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Study Guide

Science 7th Grade

1. Why do biologists classify organism?

A: They use classification to organize living things into groups so that way organisms are
easy to study

2. What is classification?
A: Is the process of grouping things based on their similarities

3. What is taxonomy?
A: Is the use useful tool once the organism is classified so scientists know about
information of the reviewed kingdom, Domain or class and so on.

4. What is binomial nomenclature?

A: Is the system whereby assigns two-parts scientific names

5. What is genus?
A: Is a classification grouping that contains similar closely related organisms

6. What are the levels of classification?

A: Domain, Kingdom, Phylum, Class, Order, Family, Genus and Specie

7. How are taxonomy keys useful?

A: Are useful tools that help to determine the identity of organism at the end of any

8. What is taken in consideration to classify

A: Are classified based on their cells type, ability to make food and numbers of cell on
their body
9. Mention the three domains of life
A: Bacteria, Archaea and Eukarya

10. What does bacteria domain talk about?

A: Can be all of the bacteria whose live all around you, inside of you… some of them
don’t affect organisms, and some of they do
11. What is Nucleus?
A: It’s a dense area that contain nucleic acid

12. Where can be found the Archaea Domain?

A: They are in the deep Pacific Ocean like hot gases, and molten rocks

13. What are the eukarya groups?

A: Are Organisms that contain cells, and nuclei on them

14. Mention 4 Kingdoms located in Eukarya

A: Protist, Fungi, Plants and animals

15. What is evolution and Whose promoted it?

A: Is the process of change over time, and was promoted by Britannic
Charles Darwin

16. What mean Chroma and Multi?

A: Chroma means color and multi means many

17. What is golgi apparatus

A: Is a structure that packages and redistributes materials inside the cell

18. What is carbohydrate?

A: Is an energetic-rich organic compound often used by organism for food

19. What is Endocytosis?

A: Is the process by which cells engulf and absorb materials that are outside the cell

20. What Are cells?

A: Are basic units of structure and function, in living things

21. What are the cells function?

A: Are the process that enable living things to live, grow and reproduce

22. What is the cell theory?

A: Is the most widely accepted explanations of the relationship between the cells and
living things
23. What does the cell theory talk about?
A: All living things are composed of cells, cells are the basic units of structure and functions in
the living things

24. What are the 2 kinds of cells?

A: Animal and Vegetal

25. What are the parts of the cell?

A: Cell Wall, Cell Membrane, Nucleus, Organelles in the cytoplasm

26. What is the cell wall?

A: Is a rigid layer that surrounds the cell of some plants and organism. Animal cells have
no cell walls

27. What is a cell membrane?

A: It’s the one that controls which substances pass into and out of cell, just like a window
allow air to enter and leave but keeps insect out

28. What is the cell Nucleus?

A: It’s like a brain in a cell, and it is the control center of it

29. What mean organelles in the cytoplasm?

A: It’s the clear gel-like fluid that fills the region between the cell membrane and nucleus

30. What are elements?

A: Are the substances that cannot be broken down into simpler substances

31. What are compounds?

A: Are the results of combining elements chemically

32. What are carbohydrates?

A: It’s an Energy-Rich organic compounds made of elements, carbon, hydrogen

33. What are lipids?

A: Almost the same thing as carbohydrates with the difference that they include oxygen

34. What are proteins?

A: Are large organic molecules made of carbon, hydrogen, oxygen, nitrogen and in some
cases sulfur
35. What are enzymes?
A: Are group of proteins, that speed up chemical reactions in living things

36. What is photosynthesis?

A: It’s the process by which cells capture energy from sunlight, and then that energy is
used to make its meal

37. What is autotroph?

A: Is an organism that makes its own food

38. What is heterotroph?

A: is the organism that eats another organism in order to feed and cannot make their
own meal

39. What is chlorophyll?

A: Is the main pigment for photosynthesis in chloroplast

40. What happens during photosynthesis?

A: The plants and some other organisms absorb energy from the sun and use energy to
convert carbon, dioxide and water into sugar and oxygen

41. What happen during cellular respiration?

A: Is the process by which cells break down glucose and other molecules from food in
the presence of oxygen, releasing energy

42. What is fermentation?

A: Is an energy-releasing process that doesn’t require oxygen but releases far less energy
than cellular respiration does

43. What are the functions of cell division?

A: Allow Organism to grow larger and cell splits in two, two in four and so on, until a
single cell becomes a multicellular organism

44. What are the 2 stages of Cellular

A: Interphase and Mitosis

45. What happens in interphase?

A: During this stage the cell grows, making a copy of its DNA and prepares to divide in
two cells
46. What happens when mitosis stage has been
A: the cell nucleus finally divides in two new nucleuses and one set of DNA

47. What is Chromosome?

A: DNA and proteins from threadlike structures

48. What means DNA?

A: Deoxyribonucleic Acid

Good Luck! Wishes you Mr. Gutierrez

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