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(19:19:14) Willie: Kinkyclawz enters the channel.

(19:19:50) Kinkyclawz: Evening Willie! How goes it, our lovely little chatghost?
(19:23:43) Willie: Degnne logs into the Chat.
(19:24:31) Degnne: Hello KC
(19:26:33) Kinkyclawz: Heey hiya hun! *hugz*
(19:26:36) Kinkyclawz: sorry, was distracted.
(19:26:41) Kinkyclawz: As usual these days lmao
(19:26:47) Kinkyclawz: How is your moving going?
(19:27:11) Degnne: pretty much done
(19:27:19) Degnne: now I just gotta unpack everything
(19:27:36) Kinkyclawz: Aww, brilliant. And was it minimal stress?
(19:28:00) Kinkyclawz: Ahh, thats possibly the more fun side of things, rediscovering your own stuff, lol
(19:28:14) Degnne: pretty stress-free
(19:29:08) Kinkyclawz: thank goodness.
(19:29:29) Kinkyclawz: Oh hey, and liking the new comic but i have to admit to not quite understanding it.
Phoenix Feather?
(19:29:44) Kinkyclawz: Sorry, Phoenix down.
(19:30:24) Degnne: It's from Final Fantasy. A phoenix down is an item you use to resurrect your
characters if they die
(19:31:02) Kinkyclawz: Aha! thankyou! Its one of those in joke I'm not quite savvy on.
(19:31:22) Willie: Eileen enters the channel.
(19:31:34) Eileen: *sneaks in from behind*
(19:31:37) Kinkyclawz: Hee, hiya Eileen! Wie gehts, liebe?
(19:31:43) Eileen: Booo!
(19:31:47) Kinkyclawz: *blinks* Ei-leen!
(19:31:50) Degnne: Hello Eileen
(19:31:51) Eileen: Damnit! almost made it
(19:31:54) Kinkyclawz: AARGH!
(19:32:06) Eileen: Hey there!
(19:32:06) Kinkyclawz: Didn;t expect you to shout Boo in my ear!
(19:32:08) Kinkyclawz: lmao
(19:32:15) Kinkyclawz: hey yourself. Are you well?
(19:32:19) Eileen: *waves as if nothing happened*
(19:32:36) Eileen: I'm good thanks how are you two?
(19:33:08) Degnne: pretty good
(19:33:48) Kinkyclawz: not bad thanks.
(19:35:03) Kinkyclawz: Eileen - this is Deg's new comic!
(19:35:04) Kinkyclawz:
(19:35:27) Eileen: great what did i miss?
(19:35:54) Kinkyclawz: Um, not much, a little small talk (is that phrase redundant?)
(19:35:55) Eileen: rofl
(19:35:58) Eileen: great comic!
(19:36:07) Eileen: where is Cloud when you need him, huh?
(19:36:08) Eileen: lol
(19:36:17) Eileen: hmmmmmm
(19:36:19) Eileen: not sure KC
(19:36:25) Kinkyclawz: Ahh, Eileen knows the injoke! lmao
(19:36:33) Eileen: im not the mothertongue here
(19:36:37) Eileen: lol
(19:36:41) Kinkyclawz: little and small in the same sentence... lmao Never fear hun.
(19:36:49) Eileen: heh
(19:37:25) Eileen: i know it because im always missing a phoenix feather when on of my ff characters
(19:37:26) Eileen: lol
(19:37:58) Kinkyclawz: Aha, I had to have your good cartoonist here explain it to me.
(19:38:22) Eileen: *winks at Deg for the inside joke*
(19:38:24) Eileen: great idea
(19:39:00) Degnne always keeps a stock of phoenix downs
(19:39:31) Kinkyclawz: Aww, a Phoenix down pillow sounds lovely and soft. Is that where you keep them,
(19:40:07) Eileen: lol and it keeps you from dying
(19:40:12) Eileen: very convenient
(19:40:33) Kinkyclawz: LMAO
(19:40:45) Eileen: or rather rotting when dead
(19:41:04) Kinkyclawz: At least you wouldn't die in your sleep. lmao
(19:41:11) Eileen: rofl
(19:41:15) Eileen: nope not possible
(19:41:18) Kinkyclawz: Now i know why some people take their own pillows to hotels with them!
(19:41:28) Eileen: lol
(19:41:30) Kinkyclawz: they ahve phoenix down pillows!
(19:41:38) Eileen: obviously
(19:41:45) Kinkyclawz: *considers pillow-napping*
(19:42:04) Kinkyclawz: Tsk, its IS obvious isn't it? Can't believe I hadn;t thought of it before.
(19:42:15) Kinkyclawz: Deg... would you consider sharing?
(19:42:22) Kinkyclawz: *bats eyelashes*
(19:42:29) Kinkyclawz: *****
(19:43:20) Degnne: oh alright!
(19:43:24) Degnne: You can have it.
(19:43:55) Kinkyclawz: Aww, thankyou! not all... just one or two... I'm not greedy...
(19:44:27) Kinkyclawz: feathers not pillows. ahem.
(19:44:29) Eileen: me tooooooooooo
(19:44:43) Eileen: welcome saving stars!
(19:45:34) Degnne hands out phoenix downs
(19:45:38) Kinkyclawz: Hehe, they like being welcomes.
(19:45:41) Kinkyclawz: Thankyou!!!
(19:45:47) Degnne: Now don't go using them all in one place!
(19:45:51) Eileen: *takes them and stores them in her pocket*
(19:45:54) Eileen: thanks!
(19:46:06) Eileen: I'll try
(19:46:08) Degnne: a graveyard or something
(19:46:17) Kinkyclawz: Oh, they're very soft. they look like duck down only red. *hopes she's guessed at
the right colour, its a bit dark to see in the chatroom right now*
(19:46:38) Eileen: I don't plan on dying more than one time in the next 50 years so I think they will be
enough for now
(19:46:41) Kinkyclawz: Heehee, are they most effective there or is it just that you find mostly dead folks in
(19:47:12) Eileen: wha no good idea
(19:47:17) Kinkyclawz: Good to hear, Eileen1
(19:47:23) Eileen: its too effective there KC
(19:47:26) Degnne: It's the only place I could think of where you'd be able to use a bunch all at once
(19:47:49) Eileen: there would be none left for yourself but you might have a couple new friend who would
have to change there names soon
(19:47:51) Kinkyclawz: lol I'm thinking that could cause a bit of trouble.
(19:48:07) Kinkyclawz: Change their names 'cause they're back from the dead?
(19:48:13) Eileen: yup
(19:48:30) Kinkyclawz: See, I can think tonight!
(19:48:37) Eileen: YAY!!!!
(19:48:41) Kinkyclawz: Hooray for me!
(19:48:46) Eileen: *throws around confetti*
(19:48:50) Kinkyclawz: Hehe, paraphrasing George there.
(19:49:10) Kinkyclawz breathes in confetti and begins choking
(19:49:29) Eileen: gaaaaaahhhh!!!
(19:49:38) Eileen: *does the Heimlich move*
(19:49:51) Eileen: hmmm is this working for tiny paper pieces?
(19:50:31) Kinkyclawz: *coughs up a confetti-ball and then sneezes, sneezing out confetti too*
(19:50:46) Eileen: *forces KC to drink water* Wash it down!
