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HSC 631T- Exercise Physiology Resistance Trg.


Names_ _ _ _....;::;;_.......;;__....,,__ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _Evaluator Initials ~ --

TOPIC ---~----,,-_i.:.l£...l~c....::.,;~~JL.L..J,,_= . . . l - - - -

Appropriateness of the articles
(at least 4 articles; reputation of the Journals; I-
publication date of 2005 or later) lf7 /6
(1 pt per
Ample description of the literature
(population group)

Appropriate discussion of
(summarized from the research cited) 1,10

Used logical thought and reasoning based
on research presented when drawing
conclusions about the effectiveness of trg. 10
Implications for PT Practice
Gave some indication of how this would or
would not be used in practice 0 ------ /6
Written work
Over-all quality of the writing; grammar,
spelling, sentence structure; AMA style / () 110

Followed instructions
Adequate reference tg.,cited research; 12 point
font, single-spaced,A'::- 6 pages
;;_ /2

TOTAL .!j/__,so
Additional Comments

;va ~

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