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T. R. ALMOND. Bushings for Machinery. No.150,456. Patented May 5, 1874. T Tse —JA-p— Witnesses. Aina AMES « Beotien by bas Cf bomrege Wierer A oshitin. UNITED STATES PATENT OFFICE. THOMAS R. ALMOND, OF FITCHBURG, MASSACHUSETTS. IMPROVEMENT IN BUSHINGS FOR MACHINERY. Spevifieation forming part of Lotters Patent No. 150,456, dated Moy 6, 1874; application filed Ootober 7, 1873, To all whom it may concern: ‘Be it known that I, Tomas R. Arasonn, of Fitchburg, in theeounty of Woreesterand State of Massachusetts, have invented an Improved. Bushing for Machinery, of which the follow ing is a spectfication ‘Figure 1 is a central longitudinal section of my improved bushing, the line ¢ ¢, Fig. 2, indicating the plane of section, Fig. 2 is a iansyerse section thereof on the Hine ¥ fy Similar letters of reference indicate eorre- sponding parts in both Agures. ‘The object of this invention is to improve and simplify the beatings of machinery, esp cially to overcome the great difficulty’ expe- rienced in trying to keep spindles in lath gentral and without end motion to the bi ings and bushings. the use of a. eylindrieal bushing whieh has a serew-thread ent aronnd it, and whieh is alit or cut longitudinally, and’ provided with a projecting collar at one end. ‘This bushing is, fitted into a female serew, and when appliod so far that its collar bears’ against the female srew, it ean still be turned, and will, by tarn- ig, be eaused to contract in proportion to the degree in which it is tarned. The peculiarity of the slotted serew-bushing will be more ful- ly understood by referenee to the drawing, in which— A represents the bushing, and B the screw into which the sameisfitted, ‘The bushing, as afore stated is eylindrical in orm, and fitted with a collir or flange, a, at its’ outer end. ‘The serew-thread is ent around it clear up to the collar, and a corresponding serew-thread formed in’ the nut or receiving-serew B. ‘The bushing is slit or cat open lengthwise, as in 2, the slot allowing it to spring apart in the manner shown. ‘The serew-thvead which cut: into the receiver B must. be V-shaped, at least inclined on that side whieh faces the collar a. When the bushing is screwed into the receiver B until the collar a touches | the face of the latter, and the bushing is then still farther turned, its screw-thread will, by continued turning, be eaused to rotate on the inclined faces of thie embracing-serew, and the ‘bashing will thereby he coutracted—that is, to say, its edges 0 b will gradually approach de. each other, until they toneh entvely, sired ‘The prineiple of operation is, that the thread, of the bushing, rotating on the thread of the sorew B, which presents a conical surface, is gradually crowded inward under the eon- tinned pressure, the longitudinal displacement, of bushing being prevented by the contact of the collar a with the receiver B. ‘Therefore, in turning the bushing after the collar is up to its place, the larger or onter part of the thread on the bushing is brought into the smaller or inner part of the thread of the fe male serew, and thereby the bush is eont When bushing of this kind is applied to a lathe it will keep the spindle always eentral. Tt can also be used as a chuek for holding the work in a lathe, and for many other purposes, such as the hearing of machinery, &c., the great advantage boing that the bushing can be made to more or less contract or expand. Instead of having the bushing fitted into the unt B, as shown, and providing its external cirenmference with a ‘screw-thread, the same results may he reached by threading the in: ternal cireumference of the bushing, and ap. plying it around a male sei Tain aware that stit tubular bushing has already been used with part of its cireumfer- enee tireaded and part made tapering, so that it would be contracted by being serewed far- ther into the eonieal shell; also, that bushin; threaded along their tapering’ circumference, have already been in use, and tapering bush- ing of all kinds, and T do not claim such a, bushing, as my bushing is not made tapering at all; but Tdo claim as my invention— ‘A bushing, A, slit along its entire length, and anade with ‘a projecting collar, @, ab on end, and with a serew-thread extending to th | opposite end, and combined with a eytindyi } cal screw, B, that, matches the thread of the | bushing, 80 that the bushing will be extended or contracted by riding on the thread of the cylindrieal serow B, while its collar @ ig in contact with the end of said serew, as set forth, THOS. R. ALMOND. Epwarp Newrrr, Witness Joun H, PARKER.

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