(19:50:50) Kinkyclawz: *types #hoarsely* Danke, liebe.
(19:50:53) Eileen: the rest that is
(19:51:14) Eileen: sorry!!! Not my intention
(19:51:21) Kinkyclawz: *swallows more confetti with water* Not the best drink I've ever had, gotta say.
(19:51:35) Eileen: wouldnt want to waste the phoenix down just yet, would we?
(19:51:46) Kinkyclawz: Eileen, next time cna you give me lemon flavoured confetti.
(19:52:03) Eileen: ok then, as you wish, next time
(19:52:08) Kinkyclawz: Exactly, wouldn;t want to have ti use a precious feather so quickly.
(19:52:16) Eileen: next time you are able to think *snickers*
(19:52:23) Kinkyclawz: Danke schon.
(19:52:37) Eileen: lol
(19:52:39) Kinkyclawz: Oh, I think i'll give up on thinking. its over-rated.
(19:52:41) Eileen: Bitte schön
(19:52:47) Kinkyclawz: ^^
(19:52:50) Eileen: yeah it is
(19:52:53) Eileen: and it hurts
(19:53:18) Kinkyclawz: YEah. and it makes me choke on confetti.
(19:53:41) Kinkyclawz: Not a nice side effect to thinking.
(19:53:56) Kinkyclawz: Oh hey, I notice Fang never made it last week, does anyone know if he's ok?
(19:53:59) Eileen: but only if i throw it at you
(19:54:08) Kinkyclawz: The Doctor might have been making a housecall?
(19:54:10) Eileen: i dont know
(19:54:12) Eileen: i hope
(19:54:28) Kinkyclawz: LOL @ eileen. Fair point. (RE Confetti)
(19:54:42) Kinkyclawz: I hope he's ok.
(19:55:02) Kinkyclawz: *peers up into the branches of the Insanity Tree* You okay up there DEg?
(19:55:11) Kinkyclawz: Do you need another pencil for your notes?
(19:55:38) Kinkyclawz: Soo... shall we search for a topic?
(19:57:20) Kinkyclawz: *****
(19:57:49) Eileen: *waves at Deg*
(19:57:49) Degnne looks under a rock for the topic
(19:58:06) Kinkyclawz: We have rocks in the chatroom?! *gets excited*
(19:58:07) Degnne: Nope, not one under there
(19:58:19) Eileen: oh!!! Who left the rocks up the tree? Duck!!!
(19:58:24) Kinkyclawz: *wonders if its a bad thing to get excited about rocks when she's not a geologist*
(19:58:39) Kinkyclawz: Ohhh, the rocks are in the tree?!
(19:58:44) Kinkyclawz: COOOL!
(19:58:51) Kinkyclawz: *ducks*
(19:58:52) Eileen: must be if Deg is up there as well
(19:59:08) Kinkyclawz: See, thats why I leave the thinking to you, eileen. Heehee
(19:59:19) Eileen: lol
(19:59:34) Eileen: come oooon, that was obvious
(19:59:42) Eileen: or Deg has veeeeeeery long arms
(20:00:23) Kinkyclawz: Nope, sworn off thinking so mot much is obvious!
(20:00:43) Kinkyclawz: On the up side, I now understand some of the people I work with thanks to the not
thinking thing. lmao
(20:00:54) Eileen: lol
(20:02:50) Kinkyclawz gets out a tape measure to check the length of Degs arms
(20:03:20) Kinkyclawz realises she can't actually reach Deg without touching the Insanity Tree... which
isn't a good idea.
(20:04:43) Eileen: Noooooooo!
(20:04:56) Eileen pulls KC back
(20:05:14) Degnne is self conscious about the length of his arms
(20:05:19) Kinkyclawz is pulled back when millimetres from the tree
(20:05:38) Willie: Fang enters the channel.
(20:05:43) Kinkyclawz: Thanks eileen, that was a close one.
Aww, sorry Deg. *puts the tape measure away*
(20:05:45) Fang: Hi all
(20:05:54) Kinkyclawz: FANG!! *bounces over and hugz* Hello!
(20:06:00) Degnne: Hello Fang
(20:06:01) Kinkyclawz: We missed you last week!
(20:06:04) Kinkyclawz: Are you well?
(20:06:47) Fang: not too bad, coughing a bit though
(20:07:02) Kinkyclawz: Aww, n9ot been well?
(20:07:04) Fang: and how are all of you (and the tree)?
(20:07:21) Kinkyclawz: Aye, not bad thanks.
(20:07:31) Eileen: FAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAANGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGG!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! *stops to
(20:07:51) Eileen: I'm good thanks!!!
(20:08:17) Kinkyclawz: Easy Eileen. *sits Eileen down on her invisible chair so she can catch her breath*
(20:08:42) Fang: just asthma getting being bad KC, looks like Eileen has the same problem!
(20:09:11) Kinkyclawz: Aww. *stops hugging as that might not help*
(20:09:22) Kinkyclawz: And you might be right.
(20:09:37) Fang: Eileen do you need my inhaler?
(20:09:51) Kinkyclawz: Hope you feel better and your cough clears up soon, Doctor.
(20:10:44) Kinkyclawz: *****
(20:11:14) Eileen: no no!
(20:11:17) Fang: cheers, so did we have a topic before I came in and ruined everything?
(20:11:17) Eileen: all is good!
(20:11:30) Eileen: nope
(20:11:44) Kinkyclawz: Hehe, we were searching for one but there isn;t a topic under the rock Deg has in
his tree.
(20:11:47) Eileen: besides pheonix downs and rock in the insanity tree
(20:11:59) Kinkyclawz is careful not to mention the length of Deg's arms
(20:12:08) Eileen: admiring Deg's new comic
(20:12:10) Kinkyclawz oops!
(20:12:16) Eileen: KC!!!
(20:12:20) Kinkyclawz: aha yes, the new We Are Monsters!
(20:12:32) Kinkyclawz: I needed it explaining to me *talks quickly to cover her faux pas*
(20:13:10) Degnne hides arms in shame
(20:13:38) Kinkyclawz:
(20:13:52) Fang: ooh double edition for me, being away has it's advantages!
(20:14:38) Kinkyclawz throws a nbox of confetti up to DEg so he can drop it and choke me if he so
(20:14:58) Kinkyclawz: a nbox of course is larger than a box.
(20:15:15) Degnne can't catch it without revealing his arms
(20:15:19) Fang: I like that Daisy looks pissed off at canteen lady, she could be her Seth like sidekick
(20:15:30) Kinkyclawz: Hehe, indeed-and two very good additions to WAM.
(20:15:41) Fang: is this a different tree to the usual insanity one?
(20:15:53) Kinkyclawz: Everyone look away so Deg can catch the KC-shutter-upper confetti.
(20:15:57) Fang: woooahh, what's with your arms Deg?
(20:16:31) Kinkyclawz: Nope, same insanity tree. I might be better off touching the tree today though.
(20:16:34) Kinkyclawz: Sorry Deg.
(20:16:55) Kinkyclawz: There's nothing wrong with his arms. They're perfectly normal and nice and good.
(20:17:16) Kinkyclawz: and attached to the very talented cartoonists hands of course, so that helps.
