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B. D. BEIDERHASE & C. WITTECK. Devices for Producing Pearl-Finish on Metallic Surfaces. No. 134,581, Patented Jan. 7, 1873, Fig. 1. a¥iguesses: uventor: Chey ele BG g Checrtevhoe! Gin Hikbork 6 lita per UNITED STATES PATENT OFFICE. BERNHARD D. BEIDERHASE AND CITARLES WITTEOK, OF NEW YORK, WN, Y. IMPROVEMENT IN DEVICES FOR PRODUCING PEARL-FINISH ON METALLIC SURFACES. Specification forming part of Letters Patent X 184,581, dated January 7, 1873, Case A. To all whom it may concern: cess into the center ©, as seen in Fig.1, ‘The Be it known that we, BERNHARD D. Betp- | clusters of wire are doubled, and the doubled ERHASE and OAkLES WITECK, of the city, | ends aro inserted through the orifices into the county, and State of New York, have invent- | recess, and then the pins Bare inserted ed a new and usefal Improvement in Device | through the center of the doubled ends so as, for Producing Pearl-Finish on Metallic Sur-| to securely hold each separate wire, When faces, of which the following is a specification. | the clustersare thus placed the head isserewed ‘Phe object of this invention is to provide | onto the spiudle, which fastens and keeps means for producing what is known as “pearl- | them in place. finish? on metallic surfaces; and it consists in | In using the device the head is rapidly re- ‘a head with one or more projecting clusters of | volved in the Inthe, and the wite points im. wire therein, the device being more especially | part to the metallic surface brought in contact: designed for the inside of silver or other mé- | therewith a rough or broken appearance, tallie vessels, but applicable to the outside | known as “pearlfinish,” which is highly or: also. namental. In the drawing, Figure isa vertical section | Having thus deseribed our invention, we of Fig, 2 taken on the line a «, and Fig. 2 is | claim as new and desire to secure by Letters a view of the reverse side of the head. Patent— Similar letters of reference indicate corre-| 1. A device for producing what is known as sponding parts. satin or pearl finish to metallic surfaces, con- ‘A represents the head, which serews on the | stricted substantially as shown nnd described. spindle B, which spindie is attached to the | 2 ‘The recessed head A, with the apertures mandrel of a lathe. The head may be socon- | C’, pins E, and clusters of wire D, substan: structed as to be attached directly to the man- | tially as and for the purposes deseribved. rel. The rear side of the head is recessed | 3. ‘The combination of the head A and wire out, as seen in Fig. 1, having a center, ©. | clusters D, arranged, as described, with the ‘Through the face of the head are three (more | spindle B, or with the mandrel of a lathe, sub orless) apertures, C/, Drepresents clusters of | stantially’ as set forth. clastio wire, of any size and elasticity, suited ‘BERNHARD D, BEIDERHASE. to the purpose for which the device is to. be CHAS. WITTEGR. used, ‘These clusters D project from the face } throngh the before-mentioned orifices, and are | Witnesses: fastened by means of pins B, which pins pass ?. B. Mosnzr, from the outside of the head through the re- Avzx. F, Rovrrrs,

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