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Ruggle – Writing Samples

(Alpha Kappa Psi Business Fraternity – Blog Posts)

Professional Development
When considering future involvement in Alpha Kappa Psi, one position that stands out is the
Professional Development Director position. Overseen by the Vice President of Internal Affairs, this
position is in charge of connecting the chapter with professional business leaders. The director typically
brings in at least three speakers every semester to educate members on the importance of
professionalism. Many of the chosen speakers share their knowledge of the business industry in
addition to assisting members with any possible confusion relating to resumes, interviews, and even
personal branding. Additionally, these professionals who have connected with the chapter may also
reach out to members in regards of possible employment opportunities. Because Alpha Kappa Psi is a
professional business fraternity, this director position is a key aspect to the overall growth of the

Another essential element to the success of Alpha Kappa Psi is the Vice President of Finance. The
individual chosen to fill this position is in charge of overseeing all transactions made within the
fraternity. From budgets to membership dues, the Vice President of Finance must make various
strategic decisions that will help to strengthen the opportunities offered to the members of Alpha Kappa
Psi. In recent semesters, this position has developed many organizational additions to benefit members,
such as payment plans. The Vice President of Finance dedicates his or her time toward staying
organized to ensure that the fraternity is on track financially.

Favorite Memory
My favorite memory of Alpha Kappa Psi was my experience at my first formal. After completing the
pledge process, we were able to celebrate our success with the rest of the Delta Omega chapter. The
night consisted of dancing and socializing together. Additionally, our pledge class performed a “song and
dance” routine (basically a conga line) to the rhythm of “Uptown Funk” by Bruno Mars. This night I was
able to interact with brothers in a relaxed and inviting setting. While AKPsi focuses itself on furthering
the education and professionalism of every member, the fraternity also provides a fun environment
where each of its members can equally work and celebrate.

At our chapter meeting on Thursday, we were fortunate enough to induct ## new members into Alpha
Kappa Psi! These new members will now begin the pledge process by attending weekly meetings to
learn the history of the fraternity. The members will soon have an opportunity to run for pledge class
positions in order to contribute to the fraternity and make the most of the next ## weeks before
initiation. In addition to induction, we followed our meeting with a big/little reveal, followed by a social
event to further welcome the new members into the fraternity. We are very excited to learn more about
our future brothers through the various upcoming events!

Pledge Process
One word to describe Alpha Kappa Psi’s pledge process: invigorating. During the ## weeks of pledging, I
was able to gain more knowledge than I had ever planned. From interviews, to professional events, to
brotherhood socials, I acquired a variety of business related skills that would benefit my future in
addition to a new network of friends. While the fraternity’s main focus is to teach its members about
business etiquette, the brothers were able to demonstrate how to maintain a fun and outgoing attitude
while still acting as a professional. The brothers of Alpha Kappa Psi welcomed our pledge class with
open arms— I felt comfortable with this group of individuals within the first two weeks! The pledge
process was one of the most uplifting experiences I have taken part in within my first three years of
college. I am proud to be an active member of an organization that prides itself on comfort, knowledge,
and success.

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