(20:17:48) Eileen: not loooooooooooong at all
(20:17:49) Eileen: oops
(20:18:00) Eileen: No, dont touch the tree, KC!!!!!!!!!!!
(20:18:05) Eileen: We can talk about it!!!
(20:19:30) Eileen: Wah!!! She has fallen silent! Did she touch the tree?
(20:19:39) Eileen panics
(20:19:46) Fang: oh right I think it must be becuae he's high up and I can't see much other than his arms
(20:20:22) Kinkyclawz was inches from the tree again.
(20:20:43) Kinkyclawz: I decided not to touch. Sorry to scare you Eileen.
(20:21:06) Eileen sobs in relieve
(20:21:08) Kinkyclawz: Oh wait, if I decided something... that means I was thinking, right? Damn, not
allowed to think tonight.
(20:21:12) Eileen: thank god!
(20:21:18) Kinkyclawz: *cuddles Eileen* There there.
(20:21:54) Kinkyclawz: Oh dear... that might not have been the right thing to say Fang. *peers up the tree*
(20:22:28) Eileen: I thought I had lost you to sanity! Don't do something like that ever again!!! *screams
hysterically not at all exagerating*
(20:23:44) Kinkyclawz: *blinks, a bit stunned*
(20:23:56) Kinkyclawz: Sorry. *bottom lip pokes out and quivers*
(20:24:01) Fang: Eileen never exagerates, it's just not German
(20:24:45) Kinkyclawz: Indeed Fang. exaggeration is a waste of resources and very inefficient.
(20:24:57) Kinkyclawz: and we know how efficient our Eileen is.
(20:25:19) Eileen: *sobs some more and calms down*
(20:25:35) Eileen: Now you see how much effort that cost me as I obviously never do it
(20:25:48) Kinkyclawz: *keeps hugging Eileen, rubbing her back gently while trying to stop her own
bottom lip quivering*
(20:25:56) Eileen: Deg, you ok?
(20:26:03) Fang: did you read Mr Tovey's Q&A with the Guardian KC?
(20:26:04) Kinkyclawz: I didn;t see a thing.
(20:26:24) Kinkyclawz: I didn;t see it in the Guardian but saw it on the Russell tovey Blog.
(20:26:29) Eileen: nope
(20:26:33) Fang: everyone is worried about Deg, I just think he's having a hard time hearing us
(20:26:38) Kinkyclawz: Not read it all yet though. lol what I read was fascinating.
(20:26:40) Fang: I hope so anyway
(20:26:51) Kinkyclawz: *shouts* DEG?! WHERE ARE YOU?!
(20:26:51) Fang: here it is Eileen
(20:26:54) Fang:
(20:27:06) Kinkyclawz: Heee, *saves the link* Ta Doctor!
(20:27:07) Eileen: thanks Fang
(20:27:39) Kinkyclawz: I dunno if JD will be able to make it tonight, not sure if he;'s having 'net rouble.
(20:27:53) Kinkyclawz: 'net Trouble also, he's not in Russia I promise you.
(20:27:56) Eileen: 'net rouble?
(20:27:58) Eileen: hmmmm
(20:27:59) Fang: one day I'll post something KC never knows about, after that sign of the apocalypse then
the world will will end shortly after
(20:28:32) Eileen: tell me when, Fang so I can get Sam and Dean
(20:28:33) Kinkyclawz: Its okay Fang, Deg kindly gave us some Phoenix down so when the world ends,
we can be resurrected.
(20:28:34) Fang: wtf, you'd never guess English was my fist language with grammar like that
(20:28:57) Kinkyclawz: We understood perfectly. *cosults her Fang-dictionary*
(20:29:11) Fang: Eileen's is much better and her default setting is German
(20:29:17) Kinkyclawz: *consults her KC-dictionary to find out what cosult means*
(20:29:22) Eileen: it's okay fang, no need to be ashamed
(20:29:37) Eileen: my default setting?
(20:29:43) Kinkyclawz: Ah! Yep, I understood perfectly!
(20:29:49) Eileen: *checks her birth certificate* ah, yes your right
(20:29:53) Kinkyclawz: Your mother tongue.
(20:29:58) Fang: oh dear, between my grammar and your typos it's a wonder anybody knows what's
going on
(20:30:22) Kinkyclawz: Fang, i hate to break it to you but I don;t think anyone does anyway.
(20:30:29) Fang: What is the trait you most deplore in yourself?
Being so brilliant, it's draining.
(20:30:31) Kinkyclawz: I'm sure I don;t usually know whats going on.
(20:30:33) Kinkyclawz: lmao
(20:30:38) Fang: Great answer that, I'm stealing it
(20:30:46) Kinkyclawz: lmao Loving your modesty also, Doctor!
(20:30:55) Eileen: lol
(20:30:57) Eileen: Cog
(20:31:08) Eileen: Nooooo Russel!
(20:31:16) Fang: it's a Toveyism not mine, even if it does sound like something I might say
(20:31:41) Eileen: sure Fang
(20:31:55) Kinkyclawz: lmao Tovey had Doctor-ish traits because he was once thought to be in line for
(20:32:00) Kinkyclawz: got to love Toveyisms!
(20:32:08) Kinkyclawz: Or in my case, jsut lvoe Tovey! lmao
(20:32:13) Kinkyclawz: and Typos
(20:32:15) Fang: did I just invent a new term?
(20:32:35) Kinkyclawz: You did!
(20:32:49) Fang: see I am brilliant!
(20:33:17) Fang: of course not as good as you KC, you invent new words every other sentence
(20:33:18) Eileen: lol
(20:33:21) Eileen: *coughs*
(20:33:22) Kinkyclawz: Aaaaaaand I'm so excited about it that I need a pitstop! BRB gang!
(20:33:30) Kinkyclawz: *****
(20:33:36) Eileen: hb!
(20:33:42) Eileen: *freezes*
(20:34:08) Fang: coughing now too? are you sure you don't want to borrow my inhaler?
(20:34:38) Fang: no need to freeze is there, unless your cold, is that why you post in blue?
(20:35:15) Fang: I mean you're cold, stupid bloody language
(20:35:33) Fang: Deg?!
(20:35:35) Fang: KC?#
(20:35:39) Fang: Eileen?
(20:35:57) Fang: I'm so lonely
(20:36:37) Fang: Willie?
(20:36:49) Eileen: Fang?
(20:36:55) Fang: Eileen!
(20:36:56) Eileen: no im not cold
(20:37:00) Fang: You've defrosted!
(20:37:00) Eileen: Fang!
(20:37:05) Eileen: YAY!
(20:37:17) Eileen: I will refrain from throwing confetti
(20:37:23) Kinkyclawz: Back!
(20:37:27) Eileen: almost killed KC today already
(20:37:29) Eileen: WB!!!
(20:37:39) Kinkyclawz: Thankyou
(20:37:47) Eileen: Youwelcome
(20:37:50) Eileen: r
(20:37:52) Fang: you can throw it as long as it's biodegradable, I learned that at a wedding recently
(20:38:06) Eileen: oh no it istn
(20:38:08) Eileen: isnt
(20:38:13) Eileen: damn KC!
(20:38:20) Fang: that would have been annoying if she died, are you sure that's confetti? it's not usually
(20:38:23) Kinkyclawz: I breathed it in and was choking. But Eileen saved meeeeeeee!
