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Electronic harassment and electronic

torture by RNM ( Remote Neural

Monitoring in Kolkata ,India

He is a User of RNM ( Remote Neural Monitoring ) through

this Electro magnetic wave frequency he ( Kajal Kanti Dey)
and his one male Relative connect Human brain and tortured
male and female In Kolkata India
Electronic harassment and electronic torture
Capabilities of Remote Neural Monitoring Thought, mind
reading, reading of thoughts remotely. See as in a camera,
through the victim’s eyes, to see what the victim is seeing.
Hearing—ability to hear and pick up what the victim is
hearing. This is how illegal criminal human trafficking and
racketeering operations are being criminally run with this
Remote Neural Monitoring technology, to profit off of
unaware unsuspecting victims.

Scratch They just beam Victim head somewhere. The normal reaction
beam is victim will start scratching his head.
How it is applied
Mostly applied when other people can see Victim. If they do
this everytime with the same people they may wonder whats
wrong with Victim . They also apply this and have random
people scratch their heads and then burn you
Not very painfull, mostly a short pulse, although they may
keep the beam on Victim head and remove it after Victim start
scratchin his head
Why it is applied
Drive Victim out of his mind, drive Him angry

Sub vocal Through RNM ..they can talk or speech what they want with
speech silent slow sound
How it is applied
They read your sub vocal speech and react to it
Unbelievable at first, then you get depressed because the last
thing you thought was private appears not to be private
anymore. Then you accept that you probably are even more
Horrible torture
Why it is applied
To drive you insane

Please see all photos of torture through RNM ( Remote Neural Monitoring ) in body skin &
face skin


Other victim of RNM like me suffer body skin torture by A few photos of the consequences of remote
electromagnetic attacks on a Swiss victim

To ,
the Officer
Sub:Information about RNM ( Remote Neural Monitoring)
user (KAJAL KANTI DEY & Unknown Male relative of kajal kanti Dey) , they harass
people by RNM ( Remote Neural Monitoring )machine

R/ Sir ,
I would like to inform you that , I am (RNM Victim ) living in Kolkata , my
born and brought up in here Kolkata. This person ( kajal kianti Dey ) have 2 piece
of RNM (Remote Neural Monitoring ) & 1 piece of RNM he gave to his Unkown
Male relative ).
(Kajal kanti Dey’s sister name is kakoli Dey ( but she don’t know about RNM )
Past 3 year and 6 month since from 2014 , I have been tortured by them by varies
way like ( voice to skull , memory kill, view victim’s eyes , listen& slang words use
against me, body itching ( all over my body I have giving that torture photo copy
with the attachment ) , sickness , forced sleep, forced awake, High heat/burn skin
by beam , Mentally torture to make me angry by slow silent voice , hamper in my
job , & my personal data information etc, they Hampering my life by RNM
(Machine )which is connect to Human Brain (through Bio Electro Magnetic Wave
frequency ) this is a wireless connection which work in Electro Magnetic field our
body is one kind of Bio Electro Magnetic field which have a specific frequency
level when they connect a human brain they adjust the level of human brain
frequency and connect human/victim with this RNM weapon.

They harass lot’s of Female’s in Kolkata & in our locality by Sexually harash them
( Through Visual cortex of Victim’s Eyes i.e, they can see through victim eyes in
RNM machine screen ) and some Valgur sensation in genital area by this RNM
(Machine ). They are doing this kind of antisocial activity since 10 years or more
then that and still doing harassing people, no body get to know what is it , and
they(victims) can’t do anything because they don’t have any evidence or they
don’t know how to get evidence, that’s why their victim’s are not able to do
When I was suffering with this connection(RNM) , then I searched in internet and
I have come to know that this machine (RNM) stands for” REMOTE NEURAL
MONITORING “have such features , through which I have been tortured by
them ( RNM user ) , these person’s (kajal kanti Dey & Unknown male relative of
Kajal kanti Dey ) using this kind of Bioelectro Magnetic weapon called RNM

