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Cra A @ i Cr en) WHO DESERVES TO BE RICH? YOU DO! You have power inside your vault that you never knew about. Power to make you anything you wish. Power to create wealth. Power to live wisely with that wealth, and power to help others who have yet to discover their own bank vault. The Infinite Source has given you just as much as it has given the Gettys and the Rockefellers and the Onassises of this world. The Infinite Source, in its vast intelligence and compassion, has endowed every man’s bank vault with equal treasure, No one has been favored. No one has been left out. The treasure belongs to you. This book will show you how to find it, HOW YOUR PSYCHIC POWERS: CAN MAKE YOU RICH by David St. Clair Bantam Books by David St. Clair HOW YOUR PSYCHIC POWERS CAN MAKE YOU RICH THE PSYCHIC WORLD OF CALIFORNIA How Your Psychic Powers Can Make You Rich David St. Clair OM boy ome z 3 BOOS Bs Mews yoo HOW YOUR PSYCHIC POWERS CAN MAKE YOU RICH A Bantam Book | May 1975 All rights reserves Copyright © 1975 by David St. Clair. This book may not be reproduced in whole or in part, by ‘mimeograph or any other means, without permission. ‘For information address: Bantam Books, Inc. Published simultaneously in the United States and Canada Bantam Books are published by Bantam Books, Inc. Its trade- mark, consisting of the words “Bantam Books” and the por- trayal of a bantam, is registered in the United States Patent Office and in other countries. Marca’ Registrada. Bantam Books, Inc., 656 Fifth Avenue, New York, New York 10019. PRINTED IN THE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA This book is dedicated to ALBERTO AGUAS «2... for many reasons Acknowledgments No author ever writes a book alone. I have called upon so many people in all walks of life, religion, and attitude that to make a complete list of them would fill several pages. Many of them have asked to remain anonymous, content with the fact that their knowl edge and experiences may help a reader of this book. I thank them one and all. However, there are a few that I insist on thanking by name. Ruth Smith for her encouragement and her knowledge. Rev. Ferne Todd for her understanding of Cosmic Energies and her ability to type a neat page. Joanna Woolfolk for her friendship and trying several of the exercises. Witches Louise Huebner and Sarah Lyddon Morrison for allowing me to quote from their books. Medium Brenda Crenshaw who gave me valuable advice. Rev. Steve Goekee who shared information. Medium Betty Bethards for her meditation techniques. Psychics Bill and Elizabeth Finch for their color experi- ments. My dear friend Catherine Motta for her work with the Cosmic Forces. Astrologer John Bradford for his years of knowledge and study. Elizabeth Caulder of the Southern California Society for Psychical Re- search who introduced me to important sources and gave me her friendship. My parents Lee and Ruth St. Clair who offered me their home as a writer’s haven. Jill Hausrath at Bantam Books for her understanding and Bantam Books editor Allan Barnard for his encour- agement, friendship, and professional advice. Thank you all, very very much. Preface This book was written for those who want to win. It wasn’t written for those who are content in their own little rut, happy to be stepped upon and saying “Thank you” when they get kicked. It was written for those who know they have some- thing better to offer the world. It was written for those who know that deep inside them dwell untapped powers that can change their world. It was written for those who are unafraid to look in- wardly and develop psychic power that others laugh at as being foolishness. I don’t ask you to believe anything written here. What I do ask you is not to deny any of it until you have personally tried it. Start with a positive attitude, knowing you can use the information on these pages for personal gain. If you start with that attitude you are already a giant step ahead of everyone around you. ‘This book was written for YOU—if you have decided it’s time to change. 4, 5. 6 7. 10. 11. Contents . Decide Now to Change Your Life 1 . Putting Some of Those Principles into Practice 16 . Digging Deep (Meditation) 28 Make Your Own Rainbow (Colors) 50 Plant One, Reap Ten (Seed Money) 73 Your Built-in Computer (Self-Hypnosis) 91 Getting Good Vibes (Psychometry) 112 Your Fortune—in the Stars (Astrology) 128 . Not Quite Witchcraft 187 ESP with God (Prayer) 207 The Powers Within You 220 HOW YOUR PSYCHIC POWERS CAN MAKE YOU RICH 1. Decide Now to Change Your Life You can use your psychic power to change your life. You can use your psychic power to earn money: lots of money. If money is what you want, and money is what you are willing to concentrate upon, you can have all you want. It’s quite simple. Many people have done it. They have known the secrets of the game. Now the secrets are out in the open. The secrets are right here in:-vour hand, "Yes You Have Psychic Power So many people have told me, “Oh, I wish that I had the powers that mediums and card readers and healers have. But I don’t. I’m just plain John Doe.” Nonsense! We all have the powers and we can all learn to use them. In my trayels around the globe interviewing profes- sional psychics, mediums, witches, clairvoyants, tarot readers, water dowsers, and so on, I have been im- pressed with one fact. These people knew they had hidden powers and went on to develop them. ‘That's the. important point: they knew they had the powers and they went on to develop them. Psychic powers are not as supernatural as you might have suspected. They are not all connected with spirits, traveling out of the body, or the “evil eye.” Psychic powers are not something to be afraid of either. Why be afraid of something that is there inside yourself just waiting to help you? - The story of Aladdin and his magic lamp was based on fact. The boy discovered a powerful force that he 1 2 HOW YOUR PSYCHIC POWERS CAN MAKE YOU RICH could control. A force so powerful that no matter what he desired, he got. All it took was knowing how to control that force. Supposedly he found a vessel, rubbed it, and released the genie. The genie, so pleased to be free, did everything he was bid. Aladdin was able to conquer worlds. You have a vessel with you. It’s your mind. All you haye to do is give it a mental rubdown and it will start to work for you. It’s the most powerful force in the world. It's No Sin So many “spiritual” people throw up their hands in dismay when they are told someone wants to make money with his psychic powers. They consider that these powers are a gift from God and should not be used for monetary gain. Yet what they are saying is that God wants people to go around poor. They are saying that God doesn’t want you to use your full talents to improve your life here on earth. They are saying that God is so narrow- minded that He will let people use their talents for war, for vengeance, and for subterfuge; but that He is against people making money so they can live better lives. I don’t believe it. I do believe that if a professional medium or psychic uses his abilities to the complete exclusion of anything other than helping himself make money, and doesn’t care about helping others, his powers will gradually leave him. A professional psychic has a gift and that must be shared with others in need. It should not used just to feather the psychic’s own nest. Yet the psychic must pay the rent, must send his children to a good school, and must put food on his table. That takes money. A professional psychic gets his money from his clients. He gets money for his services, even if it is a “donation” or “gift” after he has performed them. And he is entitled to every cent he can get. Why not? We HOW YOUR PSYCHIC POWERS CAN MAKE YOU RICH 3 are all entitied to every cent we can get. Because we deserve it, Do We Really Deserve To Be Rich? Yes, we all have the right to be rich. But we also have the duty to know what to do with our money once we make it. Just to salt it away in a bank or under a mattress is no reason for having it. To make