(20:38:24) Eileen: your catching
(20:38:39) Fang: ah right
(20:38:50) Kinkyclawz: lmao I love Typos!
(20:38:54) Eileen: or your typos
(20:38:55) Eileen: lol
(20:39:00) Kinkyclawz: Sorry, yes, I'm infectious.
(20:39:11) Eileen: lol
(20:39:26) Kinkyclawz: look, I'm owrried about Deg., I'm gonna have to climb the tree and give him a
massive hug and apologise.
(20:39:41) Fang: you're infectious? you said you were OK when I arrived, it's not the plague is it, that was
a bad year
(20:39:41) Kinkyclawz: owrried is even more worried then worried, you see. ahem.
(20:40:03) Kinkyclawz: Only a typo plague, so we're all infected already. Carriers, not suffereererererers
(20:40:07) Fang: of course it is KC, common nothern slang, I doubt Eileen knew that though
(20:41:00) Kinkyclawz: Are you calling me common? Hehe, you'd be right!
(20:41:04) Eileen: no i didnt
(20:41:09) Eileen: wow the things i learn
(20:41:21) Eileen: dont touch the tree please?
(20:41:38) Fang: *hopes Eileen never goes to the north of Britain to try out new slang*
(20:41:46) Eileen: or at least take safety measures
(20:41:50) Fang: no comment KC, no comment
(20:41:53) Kinkyclawz: Ah, I have a master plan, eileen. *puts on her gloves*#
(20:42:05) Kinkyclawz: LOL @ Fang. Possibly safer.
(20:42:14) Eileen: use a condom
(20:42:19) Eileen: uh no gloves
(20:42:41) Kinkyclawz: *blinks* i'm climbing the tree, Eileen, not .. you know...
(20:42:45) Kinkyclawz: lmao
(20:42:56) Kinkyclawz: *chuckles at the thought*
(20:43:00) Eileen: aaaaaaaaaahhhh then gloves will be enough
(20:43:16) Eileen: and btw where would you want to put the condome anyway
(20:43:25) Kinkyclawz: Over the tree?
(20:43:31) Kinkyclawz: Its be a big 'un.
(20:43:42) Kinkyclawz: It'll be a big one, I meant. ><
(20:43:48) Eileen: ok
(20:43:51) Kinkyclawz: the condom, not the tree... *shuts up*
(20:44:07) Eileen: if you intend to do.. uh you know... I'll send Fang to buy the xxl size ones
(20:44:24) Eileen: he must know where to find them
(20:44:29) Kinkyclawz: Bet he, JD and Deg both have those already.
(20:44:30) Fang: it's OK I already have some Eileen
(20:44:35) Eileen: *blushes beetred*
(20:45:00) Eileen: ahh then its ok
(20:45:01) Kinkyclawz wonders how she managed to crawl into the gutter when preparing to climb a
(20:45:11) Kinkyclawz: lmao Aww, bless ya Eileen!
(20:45:19) Fang: yeah you did branch off a bit then KC
(20:45:36) Kinkyclawz peeps over the edge of the gutter
(20:45:48) Kinkyclawz: Can you give me a hand Fang?
(20:46:08) Fang: *wonders if anybody will twig onto the tree based pun*
(20:46:35) Fang: yeah I'll give you a leg over, I mean up, damn Eileen taking it to the gutter
(20:46:36) Kinkyclawz is not allowed tot hink so is unable to get any subtle tree-based puns
(20:46:47) Kinkyclawz: LMFAO
(20:46:53) Fang: yeah I'm barking up the wrong tree there aren't I
(20:46:58) Kinkyclawz falls back into the gutter, laughing hysterically
(20:47:11) Fang: why aren't you allowed to think anyway?
(20:47:12) Kinkyclawz: You might be, you sap.
(20:47:22) Eileen: puns?
(20:47:34) Eileen: the ones you cook in?
(20:47:38) Fang: Sap, that's not nice, I think we better leaf it KC
(20:47:39) Kinkyclawz: Its been agreed that me being allowed to think is dangerous.
(20:47:51) Kinkyclawz: Oak-ay, Fang.
(20:48:06) Eileen: Fang!!!
(20:48:10) Eileen: stop it!
(20:48:15) Eileen: I'm rofling here
(20:48:18) Kinkyclawz: Wood you believe it?
(20:48:19) Eileen: and my floor is hard
(20:48:20) Kinkyclawz: lmao
(20:48:36) Kinkyclawz: LMFAO *falls right back into the gutter again* Eileen!!
(20:48:58) Fang: aww, *goes to find Eileen a shag
(20:49:12) Fang: damn return key... ...shag carpet*
(20:49:26) Fang: so she doesn't hurt herself see?
(20:49:31) Eileen: What????
(20:49:39) Kinkyclawz snortlaughs then realises what she was meant to be doing and clambers out of the
(20:49:41) Willie: keepmakingtea logs into the Chat.
(20:49:50) Kinkyclawz: Nice save, Fang, blaming the enter key.
(20:49:50) Fang: JD you made it!
(20:49:51) Kinkyclawz: JD!!
(20:49:57) Kinkyclawz: Hello my Twusband, how are you?
(20:50:02) keepmakingtea: KC, what are you doing? You're supposed to be in the gutter!
(20:50:04) keepmakingtea: With me!
(20:50:06) Kinkyclawz: Thought you were'nt going to arrive tongiht!
(20:50:18) keepmakingtea: Hi, Eileen! How's the bootleg chihuahua?
(20:50:19) Fang: save us JD before insanity and bad puns take root
(20:50:32) keepmakingtea: You're talking to the wrong guy, Doctor.
(20:50:42) Eileen: the are finally able to use their boots!
(20:50:59) keepmakingtea:
(20:51:04) Eileen: poor Fang
(20:51:13) Fang: I am? Save us Deg before insanity and bad puns take root
(20:51:17) Eileen: Rofls again
(20:51:18) Kinkyclawz: LOL I know, JD, I know. but first I must risk life and limb, or at least a brain cell, to
climb the tree and apologise to Deg for insulting him unintentionally and give him a big apology hug.
(20:51:19) Eileen: OWW!!!
(20:51:41) Fang: *hands Eileen the shag carpet*
(20:51:47) keepmakingtea: Deg, what's happened?
(20:51:57) Kinkyclawz stuffs the tree-based puns into a trunk*
(20:52:06) Eileen: thanks Fang
(20:52:09) keepmakingtea: Don't make me show you the most dreaded finger of all.
(20:52:11) Fang: he's stuck up the insanity tree
(20:52:24) Eileen: the ring finger?
(20:52:26) keepmakingtea: It's the "shame on you!" finger.
(20:52:31) Kinkyclawz: He's not spoken for AAAAAAAGES!
(20:52:46) Kinkyclawz: Ohhh, not the Shame On You finger?!
(20:53:04) Kinkyclawz: (You've been watching the comedian Al Murray?)
(20:53:06) Eileen: ah the shame on you finger!
(20:53:07) Eileen: i see
(20:53:53) Fang: you don't want the finger Eileen
(20:54:02) Kinkyclawz spits on her hands, salutes at Eileen, Fang and JD as she prepares to climb the
Insanity Tree
(20:54:24) Eileen: wear the gloves!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
(20:54:26) Kinkyclawz: For eternal life, liberty and the pursuit of forgiveness!
