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Cecilia Alvarez 11-Jeremiah

The speech of President Rodrigo Duterte in the State of the Nation Address is different
from the other speeches in the past few years. He effectively delivered the speech but it was a
pleasant surprise that he did it normally. His gestures was pretty simple and his voice was just
normal not like his usual speeches that he will bring out jokes to entertain the audiences. It seems
that it is not Digong, nobody is laughing and there was no power of Duterte that was always in his
capacity to tell stories. He was just a normal politician this time, delivering a speech without adlibs
and he did not even uttered one expletive word. We usually hear him say strong and foul words
expressing his feelings to the public but now all you can hear was the perfect words he delivers.
The speech lasted for 50 minutes and it was his shortest SONA ever. The people was looking
forward for his speech because not like the other politicians who just read their speeches in front,
but instead he ignores prepared speeches and would go extemporaneous. In his speech, he used a
formal style because he was addressing it to the large audience and the speech he was delivering
was very important and serious because it is for our country. His past speeches was more likely a
casual speech because was just talking to someone he really knows and he was just using a simple

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