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MAEDICA – a Journal of Clinical

Mædica - a Journal of Clinical Medicine 2013; 8(1): 68-74


Functional Dyspepsia Today

Theodor Alexandru VOIOSUa,b; Roxana GIURCANa; Andrei Mihai
VOIOSUa; Mihail Radu VOIOSUa,b
Department of Gastroenterology, Colentina Clinical Hospital, Bucharest, Romania
“Carol Davila” University of Medicine and Pharmacy, Bucharest, Romania

Functional dyspepsia (FD) is a disorder presenting with symptoms such as postprandial fullness,
early satiety or epigastric pain. Although there is a 10 to 30% reported prevalence worldwide, there is
currently no clear explanation of the pathophysiology behind this condition. Motility disorders, visceral
hypersensitivity, acid disorders, Helicobacter pylori infection or psychosocial factors have all been re-
ported to play a part in the pathophysiology of FD. The diagnosis of FD is one of exclusion, based on
the Rome III criteria. The main therapeutic modalities include lifestyle changes, eradicating Helicobacter
pylori infection and treatment with either proton pump inhibitors, prokinetics or antidepressants.

INTRODUCTION field in the last decades. A variety of

D yspepsia is a clinical syndrome which

comprises a series of symptoms
such as postprandial fullness,
theories have been proposed in the attempt
to better understand the pathopysiological
mechanisms behind FD, but none have
been conclusively proven.
early satiety, or epigas-tric pain, There are currently five main theories re-
symptoms which can garded as possible explanations for FD symp-
accompany a number of gastrointestinal disor- toms and, while it now seems unlikely that any
ders. Although functional dyspepsia (FD) is di-
one of them can account for the entire disease
agnosed in more than 60% of patients com-
burden on its own, they each merit an individ-
plaining of these symptoms, the diagnosis
ual discussion of pathophysiological mecha-
remains one of exclusion (1) after structural di-
nism and its implications in FD treatment.
sease (such as peptic ulcer, esophagitis or
diges-tive malignancy) has been ruled out.
1. Motility disorders
Large studies have shown a 10-30% Altered motility of the GI tract is an appar-
preva-lence of FD worldwide, highlighting the ently simple and elegant explanation for the
impor-tance of FD as a healthcare issue (2). whole spectrum of FD symptoms, from epigas-
tric pain to early satiety, nausea and belching.
Pathophysiology According to some researchers, delayed
The cause of functional dyspepsia remains gastric emptying was present in 25-40% of pa-
unknown despite a great body of work in this tients with functional dyspepsia and it was as-

Address for correspondence:

Theodor Alexandru Voiosu, Colentina Clinical Hospital, Stefan cel Mare Road, no. 19-21, E Pavilion, Department of Gastroenterology,
medical practice no.1. Bucharest, Romania.

Article received on the 22nd of November 2012. Article accepted on the 15th of January 2013.

68 Maedica A Journal of Clinical Medicine, Volume 8 No.1 2013


sociated with postprandial satiation, nausea Increased sensitivity to lipids in the

