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Note: 1)Reverse logistics includes costs incurred in fulfilling rescheduled

2) Price for Products based on data from website

Assumption-1)extra ordinary expenses to be 5% of logistics costs 2) Economies of

scale 20% of costs
3)The touchpoints would be relatively high fot H2H in comparision with Buyback and
also it would be lower for Open box because of extra care taken during pre-shipment
4)For the sake of simplicity the number of contact points are assumed to same for
each segment of a particular product

5) 10% decrease in costs due to increased efficiency and leverage of economies of

scale in propsed solution 6)1.15 times 50
7)10% Increase in costs due to Outsourcing and the increase in contact points due
to increase in nodes-Amazon and 3PL

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