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Tom Johannes and Robert, who have made ing easier from the very beginning Axel Honneth The Idea of Socialism Towards a Renewal Translated by Joseph Ganahl we Verouc einer Contents «resend, Except forthe quotation of short passages Foe he popose| bm and reves, o pat offs publctson may be reprodveed sored ted ny form ox bs ane any lero BEN: 978 The tes of 0 “Library of Congress Cataloging in Publication Conco! Number: 2016044974 Preface vill ‘A catalogue record for this books available com the British Library. “Typeset in x3 on Introduction 7 sei 1 The Original Idea: The Consummation of the ined and bo Revolution in Social Freedom 6 Il. An Antiquated Intellectual Structure: The Spirit and Culture of Industrialism 27 IL Paths of Renewal (x): Socialism as Historical Experimentalism st IV. Paths of Renewal (2): The Idea of a Democratic Form of Life 76 Notes 109 Index 138 = “COURAGE yet, my brother and sister! Keep on Liber That is nothing that is quell'd by one or two f is to be subserv'd whatever occurss Fe, oF any Unfaithfulness, Or the show ofthe tushes of power, soldiers, cannon, penal status. What we b continents, Invites no one, promises nothing, sits in calmness and light, is positive and composed, knows no discouragement, ‘Waiting patiently, waiting its time lieve in waits latent forever thro European Revolutionaire” [1856], Leaves of Grass vi Preface As recently as a century ago, socialism was such a pow- erful movement that chere was hardly any great social theorist who did not see the need to address it in detail = sometimes critically, sometimes sympathetically, but always with great respect. John Stuart Mill was the first to do so in the nineteenth century, followed by Emile Durkheim, Max Weber, and Joseph Schumpeter, to name only the most important. Despite significant dif- ferences in their personal convictions and theoretical orientations, these thinkers agceed that the intellectual challenge socialism represented would have to perma- nently accompany capitalism. Today things look much different. If socialism finds any mention at all in social theory, it is taken for granted that it has outlived its day. Ie is considered unthinkable that socialism could ‘ever again move the masses or be a viable alternative to contemporary capitalism. Virtually overnight - Max Weber would not believe his eyes - the two great nineteenth-century rivals have switched roles: Religion is perceived as the ethical force of the future, whereas

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