it and then to pull away from the world is no reason to have it. To help yourself and never help anyone else is also No reason to have it. No man is an island, a wise man once said, and he was right. Like it or not we live with other people. Even if we live alone in a remote log cabin we have to come in contact with other human beings at one time or another. We have to learn to share what we have with others because we expect others to share what they have with us. I knew a man who was successful in business. So successful that he devoted all his waking hours to amassing a fortune. He applied his psychic abilities exclusively to the idea of making money. And it did come rolling in. His long days and nights at his office soon made him a millionaire. All he could see was money. And—that’s all he ended up with. He neglected his wife and his two children. He spoke to them only on weekends and sometimes not even then, because he was out with a business client or work- ing to get the office ready for Monday morning. Yes, he gave them a house and put food on their table but he didn’t give them anything of himself. Because money was his entire life he thought that it should also be the entire life of his family. One day his wife went out and got a job. She didn’t need it from the financial point of view; she needed it from the psychological point of view. She wanted to be free of her husband’s money and show him it wasn’t his wealth that she wanted. The two children graduated from college and went into successful businesses of their 4 HOW YOUR PSYCHIC POWERS CAN MAKE YOU RICH own. After several years of trying to make a home for her husband, the wife moved out. The children, never having had a father who cared for them, no longer care for their father. They seldom call and never visit. So there he sits, retired now, in that huge empty house all alone wondering where he went wrong. Sure he has lots of money, but he has nothing else. Can Money Buy Happiness? No, money can’t buy happiness but it can sure help to find it! Money can buy peace of mind. To know that you have the cash in the bank to pay the rent. To know that if you want a steak you can go out and buy one. To know that if your child becomes ill you can afford to take him to the doctor. To know that if your wife needs a new dress you can buy her one. To know that if you lose your job you can continue to eat until you find another. To know that if your best friend is in trouble, you can lend him some cash and bail him out. That is happiness. Not to have money means living from day to day worrying about the bills that are due and about the food that must be eaten, worrying about the medical help that cannot be had, worrying about your frayed cuffs and collars, worrying about your wife’s constant complaining, worrying about the fact that you are a failure. Enough cash in your bank account can buy happi- ness. You Do Have Psychic Abilities ‘The person who can’t develop his psychic abilities ig a person who doesn’t know, or maybe, doesn’t want to, The abilities are there. Make no mistake about it. They are lying there like deposits of diamonds, just waiting to be mined and put to use. Not all of us play the piano, but all of us could play HOW YOUR PSYCHIC POWERS CAN MAKE YOU RICH 5 the piano if we practiced. Agreed? There is nothing so difficult in playing the piano that it cannot be mas- tered in a few weeks’ time. All we need to do is to decide we are going to learn and then start practicing. “Oh, I can’t play the piano,” you'll hear people complain. Yet have they ever tried? Have they actually sat down with a plan and with determination and tried to play? If they had they would have discovered that the piano would soon be giving forth fine melodies and enjoyable music. They “can’t” because they’ve never really tried. It’s the same way with the man who says, “I can’t make money.” He can’t because he’s never really tried. Or maybe he has tried and failed and now laments that he is a failure. But how did he try? How did he fail? Why did he fail? How many times did he really try? You can’t try once or twice to play the piano and then give up when the music won’t come, You'll never be a musician at that rate. You can’t try to make money and then give up after a few days and call yourself a failure. You have to practice and work at it and ap- ply yourself. “{’m not psychic,” people will complain in the same voice as when they complain they can’t play the piano. And I always ask them, “How do you know? Have you ever tried?” The answer is always in the negative. If you deny your own ability to do something, then you have failed right from the start. Do not deny your psychic abilities until you have tried to use them. Don’t give yourself two strikes before the game begins and then head for the showers when you strike out the first time at bat. J once gave a lecture on psychic abilities to a group of college professors. Afterward one gentleman came to me and said it was all a lot of baloney because he had lived for seventy years and had never had a psy- chic experience in his life. “Have you ever heard the phone ring and you knew who was on the other end before you picked up the re~ ceiver?” I asked him. “Yes,” he replied. 6 HOW YOUR PSYCHIC POWERS CAN MAKE YOU RICH “Have you ever searched for something and felt compelled to look in a certain place, and suddenly, there that something was?” ‘Again he replied with a yes. “Have you ever walked down the street and knew you were going to meet an old friend and when you turned the corner there was that friend walking toward you?” Again he answered in the affirmative. “Then,” I said, “you have had psychic experience.” “Is that what you mean by psychic?” he asked amazedly. “Well, I’ve had lots of those things happen to me. Hasn’t everybody?” That’s just the point. Of course everybody has had these things happen at one time or another. They prob- ably didn’t consider them psychic experiences but just put them down to coincidence. Coincidence. What a wonderful catchall word. When we don’t want to admit our psychic abilities or are afraid of anything psychic we put it down to “coinci- dence.” You are looking for a parking place; something tells you that in the next block there will be one. You drive there just as another car is pulling out. Coincidence? You're in a strange town. You wander around look- ing at the outside of restaurants unable to decide which one to enter. Finally one looks better to you than the others and when the waitress gives you the menu there are several of your favorite dishes. Coinci- dence? You have to get up at 6:30 the next morning. You set the alarm clock but at 6:25 you awake without the alarm going off. Coincidence? You think about a friend all day, and when you get home you decide to call him on the phone. His line is busy. He is trying to call you at the same moment. Coincidence? You are at the table with your wife. The two of you are silently eating. Suddenly you both start to say some- thing and you use the same words. Coincidence? Not coincidence. It’s your psychic ability at work. HOW YOUR PSYCHIC POWERS CAN MAKE YOU RICH 7 Why Develop Your Psychic Abilities? Why should you develop your psychic abilities? Why shouldn’t you? If you could develop the ability to know when someone was lying to you, wouldn’t you do it? If you could develop a way of attracting new friends in your life, wouldn’t you do it? If you could develop a way of getting along better with your boss, wouldn’t you do it? If you could develop a way to heal yourself and others around you, wouldn’t you do it? If you could develop a way to relax completely and have your problems solved for you, wouldn’t you do it? Of course you would. And by developing one or all of the above you are developing your psychic abili- ties. You are not going to use your abilities as a crutch. You are not going to be dependent on them or let them take control of you. You are going to use them like advice from an old friend; like knowledge from a wise book; like the steadying, protective hands of a parent. ‘You develop these abilities much like the man who