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28-Year-Old Man With Crohn Disease and

Diana L. Franco, MD, and Mira T. Keddis, MD

28-year-old man presented with a 3- (8-24 mg/dL); and creatinine, 1.6 mg/dL (0.8- See end of article
month history of mid abdominal 1.3 mg/dL). for correct answers
pain. His medical history was notable to questions.
for Crohn disease diagnosed in 1994, compli- 1. In patients with Crohn disease, which Resident in Internal Medicine,
cated by ileocolonic resection (20 cm of ileum one of the following is the most Mayo School of Graduate
and 15 cm of the right colon removed) in commonly associated renal finding? Medical Education, Mayo
2001. He had been taking mesalamine for 2 Clinic, Scottsdale, AZ (D.L.F.);
a. Renal cystic disease Advisor to resident and
years, and although the prednisone dose was b. Small vessel vasculitis Consultant in Nephrology,
increased over the previous 3 months because c. Medullary sponge kidney Mayo Clinic, Scottsdale, AZ
of recurrent abdominal pain, it produced mini- (M.T.K.).
d. Nephrolithiasis
mal relief. Computed tomography (CT) revealed e. Diabetic nephropathy
fistulizing distal ileal Crohn disease with abscess
formation. Patients with Crohn disease are at consid-
The patient was hospitalized; ertapenem and erable risk for multiple lower genitourinary
vancomycin were initiated, and 2 trials of CT- tract and renal parenchymal and interstitial
guided abscess drainage were attempted but diseases. Renal cystic disease encompasses a
failed. Twelve days after admission, the patient wide spectrum of both genetic and acquired
underwent laparotomy for abscess drainage forms of renal cysts and has not been associ-
without any surgical complications. On postop- ated with inflammatory bowel disease (IBD).
erative day 1, his vital signs deteriorated, with a Small vessel vasculitis may be associated with
temperature of 39.3 C, respiratory rate of 30 antineutrophil cytoplasmic antibodies and
breaths/min, heart rate of 108 beats/min, and manifest as microscopic polyangiitis, granulo-
blood pressure of 130/80 mm Hg. Pertinent matous polyangiitis, or Churg-Strauss syn-
findings on examination included mild respira- drome. There have been case reports of
tory distress and rapid heart rate but regular antineutrophil cytoplasmic antibodyeassoci-
rhythm and no murmurs. His skin was warm ated vasculitis in patients with IBD, but this as-
to touch, and no rashes or edema were noted sociation is rare. Medullary sponge kidney is a
on examination. A right lower quadrant drain congenital abnormality of the collecting tu-
was in place with minimal blood-tinged bules in the medullary region causing cystic
drainage. Evaluation included chest CT with dilatation. Medullary sponge kidney has a
contrast medium, which ruled out pulmonary benign course but is associated with hematu-
embolism, and blood cultures were obtained. ria, nephrolithiasis, and recurrent urinary tract
Intravenous ketorolac, 30 mg every 6 hours, infections. An association with IBD has not
was initiated for fever and postoperative pain been reported. Nephrolithiasis is the most
management. Blood culture results remained commonly associated renal disease in patients
negative after 48 hours, and the vancomycin with IBD. Patients with IBD have a 12% to
and ertapenem regimen was continued. On 28% incidence of nephrolithiasis compared
postoperative day 3, laboratory testing yielded with 5% in the general population.1 Nephroli-
the following notable findings (reference ranges thiasis tends to be more common in patients
provided parenthetically): hemoglobin, 7.1 g/dL with Crohn disease and a history of ileocolonic
(13.5-17.5 g/dL); white blood cells (WBCs), disease, as in this patient. Diabetic nephropa-
14.7  109/L (3.5-10.5  109/L) with 13.8% thy has been reported in association with pro-
neutrophils; sodium, 136 mmol/L (135-145 longed corticosteroid use in patients with IBD
mmol/L); potassium, 3.9 mmol/L (3.6-5.2 who have development of diabetes, but it does
mmol/L); serum urea nitrogen, 12 mg/dL not have a unique association with IBD itself.