(20:54:34) Kinkyclawz begins climbing....#
(20:54:34) Eileen: *salutes back*
(20:54:40) Fang: 22 seconds or so into this vid
(20:54:42) Fang:
(20:54:52) Kinkyclawz: Oh... right,... gloves.... Oops.
(20:55:17) Fang: *spits on KC's hands too and wishes her good luck*
(20:55:21) keepmakingtea: Fang, that was SCARY!
(20:55:25) Fang: godspeed KC, godspeed
(20:55:51) Fang: what was scary, the video?
(20:55:52) keepmakingtea: Let's see if this can get Deg talking...
(20:55:57) keepmakingtea: Yep.
(20:55:59) keepmakingtea:
(20:56:21) Kinkyclawz: AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAL! He's lovely, is Al! Knows a lot of stuff... ohhh,
ToveyToveytoveyness!! *bounces*
(20:56:26) Eileen: ewwwwwwwwww
(20:56:34) keepmakingtea: Deg must be a very skillful climber.
(20:56:40) Kinkyclawz: *****
(20:56:44) Eileen: Fang, don't spit on other people's hands!
(20:56:45) Fang: ewwwww?
(20:56:45) Degnne: lol why would that get me talking?
(20:56:49) Degnne: oops.
(20:56:54) Fang: it worked!
(20:56:56) keepmakingtea: SUCCESS!
(20:57:01) Eileen: DEEEEEEEEEEEGGGGGGGGG!!!!!!!!!!!!!
(20:57:15) Eileen: *refrains from throwing around confetti*
(20:57:20) Fang: oh right... sorry ...I thought I was helping
(20:57:21) keepmakingtea: Quick, group hug Deg before he climbs the tree again!
(20:57:51) Degnne tries to run away
(20:58:12) Fang: *joins group hug with one arm, the other is over my mouth so there's no more spitting*
(20:58:27) Fang: too late!
(20:58:45) Kinkyclawz: DEG!! *also throws her arms around him* SorrySorrySorry We love youuuuu!
(20:58:47) keepmakingtea: Drat! We missed him!
(20:59:20) Kinkyclawz wonders who she's hugging she she missed Deg.
(20:59:23) Kinkyclawz: Oh hey JD!
(20:59:25) Kinkyclawz: MWAH!
(20:59:31) Fang: yay somebody else who uses the word "Drat" outside of wacky races,
(20:59:33) keepmakingtea: I wasn't complaining!
(21:00:03) Kinkyclawz: Heehee
(21:00:34) Fang: aww you can see why you two got married
(21:00:40) Kinkyclawz: Deg, come down. WE'll play nicely. Eileen will even give you the confetti to throw
at me if you like...
(21:00:59) Kinkyclawz: *grinz* Twarried, dear Doctor.
(21:01:13) keepmakingtea: Degnne, when did you learn to climb like a monkey? That takes talent!
(21:01:15) Kinkyclawz: I blame the insanity tree.
(21:01:15) Fang: sorry Twarried
(21:01:17) Eileen: group hug!
(21:01:48) keepmakingtea: (KC, the Doctor is never wrong about these things... And even if he is, we just
nod and go along.)
(21:01:53) Kinkyclawz: YAY! *is already hugging JD so drags Eileen & Fang into the group hug and tries
to entice Deg into the hug too*
(21:02:10) Kinkyclawz: (oh, sorry. blame the insanity Tree. Heehee) You're right of course, Doctor.
(21:02:59) Kinkyclawz: *sweetly* Oh Deeeeg. Are you coming down to join us in a group hug?
(21:03:10) Kinkyclawz: We'd really love your company.
(21:03:15) keepmakingtea:
(21:03:39) Kinkyclawz: *shudders* Uh oh, monkey with three heads.
(21:03:46) Kinkyclawz: Scary.
(21:03:58) Degnne doesn't want to use his arms
(21:04:45) Fang: I'm glad to see that others believe I'm never wrong
(21:04:51) Kinkyclawz: Thats ok Deg, we'll hug YOU! *drags the whole group over and wraps her arms
around Deg. Sorry hunny! But i reckon you ahve lovely arms.
(21:05:12) Fang: *carries on hugging with one arm* wait, how am I typing this?
(21:05:27) Kinkyclawz: *blinks at Fang then begins laughing hysterically*
(21:05:45) Kinkyclawz: *****
(21:06:10) Fang: oh no, the winking disease has mutated into blinking?
(21:06:31) keepmakingtea: I put a DVD on eBay today. Sold it in three hours.
(21:06:45) Kinkyclawz: It has for me, I'm infected by the Insanity Tree.
(21:06:53) Kinkyclawz: Wow, cool! Which DVD was it?
(21:06:54) Eileen: your telekinetic Fang
(21:07:32) Kinkyclawz: LMAO Bless you eileen for hitting upon the clean option! lmao Definitely not where
my head was at. told you I shouldn't be allowed to think tongiht.
(21:07:53) Fang: *wonders if KC's first though was telekinesis*
(21:07:53) Kinkyclawz: *****
(21:07:55) keepmakingtea: This one!
(21:07:58) keepmakingtea:
(21:08:01) Fang: oh it was
(21:08:26) Kinkyclawz: Oh wait!
(21:08:35) Kinkyclawz: I saw that Tweets, yep JD!
(21:08:39) Kinkyclawz: *****
(21:08:53) keepmakingtea: Why did I sell it? I got... this one!
(21:08:56) keepmakingtea:
(21:09:03) Fang: damn America is so ungraeteful, no matter how many times I stop the daleks they call
others their national hero
(21:09:32) Fang: *googles that DVD*
(21:09:41) keepmakingtea: That's not true, Doctor. That's "The Greatest American Hero."
(21:09:50) Kinkyclawz: Tsk, Doctor the world is so unfair isn;t it? Makes me wonder why you keep on
saving us ungrateful hoomins.
(21:09:51) keepmakingtea: You're the Greatest Intergalatic Hero.
(21:10:11) Kinkyclawz: Ohh, clever sidestep there JD! *applauds*
(21:10:24) Fang: *I think I may have added more *s to this chat that KC has with her saving stars*
(21:11:00) Kinkyclawz: Heehee, I could lie and say yes, telekinesis was my first thought Doctor...
(21:11:02) Fang: ah I see, thanks JD!
(21:11:10) Kinkyclawz: LOL Are we competing Doctor?
(21:11:19) Kinkyclawz: No-one told me...
(21:11:36) Kinkyclawz: *****
(21:13:01) Fang: KC! is that an extra saving star?
(21:13:29) Fang: I save actual stars! and planets, and galaxies, and Germany so I win!
(21:13:45) Kinkyclawz: *counts the number of saving stars and gets her usual 5*
(21:14:10) Kinkyclawz: Oh, but your work is far more important. I like actual stars so its good that you
save them for us.
(21:14:12) keepmakingtea: KC creates stars?
(21:14:25) Kinkyclawz: Only little Earth-bound ones.
(21:14:32) Kinkyclawz: Fang saves 'em.
(21:14:43) Fang: oh you do use five stars, I apologise for my foolishness
(21:14:44) Kinkyclawz: Sorry, The Doctor does.