climbs a mountain because it is there. They are a part of your makeup as a human being. They are part of the God-given talents you already are using. They were put there for you to use and to profit by. If they were not a natural part of the human makeup then everyone would not have them. ‘We should learn to develop them because they can come to our aid at very crucial times. We have all read newspaper accounts of the man who refused to take a plane that later crashed; or the woman who insisted her husband slow his car and avoided death at a spot where a bridge had been washed out. We should develop these powers so that we can tune into our superintelligence when it comes to signing a contract, making a business deal, or considering an investment. Once we learn to listen to this super- intelligence and to know it is telling the truth, our fi- nancial lives will be much improved. And if our finan- 8 HOW YOUR PSYCHIC POWERS CAN MAKE YOU RICH cial lives are better it naturally follows that our personal lives will also be better. Don't Fear It So many people are afraid to use these abilities. ‘They’ve seen too many Hollywood films where the mad scientist has hypnotized the beautiful girl and is about to do things against her conscious wishes. Or they have heard of people being possessed by evil spirits as they practiced witchcraft and heard fright tales of people \who used their powers for evil and died because of it. -. -.Nobody needs to fear the use of psychic powers if their motives are right. Y'd like to print that sentence in red ink to make it-stand out for all to remember! If what you are calling on your powers to do is right, then no harm can come to you. If your motives are wrong, then you should start to worry. How do you know when your motives are wrong? ‘That’s easy. It’s whatever you feel is wrong. When you do something to someone that you know is wrong, you feel it deep inside you. It usually comes as an uneasy jolt in your stomach. Maybe you can’t sleep for think- ing about it afterward. It’s an innate thing. Before you use your psychic abilities, stop and question yourself. Is it wrong to ask for such and such a thing? ‘Take a pause and let the answer come. If that feeling you always get when you know you've done some- thing wrong comes to you, then psychically it is wrong. A very important point to remember is this: if you keep using your psychic abilities for things that your conscious mind knows is wrong, then your supercon- scious mind will slowly take these powers away from you. Your own higher self will not permit your lower self to keep on doing the wrong things. I know a man who works as a psychic and charges an astronomical amount of money to find lost persons. Even when he is unsuccessful—which is quite often— he insists on being paid. He knows this is wrong but he loves the money it brings. Because of this attitude HOW YOUR PSYCHIC POWERS CAN MAKE YOU RICE 9 ‘he is losing all his abilities: and, of course, as his repu- tation diminishes, so does the number of his clients. Nothing Is Forever No matter how deeply in debt you may be, or how dim your prospects for extra money, remember this: there is no situation that can’t be changed. Nothing is permanent. You need not suffer financial oppression. You need not live in a run-down neighborhood if you dream of owning a fine home, You need not take or- ders from some miserable boss if you want someday to be independent with a business of your own. No matter how deeply you are in debt now, no mat- ter how black the future seems right now, you can change it by calling on your psychic powers. If you have a desire and are willing to use the vari- ous steps of a plan to realize that desire, you can see it become a reality. All you have to do is want it to come true. Sounds simple? It is. Anything you want you can have. Jesus said, “Ask, and it shall be given you; seek, and ye shall find; knock, and it shall be opened unto you.” Reread these words and note that he didn’t put any restrictions there. He didn’t say you can ask for a new suit but don’t ask for a new car. He didn’t say only 50 percent of what you ask for shall be yours. It was an unqualified 100 percent of whatever it is you want. Money Makes You Feel Good So many people have guilty feelings about having money. They associate money with distrust, dishonesty, and evil. How many rich people have you heard refer- ring to money as “filthy lucre”? Probably none. The Tich know that money can do beautiful things in their lives, so they don’t knock it, They try to amass more of it. The poor, however, positive that money will never be theirs, call it bad names, preach against it to their 10 HOW YOUR PSYCHIC POWERS CAN MAKE YOU RICH children, and bad-mouth the rich who are “lucky” enough to have some. Yet in spite of it being so “dirty,” the poor go out and scrape to get it. They work at menial jobs just to have some in their pockets. Those who refuse to work for it try to steal it and end up in prisons. They bad- mouth money but ruin their lives because of it. Sit down and make a list on a piece of paper of all the things you would do if you had money. Vacations, homes in the country, braces for your kids’ teeth, a fur coat for your wife, a new car, cash for your mother and father, etc., etc. Look at the list. Aren’t these happy things? Wouldn’t money bring you happiness in these forms? Wouldn’t you feel good—and sleep better at night— if you had all these things that money could buy for you’ Remember, you are not just buying things with your dreamed-for money: you are buying happiness for oth- ers. Look at your list. How many things on it are strictly for you alone? Probably very few. The majority of items are for someone else. If money makes you feel good, and makes those you love happier, then why should it be put down as “filthy lucre”? Poverty Is No Virtue A few people, who don’t have money, claim that to poor is to be virtuous. To be next to God. To have one foot in heaven. I can see nothing virtuous about not paying your bills, or not having money to feed your family, or running ragged. You were born to be rich. The world was made for you. It wasn’t created for just a privileged few. If you ‘were born into a poor family, don’t cry about it: go out and do something about it. Study the histories of the ich families and you'll see in every instance that the founders of that rich family were once just as poor as you are. They started from scratch and made it big. So big, that their grandchildren, and great-grandchil- SHOW YOUR PSYCHIC POWERS CAN MAKE YOU RICH 11 dren are still benefiting from their investments. But at one time the Rockefellers, the Kennedys, the Gettys, the Onassises of this world were as poor as the Joneses, the Smiths, and the others on your block. There are more millionaires in the United States to- day than there were twenty-five years ago, and twenty- five years from now there will be even more. Taxes, inflation, and all the rest cannot stop you from be- coming a millionaire if you really want to. Nothing can stop you. Poverty is not a virtue. It is a disease. The dictionary defines disease (or dis-ease) as an evil or destructive tendency or state of affairs. Well, if poverty is not evil and destructive, what is? The same dictionary defines virtue as general moral excellence, a quality regarded as good or meritorious. Ask your- self if your lack of funds and your struggle to survive has been one of “moral excellence” or “good and meritorious.” Limiting Your Desires So many of us go through life sure that what we have is all we deserve. If the money just stretches from one paycheck to another we consider ourselves fortunate. We dream about having more money but we think , it’s impossible. So the dreams and plans never come true »dbecause we limit our desires. There is a law of belief that states: “If thou canst believe, then all things are possible.” Believe that you will have more money and you will have more money. It’s that simple. I knew a man who was in a rut. His salary just man- aged to pay the rent, food, and clothing for his chil- dren. He worked at a small