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What your dictionary tells you different meanings, of the word definition phrasal verbs I 6 example——__ | speling____ | fish? and fish® are. seperate even though they have the same spelling because one is a noun and the other is a varb. Look at Which word? on page vil. dificult past tenses | difficult comparatives and superlatives set-tle ‘scil’ verb (settling, settled) A to begin to live in a new place: My son « tled in Los Angeles. to end an argument by agreeing to da some- thing: We settled our dis nent without a fight. to rest on something in a comfortable post tion: | settled back on the char relaxed. 4 settle a hill to pay the money that you awe for something 5 settle down ta decor mer ar sy: It took the children a while ta settle do settle in or job: How in at the sc! 7 settle for to accept something that is le wanted. Most of the tickets were gone, so we had to settle for what we could get. settlement ‘‘setimont/ noun—&——_| it that ends an freeze riz verb (freezing, froze, past participle frozen) ‘1 to become very uid into as Ve [Hert ess, leeet—————— int of something: She woman ‘women noun [plural women pl ~! difficult plurals ———a»f/"wamin/} nouns with no plural] an MAN raf-fie 'treftk) noun (U) split? ‘split’ v past participle split) 2 (also split up) to di Lpart of speech LThis is shown when a. “| formed with -er and {The dictionary tells jit the mongy between @——-—+ prepositions ———— The meaning of the word is explained us simple words. Any ficult words are in SMALL CAPITAL and you will always them in the dicti The examples shaw you how ta use the word. pictures with labels for clarity verb does not add -er ta form tha past ts ,_This is shown when comparative and superiative is not “est. This is shown when to form the plural. when a noun is uncountable. They tion about which pr sitions to use with a word.

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