(21:15:02) keepmakingtea: So you're the one responsible for the stars I see when I leave at 5:30 AM?
(21:15:20) Kinkyclawz: Nope, you're correct, Doctor. (See Jd, i'm learning. )
(21:15:24) Kinkyclawz: *****
(21:15:50) Fang: leave where? is that when you're nightclubs open too? without a lock-in?
(21:16:15) Fang: *wonders if lock-ins exist in America*
(21:16:31) keepmakingtea: Yes, they do.
(21:16:40) Kinkyclawz: *wonders if Lock0ins exist in America OR Germany too*
(21:17:02) Fang: Eileen has gone as queit as Deg
(21:17:07) Eileen: sorry im distracted by Jared P.
(21:17:08) Eileen: lol
(21:17:41) Eileen: lock-in?
(21:17:51) Kinkyclawz: YEah... oh, thats ok then. Distracted by nice menfolks isn;t a bad thing.
(21:17:55) Fang: er you explain KC
(21:18:19) Fang: it is KC, what's wrong with the menfolk here? actually don't answer that!
(21:18:36) Eileen: rofl
(21:18:38) Fang: the best lock-ins were in the crystal maz
(21:18:43) Kinkyclawz: A Lock In is where you're locked into a pub after drinking hours have finished and
carry on drinking.
(21:18:44) Fang: maze even
(21:18:48) Kinkyclawz: lmao those were good.
(21:19:09) keepmakingtea: No, Eileen, my last initial is D.
(21:19:11) Eileen: dont know about those
(21:19:21) Eileen: lol
(21:19:21) Kinkyclawz: And Fang, you know full well we LOVE our lovely Menfolk in the chatroom. Its why
we group hug and nick wallets and stuff. lmao
(21:19:22) Fang: *plays crystal Maze theme tune on a harmonica*
(21:19:27) Eileen: maybe for supermarkets
(21:19:50) Kinkyclawz: You're playing as badly as Richard O'Brien there Fang! Well done!!
(21:20:09) Fang: *decides not to mention wallets and XL...y'know, time to move on*
(21:20:21) Kinkyclawz: *collapses giggling*
(21:20:29) Kinkyclawz: *crawls off into the gutter again*
(21:20:40) Kinkyclawz: Deg, you still with us, m'dear?
(21:20:44) Eileen: we dont have drinking hours
(21:20:46) Fang: you sound like my Mumsy criticising my harmonica playing
(21:20:49) Eileen: we always drink
(21:20:50) Kinkyclawz: *peers up into the tree#
(21:20:50) keepmakingtea: *joins KC in the gutter*
(21:20:50) Eileen: lol
(21:20:58) Kinkyclawz: lmao @ Fang.
(21:20:59) Degnne: yes
(21:21:16) Kinkyclawz: *hugz JD and snuggles in the gutter* YAY you're ok Deg!
(21:21:30) Fang: oh dear I think our crystal maze discussion is a bit too English
(21:21:48) Fang: jut 24/7 drinking in Germany hey?
(21:21:58) Eileen: lol yeah
(21:22:07) Eileen: at least at Oktoberfest
(21:22:13) Kinkyclawz: It probably didn;t get transmitted overseas, Fang.
(21:22:57) Fang: yeah, they had a future, mediaeval and Aztec zone but no Germany or American zones
(21:23:23) Fang: talking of medieval you enjoying Merlin KC?
(21:23:24) Kinkyclawz: Nope. Thats was their downfall... that and Ed Tudor Pole. lmao
(21:23:33) Eileen: who did?
(21:23:50) Kinkyclawz: Ooh thats a fair point Eileen, we have some pubs with 24hour licences now so...
lock ins are rarer.
(21:24:13) Fang: yeah! I put on challenge the other week and it was Mr Ed, I was most peeved
(21:24:18) Kinkyclawz: I've not watched it since S2, and only a few eps of that, need to catch up.
(21:24:39) Kinkyclawz: Eileen: who did what? lol
(21:25:14) Fang: don't bring Mr What into this, I'm sometimes called Mr Who
(21:25:44) keepmakingtea: Someone jokingly said yesterday I'd legally change my last name to Who.
(21:26:00) Kinkyclawz: Oh sorrry. And paologies MR What for dragging you into a conversation against
your will.
(21:26:16) Kinkyclawz: That you would, JD? And would you be tempted to?
(21:26:30) keepmakingtea: Nope.
(21:26:40) Kinkyclawz: Good.
(21:26:52) Kinkyclawz: There's only room for one Mr Who in here.
(21:26:52) keepmakingtea: You don't want to be Mrs. Who.
(21:27:01) Eileen: hmmmm would it be possible to change my name to Winchester?
(21:27:02) Eileen: lol
(21:27:16) Fang: yeah good, my surnme isn't even Who, my name is the Doctor
(21:27:25) Kinkyclawz: Hehe, imagine the hilarity when giving your name...
(21:27:39) Kinkyclawz: Eileen, if you want too, you certainly can!
(21:27:40) Fang: Yes, the Winchester is a fine pub
(21:28:11) Kinkyclawz: lmao As attested to by Shaun, his friends and the zombie of England.
(21:28:20) Kinkyclawz: zombies I meant.
(21:28:41) Kinkyclawz: So you have no last name Mr Who... I mean Doctor?
(21:28:44) Kinkyclawz: Liek Cher?
(21:28:48) Kinkyclawz: lmao
(21:28:51) Kinkyclawz: Or Sting?
(21:29:20) keepmakingtea: The Doctor's real name must never be revealed, except to Alex Kingston.
(21:29:32) Kinkyclawz: River Song.
(21:29:44) keepmakingtea: Exactly!
(21:29:49) Kinkyclawz: Hehe, is Sting married River would he be called Sting Song?
(21:29:50) Kinkyclawz: lmao
(21:30:23) Fang: Yes, two names are inefficent, it's why Eileen has just one name, as does Deg and Fang
(uh-oh talking in 3rd person)
(21:30:25) Eileen: Will
(21:30:29) Eileen: is not better
(21:30:37) Kinkyclawz: lmao
(21:30:39) Eileen: lol
(21:30:48) Kinkyclawz: ^^
(21:31:03) Fang: keep, making and tea, plus JD is too many names
(21:31:05) Kinkyclawz: Oh dear, I'm getting tired again...
(21:31:23) Kinkyclawz: Aww, but my Twusband suits them so.
(21:31:28) Kinkyclawz: It gives him options.
(21:31:32) Fang: me too KC
(21:31:32) Kinkyclawz: Right JD?
(21:31:56) keepmakingtea: I'm also jaredofmo, royalkidofoz, itsjustme, lord_rhoop, and
(21:32:04) keepmakingtea: Plenty of options.
(21:32:06) Kinkyclawz: lol Sounds like me.
(21:32:13) Eileen: lol yep
(21:32:16) Kinkyclawz: Though most know me as KC so thats fine.
(21:32:17) keepmakingtea: Doctor, or ... "John Smith."
(21:32:24) Kinkyclawz: ^^
(21:32:36) Fang: damn that's more aliases than the average spy (as Eileen knows all too well)
(21:33:01) Kinkyclawz: Ohhh, yeah... Eileen have you a lot of aliases?
