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4042018 (CAUsere\AndreDropbor!Project-PartAastsalverciass_ solver py 1 dnport uspy as ap 2 from seipy.sparse import * 3 from seipy import * 4 Anport nunpy.Linalg as 1a 5 import matplotiib.pyplot as pit 6 from mpl_toolkits.mplot3d import Axes30 7 8 ° inport SinpletquationDiscretizer as sed Anport EquationDiscretizeriD as sed1D 10 inport Solversethods as sm 11 import Functiontxanples as fe 12 import TineEquationDiscretizer as ted 24 tol = 0.090002 26 def 15_pos_deF(x) 37 return np.all(np.Linalg.eigvals(x) > ©) 29 20 class multicrsa20: 2 22 def _iniz_(self, max, borderFunction, valueFunction, niu - 4, niu2 ~ 4); 23 Felt porderFunction’~ borderFunction 24 self-valuerunetion ~ valueFunction 25 selfniul ~ niu 26 self.niud ~ niu2 2 self-diserLevel = [] 22 self.N = max 2 30 Leo 3 Wete(maxd > 2): 32 assert(maxn % 2 =» 0) 3 ‘self diserLevel.append(sed.SimpleEquationdiscretizer(nax¥, seif.borderFunction, self.valueFunction)) 3 ied 35 raw = 2 36 7 38 def getCoordinates(self, row, N): 38 Fetuen int(rew / (N+ 1)}, Pow % (N+ 1) 0 41 def gotton(selt, 4, 3, ®) 2 return(s = (W +1} = 5) a 44 def restrict(self, 1, fineN, coarseN) 45 reste =] 45 a for(, elen) in enunerate(e): “8 Ge y) = Sete. getcoordinates(i, FineN) o se AFG % 2 == @ and y £2 == 0): st restr. append(elen) 82 33 return restr sa 55 5é dof interpolate(self, r, Fine, coarseN): 87 intesp = (J se for 4 in range((fineW + 1) * (fineW + 1)): 58 (a y) = self. getcoordinates(i, Finch) 60 a AFG % 2 o0 © and y 2 o6 0): a ‘index = self. getRow(x / 2, y / 2, coarsen) 3 value » rLindex] oa 8 elif(x % 2 = 1 and y % 2 == 0): 66 indext = self.getRo«(Qx - 1) / 2, y / 2, coarse) 7 index? = self -getRou(Qx + 1) / 2, ¥ / 2, coansel) 58 value = (r[indext] + r{index2}) 7 2.0 68 70 elit(x % 2 == @ and y %2 == 1): n Indext = sel#-getRou(x / 2, (y - 1) / 2, coarse) 2 index2 = selé-getRou(x / 2, (y +1) / 2) coarsen) 2 value = (eTindexa] = rfinaex2]) / 2.8 75 else: 76 Indext = self.getRow((x - 1) / 2, (y - 1) / 2, coarsen) ” Andex2 = self getRou((x +1) / 2, (y - 1) / 2, coarsen) 7” ndex3 = sel getRou((x - 1) / 2; (y +1) / 2, coarsen) Py Andext = self getRow((x = 1) / 2) (y= 2) / 2, eoarses) 8@ value ~ (rLindext] + rfindex2] +’rfindex] + eLindexa]) / 4.0 a 82 AFG == @ oF y == @ on x == FineN or y == FineN) 8 value © fie:1C:1Users/Andreiiappdatailocaltempltmpvig8kh hl a6 4042018 149 150 as 1s asa ass ase a7 ase ass 60 ae ae 18 168 165 166 (CUsere\AndreiDropbos!Project-PartAastsalverciass_salver py interp. append(value) # plotsraph(finen, tnterp) ‘return inter def cestrictrransposesction(selt, #5 fine, coarsen) a for 4 An range((coarsen + 1) * (coarsen + 1))} (x, y) ~ self-getcoordinates(i, coarseh) @Y=O*% 279) newentry = r[self.gettou(x, y, FineN)] divideractor = 1.0 For (AX, d¥) Sn [15 8), (-4y 8), (@y 1), (@, “DT: ew = x + aX new = y + d¥ AF(@ <= neWk and newX <= FineN and @ <= neKY and nen < FineN): Index = self.getRow(newx, new, FineN) newentry += O65 * r{index] Givideractor s- 0.5 For (AX, dV) Am [ly 1) Cty Dy Cty “1D, Gy 10) new = x + ak new = y + av AF(@ <= newk and newx <= FineN and @ <= new” and newY <= FineN): Index = self.getRow(newX, new, fined) heweatey += 0225" rCindex] Sivideractor += 0.25 ewentry = 1.0 * newentry / divideractor Af(aivideractor < 2-0) F(t 8 or x == FineW or y == FineN)): ine or y inet): reste. append(nevéntry) # plotsraph(coarsen, restr) return restr def veycle(self, N, level, f, initSol = [], omega = 1.95); diser ~ self discrLevel{level] fSize = len(?) Af(level »= Len(self.discrLevel) - 1): V= la.solve(discr.M.todense(), f) return v else: Solver = sn. Solvertethods( Aterationconstant - self.ntut, feqpiseretizes = diser, bet initSol = initsol, ) # omega = 2.0/(1.0 + math.sin(nath.pi/n)) fonega = 1.95 Vs a) ap = = solver. SsoRrterate(onega) coarseh = WN / 2 Wy = residual np.subtact(F, Mv) coarseResidual ~ self.restrict(residual, 4, coarsen) coarsev = self.veyele(coarseN, level + 2, coarseResidual) ‘FineV = self-interpolate(coarseV, Ky coarseN) wom np.2dd(v, Finev) solver2 ~ sn.Solvertethods( fie: 1C:1Users/AndreiiappdatailocaltempltmpvigSkh el ane 4042018 67 168 168 170 awn wn wa aa ws ve us ee aa an ae ase as as a7 ae as 190 a1 a crt a8 15 196 a7 198 ass 200 21 202 203 208 206 27 208 209 ae aa 2 2a aa 2s 26 a ne 29 220 2a Fr 2a 228 25 226 27 228 228 230 (CUsere\AndreiDropbos!Project-PartAastsalverciass_salver py sterationconstant = self.niu2, eqoiseretizer — diser, bef initsol = w, ) V2, _y _s _ = solver2.ssonreerate(onega) retun v2 def iteratevcycies(selt, t): anitsol = (] N= self. for 4 in range((N + 1) * (N+ 29) (x, y) self. getCoordinates(i, N) Sfx == ory == 8 or x == Nor y = A): ‘initSol append( self borderfunction(2.0* x //N, 1.8 * y / §)) else: ‘initSol append(0.0) verrors = (1 Giser = self.discrlevel(0] = np.copy(diser.valueVector20) orn = Ja-norm(#) currsol ~ np.copy(initsol) for 4 in range(t): residual = np.subtract(F, absErr = 1.05 la.norm(residual) / (noraF + 1) errors. append(ath. log(abster)) resSol = self.veyele(N, &, residual, np.2er0s_1ike(curesel)) prevsol = np.copy(currsol) ‘currSol = np.add(currSol, ressol) Af(absere ¢ tol) break # if np.aticlose(prevsol, currsol, rtol=te-6) # currSolcopy = np.copy(currsol) # nextsol = self-veyele(N, 8, f, inttSol = currsolcopy) # currSol = np.copy(nextsot) s0lX = np. copy(eurrsol) # for onega in [1.97, 1.96, 1.95, 1.94, 1.93] #° print(onege, ":") # print 4% Currsol = np.copy(solx) % —verrors = verrors [70] ® fort in range(t ~ 8) * print(t + 0) * residual ~ np.subtract(f, 2 Gbsérr = 1.8 * La.nora(residual) / normF ’ Errors. qppend(nath. Log(abserr)) ® if(abserr < tol) ’ break ’ esSol = self.veyele(M, ®, residual, np.zeros_(ike(currSol), omega) ’ currsol = np.add(currsot, ‘ressol) 4% plt.plot(verrors, Label = strfomega)) # plt.Legend(Loc="upper right") w return cunrSol, vEsrors 238 class multicrid: def _init_(sel¢, naw, borderfunction, valueFunction, niut niu2 = 4)) Felf.borderFunction = borderFunetion self_valueFunction ~ valueFunction selfiniul ~ niut selfiniu2 = niu2 self-discrLevel = (J self.N = maxh ioe wntde(maxN > 2) fie: 1C:1Users/AndreiiappdatailocaltempltmpvigSkh el ane

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