and vomiting (3). duodenum was one of the first investigated
Ultrasound, barostat and single photon pathways in FD (10).
emission tomography studies demonstrated Other studies focused on the role of me-
impaired accommodation, an abnormal distri- chanic stimulation of gastric and duodenal re-
bution of ingested food in the stomach, with an ceptors. Results of gastric barostat studies have
increased proportion of the food being distrib- shown that patients with functional dyspepsia
uted in the antrum compared to the proximal have a lower sensitive threshold to the disten-
portion of the stomach. The impaired accom- sion of the barostat inside the proximal regions
modation of the stomach is caused by a vaso- of the stomach and the duodenum. This gastric
vagal reflex which requires nonadrenergic and hypersensitivity, defined as pain threshold 2
noncolinergic pathways (4). standard deviations below that of normal vol-
Recent studies suggest that delayed untaries, is associated with postprandial epigas-
gastric emptying leading to FD symptoms may tric pain and weight loss. Whether concomitant
be the result of an altered migrating motor Helicobacter pylori infection contributes to
complex (MMC) (5). There is also evidence gastric hypersensitivity is a matter still open to
linking the presence of HP infection to altered debate (11).
phase III gastric MMC (6), thus suggesting an
interrela-tion between these two pathogenic 3. Acid disorders
mecha-nisms of FD. Because FD symptoms are virtually
Another theory which is interesting also indistin-guishable from those of peptic ulcer
from a therapeutic viewpoint is the disease (PUD) and because PPI treatment is
possibility that 5HT 3 receptors might be a mainstay of FD treatment, many research
involved in the abnormal distension of the groups have long advocated the role of
stomach in response to the perfusion of a abnormal gastric and duodenal acid levels in
fatty solution in the duo-denum (7). FD. Studies have shown that acid secretion is
A disorder of the central or autonomous normal in a major-ity of dyspeptic patients but
nervous systems has been studied as a recent evidence suggests an abnormal acid
possible mechanism for the impaired gastric clearance from the duodenum as well as a
accommo-dation and the antral hypomotility. decreased motor re-sponse of the duodenum
There is some indirect evidence of a when acid is present. pHmetry studies lasting
correlation be-tween emotional and 24 hours have shown an increased exposure
psychological factors and dyspeptic to acid after a meal, but no direct link between
symptoms, via diminished vagal ac-tivity (8). this exposure and dys-peptic symptoms has
Manometric studies have also shown antral been proven (12). These observations have
hypomotility as well as numerous retrograde been recently confirmed by radiotelemetry pH
contractions from the duodenum towards the monitoring over 48 hour periods (13).
stomach. Unsuppressed phased contractility
increase parietal tension in the stomach which 4. Helicobacter pylori infection
is, in turn, perceived as postprandial discom- One of the main arguments behind the pos-
fort. This abnormality has been linked by sible role of Helicobacter pylori (HP) infection in
some researchers with Helicobacter pylori FD is derived from clinical experience, with a
infection (9). systematic review showing the positive im-pact
Despite the continued development of so- of HP eradication on FD symptoms (14) with a
phisticated methods allowing the minute ex- NNT of 15 (15). However, there is con-flicting
ploration of GI tract physiology, correctly quan- data on this matter, with a systematic review of
tifying the motility patterns of normal and FD studies striving to prove a causal rela-tion
patients is still proving a major obstacle in pro- between Helicobacter pylori infection and
viding adequate support for this theory. functional dyspepsia were inconclusive; a
modest relationship seems to exist but evi-dence
2. Visceral hypersensitivity is lacking to support an important role of HP
Some of the earliest studies in FD suggested infection in patients with functional dys-pepsia
a role for altered visceral sensitivity as an im- (16).
portant mechanism for dyspeptic symptoms.

