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Josephine’s Internship Meeting

July 19, 2018| 1:00 – 2:00 PM | Meeting called by Mary Sass

Members in Attendance Location: Café @ Josephine’s

Shawn Rhodes, Jackie Schmid, Alysha Henderson, and Mary Sass

Time Item

20 minutes Progress update on projects

10 minutes Discuss successes and challenges/concerns

20 minutes Outline plan for the rest of our internship

10 minutes Discuss questions related to the course

Progress Update 30 Minutes- Shawn, Alysha, and Jackie reported on how the first few weeks on the
projects have been going. Shawn and Alysha started to compile information gathered at the employee
and vendor meetings. All three had met with Sam to discuss individual project goals and

Successes and Challenges 5 Minutes- Neither Shawn, Alysha or Jackie had any challenges at this
point. All three students were on track

Outline Plan 20 Minutes- Shawn, Alysha, and Jackie discussed their plans until the next meeting.
Shawn and Alysha would continue working with Sam, her employees, and her vendors to develop
their handbooks. Jackie planned to schedule a meeting with Sam and her accountant to go over
questions. Mary asked us to start looking at e-portfolio programs

Questions 5 Minutes- Shawn, Alysha, and Jackie asked Mary which site would be most user friendly
when completing the portfolio. Mary suggested playing with them to find the best fit and not to pay
for anything

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