factory and one day there was an opening for a section manager. He went to the owner and asked to be considered for the job. The owner had known this worker for years but had never considered him anything more than just one more body at a machine. The man told the owner that he knew 12 HOW YOUR PSYCHIC POWERS CAN MAKE YOU RICH he could handle the higher-paying job because he had watched how it was done and knew more about it than any newcomer would. The owner, impressed that the man was so confident in himself, gave him the job on a trial basis. That was seven years ago. The man has now advanced to general supervisor of the plant and makes more money than anyone there with the ex- ception of the owner. If he had limited his desires, if he had limited his own abilities, he would still be stand- ing at his old machine and worrying himself deeper into debt. Belief. Belief in yourself. Belief in your abilities. Belief in you as a human being. It’s so very impor- tant to believe. There is no one else like you are. You are a unique individual. Your abilities are different from and better than those of anyone around you. If anyone deserves to advance, you do. You know that nothing is impossible because you are capable of everything. There has never been a task handed you that you could not accomplish. Dreams Often people ask me if dreams have anything to do with their psychic lives. My answer is always a definite yes. When you dream you are using your unconscious mind. Your higher self. Your conscious, reasoning mind is set aside for the night and your higher self is telling you some of your innermost thoughts. It pushes up. desires and wishes that your more commonsense conscious mind keeps in the background. Free of this limitation, your higher self soars to unsuspected heights and tells you, while you are calmly sleeping, what you really are like and what you really want in life. A lady I know in Chicago lived happily—or so she thought—in a small apartment. near the lake. She be- came morose, confused, and tired of. her routine of ‘apartment-office-apartment month after month. One night she dreamed that she was in a small white house HOW YOUR PSYCHIC POWERS CAN MAKE YOU RICH = 13 in the country. She saw herself surrounded by green trees and white clouds. In the morning, on her way to work, that dream came back to her. She began to imagine herself in such a surrounding, away from the concrete, the crowds, and the pollution. That night the dream came back, but this time it was stronger and seemed to last longer. She had always thought she would spend the rest of her life in the city but this new idea of a house in the country kept returning to her conscious mind. She began to think about it and to figure out how she could support herself in such a place. She had always been a secretary and nobody needed shorthand on a farm. Then one night her dream took her inside a greenhouse, surrounded by hundreds of flowers. She awoke with her answer. She took a quick course in flower growing from a local agricultural school and read books on the cut-flower business. On her lunch hour and on weekends she visited green- houses and asked questions. Exactly six months after her first dream she was in the country. She had pur- chased a small house (a bank in Chicago had been amazingly cooperative with the loan) and was building her own greenhouse. She had always loved flowers but found it impossible to raise them in an apartment. Now she raises them for a living, sells cut flowers and potted plants to a steady list of customers in the Chi- eago area, and looks ten years younger. She had never allowed herself to even think of such a drastic move, yet her higher self couldn’t be held ‘ack. It operated while she was asleep; and she lis- tened. Pay attention to your dreams. See what your higher self is trying to tell you. Sometimes it won’t be. pretty but you can always change this image. Nothing is permanent, remember. If you claim you can’t recall what you dreamed it’s just because you haven't tried. Keep a pencil and paper beside your bed and immediately upon waking in the morning (scientists say we have our deepest dreams just before we wake up) recall what you dreamed and write it down. Practice this for a few days and you’ll no longer have 14 HOW YOUR PSYCHIC POWERS CAN MAKE YOU RICH to force yourself. The dreams will come back automati- cally and you can see what your higher self is trying to tell you. Listen to what it says. Very often it makes more sense than you do. The Bugaboo of Fate “I can’t change fate,” I’ve heard people lament. “It's my fate to be stuck in this place. It’s my fate that T have no money. It’s my fate that I can’t get a better job.” } Horsefeathers. You are fated for certain things in this lifetime, but one of them is not to be so miserable that you don’t advance to better things. I believe in reincamation and believe that fate has put you into the family it has and into their financial structure be- cause of past life experiences. In this lifetime you are to improve on those beginnings and work to make your- self a better person. You can only do this by helping yourself and others. Karma is the heavy word the occultists use, and I believe in karma. It translates into fate. Fate is what you have to do in this life so that you eventually be- come one with God. The idea is to eventually become such a perfect person that you never have to come back to this earth in human form again. I’m all for that. But, if you must change your life for the better while you are here, if we all have come into this world to Progress, then where does this bugaboo about fate come in? If your destiny in this life is to change for the better, then why should fate hold you back? It can’t and it doesn’t. I believe that you are fated to be born at a certain time and to a certain family situation. I also believe that through your life, certain things are fated to hap- pen to you. Of course, we are all fated to die. But we Gre not fated to become stuck in a rut and to waste our lives mired down in poverty. If the Creator of the universe (or the Cosmic Forces, if you wish) is really out after our best interests, then why should He hold HOW YOUR PSYCHIC POWERS CAN MAKE YOU RICH 15 us back so that we cannot progress? Can any Supreme Being be so small that He wishes poverty, illness, and disease on one of His tiny human creations? The Su- preme Forces that control the world have given us everything. 1 refuse to believe that they would delib- erately tum around and withdraw their gifts from someone out of spite. Really great people don’t bold grudges. Why should a Supreme Being be so vindic- tive? I don’t buy that. What I do buy is that we must all fight for our- selves. We must all have a goal and strive to reach that goal. Only by personally struggling toward what we really want will we be able to get out of a situation that we have—through our own ignorance and leth- argy—fallen into. Fate has nothing to do with it. We have put our- selves into our present situation. Only we can get our- selves out of it. It’s as simple—and as encouraging— as that. We are our own masters and our own slaves. Yes, our own slaves. Think about that for a while. 2. Potting Some of These Principles inte Practice It doesn’t do much good to read about what others have done unless you can—and want to—do these things yourself. “Want.” It’s as strong a word as “belief.” Wishful Thinking To say “I wish I could do this” or “I wish I had that” is no good if you don’t put some mental muscle be- hind it. Wishing without action is like throwing a coin into a fountain and wishing for something to come true. Nothing happens and you’re out the money. One of your biggest problems, (or our biggest prob- lem, if you choose) is that-we wish for things and don’t do anything about it. If you don’t follow up with some physical or mental action, your wish will not come true. A tramp wishing he had a sandwich and a cup of coffee will go hungry until he puts that wish into action by stopping someone and begging a half-dollar. The woman who wishes she were thinner won’t ever lose weight until she mentally decides to physically stop stuffing her body with unneeded food. Even a small baby who wishes he had his bottle soon learns to do something physical about getting it. He cries and gets attention. If a baby can do it through instinct then you can do it through intelligence. Tye heard people say “I wish I had a new home” or “I wish I could paint a picture” and yet when I ask them what they've done about getting their wish they admit they haven’t done a thing. 