Mayo Clin Proc. n December 2014;89(12):e123-e127 n e123 n ª 2014 Mayo Foundation for Medical Education and Research

This patient had no history of chronic kid- contrast but not after the onset of AKI.4 Its
ney disease, proteinuria, hematuria, or acute use is still controversial for prevention of
kidney injury (AKI), and his baseline creatinine contrast-induced AKI. Determining vancomy-
concentration ranged between 0.8 g/dL and 1.0 cin trough levels and repeating the electrolyte
g/dL before the current admission. He had panel will be helpful to guide next steps, but
never passed a kidney stone. Abdominal imag- the most important immediate next step is
ing studies performed a few years before admis- discontinuation of ketorolac.
sion revealed no renal abnormalities. During Ketorlac was discontinued. Further abdom-
the current hospitalization, AKI developed inal imaging revealed a fluid collection extend-
and the creatinine level increased to 1.6 g/dL ing from the right subdiaphragmatic region to
within 48 hours and peaked at 2.1 g/dL. Uri- the right lower quadrant that was concerning
nary output declined to 500 mL in 24 hours for persistent abscess vs bowel leak as the likely
the day preceding the increase in creatinine. cause for the persistent systemic inflammatory
response syndrome. The vancomycin trough
2. Which one of the following is the most level was monitored and noted to be elevated
appropriate next step in the at 30.1 mg/mL (<15 mg/mL). Vancomycin
management of this patient’s AKI? was withheld because of the supratherapeutic
a. Discontinue ertapenem and levels, and the ertapenem dose was adjusted
vancomycin for renal impairment. Nephrology consultation
b. Discontinue ketorolac was requested.
c. Initiate N-acetylcysteine
d. Obtain vancomycin trough level 3. Which one of the following is the best
e. Repeat electrolyte panel test for evaluation of this patient’s AKI?
a. Urinalysis
For several nephrotoxic drugs, administra- b. Urinary eosinophil measurement
tion can be suspended, the pattern of adminis- c. Complement level determination
tration changed, or another less toxic or d. Kidney ultrasonography
nontoxic drug used instead. However, this e. Measurement of the fractional
strategy cannot be used for all potential neph- excretion of sodium (FENa)
rotoxic medications. Because the patient meets
the criteria for severe sepsis, discontinuing an- Urinalysis is the most important step in the
tibiotics may jeopardize his clinical status. evaluation of AKI. The urinalysis includes 2
Evaluation for antibiotic-induced nephrotoxi- components, an analysis for proteinuria, leuko-
city must be pursued before discontinuation. cyte esterase, glucosuria, bilirubin, and urinary
The nephrotoxicity of nonsteroidal anti- pH and microscopic examination of the urinary
inflammatory drugs is mostly attributable to sediment, which evaluates for cells, crystals,
inhibition of renal prostaglandin synthesis.2 and casts. Quantification of tubular cells and
They disrupt the compensatory vasodilation casts correlates with biomarkers and severity of
response of renal prostaglandins to vasocon- AKI.5 Assessment for red blood cells (RBCs),
strictor hormones released in the context of WBCs, and various tubular cells and casts will
sepsis.3 These aberrations in renal hemody- guide the next steps in evaluation and diagnostic
namics result in decreased cortical blood work-up. In clinical practice, urinary eosinophils
flow, decreased glomerular filtration rate, and are often measured to help guide the clinician in
acute deterioration of renal function. They determining whether AIN may be the cause of
can also induce acute interstitial nephritis AKI, and based on clinical impressions from ne-
(AIN). Because the patient has had develop- phrologists, sensitivities and specificities for uri-
ment of AKI and there are other less nephro- nary eosinophils have ranged from 40% to 91%
toxic medications for pain control available, and 52% to 95%, respectively.6 Recent work
the most reasonable next step in management evaluating the diagnostic utility of urinary eosin-
is to discontinue ketorolac. N-acetylcysteine ophil measurement compared with kidney bi-
may reduce the nephrotoxicity of contrast opsy, the criterion standard for diagnosis of
media through antioxidant and vasodilatory AIN, found that the presence of urinary eosino-
effects when given before administration of phils was not specific for AIN and may occur in