When I knew all this things happen with me & other people in kolkata , then they
threaten me by this connection (via Ear bypass: which is a feature of RNM to
communicate with the Victim’s with the silent slow sound ) that they can spoil
my life , if I am going to take any action on it or tell any body. But I tried to reveal
them that’s why they started torturing me all the time , when I lost my passion ,
I told him (kajal kanti Dey) to stop harassing me with the connection of RNM
(machine) ,but he were totally denied and pretend me as he don’t know about
what I said to him of this connection of RNM( RNM), Suddenly after that when
he went his house up stair in panic he cut the connection for a while but again
after half an hour , he & his male relative RNM user , started harassing me like the
same what they have been doing before. When I search in Internet and got to
know what is it and trying to reveal it by giving information in mail to the NIA , CID
, NHR ( National Human Right ) , ISRO, DRDO thenkajal kanti Dey & his one male
relative ( both user of RNM ) make a plan against me in between April - May
2016 , to make me angry and make me insane to do illegal attack/ do a mistake
to hurt him physically , then they will go to take a action (FIR) against me and
they will show me as a criminal to people or locality ( but my passed record you
can check there no any records like this ) they want to make me as a accuse and
then they will be safe from me , unfortunately same thing happen , In temper
when I mess with him suddenly by default he got harm little bit in hand palm
( which is shown bigger harm by prescription) , In tension or their torture this is
happen , just because I have no further option to do anything , no body believing
me what I was said to them about this matter ( this is a Bioelectro Magnetic
weapon technology which is generally not use in Kolkata civil area) so maybe
that’s a reason to not understanding people as well as my family about RNM ,
what I actually want to tell them about ( Remote Neural Monitoring ) torture ,
But when I accused as a attacker (which is actually shown to police more then
what I have done ) , They make FIR against me strongly and I got accused a case
of IPC326 (RNM user targeted to me jail for 10 years ) after 1 week they were
trying to non bell process but they didn’t succeed because God with me, that
time by God gress I came out from the jail within 14 days , through Interim bell
right now that case is converted to IPC 324 because I attend in local Police
station twice in a week for a month ( that means 8 times for a month )and at the
same time attain all the hearing dates of court (right now my bell is conform),
and still I am attend all the hearing dates
just because I knew all their antisocial activity of (RNM user Kajal kanti Dey &
Unknown male relative of kajal kanti Dey ), they were feel insecure from me so
they were tortured me and making my life as hell till to present.
I have a proof that I was revealing them before the date of this IPC case (i.e,
02/05/16) , by this mail ID , I gave lots of
information regarding this RNM user in mail , tweeter by hiding my name that's
why they planed against me to harass more to do anything wrong against them
and they will go for FIR against me, sir you can check my passed record I have no
any such record before this incident , now I am not hiding my self after this
incident happened that’s why giving all mails through my own mail ID with my
They generally target to female’s and sexually use this RNM (machine) to harass
and torture females that’s why generally females are not coming in front ,
Some of Ministers and VIP’s information they have been observed by this
connection of RNM( machine) just for Entertainment to themself.
This Machine (RNM) can’t be detect by any normal way (necessary
equipment oscillating scanners etc help to detect the interference of this
connection ) , So I am humbly requesting you that please ask about RNM(Remote
Neural Monitoring ) to “ ISRO” or “DRDO” related person who know about
Electro Magnetic Wave frequency or any scientist or professors , who know or
can search out about this matter,
I am a victim & I do search in internet about this and I found all the information
about this RNM (machine) , which I have suffered a lot with the connection of
their RNM (machine) have same features what I observed in internet.
Remote Neural Monitoring Satellite Harassment/Terrorism
Short video explaining and describing the reality of Remote Neural
Monitoring and how it is being illegally criminally used to harass
,violate and terrorize individuals simultaneously with what is known
as Organized Gang Stalking for years at a time.

The purpose of this video is to inform you and the public of the
illegalcriminal use of (Remote Neural Monitoring) Satellite
Technology thatis being used simultaneously with what is known as
(organizedstalking) and harassment to harass and terrorize
individuals for yearsat a time.The following information was
gathered from several trusted sourcesand victims of the illegal
criminal use of remote neural monitoring

Right now I am helpless sir kindly do the proper

action and I am requesting you to please call me for a short meeting of this
matter , If you want to know more properly , actually I want highlight to the upper
level officer’s of Defense Ministry about them( RNM user) . I am hoping that you
will support me to fight against this kind of antisocial people. This person’s doing
antisocial activity just because no body know about “RNM’’ works
his father (KANAI KANTI DEY ) make invented/ made that 3 piece of RNM
(Remote Neural Monitoring) but they user of RNM ( KAJAL KANTI DEY & Unknown
male relative of kajal kanti dey ) are using it in bad way which is can’t be
He( Kajal kanti Dey) work as a upper clerk in a bank in Kolkata please check his
attendance record of 2 year’s in his office register, he is not able to come office
properly in panic just because I knew all his activity & I am going to reveal him
that’s why he torturing me by RNM( machine) all the time and even night also &
still doing it till present.
This RNM (machine) can be detected by if their( RNM user) polytrophic test will
take or some equipment detector of Bio Electo Magnetic Wave Frequency use to
detect them if possible
help me and raise my as well as all (the victims males and mostly Females) Voice
against this kind of antisocial , Violence , Electronic Harassment , Torture against
women’s and people of Kolkata , which is against suit of Law.

(Kajal Kanti Dey & his one male relative ) both generally shows their character in
public as a wise person but actually they are not, both are a Poisson in human’s
life . They have 3 piece of RNM , which is very dangerous in human’s life .
Some detail’s & pictures I did attached with this application/article about RNM

Details of the person’s who have RNM (machine )

NAME KAJAL KANTI DEY user of Unknown Male relative
RNM of Kajal kanti Dey user
(M) : ++918584929823/ of RNM

My contact detail (whistleblower and victim)


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