Maedica A Journal of Clinical Medicine, Volume 8 No.1 2013


5. Psychosocial factors tional symptoms such as nausea and belching

There has been a longstanding interest in the may be present. Patients complaining of
role of psychological factors in the onset and heart-burn as a main symptom will usually
symptom severity in FD. Studies have es- receive a GERD diagnosis, although there is
tablished that psychosocial stressors influence probably an important overlap between GERD
FD symptoms (17) and that depressive mood and FD (22). The lack of sensitivity and
and altered quality of life were more frequent specificity of the clin-ical diagnosis of FD has
among FD and FD and IBS overlap patients been highlighted by a clinical trial, which
(18). However, antidepressant treatment in FD, showed that only endosco-py was capable of
the next logical step in this pathophysiological correctly differentiating be-tween peptic ulcer
chain, has been disappointing so far, raising disease, esophagitis and FD (23).
questions over the validity of this particular ap- While the continued development of func-
proach to FD (19). tional explorations tests has allowed for a more
refined exploration of the physiology of the GI
6. Allergic disorders tract, no correlation has been found between
Recently, the role of various allergens has impaired mechanisms and FD symptoms as had
been studied in both FD and IBS, with studies been previously suggested (24). Due to the
showing an increase in the prevalence of food imprecise nature of its symptoms, functional
allergies (e.g.: eggs, soybeans) in FD and IBS dyspepsia has been defined using a set of peri-
patients (20). Furthermore, pathological studies odically revised diagnostic criteria. The Rome
have shown eosinophilia in the mucosa of FD III criteria, published in 2006, are the most
patients, but its relationship to food allergens still commonly employed. They consist of one or
needs further evaluation (21). more of the following symptoms (25): bother-
some postprandial fullness, early satiety, epi-
Symptoms and diagnosis gastric pain, epigastric burning and no
The cardinal symptoms of FD are epigastric
evidence of structural disease (including at
upper endos-copy) that is likely to explain the
pain, postprandial discomfort often described as
symptoms. The criteria must be fulfilled for the
postprandial fullness and early satiety. Addi-
last 3 months with symptom onset at least 6
months prior to diagnosis.
A. Postprandial Distress Syndrome The older Rome II criteria which classified
Diagnostic criteria* must include one or both of the following: functional dyspepsia as ulcer-like, dysmotility-
Bothersome postprandial fullness, occurring after ordinary-sized like and nonspecific were abandoned in favor
meals, at least several times per week of the more precise Rome III (22) criteria
Early satiety that prevents finishing a regular meal, at least several
times per week
based on the four cardinal symptoms already
Supportive criteria present-ed. According to the dominant
Upper abdominal bloating or postprandial nausea or excessive presenting symptom, two subtypes of FD were
belching can be present defined as follows (Table 1):
Epigastric pain syndrome may coexist
B. Epigastric Pain Syndrome
Therapy of functional dyspepsia
Diagnostic criteria* must include all of the following:
Pain or burning localized to the epigastrium of at least moderate The heterogeneous nature of the functional
severity, at least once per week dyspepsia patient population makes it difficult
The pain is intermittent
to have a representative study group, which is
Not generalized or localized to other abdominal or chest regions
Not relieved by defecation or passage of flatus one of the reasons that the results of drug
Not fulfilling criteria for gallbladder and sphincter of Oddi (26) trials tend to be discordant. During the past
disorders decades, many trials have addressed the
Supportive criteria problem of FD therapy, with unsatisfying and
The pain may be of a burning quality, but without a retrosternal
sometimes con-tradictory results.
The pain is commonly induced or relieved by ingestion of a meal,
but may occur while fasting Lifestyle alteration
Postprandial distress syndrome may coexist General measures such as smaller, more fre-
TABLE 1. Functional dyspepsia subtypes quent meals, avoiding caffeine, alcohol, NSAIDs,
* Criteria fulfilled for the last 3 months with symptom onset at least 6 months fatty or spicy meals, seem in order, al-
prior to diagnosis

70 Maedica A Journal of Clinical Medicine, Volume 8 No.1 2013


though there is little evidence supporting such as paroxentine, valexetine, were no

