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Die gefangene Kénigin (Th. Rehbaum) The Captive Queen. — Siel!’ laulavi kuningatar (Rosa Newmarch ) (P. Cajander ) Tabanan kopoaesa (4. Tromenes ) Allegro molto moderato. a.m. J. 08 Tenore Jean Sibelius, Op.48 Es cchant vom Fel - sen ber- coRO A. cast - Lefrowmsobr the ae On vuo - ren hni- pul-1s Allegro molto moderato. u.u. 4.88. ee eee Pos. PIANO ™p —= =z di - ste-resSchloss ins Tal, bes-stil-le wal - tet tur + Teta are grim and tall, like si- lence = eth kat - s0-vi Taak- s0- hon, Mut ‘olin -- kuin how- ta jyl bi Tpp - Mo COCKaNs Faa-ANTR; — ByNeMD TH A Hof, im Ge-mach wndim Saal. Aus den ver-schlosenen Pfor- ten, ausden Fen - sternkeln Lichtstrabl chat - borin keep and in hall. Ne- ver a hint of bright-nese Out of por - tal or cave-ment Woe. Kovse on “e-lo-ton: — Lukose!on rau - fa- por - fit, varlon vil - ket th sielt ef wid eeu, ‘Bea BR HEMD HA-pUTD. Copyright 1907 by Schlesinger'sche Buch- und Musikhandlung, Rob. Lienan, Berlin-Lichterfelde Renewed Copyright 1935 8.9837 fe-tinlinktin “aa > veel, sen tor P. i= See aes ih SSS Tinks; nur die Ri stung respenstger Wich - - ter im Strah Je ds Mon des Mink. wateh - man Doth flash in the moon's ple beams. = nis-sa vah- dit kily. re Guecerars ad crtaaxn ox - mo — Caio oto. = = 3 SSS + ger Stun = de, wenn ale der dle Son -ne fhe num = net, and day Nght hae ebbed @ =~ fen yynl L499, Je aes Mince malt on Sh Ho anus comm - ue on ORTH, Ime Ha aeM-am HOM cae td td pe i S— te 9 _ot zs tnt vom Schlos-e zu sounds from cast-le to afin kuin lam - Ta a cin Meb-li- cher, let ser Ge - sang. ‘A wondrous and mournful tay. ja Wes no- a siel-ti sols; epe - xe tH - umm "a-any - nro. Ez SS Und es wird er-zihlt fm Land von je - ner © Sin - ge~ rin: —___ die While the list>ning folk do whis- - per How all wn-acen, — This Ku-ning-a - tar siel - Yan - = laa, niin ker =, ro tan, ‘Mut Cayxe apes auuxy obra the aay — * TAers, 470 RM RL BE REND dort als Ge-fan- ge-ne weil tay - dy whosings in the fort - ress Wen han on se-ki “mis - ta, et nh. eKD "o.erh KO- po - xe - mh — ¥ro Tab mamabny = Ou - AB. [SS on. 8.9937

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