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Case study

Lead the B&C Market with

Excellent weatherability & Various color

Optimal Ventilation, High-weatherability

ASA Solution for Roof tile starex® ABS WX-9120HT

The Challenges
Existing PVC materials have been used for diverse purposes because they are cheaper than competing materials.
In particular, PVC materials have been applied to building and construction (B&C) parts.
However, the strengthening of environmental regulations across the globe has resulted in the steady decrease
in the use of PVC, which in turn is fueling the consumer demand for new materials that can effectively minimize
environmental pollution and harmful impact on human body. Against this backdrop, new eco-friendly solutions
with better material properties than PVC are in high demand in the B&C exterior parts market.

The Solutions
In line with the latest market trend, LOTTE Advanced Materials has developed starex® high weatherability ASA
WX-9120HT, a new material that has better weatherability and supports more color applications than PVC and PPO.
Thanks to its excellent weatherability, starex® high weatherability ASA WX-9120HT maintains not only impact
strength but also resistance against discoloration in the long-term use. Optimized for B&C exterior, the material is
designed to keep its original color for more than 10 years and minimize the chance of deformation even when
there are changes in external temperature and weather conditions. In addition, it allows for the implementation of
various colors such as high chroma and chromatic colors.
As the eco-friendly material has successfully obtained the approval from the FDA, it is free from environmental
regulations. It is a material solution tailored for B&C exterior with high reliability in quality, even when it’s exposed
to outdoor environment in the long term.

Key Features Customer Benefits

• Excellent Weatherability • Eco-friendly material for FDA approved
• Various color’s realization → Freedom from environmental regulation
• Excellent quality in appearance • Product’s line-up reinforcement through
various color’s realization

Yeonwook Chung│ Application Development Manager
T +82-31-596-4596

For more inquires, please contact.

The content above is information regarding a case that has been applied to a certain customer. It does not make any explicit or implicit
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