(21:33:10) Kinkyclawz: Or is that top secret information?
(21:33:16) Fang: yeah I have too many names as well, we should be like Brazilian footballers and the
celebs KC mentioned
(21:33:20) Kinkyclawz: How about you Deg? Are you a man of multiple names?
(21:33:30) Kinkyclawz: lmao
(21:34:28) Eileen: not alot
(21:34:50) Fang: silly KC, Eileen can't tell you all her names
(21:35:00) Eileen: lol nope i cant
(21:35:01) keepmakingtea: Ugh, this kid needs to take me off his e-mail list.
(21:35:12) Degnne: I have just as many names as I need
(21:35:22) Kinkyclawz: Kinkyclawz aka KC, dodochicky, endymion/endymiondreams, talenttalk, (a now
unused moniker lunawolfDK ).
(21:35:32) Kinkyclawz: Those are just the oens I remember.
(21:35:49) keepmakingtea: The only place I use frodobaggins1986 at anymore is photobucket.
(21:35:54) Fang: Fang, the doctor, Chloe, Doctor Who, John Smith, the name only River knows
(21:36:55) Eileen: Chloe?????
(21:37:02) Eileen: What are you not telling us, Fang?
(21:37:02) Kinkyclawz: What kid JD?
Tsk, sorry Eileen. Fang's right, I should ahve known you can't share your monikers.
Deg, you mysterious gentleman you!
(21:37:20) Kinkyclawz: Chloe is your weekend name, Doctor?
(21:37:28) keepmakingtea: Angelo Thomas.
(21:37:39) Fang: oops, yeah just weekends, erm... forget that one
(21:37:42) Kinkyclawz: Angelo thomas is another moniker?
(21:37:51) keepmakingtea: What about Theta Sigma, Doctor.
(21:37:57) keepmakingtea: No, Angelo is the kid.
(21:37:59) Eileen: I cannot Fang, it's burned into my mind now!
(21:38:24) Kinkyclawz: ahh, and whats the kid Angelo doing/saying?
(21:38:50) Willie: Error: Connection status: 500
(21:38:46) Fang: oh dear sorry Eileen, it's not the best image is it?
(21:38:54) Kinkyclawz: ><
(21:39:00) keepmakingtea: He's writing an alternate continuity Oz book and includes me in his group e-
(21:39:11) keepmakingtea: I'm sick of alt con Oz.
(21:39:14) Eileen: lol
(21:39:22) Kinkyclawz: Ahh... group emails for his book.
(21:39:22) Eileen: I'll live FAng
(21:39:54) Kinkyclawz: You're strong Eileen! You can cope. Doctor, is that a red wig? Ooh la la!
(21:40:10) Fang: phew, I'm glad Eileen, to be fair I think the fishnets suit me
(21:40:27) Kinkyclawz: Ohhh, so thats where those missing pompoms went too..
(21:40:35) Kinkyclawz: Interesting use of them though.
(21:40:37) Degnne: Does Chloe work for Russell?
(21:41:15) keepmakingtea: Oh, heard something about BH action figures. Not positive news, but we know
(21:41:17) Kinkyclawz: I'm not sure Deg. the name is ringing a bell now you mention it but not sure why.
(21:41:23) Eileen: *checks Fang for the pompoms*
(21:41:26) Kinkyclawz: Whats the news?
(21:41:47) keepmakingtea: They will NOT be made by Character Options, the company that handles the
Doctor Who line.
(21:41:51) Kinkyclawz: They're not gonna be out for Christmas?
(21:41:56) Fang: shh KC, Eileen doesn't know about where they've gone, and her innocent mind doesn't
get the double meaning that's eluded to when she shakes them
(21:42:03) Kinkyclawz: oh gotcha, I rememebr you saying that now.
(21:42:20) keepmakingtea: But it's not official until it's in the chat.
(21:42:21) Fang: oy, keep your hands to yourself Eileen!
(21:42:31) Kinkyclawz: *winks at Fang* Oh, sorry. Okay.
(21:42:43) Kinkyclawz: *grinz at JD* Indeed it isn't!
(21:43:24) Fang: Eileen! you won't find any pom poms there!
(21:43:34) Eileen: come ooooon Fang
(21:43:48) Eileen: where are they?
(21:44:02) Eileen: *prods some more*
(21:44:03) Kinkyclawz: (psst, Doctor, methinks its the rampant typonese in here but did you possibly
meant alluded to not eluded to, did you? *winks* )
(21:44:05) Fang: do we know the company that's making the figures then?
(21:44:34) keepmakingtea: If it's anyone, it would likely be SciFi Collector, who made Torchwood and
Merlin figures.
(21:44:49) Kinkyclawz: Are they on a level with Character Options?
(21:45:04) Fang: no I meant the meaning eluded Eileen, yeah that sounds plauible, didn't JD say I'm
always right?
(21:45:28) keepmakingtea: Well, the Torchwood line had some bad likenesses for the human characters.
(21:45:41) keepmakingtea: And weird proportions.
(21:45:53) Kinkyclawz: Indeed. But an unfortunate infection of alien origins can do that to even a genius
being such as yourself Doctor.
(21:45:58) keepmakingtea: But, they seem to have done better on the Merlin line.
(21:46:30) Kinkyclawz: So hopefully they're improving their technique and the BH ones will be perfect.
(21:46:39) Fang: Ok that's enough prodding Eileen
(21:46:44) keepmakingtea:
(21:47:06) Kinkyclawz: Not sure who made the Primeval ones (will ahve to check my figures) but their
likenesses were barely passable.
(21:47:16) keepmakingtea: Character Options.
(21:47:34) Kinkyclawz: They did them? Tsk an off day then, i guess.
(21:47:42) keepmakingtea: (Yes, you learn A LOT hanging around the WhoNA forum.)
(21:47:46) Kinkyclawz: Or maybe I ahve too high an expectation of my action figures. lmao
(21:47:55) Kinkyclawz: lmao Clearly!
(21:47:57) Kinkyclawz: ******
(21:47:59) Fang: *gives Eileen back her pom poms*
(21:48:14) Fang: I feel a bit flat now, I'll be off soon
(21:48:25) Kinkyclawz: Ooh theres your extra star, Doctor! Call it a present. Ahem, will make up for the
loss of pompoms.
(21:48:36) Kinkyclawz: *huzg* Aww, goodnight Doctor. And look after that cugh alrught?
(21:48:40) Kinkyclawz: alright?
(21:48:46) keepmakingtea: G'night, Doctor!
(21:48:53) keepmakingtea:
(21:49:03) keepmakingtea: THAT looks good!
(21:49:12) Fang: yeah I remember hearing the torchwood figures were pretty poor, Jack didnt even have
his coat!
(21:49:28) keepmakingtea: And he looked crosseyed.
(21:49:42) Fang: That Merlin looks OK
(21:50:06) Fang: *wishes Eileen would take the pom poms
(21:50:36) Kinkyclawz: Yeah, he does look ok in that one, actually.
(21:50:48) Fang: of course it's hard to make merlin's ears big enough without them being easily breakable
(21:50:53) Kinkyclawz: *****
(21:51:37) Fang: I'm just going to have to give you the pom poms KC
(21:51:43) Eileen: alright!!! *takes the pompoms that Fang shoves at her*
(21:51:53) Kinkyclawz: LOL Same problem for George's then huh? In a good way... looking forward to
those cute ears.
