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Setya = A Dyah = D

Sukarsih = B Aldilla = C

A : Hello . . Good morning

B : Hello . . how are you?
A : Iam very good, and you? How your holiday?
B : my holiday was awesome . I visited many historical place in Yogyakarta.
A : wow it’s sound excited.
B : how about you ?
A : hmm , , I just stayed in home and help my mother in market.
B : that’s great . . you’re so kind.
A : Hei . . is it Aldilla ?
B : hiii aldilla come here . . .
C : hi . . long time no see
A : why you look so confused ?
C : hm . . I need to prepare for English Sing competition tomorrow but Iam so nervous
B : why ????
C ; I need someone to listen when I practice
B : so??
A : let us be the audience . . .
B : Heii diahh . . come on join,
D : hei . . hei . . waittttt . . . what are you guys doing?
B : we are going to listen to aldilla. She is going to sing for us
D : Wow . . okay okay let’s listen to her.
C : (menghela nafas) (mulai bernyanyi)
B : Wow . . wow . . wow
D : it’s so amazing . . .
A : I love your voice.
C : Thank you, I feel relieve. Now, I ready for the competition.
D : yeahh , I am sure you will be the winner.
(bel sekolah berbunyi)
A : the bbell was rang . . let’s go to the class
Together : let’s goooooooo

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