16 HOW YOUR PSYCHIC POWERS CAN MAKE YOU RICH 17 Stop telling yourself “I wish I had more money” and start working on a way to get it. I doubt that Jean Paul Getty or Aristotle Onassis would be where they are today if they had only wished to be the richest men in the world, Just Lucky When you see the wealthy stepping from their lim- ousines in pictures on the society page, don’t brush it off with “They are just lucky.” Luck played a very important part in getting where they are today but they had the foresight and the planning to make those lucky breaks happen. ‘You can do the same. Don’t think the wealthy, in their luxurious apart- ments and aboard their private jets to the Bahamas, got where they are without a fight. They drew up their battle lines and zeroed in on their objectives. In ge- ometry, the first rule that all high-school students have to memorize is that “the shortest distance between two points is a straight line.” If you have a goal, then see where you are now and where you want to be. Draw a “straight line” of action for yourself and keep on the path until you’ve reached the other end. You'll be amazed that it really was “the shortest distance.” A friend of mine in Brazil was an artist, and a very one too, but he couldn’t sell his paintings. Nobody about him. No gallery would take them because they were too advanced and far-out for their time. He was working in a shoe store during the day and painting at night, but after all those hours on his feet and working with other people’s feet the energy just wasn’t there for his art. He decided one day to make a map of his life to see where he was going and where he wanted to go. He saw that he was wasting time in the shoe store even though it did pay his expenses. He saw that he was taking a detour by selling shoes, which was so far re- moved from his own goal. He decided that if he had to make money it was going to be from art. He placed 18 HOW YOUR PSYCHIC POWERS CAN MAKE YOU RICH an ad in a Rio de Janeiro newspaper offering his ser- vices as an art instructor. Soon he had several students who paid him more in one week than he made in a month selling shoes. While they were painting he was able to work on his canvases. He even learned from his students’ mistakes and fresh ideas. One of his students was a middle-aged woman with no talent at all, but he kept urging her on to better things until she finally painted a portrait of her hus- band that was worth framing. The husband, delighted with his wife, came to see the artist and they got into a discussion about the lack of a decent store where artists could purchase supplies. The husband had a small tourist shop that wasn’t doing that much business. He suggested that the painter come in as a working partner and turn the place into a shop for artists’ equip- ment. The young man considered his “straight-line” path to his goal, decided this was on it, and accepted the offer. He now had a place to show his paintings to the public. After just one year of good management the shop showed a healthy profit and the owner asked him about buying the store next door and turning it into an art gallery. They would sell paints and craft supplies in one store and paintings in the other. The painter said he couldn’t manage both shops and took over the gal- lery. It has become one of the, best-known galleries in Brazil and his work, now that everyone knows of him and talks about him, has quadrupled in price. All this took just sixteen months after he had decided to stop wishing and to put a plan into action. The “short- est distance between two points . . .” Your Nonmaterial World Look around you. See that lamp and that television set and the clothes you are wearing? See this book you are holding in your hands? All these things did not exist at one time. They didn’t come growing out of the ground or fall suddenly from the skies. They were created by an idea in a man’s mind, What you can see HOW YOUR PSYCHIC POWERS CAN MAKE YOU RICH = 19 and feel (and even taste and smell, in many instances) first began as a thought in someone’s mind. Thoughts are powerful forces. Thoughts can make you ill or they can make you happy. They can build a great nation or they can bring down death and de- struction. Nothing that is manufactured today for your benefit existed before it first appeared as a thought in someone’s mind. You can’t weigh a thought. Scientists don’t even know how to begin to record one or photograph one. Yet it is the most powerful force in the world. More powerful than the hydrogen bomb, because it can create as well as destroy. ‘You are a machine of thoughts. Don’t ask me where they come from because, frankly, I don’t know. They originate in the brain, but how do they get into the brain? Psychic Bob Hoffman says that the brain is not the mind. That the mind is somewhere outside the human body feeding information to the material mass known as the brain. And where does the mind get its ideas and thoughts? From higher sources, he claims. From sources that we can only guess about. Your Infinite Bank Vault Somewhere along the line you have been given an enormous bank vault. It belongs to you alone. It is endless in size and inexhaustible in supply. You take something out of it and three other things rush in to fill its place. It grows as you grow, always there to help you, never closed unless you refuse to open it. You were born with all the things you need for suc- cess. Your bank vault is laden with thousands of ways for you to be happy, wealthy, and wise. No matter what the problem is, this vault has the answer. No mat- ter how low you get, there is something in the vault to pull you up again. It belongs to you exclusively. Nobody can get into it. You can share it with others, of course, but nobody can rob you of what it contains. ‘You must start thinking of your mind and its in- credible resources as your infinite bank vault. You 20. HOW YOUR PSYCHIC POWERS CAN MAKE YOU RICH must get into the habit of making regular withdrawals from it. You must know that anything you need is stored away in it. Nothing is impossible. No task is too difficult. No problem goes unanswered. Start right now to believe that your abilities are un- limited. That you have riches beyond the imagination waiting for you just for the asking. A poor man re- mains in poverty because he doesn’t know about his bank vault. A rich man learned long ago to withdraw what he needs from life. We all look for material possessions and judge our wealth on those alone. Yet so few of us know the true value of our infinite bank vault. Your true wealth is not what you have to show others but in knowing how to tap this unending source of mental resources. You have power inside your vault that you never knew about. Power to make you into anything you wish. Power to create wealth. Power to live wisely with that wealth and power to help others who have yet to discover their own bank vault. Call it God, call it Cosmic Intelligence, call it what you will but the Infinite Source has given you just as much as It has given the Gettys and the Rockefellers and the Onassises of this world. The Infinite Source in its vast intelligence and compassion has endowed every man’s bank vault with equal treasure. No one has been favored. No one has been left out. The treasure be- Jongs to you. The Levels of Your Mind The ancient Hawaiians believed in something they Huna. It worked for them and it can work for jou, Just because something is ancient does not mean has lost its meaning. The basic truths of the ancient Greeks and Romans are still basic truths for us to- day, Objects get old and useless; ideas and