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e124 Mayo Clin Proc. December 2014;89(12):e123-e127

many renal disease processes; thus, it may not be neoplasm is less likely to explain this degree of
useful to differentiate AIN from acute tubular ne- hematuria. Although both RBCs and WBCs
crosis.6 Complement levels may be helpful when can be present in AIN, WBCs are usually present
an immune deposit glomerulonephritis is sus- in greater proportion than RBCs. IgA nephropa-
pected, but its use should be based on clinical thy usually manifests as microscopic hematuria
suspicion in conjunction with the presence of in association with proteinuria and often pre-
RBCs on urinalysis. Kidney ultrasonography is sents at the onset of IBD or during a relapse.
useful to evaluate for the presence of hydroneph- Postinfectious glomerulonephritis is an immu-
rosis and kidney stones; however, it should not nologic response of the kidney that occurs after
be the first step in AKI evaluation. The FENa is a nonrenal infection, often with streptococci,
commonly used to differentiate prerenal vs intra- and is associated with low complement levels.9
renal causes of AKI. However, the FENa has only Proteinuria is an important hallmark of this dis-
been found to reflect a sodium-avid state or pre- ease process.
renal state in oliguric cases of AKI. Moreover, in The presence of RBCs on urinalysis promp-
early phases of AKI, both intrarenal and extrare- ted measurements of total complement and C3
nal causes of AKI have been associated with low and C4 levels. The results were normal, which
FENa values resembling those in the prerenal in conjunction with the absence of any protein-
state.7 The cause of AKI should be based on uria makes the diagnosis of postinfectious
the global presentation including history, clinical glomerulonephritis less likely. A review of the
examination, urinalysis, and response to volume patient’s abdominal contrast CT on admission
resuscitation. revealed multiple kidney stones in a pattern
Urinalysis revealed granular and hyaline consistent with medullary nephrocalcinosis,
casts, 4 to 10 WBCs per high-power field, likely explaining the hematuria. The patient’s
and more than 180 RBCs per high-power field. renal function recovered to baseline within 4
The protein to creatinine ratio and albumin days after the creatinine concentration peaked.
levels were both normal. Gram stain with urine He underwent exploratory laparotomy with
culture yielded negative results. On the basis of ileocolonic resection and ileostomy for an anas-
the clinical scenario and evidence of granular tomotic leak. The patient recovered and was
casts on urinalysis, the cause of AKI in this pa- dismissed on the 23rd day of hospitalization.
tient was likely multifactorial due to acute At follow-up 2 months after dismissal, the
tubular necrosis from several risk factors: se- patient’s creatinine level remained stable. Urinal-
vere sepsis, nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory ysis continued to show hematuria and no pro-
drug use, and recent contrast media exposure. teinuria or microalbuminuria, consistent with
The degree of hematuria noted was concerning his underlying medullary nephrocalcinosis. He
for a secondary process. underwent a 24-hour urinary metabolic evalua-
tion, which yielded 2.9 L of urine, normal
4. On the basis of this patient’s clinical urinary sodium and calcium levels, low urinary
presentation, which one of the following pH (5.4), hypocitraturia, hypomagnesuria,
is the most likely explanation for the hyperuricosuria, and increased risk for precipi-
hematuria? tation of calcium oxalate and uric acid crystals.
a. Nephrolithiasis
b. Bladder malignant neoplasm 5. On the basis of the 24-hour urinary
c. AIN metabolic evaluation, which one of the
d. IgA nephropathy following is the most appropriate
e. Postinfectious glomerulonephritis treatment?
a. Penicillamine
Nephrolithiasis can be asymptomatic and b. Sodium bicarbonate
can cause marked hematuria in the absence of c. Potassium citrate
proteinuria. This patient has several risk factors d. Hydrochlorothiazide
for nephrolithiasis including Crohn disease, e. Calcium carbonate
history of ileocolonic involvement, and ileal
resection.8 Considering the patient’s young age This patient has several urinary metabolic
and no smoking history, a bladder malignant risk factors for nephrolithiasis. In addition to