their use (27). more effective than placebo on improving
symp-toms, according to results of a
Pump proton inhibitor randomized placebo-controlled trial (34).
Two regimens of antisecretory therapy were The role and the mechanism of antidepres-
proposed: „step-up” (e.g., start with antacids, sants in functional dyspepsia remain unsettled.
then H2-blockers and then proton pump in-
hibitors) or „step-down”. A metanalysis com- Management of functional dyspepsia
paring these two strategies has showed similar
From the insufficient understanding of the
success rate, but with higher costs for step-down
pathogenic mechanisms of functional disorders
approach at six-months (28).
stems, to the difficulty of setting up diagnostic
Several placebo-controlled trials had the and therapeutic guidelines. Furthermore, there is
same results regarding the efficacy of PPI, a a logical incongruity between the diagnostic
meta-analysis finding an NNT of 10 and a criteria for FD and its management. Although a
rela-tive risk reduction of 13%, without diagnosis of FD requires the absence of any
difference between doses of PPIs (29). structural disease, including at endoscopy,
However, the relief of symptoms was greatest management guidelines support empiric anti-
in patients with ul-cer-like and reflux-like secretory or prokinetic therapy in patients with
symptoms, but not in those with dysmotility- suspected FD who show no alarm symptoms
like symptoms or un-specified dyspepsia. (35). Endoscopy is recommended only in those
cases where alarm symptoms are present or pa-
H2-receptor antagonists (H2RA) tients are non-responders to at least 4 weeks of
Many trials, which probably included empiric therapy. As such, a vast majority of FD
GERD patients, found a significant benefit and patients will most likely receive treatment with-
a rela-tive risk reduction of 23% with a number out undergoing endoscopy for diagnosis confir-
to treat of 7, but better quality trials showed a mation.
low efficacy for H2RA therapy (30). The first step in evaluating any patient is
his-tory taking and physical examination,
which can help suggest either a structural or
Prokinetics act on three different types of
a func-tional disorder. Routine lab tests
receptors in order to enhance gastric motility.
(e.g.: blood count) can also be helpful in an
These drugs might help alleviate satiation, ab-
initial workup of the patient.
dominal distention and nausea, but the link
In addition, the physician needs to pay at-
be-tween symptom relief and improved gastric
tention to the so-called „alarm symptoms”, which
emptying is not yet proven (31).
increase the likelihood of a structural disease
Several studies have symptom relief for cis-
(Table 2). Any of these signs and symp-toms
apride and domperidone, with a reduction in
requires an endoscopic study to assess a
relative risk of 50% (32). Cisapride, however,
possible malignancy. The American Society of
has been withdrawn because of safety con-cerns
Gastroenterology (ASGE) guidelines emphasize
and domperidone is not widely available.
Metoclopramide may also be effective, but is
associated with several potential side effects, Alarm symptoms
particularly with long-term use. Itopride, a do- Age > 50 yrs
pamine D2 antagonist, was effective in a phase Family history of digestive malignancy
III multicenter trial; the suggested mechanism Involuntary weight loss
of action being its effect on gastric accommo- Unexplained anemia or iron deficiency
dation and hypersensitivity (33). Progressive dysphagia
Antidepressants Odinophagia
If initial treatment with IPPs or prokinetics Recurrent vomiting
fails, antidepressants can be employed, in low-er Palpable tumor or lymphadenopathy
doses than required in the treatment of de- Jaundice
pression. Tricyclic antidepressants as well as Previous gastric surgery
selective serotonine reuptake inhibitors (SSRI) TABLE 1. Alarm symptoms