truths never their value. The Kahunas were the priests of the Huna “religion” and believed that we each have three levels to our mind. The first is the conscious mind that we use when HOW YOUR PSYCHIC POWERS CAN MAKE YOU RICH = 21. we talk; it registers what we see and feel and makes us aware of what we are physically doing. This con- scious mind is very powerful. We listen to it during our waking hours. We let it solve problems, we ask it for an interpretation in a situation, and we allow it to become our “personality.” The second level is the unconscious mind. It is the one that keeps our heart beating, that reminds our lungs we need to breathe in fresh air, that stays down in the basement keeping the body machinery in run- ning order. It also is a storehouse. A depository of all the information you have picked up during your life- time. All of it. That means not only the books you read in school but the comic books you read after school. Not just the knowledge you've gained through a life- time of study but the bitter remembrance of defeats, fights, and unpleasantness you’ve also experienced. It does not “think” for itself. It's too busy keeping things oiled and filing away information in its archives. It is not very bright. It has to be nudged for any re- action. It works best when taking orders. But you must be careful what kind of orders you give it. If you say to your conscious mind, “Oh, I’m going to have a sore throat by morning,” the unconscious moind will hear it, take it as an order, and try its damnedest to give you the sore throat you asked for. It does not judge what is right for you. It only obeys orders and tries to please. If you say to your conscious mind, “I can’t have a sore throat because I don’t have time to be ill,” your unconscious mind will do everything in its power to keep your throat healthy. If that sounds far-fetched, think of the chronically ill people you know. How many of them are cheerful and how many are negative? Most of them are nega- tive, right? They sit around and complain about what is going to happen to them and this message is acted upon by their unconscious minds. If they are sure they are going to catch the flu: they'll catch it. If they are sure the new medicine the doctor gave them won't work, it won’t. If they are overweight and keep tell- ing themselves they can’t diet, they won’t be able to. 22 HOW YOUR PSYCHIC POWERS CAN MAKE YOU RICH Now put that into your financial life. If you tell your conscious mind that you can’t do a certain job you won't be able to, because your unconscious mind will put stumbling blocks in your way to carry out the order you have given it. If you complain that your boss doesn’t like you, your unconscious mind will make you do little things to keep on irritating your boss. After all, that’s the order it got from you. If you walk into an office for an important interview yet have told your unconscious mind you don’t have a chance of getting the job, your unconscious mind will set up negative vibrations around you that the interviewer will feel and use to turn you down. Here is the first experiment to make you aware of these psychic powers within you. Tonight, before you fall asleep, complain about a sore throat coming on. Rub your neck and imagine the pain reaching down past.your tonsils. Tell your wife that you're going to have a sore throat in the morning. (But don’t tell her it’s part of an experiment.) Imagine all the things you'll be able to do around the house the next day if you have a sore throat and have to report off from work. Feel the tissues expanding and inflamed. Maybe even take an aspirin while you tell your con- scious mind that it really won’t do any good. In the morning you'll have a sore throat. If you've done the experiment correctly, if you’ve managed to get your subconscious mind to accept your sore throat as an order, then you'll have all the symptoms, (Of course, they are purely mental; tell your mind to take the sore throat away and it'll be gone before Junch.) For the opposite effect seek out a person you don’t especially like. Tell your conscious mind that you want to be that person’s friend. That this person has all the attributes you like in a person and you want to make up with him. Impress your unconscious mind with these facts and sit back to see what will happen. You'll find the person warming up to you, melting his reserve and his animosity. You'll find yourself say- ‘ing things to please that person, not things to drive HOW YOUR PSYCHIC POWERS CAN MAKE YOU RICH = 23 him further away. He will sense good vibrations from you and your unconscious mind will pick them up and zeturn them with twice the force. You will have a new friend and one less enemy and nothing will have really changed except your attitude. It didn’t cost you a gift or a drink to win him over. Your unconscious mind works free of charge. The third mental level is the superconscious mind. It sits somewhere outside your body in tune with not only what's going on in your mind but with everything that is going on around you. It is this mind level that picks up the bad vibrations when you meet someone you instantly dislike or walk into a room that makes you feel “uneasy.” It is this superconscious that knows what your wife is going to say before she says it. It’s this high-level consciousness that warns you of dangers, lets you tune in other people’s personalities, and creates ideas. You can see how important this level is. Without it you would be at the mercy of your dull, unimaginative unconscious mind and your ego-filled “I am” conscious mind, And think what a mess that would ! It seems to work like a highly sensitive radio-wave sender and receiver. There is nothing it can’t discover if it is requested. Requested. Not ordered. It won’t take orders like the unconscious mind will, but if you ex- plain what you wish and why you wish it, then it will do your bidding. The mechanics seem to be this: your conscious mind wants something done and the message is sent to the unconscious. If the unconscious can, it will solve it and shoot back the answer as soon as possible. If the facts are not in its file, the conscious mind shoots upward and makes the request of the superconscious. (For some reason these two opposites work well to- gether.) Then the superconscious takes over and goes out in every direction sorting through each wavelength it meets until it finds the source that gives it the an- swer. Then this is transmitted to the unconscious and immediately thrown into the conscious. Then you have the answer to what you were asking. You have the 24 HOW YOUR PSYCHIC POWERS CAN MAKE YOU RICH idea “up front,” so to speak, and can start to work on it. Let’s try another experiment. It always works. But if it takes a little while in the beginning, don’t let it throw you. The answer will always be forthcoming. Take a person whom you vaguely recall today but whom you knew rather well years ago. You can re- member some of the details about him but you can’t remember his name. Try as you will, the name escapes you. He used to work with you on the job you had when ‘you were a teen-ager. Form a picture of him in your conscious mind and fill in as many details as you can xemember about him. Especially the place the two of you were together. (The store, the factory, or the pa- per route.) Then say three times: “What was the name of that guy who worked with me in the drugstore back in 1959? He had dark hair, was slender and a little older than I was.” Repeat this three times and then forget it! That’s important. Forget all about your request. Go about your business and don’t think of that elusive friend anymore. Maybe in a few minutes, maybe in a few days, de- pending on how far the conscious mind had to dig or how far the superconscious had to travel, the name will suddenly come to you. Out of the blue: Jim Davis! Of course! You won’t be consciously .thinking of the name, it will suddenly appear in your thoughts, maybe interrupting them in the middle of a conversation. But you'll have the information you needed. How often have you been talking to someone