(21:52:00) keepmakingtea: I guess thEAR'll be a similar issue with George...
(21:52:07) Kinkyclawz: *holds hands out for pompoms which never arrive*
(21:52:18) Fang: phew my arms were getting tired, sorry KC
(21:52:22) Kinkyclawz: Ohhh, JD! Terrible Pun! Welcome to the club!
(21:52:28) Kinkyclawz: no worries.
(21:52:36) Fang: more puns!
(21:52:43) Kinkyclawz: hehe
(21:52:51) Kinkyclawz: *****
(21:52:53) Fang: you did hear about the ones earlier right
(21:53:20) Kinkyclawz: If not they'll be in the chatlog.
(21:53:38) keepmakingtea: I heard there were some.
(21:53:47) Eileen: i have a question
(21:53:55) Fang: back to five stars?
(21:53:57) keepmakingtea: ?
(21:54:09) Fang: it's OK Eileen you don't need to put your hand up
(21:54:23) Fang: you can just go to the toilet when you need to
(21:54:26) Kinkyclawz: Aww, and now goodnight to you Fang. And Goodnight to all of you lovely
ChatPackers! i'm gonna be getting off too, my eyes are burning. *hugz Deg, Eileen, Fang & JD*
Yeah, that extra star was only for you, Doctor. To get you started on a star to save this week.
(21:54:33) Kinkyclawz: Yes eileen?
(21:54:54) Fang: come on Eileen
(21:55:02) keepmakingtea: [color=red]"I beg your pardon," said Tip, rather provoked, for he felt a warm
interest in both the Saw-Horse and his man Jack; "but permit me to say that your joke is a poor one, and
as old as it is poor."

"Still, it is a Joke," declared the Woggle-Bug; firmly, "and a Joke derived from a play upon words is
considered among educated people to be eminently proper."

"What does that mean?" enquired the Pumpkinhead, stupidly.

"It means, my dear friend," explained the Woggle-Bug, "that our language contains many words having a
double meaning; and that to pronounce a joke that allows both meanings of a certain word, proves the
joker a person of culture and refinement, who has, moreover, a thorough command of the language."

"I don't believe that," said Tip, plainly; "anybody can make a pun."

"Not so," rejoined the Woggle-Bug, stiffly. "It requires education of a high order. Are you educated, young

"Not especially," admitted Tip.

"Then you cannot judge the matter. I myself am Thoroughly Educated, and I say that puns disp
(21:55:03) Fang: sorry
(21:55:06) Eileen: Why do I still have to type in the protection of minor code into my receiver when its 11
pm at night?
(21:55:33) Eileen: awwwwwwwwwwwww
(21:55:55) Fang: huh? no idea what that even means Eileen
(21:55:55) keepmakingtea: "Then you cannot judge the matter. I myself am Thoroughly Educated, and I
say that puns display genius. For instance, were I to ride upon this Saw- Horse, he would not only be an
animal he would become an equipage. For he would then be a horse-and-buggy."
(21:56:20) Eileen: my digital receiver
(21:56:22) Eileen: for my tc
(21:56:23) Eileen: tv
(21:56:28) Fang: anyway goodnight all you Thoroughly Educated
(21:56:31) Fang: people
(21:56:39) Degnne: good night Fang
(21:56:46) keepmakingtea: Good night, thoroughly Educated Doctor!
(21:56:49) Eileen: *cries* Good night!!!
(21:56:54) Eileen: If you all go I will go too
(21:57:12) Fang: oh right, to save the kids from sights like the one that got burned into your mind tonight
(21:57:21) keepmakingtea: Maybe we should and call it a night. It seems to die when it's just Deg, me,
and girl.
(21:57:23) Kinkyclawz: Goodnight Fang.
Eileen: Erm, not sure. You might be able to go into settings and switch parental monitoring off, perhaps?
(21:57:51) Fang: girl? is that an acceptable allisa for Eileen
(21:57:53) Kinkyclawz: Aww, and I'm going too... JD and Deg...and girl?
(21:58:00) Kinkyclawz: who's this girl? *looks around.
(21:58:00) keepmakingtea: Last week I left Deg all alone with a girl and have no idea what happened.
(21:58:30) Kinkyclawz: Heehee,
(21:58:35) Fang: that's an exuse many twusbands ue
(21:58:52) keepmakingtea: The chatlog will prove it.
(21:59:03) Fang: anyway I'm meant to be going
(21:59:10) Fang: goodnight all
(21:59:10) Degnne: Nothing happened, I swear.
(21:59:14) Fang: again
(21:59:29) keepmakingtea: Okay, Deg. I believe you. I checked the chat log.
(21:59:39) Kinkyclawz: I know. Deg. I have the chatlogs to prove it.
(21:59:48) Kinkyclawz: ooh, I'm in your head JD!!
(21:59:49) Kinkyclawz: lmao
(21:59:49) Eileen: and girl?
(22:00:01) keepmakingtea: *and a girl.
(22:00:01) Kinkyclawz: Hehe, goodnight goodnight and thrice goodnight Doctor.
(22:00:30) keepmakingtea: And yes, Eileen, you count as a girl, just as we count as boys, despite all
being adults.
(22:00:33) Fang: *will spend the week wondering if to cal Eileen "girl" when I say hello next week*
(22:00:37) Kinkyclawz: :S But SW is a guy!
(22:00:44) keepmakingtea: ....
(22:00:47) keepmakingtea: OH
(22:00:47) Fang: *vanishes*
(22:00:53) Eileen: lol
(22:00:56) keepmakingtea: THAT REALLY EXPLAINS IT!
(22:00:58) Eileen: bye Fang!!!
(22:01:12) keepmakingtea hears "Vworp! Vworp! Vworp!"
(22:01:12) Kinkyclawz: lmao
(22:02:13) Kinkyclawz: And on that note (the vworp vworp vworp one), my dear ChatPackers, I'm gonna
go to bed... do I need to remain logged in or are we disbanding for the night?
(22:02:36) keepmakingtea: We wanna call it a night, Deg and Eileen?
(22:02:45) Degnne: Sure
(22:02:54) keepmakingtea: Good night, all!
(22:03:12) keepmakingtea hugs everyone, even Willie, and heads out the door.
(22:03:25) Kinkyclawz: *hugz all* goodnight then m'dears!
(22:03:30) keepmakingtea runs back in and snogs KC and then out again.
(22:03:32) Willie: keepmakingtea logs out of the Chat.
(22:03:38) Degnne: Good night.
(22:03:40) Kinkyclawz: Thanks for a lovely night, as always!
(22:03:56) Eileen: yep
(22:04:00) Eileen: Good night JD
(22:04:01) Kinkyclawz: Aaaaand goodnight!
(22:04:03) Eileen: Bye Deg
(22:04:09) Kinkyclawz: Gute nacht!
(22:04:12) Eileen: Sweet dreams KC!!!
(22:04:21) Willie: Degnne logs out of the Chat.
(22:04:25) Kinkyclawz: you too Eileen! Schlaf gut, liebe!
(22:05:01) Kinkyclawz: *saves chat then kerploofs*

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