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Translated and with a Preface by James Ek Anderson An Introduction to the Metaphysics of St. Thomas Aquinas es fall GATEWAY EDITIONS Chapter I What is Metaphysics? 1, ON THE DIVISION OF SPECULATIVE SCIENCE? BJECTIONS. 1. It seems that speculative science is not suitably divided into the three parts: natural science, mathematical science, and divine science. For the parts of speculative science are those firmly and freely established dispositions (habitus)* which perfect the contemplative part of the soul. But the Philosopher in the sixth book of the Ezbics* states that the scientific of the soul, which is the contemplative part of it, is perfected by three such dispositions, namely, wisdom, ence, and understanding. Therefore the parts of specula~ tive science are these three and not the three aforeaamed. 2, Augustine says in the eighth book of The City of God that rational philosophy, namely, logic, is contained ‘under contemplative or speculative philosophy. Therefore the proposed division, since it makes no mention of logic, seems to be inadequate. 3. Philosophy is commonly divided into the seven lib- eral arts, among which neither natural philosophy nor divine science is included, but only rational philosophy [logic] and mathematics. Therefore nacural philosophy and divine science ought not to be reckoned as parts of speculative science. METAPHYSICS OF ST. THOMAS 4. The scence of medicine seems to be especially oper ser one partis deemed speculative and another ‘mall other operative sciences there 4 ative, yet practical. So likewise Pera a speculative part. Hience im this suight to be made of ethics oF ‘moral philosophy, regard- Jess of the fact that it concerns action, on account part of it which is speculative. So The science of medicine is = certain part of physics Jay} and there are other arts that are {or natural philosop! {or mrechrnica, asthe science of agriculears alchemy, cay he Tice. Because these are operative sere i and ti thae natural philosophy Ought C0 be ‘classed with- ‘ut qualification under speculative science. + ae whole should not be divided in opposor any 5 ener divine science seems to be a whole 10 5 tuyses and mathematics, since the subjects of rae rergciences ae parts of the subject of divine science. For the subject of divine science, which is first philosophy, Je being, of which a parcismobile subsances ‘whieh natural philosophy considers, and another PA quantity, which ers clear from the third book of the ‘Metaphysics? Consequently divine sienee ‘ought not t0 aeeerjed in opposition to narural pRlOSOPRY ‘and mathe~ matics. divided as things are divided, as Aristotle A guird book of Te Soul? Bux philosophy being, 2s Diony- y it is by the one ss Shy many, by substanes and accident, shat being is first ane divided in accordance with its (ulmast and allin= of ave] division into potency and act; an ‘thus it seems. Chur the parts of philosophy ought ro be distinguished in the same manner. WHAT Is METAPHYSICS? 5 8, There are many other di conce: . ; sions of being i ea there are sciences more essential te ool cxing in acorn withthe ons ins the ‘nobile ile, the abstract and the non-abstr ‘example, there are the divisions int ae ‘ t 0 the corporeal incorpoceah the aia and che eats Saat 7 aur Therfre the dvs ofthe par of ph ophy sould be made on he ai of ifereniing factor ort, rather than through those pr Hs, Tht» science upon which other See ° Bh ae ‘ prior to ‘them. But all other sciences depend upon the vine cence a hi ound, Dect be gst poe he principles of the other sciences. hy e init Bee eeahen tn iam oot era ro. That mathematics is pri ematis is prior to natural philosophy i the order of ning evidenced by che faethe cocen aes cea mathematics cay, bt ot meal phy, which can be learned only by those sdvanced in pee lo expeoneel as Aristotle states in the sixth book fe ie Hcy inte sciences the order of learning he e ancients is said to have vis: loi, then mater tidy ‘atl plilcophy, ie that mora philosophy, and finaly divine scene "Phe & mathematica ‘ought to come before natural science ie of nature]. livisic phleophy ]. The division proposed thus appears ‘On the contrary, the adequacy by the Philosoy of this division is proved pher in the sixth book of the Metapbysi here he ys that here wl be thre pars of philowoph and theoretical scence, namely, mathemati [philosophy of nature], and natural] ogy reaver, in the second book of the Physics! three

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