and tried to recall a name or a date and then just sloughed it off saying, “Oh, it'll come to me.” And a few seconds or minutes later you'll say, “Warren, Ohio—that’s the name of the town I was trying to remember!” How often has this happened to you? Probably dozens of ‘times. It is part of your psychic mind at work. You can use this technique to remember anything ‘that ever happened to you, to recall names, dates, and 2 Places. It will always work. I’ve used it frequently, The dass time I did it I recalled the first and last name of HOW YOUR PSYCHIC POWERS CAN MAKE YOU RICH = 25 a woman (long since passed away) who worked with me for two weeks in a New York restaurant over twenty years ago. It took two days and I got some funny names before the real name finally was flashed up into my conscious mind. And as soon as I got the real name, I knew it was correct. Now let's try a more difficult experiment, but one that will always work if you give it a chance. Picture someone you know quite well and who knows where you live or work and what your telephone number is. It can be an old friend, a member of the family, or a business associate. (It can’t be a stranger at this stage, so don’t try te contact Raquel Welch!) Sit in a quiet place and picture this person in your conscious mind. See him in his home or office. Get a full mental picture of his whole body, but especially his face and shoulders. Then, if his name is Bill Jones, say to yourself (never out loud): “Bill Jones, this is [your full name]. Please get in touch with me. I want to hear from you. You have my address and phone number. Please call me, Bill Jones. This is [your name]. Bill Jones, call [your name]. It’s important that you contact me.” Keep re- peating this basic information with your eyes closed and focusing all your attention on Bill Jones, who can either be in the next room or on the other side of the world. See Bill Jones in complete detail. Send the mes- sage to Bill Jones as if you were a radio tower beaming é message into his body. See your words entering his ead. Do this once a day for three days. Soon the telephone will ring and it will be Bill Jones. If it’s not that dra- matic, you'll get a letter from him saying he just “felt like” writing to see how you were. Or maybe you'll hear from a mutual friend who will say, “I had lunch with Bill Jones yesterday and he asked about you. He wonders what you are doing.” What has happened in this experiment is that your unconscious mind had no way of contacting Bill Jones, so after you fed it all the physical information it sent a request up to the superconscious mind which imme- 26 HOW YOUR PSYCHIC POWERS CAN MARE YOU RICH diately went out in all directions trying to locate Bill Jones. Once it had made contact with Bill Jones’s super- conscious mind it left your message. This message was relayed to his conscious mind. He started to think about you without knowing why. Then he decided to all you and see how you were. It always works. I know a girl who moved to San Francisco from Pennsylvania. She had run away from home to be- come a “flower child” with all the other hippies. She never wrote her widowed mother or let her know where she was because she didn’t want her to bring her back to her “square” home. She wanted to “do her thing,” no matter how it upset her mother. One day her mother suffered a stroke and was taken to the hospital. She was sure she was dying, and while she wasn’t afraid, she did want to see her daugh- ter once more before she passed on. So she sent out a mental SOS to the girl. She “felt” she was on the West Coast and pictured a map of California in her mind. Then she pictured her daughter’s face. Silently for three days she asked her daughter to call home. She put all the mental force behind the transmission that she could muster. She never became hysterical or broke into tears. It was a straight message with no frills. On the evening of the third day the telephone rang beside her bed. She picked it up. It was her daughter calling from San Francisco. “Mother, are you all right? I got the funny feeling that something was wrong and when I called the house and nobody answered I phoved the hospital. They put me right through to you.” hhad been over two years since she had spoken to her mother, whose message, sent from a Pennsylvania hospital room, had traveled all the way across the country into a city the mother had never visited and selected the right person out of a population of 800,000. ‘The daughter borrowed some money and flew home. Her mother died in peace a few days later. Those are just a few samples of what your mind— or your psychic powers—can do for you. They've worked for others and they will work for you. Now let’s examine the various psychic/occult arts HOW YOUR PSYCHIC POWERS CAN MAKE YOU RICH 27 and see how you can develop your own powers to get you what you want. We’ll take them one by one, a step at a time. Read them over and decide which one suits you best. Then zero in and go to work. The results will be seen in your bank balance. 3. Digging Deep (Meditation) All psychics agree that one of the best ways to de- velop your powers is through meditation. It is one of the oldest forms of psychism there is, having been practiced in the East for centuries. It must work if so many people have been doing it for hundreds of years. There is a serenity that comes from meditation that you can’t get any other way. Not from a good night’s sleep. Not from a bottle of whiskey. Not from a mari- juana cigarette. It is a complete awayness of your self. A méans of getting off from your troubles, away from your atmosphere and outside your own body. It’s a way of making things calm down so you can see what is really there. Meditation was once described to me like this: the mind is a pool of clear water which has a muddy sedi- meat at the bottom from all the unhappiness, the frus- trations, the doubts, and the thwarted aspirations that a lifetime brings. Daily living and competing keeps this mind stirred up, clouding the clear water and making it obscure. When you meditate you stop stirring the ‘waters and the mud sinks slowly to the bottom. Then you can see what the waters of your mind really con- tain and make your judgments accordingly. We talked about the superconsciousness and how it could go away and do things for you. Well, it can also go deeper inside you to bring you, not the realities of the world, but the realities of your own spiritual being. What is meditation? British author J. I. Wedgwood says it “consists in the endeavor to bring into the wak- ing consciousness, that is, into the mind in its normal state of activity, some realization of the superconscious- ness. It is the reaching of the mind and feelings to- 28 HOW YOUR PSYCHIC POWERS CAN MARE YOU RICH = 29 ward the ideal, and the opening of the doors of the imprisoned lower consciousness to the influence of that ideal.” In other words, meditation lets you get rid of your- self long enough to listen to the wisdom and thoughts of your superconsciousness. Those who practice meditation in India group all men into three categories: the sleeping man, the awakened man, and the enlightened man. The sleeping man walks around during the day, and talks and eats and makes love, but keeps plodding along, never sceming to now that he is using but a mite of his potential power. He seems to be locked in- side his body, a prisoner of his own five senses. He never thinks that there must be something else to life than the rut he is in. Of course, he can be a very suc- cessful man—in his eyes—and appear to lead a good life, but until he awakens to the fact that he has hidden potentials that can transform him into someone great, he remains “asleep.” The awakened man is where you are right now. You bought this book because you have awakened to the idea that somehow life can be better. You are no longer sleeping and permitting your days to slip by without trying to better yourself and those around you. The awakened man knows there is a force that can be tapped. He knows it is not difficult. He is willing to try. He is awake and ready