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| ajar open closed jar /s'd3ar/ adjective a door that is ajar is not completely closed ajar alarm! /o'larm/ noun 1 [U]a feeling of fear or danger 2 something that makes a noise to wake peo- ple up or warn them of danger: a fire alarm alarm? verb to worry someone or make them feel afraid alarm clock /.. ,./ noun a clock that makes a loud noise at the time you want to wake up al-bum /‘elben/ noun 4 arrecord, CD etc. with several songs on it: He bought the new Michael Jackson album. 2 a book with empty pages where you can put photographs, stamps ate. aleo-hol /‘elko,hol, -hal/ noun (UI drinks such as beer, wine etc. that affect your brain and can make you feel drunk: We do not sell alcohol to anyone under 21. al-co-hol-ic? /,ika'holik, -'ha-/ noun someone who cennot stop drinking too much alcohol: Her father is an alcoholic, alcoholic? adjective containing alcohol: alcoholic drinks alert /a'lst/ adjective quick to notice things al-ge-bra /‘zld3abra/ noun [U] a type of MATHEMATICS in which letters are used instead of numbers atli-en /eilion, ‘etlyan/ noun 41 someone who lives or works in a country, but is not a citizen i 2 a creature that some people believe comes from another world: @ movie about aliens invading Earth alike /a'lak/ sdjective, adverb the seme in some way: They were all drassad alike in white dresses. >> compare SIMILAR atlive /a'latv/ adjective not dead: living: Is his grancfather stil! alive? >> compare DEAD’ alll /ol/ adverb, pronoun 4 the whole of something: Don't eat all the cake! 2 every one of: Answer all twenty questions, 3 completely: He was dressed all in black. 4 all over everywhere: {ve been looking all over for you. 5 not at all not in any way: /7m not at ail hun ory. abler-gic /a'led3tk/ adjective if you are allergic to something, you become ill if you eat, touch, or breathe it: mm allergic to cats. abler-gy /‘zlzd3i/ noun (plural allergies) a condition that makes you ill when you eat, touch, or breathe in a particular thing: His breathing problems are caused by an allergy to house dust. alley /eli/ noun (piure! alleys) a narrow street between buildings or walis allianee /a'larans/ noun an agreement between countries or groups to work together abli-ga-tor /'zlo,gerta/ noun a large animal with a long body, sharp teeth and short legs, that lives in hot wet areas allow /2'lau/ verb to say that someone can do something: You're not allowed to go in there. >> opposite FORBID allow-anee /a'lavans/ noun money that you ere given for a special reason all right /,.'./ adjective, adverb 41 good enough, but not excellent: “How is the coffee?” “It’s all right, but Ive had better.“ 2 not sick or in pain: Do you feel all right? 3 used to say “yes”; OK: “Can | borrow this book?" "All right.” al-ly /‘2lai, a'lav/ noun (pluraf allies) someone who helps you or supports you in a fight, argument, war eto. almond /‘amond, 'em-/ noun a flat white nut with @ slightly sweet taste, or the tree on which these nuts grow al-most /‘olmoust, ol'moust/ adverb nearly: It’s almost 9 o'clock, | Were almost there,

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