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Sexual indulgence, theft, killing of a human being, and claiming false superhuman spiritual attainments by a

Bhikkhu are considered as the four Pārājika offences, and once such an offence is committed there is no remedy
available, and the offender loss all his monastic status, and he ex-communicated from the order.
The gravest offences that could be committed by a monk are these Pārājika, and they are so grave and
important, that soon after the conferment of Upasampada or higher ordination, they are made known to the hikkhu
The first three Pārājika rules are compared with the Silas which are meant for the guidance of the day to day
life of the laymen. We have also compare these four Pārājika offences with those of the sexual offences, theft, murder
(culpable homicide), and cheating respectively, all of which are offences under our criminal law. (Grero 1996)

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