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Day 1 Reflection

Today we arrived in Buenos Aires at Ezeiza Airport around 9 o’clock in the morning. From there
we took the MicroBusa, or double decker coach bus on a small driving tour around Buenos Aires and
saw the capitol building and La Casa Rosada most importantly. Around 1 o’clock we got off the bus and
walked through the main city to Café Tortoni where many of us had “submarinos” which was a cup of
hot milk in which you placed a chocolate submarine. From Café Tortoni we walked to our destination for
lunch which was called Il Gatto. Around 4:30 we walked through a small park called Parque Lezama
which was very pretty. Then we walked to a small area in Buenos Aires called San Telmo where we
visited a house with many small stores inside; many of them had products made from the fur of animals.
From there we walked to a popular cathedral that depicted the life of Jesus. It was very grandiose and
impressive in size. Next, we walked through the Plaza de Mayo where we got a much better view of La
Casa Rosada. Following that we ate a scrumptious dinner at La Bistecca which had a large selection of
different foods from several ethnicities including sushi: one of my personal favorites. To work off some
calories we took a walk from La Bistecca around La Puerto Madero which was a long path and bridge
across El Río Plata and we stopped at El Puente de La Mujer or point of the woman which has that title
because it’s the center points of all the streets in Buenos Aires which have the names of different
women. After walking in El Puerto Madero, we headed back to the Feirs Park Hotel to get our rooms and
go to bed.

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