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Some Do It Naturally Wait a second, I want you to hear this. Seriously, listen. Those two, over there. Yeah, I know it’s eavesdropping, I know that, but you have to catch this; listen. It’s not wrong, come on, it’s not illegal or anything, it’s just not that nice. Granted. Still, I can’t help myself. Listen. “... it’s a life, I don’t care what you say.” “I’m not saying that, who says I’m saying that? I didn’t.” “No, but you're implying it.” “T’m not either. I mean, not really.” “Abh, yeah, you were ...” “When? When did I say that?” “Just now, with the ‘if you do it soon it won’t really matter’ thing. Right there.” “T’m just saying scientifically. Scientists—you know, doctors or whoever—have argued for years that there’s a certain cutoff point, like, a grace period or whatnot, before a thing becomes a person. Or a baby, or ... you know what I’m saying.” “Yeah, I do, I know exactly what you're saying. You’re making an argument for killing it.” “You don’t kill something that’s not alive.” “Now you’re saying that it’s not even ...” “T mean ‘human,’ that’s all. With a soul and everything. “But it does have, I believe that it has a...” “T’m just repeating a theory.” “No, you're trying to make it OK. Make killing allowed.” “1’m not either, | promise I’m not. I’m only pointing out that people, people with a lot more degrees and learning and that sort of thing than us—I have a bachelor’s, but that’s no big deal—have agreed that life doesn’t really take place until a certain point. That it’s not instantaneous, that’s all.” “How do you know that, though? Or them, even, how do they know for certain? I don’t care if they studied at some big university or not, what do they know about the spirit of something?” “Oh, brother.” “What?” “Nothing, It’s ...” “No, what? Go ahead.” “... if you’re gonna bring religion into it, then we might as well just forget it.” “Why?” “Because it’s messy. Religion is just a big mess when it comes to this stuff. Practical life stuff.” “I can’t even believe you'd say that. What're you saying?” “We shouldn’t get off on some tangent here ...” “God isn’t a ‘tangent’! He means something, at least to me ...” “Yeah, really? What exactly?” “He’s ... oh, don’t do that. Make me explain. That’s a lousy thing to do. He just isn’t and religion is important, it’s an important part of life. anvone would tell vou that.” “Not anybody I know.” “Please. Sin, right and wrong, those kinds of things? That’s all that really matters, when you actually get down to it. How we treat each other.” “Whatever. Look, if you wanna do this now—have some big biblical moment—then we can, but I don’t think it’s gonna help us make what is, in essence, a very practical decision.” “No, you’re pushing me, you’ re pushing for an answer and I need to think about this. I do, I really need to just think ...” Come on, please, I’m not even listening in now—they’re taking over the place with the volume they’re speaking at. Look how everybody’s staring at them. It’s not just me. I mean, take it outside, right? Please. This is not what I come to lunch for, to listen to crap like this. I know, | know, then | shouldn’t eavesdrop, but come on, they’re classic, you have to admit. It really is amazing that people can get through life believing the stuff they do. It is to me, anyway. Oh, hold it, wait, wait, she’s gonna say something else. Don’t look at me like that; I’m not doing anything criminal. We're here, it’s happening, I didn’t plan it. Shhh, wait. “... you know what the problem is?” “What? Tell me.” “We're out of sync. Us two.” “Oh, please, come on. What does that even mean?” “Step. Out of time, that kind of thing. We are not in rhythm with one another.” “No?” “Uh-huh. No. We want different things ...” “Well, of course we want different things, of course we do ... | mean, we're different people, aren’t we? Two different people.” “Yes, but...” “So that makes us distinct. Individual. And our wants, or desires— whatever you wanna call them—are going to be specific to who we are. Obviously, But that doesn’t mean we can’t long for similar kinds of things, or wish for our stuff to be in the ballpark of each other’s, at least. Right?” “Umm, | didn’t actually follow that ...” “T’'m just saying that, yes, you’re not the same as me, or me you, but that doesn’t make one of us right or wrong or better or anything. Or that we can’t hope for some sort of synthesis between our disparate visions of life.” “That didn’t actually help me. I mean, I was with you for most of it, as you were speaking, but when you use words like that, like ...” “Look, I’m saying that we’re compatible, you and I are. We are. Just because we see this baby situation from two sides doesn’t mean that ...” “No, but, see, that’s the point for me. Right there. That there aren’t two sides to it.” “There’re two sides to anything. Come on, don’t tell me that ...” “Uh-uh. I don’t feel that way. Not about this.” “But...” “Not about a life, no. A human life.” “Allright, listen, we're going in circles here, because we’re basically back to the science and religion crap and now we're just going to get angry.” “[ already am, I mean, kind of.” “Why? What'd I do, except try to explain that we're...”

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