Maedica A Journal of Clinical Medicine, Volume 8 No.1 2013


the fact that the positive predictive value of copy (40-42) has the advantage of excluding
these symptoms is low (11%). However, their peptic ulcer, esophagitis and cancer as causes
negative predictive value in excluding gastroin- of dyspepsia. A meta-analysis of nine studies
testinal malignancy is very high, approximately with 5389 patients showed that the most com-
97% (36). This is the logical consequence of the mon finding in patients with dyspeptic symp-
fact that only 2% of dyspeptic syndromes are toms was erosive esophagitis (pooled preva-
caused by esophageal or gastric cancer, 30 lence 13%), though the prevalence was much
times fewer than functional dyspepsia (37). lower when dyspepsia was defined using the
Conversely, the presence of alarm symptoms Rome criteria (6 %) (43).
provides reasonable guidance, and has been In addition, clinical trials show that simply
included in consensus recommendations on being subjected to an endoscopic study in-
functional dyspepsia management. creases the patient’s level of satisfaction and
Excluding gastroesophageal reflux disease confidence (44). Supporters of empiric therapy
(GERD) as the cause of dyspeptic symptoms is argue that a low incidence of cancer (less
also of paramount importance because GERD than 2% of dyspeptic patients) and the high
has a different treatment and prognosis and re- costs in-curred by endoscopy should preclude
quires a particular management strategy involv- upper digestive endoscopy as a first step in
ing long-term proton pump inhibitor therapy investigat-ing these patients. Accordingly,
(IPP) and active surveillance for reflux esopha- patients under 45-50 years of age without any
gitis, Barrett’s esophagus as well as esophageal alarm symp-toms could be treated empirically
cancer. Many GERD patients are diagnosed with with minimal risks (45), endoscopic studies
functional dyspepsia because of the lack of being reserved for those patients who are
structural abnormalities in endoscopic stud-ies nonresponsive to 6-8 weeks of therapy.
and the great variety of symptoms of func-tional However, given that many patients do not
dyspepsia (including heartburn) which in turn achieve full symptomatic relief with medical
has lead to confusing results in many clini-cal therapy, requiring further investigations, it
trials (38). seems more prudent to per-form endoscopy in
A drug-induced dyspepsia must be also tak- the initial workup. If this initial endoscopic
en into account, especially nonsteroidal anti- study is normal, endoscopy will not be
inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs) commonly asso- repeated unless alarm symptoms develop.
ciated with dyspepsia. In this case, the offending The American Gastroenterology Associa-
agent should be discontinued, if possible, or a tion’s guidelines from 2005 also suggest that
proton pump inhibitor can be added (PPI) (39). endoscopy should be performed in patients with
Patients on long term NSAID treatment can be dyspepsia who have alarm symptoms or those
considered at risk for peptic ulcer disease and without alarm symptoms who are ≥55 years of
the physician should decide whether endosco-py age (46). The authors point out that in some
is warranted from the first visit. regions where cancer incidence is higher (such
The optimal approach for a patient with as Alaska), lower age thresholds are ap-
un-investigated dyspeptic symptoms is far propriate, for example 45 years rather than 55
from be-ing decided. Several strategies for years of age. Patients who receive medication
the manage-ment of these patients have should be evaluated for symptomatic improve-
been proposed, but several systematic ment at approximately eight weeks.
reviews have failed to settle the dispute.
The options taken into discussion were: 2. Empiric antisecretory therapy
1. Prompt endoscopy The empiric antisecretory therapy has ad-
2. Empiric antisecretory therapy vantages and disadvantages, according to con-
3. Noninvasive testing for Helicobacter flicting results of studies. Many patients can
pylori, followed by treatment or endoscopy if have a favorable symptomatic response, but this
positive (test-and-treat strategy) does not exclude a malignant gastric ulcer and it
can delay the diagnosis. Also, the recur-rence of
1. The role of endoscopy in FD the symptoms is common after one year (47)
The most debated problem in the manage- and the lack of H. pylori eradication increases
ment of FD, as already shown above, is the role the risk of ulcer recurrence.
of an initial upper digestive endoscopy. Endos-

72 Maedica A Journal of Clinical Medicine, Volume 8 No.1 2013


3. Test and treat strategy

The relationship between Helicobacter py-
lori infection and peptic ulcer disease is well
known but H. Pylori infection alone can ac-
count for a minority of cases of chronic
dyspep-sia. For this reason, the consensus of
European H. Pylori Study Group (March 2005)
suggested a „test-and-treat” approach for
patients less than 45 years old with persistent
dyspepsia (a remark is made for the age
cutoff, which may vary with the prevalence of
gastric cancer in different countries). Another
conclusion was that, in countries with low
prevalence of H. py-lori infection (<20%), the
empirical therapy with PPI is preferred to the
test and treat strat-egy (48).
Among the noninvasive studies the most
widely used in managing functional
dyspepsia are the 13C-urea breath test and
the stool anti-gen test for Helicobacter pylori FIGURE 1. Treatment algorithm for FD.
(HP), the IgG serology being reserved for
the cases where pretest probability is high, effectiveness has been validated by clinical tri-
followed by a confir-mation by one of the als. For the time being, use of a PPI or/and a
methods mentioned above.  prokinetic for a minimum of 4 to 8 weeks
CONCLUSIONS seems the best option available (Figure 1).
New drugs such as antidepressants might be
A s long as the mechanisms of disease in-
volved in functional dyspepsia are not fully
of use in treatment failures but further
research is needed in order to provide better
understood we cannot hope for an adequate care for FD patients.
treatment for FD. Consequently, physicians
must rely on empiric therapies, choosing those
drugs that have a good safety profile and whose Conflict of interest: none declared.
Financial support: none declared.

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