fields as required by the Payment System/Bank is defined in
the template.

Importing a new custom template

While changing the iPayment data Extract is a complex customization task, the creation
of new templates that format the extract data in a different way to the seeded ones and
attaching it for funds capture processing is a relatively simple task.
Customizing the iPayment Extract views is not recommended. A change in their
definition could affect negatively seeded Payment Systems in use in the installation and
as views change when patches are applied it could prove a very complex and costly
maintenance task to keep re-applying customizations. As of the time of writing this
document the extract views pull a great amount of data related to the funds capture
process, as such the need for extra information should be carefully weighted with the
costs of maintenance and impact of a customization of the views.
The process for creating a new template can start with a blank one or from an existing
one. If is desired to start with an existing one:
XML Publisher Administrator > Templates
Query for Application = Payments
Click on the desired template to use as a starting point
Click on the download icon
RTF template will download
With help of the BI (XML) Publisher desktop application (or simply editing it in an RTF
capable editor like MS Word) make changes to the template as desired. Rename the
template as it will be imported under a different name.
It is discouraged to ovewrite seeded templates. The main reason is that as soon as a patch
delivering a new version is applied it will overwrite the customization in the database,
while creating a new logical template will avoid this event.
Once a template is finished the process to register it into EBS and link it to a Payment
System is:
Payments Setup Administrator > Formats > XML Publisher Templates
Click Go To Task and on the next screen Create Template
Name = <Enter a name for the template>
Application = Payments
Type = RTF (or XSL for Payment Systems like Concord)
Code = <Enter a unique code for the template, no spaces>
Data Definition = iPayment Funds Capture Instruction Extract 1.0
Type = eText - Outbound (For plain text files)
- OR -
Type = XSL-XML (For Payment Systems such as Concord that require XML format)
Browse for the file
Language = English
Click Apply
Now the new template as to be associated with a new Format:
Payments Setup Administrator > Formats > Formats
Click Go To Task
Select "Funds Capture Settlement Batch" for either Online or Batch Templates
Click Create
Code = <Enter a unique code name, no spaces>
Data Extract = Oracle Payments Funds Capture Settlement Batch Extract, Version 1.0
Name = <Enter a user name for the format>
XML Publisher Template = <Select the template created in prior steps>
Click Apply
Now you can create a new Payment System specifying the formats defined, transmission
protocols, and then define a transmission configuration and accounts. For more
information please refer to the Payments Documentation.
Other Helpful Documents
Note 752802.1 Describes Level II & Level III Data and how to get extracts from specific
online/batch transactions by ID.
Note 265330.1 and Note 452830.1 Describe how to get Debug Logs for iPayment 11i and
R12 respectively.
Note 364547.1 Has troubleshooting information for Oracle BI (XML) Publisher
Note 362496.1 Has instructions to determine the version of Oracle BI (XML) Publisher
your EBS instance is running.
Note 794542.1 Contains a data gathering script that reports on all DB setups for iPayment
with a Payment System as a starting point, inclusing Templates, Template Versions and
Formats assigned.
Note 748309.1 Guides on how to customize the file name for the Local File System
delivery transmission protocol.

Note on customizations
While this document provides guidance for the creation of customizations, Oracle Global
Customer Support (GCS) does not support customizations. However GCS supports the
tools and the vanilla portions of the application. As such BI (XML) Publisher output
generation is supported provided the template is well constructed and the expected data
exists in the extract. The iPayment extract is supported if not providing the expected data
however the sample data depicted in this document does not state a commitment from
Oracle Payments Development to continue to be the same neither that desired data will be
included upon request. The iPayment engine and setups screens are supported by the
Global iPayment Support team.
In General the Global iPayment Support Team will request a vanilla setup with known to
work templates to be done at your instance in order to determine if the source of failure is
the vanilla product or the customizations. The Global iPayment Support Team will not
support an installation using customized extract views unless the failure is proven to exist
with the vanilla views

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