Mayo Clin Proc. n December 2014;89(12):e123-e127 n e125

careful adherence to high-fluid, low-sodium, amyloidosis, which has been linked to chronic
low-purine dietary restriction, medical therapy inflammation; interstitial nephritis, which has
is warranted to decrease the likelihood of future been associated with salicylate therapy as an
stone formation. Penicillamine is a chelating idiosyncratic drug reaction (necessitating reg-
agent used for the treatment of cystine nephro- ular monitoring of renal function); and in
lithiasis. It forms penicillamine-cysteine disul- some reports as a possible direct complication
fide bonds that are easily excreted compared of IBD independent of treatment.11
with cysteine-cysteine bonds. There is no role Nephrolithiasis in IBD may be asymptom-
for the use of penicillamine in this patient. So- atic, complicated by ureteral obstruction and
dium bicarbonate therapy is helpful in patients hydronephrosis, or associated with crystal depo-
with evidence of noneanion gap metabolic sition in renal parenchyma leading to interstitial
acidosis, which is often present in patients inflammation and fibrosis. Patients with IBD
with chronic diarrhea. This patient does not have a 12% to 28% incidence of nephrolithiasis
have evidence of acidemia, and therefore, treat- compared with 5% in the general population.1
ment with sodium bicarbonate is not warranted Patients with Crohn disease and ileocolonic
at this juncture. Potassium citrate is the main- involvement are more likely to have develop-
stay of therapy for patients with hypocitraturia ment of nephrolithiasis than patients with ulcer-
and uric acid crystals. Citrate inhibits stone for- ative colitis or colonic or ileal disease. Two types
mation and alkalinizes the urine, which in- of nephrolithiasis predominate in IBD: calcium
creases uric acid crystal solubility and oxalate and uric acid stones. There are dietary,
decreases uric acid stone formation. Thiazide- metabolic, and genetic risk factors that predis-
like diuretics are useful in patients with hyper- pose to calcium oxalate stones including hyper-
calciuria and calcium oxalate stones. This calciuria, hyperoxaluria, hypocitraturia, and
patient has a normal urinary calcium level. Cal- strong family history. Specific to gastrointestinal
cium carbonate is often needed for supplemen- disorders, patients with jejunoileal bypass for
tation in patients with low urinary calcium and obesity and pancreatic insufficiency are at high-
high urinary oxalate levels, as can be seen in pa- est risk. First, in patients with a diseased or
tients with enteric hyperoxaluria. However, this resected ileum, there is decreased bile acid ab-
patient has normal urinary calcium and oxalate sorption, which consequently leads to fat malab-
levels, and therefore, calcium supplementation sorption. Calcium is bound by the intestinal fat
is not helpful. through the process of saponification, so there is
The patient was encouraged to continue less calcium available to bind to oxalate. Thus,
with high fluid intake and a low-sodium diet there is increased oxalate absorption via the co-
and was educated about a low-fat, low-purine lon, also known as enteric hyperoxaluria. Sec-
diet. Potassium citrate tablets were prescribed. ond, deconjugated bile salts have toxic effects
on the colonic mucosa that may directly
DISCUSSION enhance oxalate absorption. Third, several bio-
Crohn disease and ulcerative colitis are 2 distinct logical inhibitors of kidney stones such as citrate
types of IBD and represent a state of chronic and magnesium have been found to be low in
T-cellemediated inflammation that is heavily the urine of patients with IBD. Uric acid stones
influenced by genetic predisposition and envi- occur predominantly in the context of chronic
ronmental and lifestyle factors. Up to 23% of diarrhea, which may lead to noneanion gap
patients with IBD will experience lower genito- metabolic acidosis that then drives increased uri-
urinary tract and/or kidney involvement, namely nary acid excretion. Low urinary pH is a major
in the form of fistulizing disease, interstitial renal risk for uric acid crystallization and stone forma-
disease, and nephrolithiasis.8 IgA nephropathy tion. Moreover, most patients with chronic diar-
has been reported as one of the most common rhea are at risk for hypovolemia, and low urinary
histopathologic findings on kidney biopsies of volume is another important risk factor for stone
patients with IBD and is significantly more formation.
frequent in these patients than in those without In evaluating patients with nephrolithiasis,
IBD (24% vs 8%; P<.01).10 Several other intra- imaging studies and a complete urinary meta-
renal causes of kidney disease have been reported bolic evaluation are needed to determine stone
in IBDdAA (previously called secondary) type, size, location, metabolic activity, and risk
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Correspondence: Address to Mira T. Keddis, MD, Division
of Nephrology, Mayo Clinic, 5777 East Mayo Boulevard,
Phoenix, AZ 85054 ( CORRECT ANSWERS: 1. d. 2. b. 3. a. 4. a. 5. c

Mayo Clin Proc. n December 2014;89(12):e123-e127 n e127

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