for all challenges. You are that awakened man. The enlightened man is what you will become. He has opened his mind on all three levels and is actively using the information from the infinite bank vault every day and in every situation. Because of this sure- ness in himself and his inner powers he is no longer afraid of what tomorrow might bring. He knows he can control tomorrow just as he controlled yesterday. He doesn’t bow and scrape for a living because his bank vault has released its treasure. He is his own boss. He is his own man. Isn’t that what you want to be? People meditate for many reasons. Some are after high spiritual knowledge. They want to become “one” with their Creator. They want to know everything 30 HOW YOUR PSYCHIC POWERS CAN MAKE YOU RICH there is to know about the spiritual side of life. These are the people who end up wearing a saffron-colored robe and sitting in a cave high in the mountains, re- nouncing the world and turning into recluses. Others practice meditation to see what it can do to help them in this life. To help them right now—not when they are dead and have left the body. They know that the riches in this world have been placed here for all of us and that through meditation they can discover how to get their share. If that sounds crass and material to many mediums, so be it. The fact remains that people in order to reach a “higher state” must be satisfied on their ma- terial level. A man who wants only spiritual things can meditate and walk out, leaving his wife and chil- dren to shift for themselves. This often happens in India, and there (not here!) it’s considered a high- minded thing to do. In this country the man would be arrested for desertion and justifiably so. The American or European man who meditates to find ways of bettering his and his family’s situation in this cruel materialistic world is—to me—a much better man than the Indian who goes off to a mountaintop and leaves his family to shift as best they can. The majority of people reading this book are not reading it for a purely selfish, materialistic reason. They don’t want wealth only for their own sake but to care for those they love. Selfish people are incapable of developing their psychic powers, because love and sharing asa result of those powers are as necessary to development as gasoline and oil are to the working ‘of an automobile. .. Meditation lets us see the truth inside ourselves. If ‘we cannot find that truth, how can we possibly know the truth about the world around us? Meditation clears away the debris of an ordinary day. It sweeps out the cobwebs and the junk. It lets the ‘sunshine in, illuminating and purifying the dark comers. Tt is written in the Upanishads: “What a man thinks on, he becomes.” HOW YOUR PSYCHIC POWERS CAN MAKE YOU RICH 31 Afraid No More I recently received a letter from a lady in Kentucky. She had been widowed and there was no money for the house or to keep her three small children. Her husband, one of those I’m-never-going-to-die-so-why- give-money-to-the-insurance-companies kind of guy, dropped dead one morning as he got out of the shower. They lived in a rented house and she didn’t have even next month’s rent in the bank. Most of her friends were as poor as she was. Her family had scattered over the country and she’d lost track of them years before. “I was really upset,” she wrote, “but then I remem- bered what you had said in one of your books, that there is no problem that doesn’t come accompanied by a solution. I decided to meditate. “At first it was difficult. The kids made so much noise I had to wait until they had gone to bed. It wasn’t easy to make my mind a blank because each time I tried for silence I saw John’s face in the coffin and saw the bills that had piled up since his funeral. But I kept at it, because I knew there was nowhere else to turn. I knew the solution to my problems was inside me. “After three nights of sitting and concentrating on the candle flame, I closed my eyes and saw the flame in my head, As I watched, it got brighter. I'll admit I became nervous and wondered if my head was going to explode, but I kept calm and just waited. “Imagine my surprise when that light suddenly van- ished and there was my mother! I could see her as plain as day and yet she had been gone for almost fifteen years now. She didn’t say anything or even look at me. She was back in the old kitchen and she was making pies. She had fresh pies cooling on the windowsill, others in the oven, and still others on the table in front of her. I was so amazed to see her making pies, because she had been a terrible cook. I was always the one who made the pies at home when I was a girl and everyone loved them. “Then the vision vanished and I opened my eyes. I 32 HOW YOUR PSYCHIC POWERS CAN MAKE YOU RICH thought that was a very funny thing to see and didn’t give it any more thought. I was just a little upset that no solution to my problems had been given. I won- dered what I was doing wrong. “That night I awoke with a start. I had been given an idea (in my conscious mind, as you call it) that shook me wide awake. My mother was telling me to bake pies and sell them for a living! That's what all those pies meant. It was the message that if I got busy I could bake pies every day and have steady money com- ing to the house. “J got up then and there and made two apple pies and a peach pie. Thank God for the trees in the back- yard. As soon as the local restaurant opened I took them in and showed them to the manager. He bought them for a dollar apiece and asked if I could bring him half a dozen the next day. “The idea snowballed to where I now have a neigh- bor girl working for me and we turn out fifty pies a day. It’s not hard work because we have it all orga- nized like an assembly line. A man comes every morn- ing and picks up the entire order for restaurants in the several towns in my area. “I now have an income of fifty dollars a day! Of course, I have to pay the girl and buy the raw ma- terials, but I still make more money in one month than say husband ever brought home in six months. Thank you, very, very much.” Uvalla’s Method Betty Bethards, of Novato, California, is one of the nation’s top mediums, healers, and all-round psychics. I told her story in The Psychic World of California as well as Psychic Healers. She is a fantastic woman who has been able to take the so-called “esoteric occult arts” and turn them into practicable methods that we all can ‘use. She has a system of meditation that is slightly differ- ent from the others. Everyone, I hasten to add, has his own ideas about meditation. If you ask six psychics HOW YOUR PSYCHIC POWERS CAN MAKE YOU RICH 33 how to meditate, you will get six answers. But, just as all roads lead to Rome, all meditational methods lead to awareness, Betty was a simple housewife with no psychic pre- tensions until the spirit of a recently buried friend ap- peared to her in her kitchen and gave a message he wanted delivered to his wife. When the initial shock of seeing him had passed, Betty conversed with him and promised to contact his wife. She felt silly giving a living person advice from a dead person but the woman appreciated the information and was able to save many hundreds of dollars when it came time to settle her husband’s estate. This incident set Betty off into other psychic realms and today she is president of her own foundation; she teaches classes, gives lectures, heals (she’s even healed over the phone and via a taped television program!), and advocated her special brand of meditation. This system came to her through her spirit guide, Uvalla, a Peruvian Indian who’s been dead for several hundred years. Uvalla has given her many wonderful abilities but the best one is undoubtedly the meditation technique. While some psychics jealously guard their “secrets,” Betty wants all the world to know her brand of meditation. “It helps everyone who really uses it properly,” she says. “It’s saved more lives and put more people on the right track than anything else I know.” She defines it quite simply. “It’s a way of going within, of discovering yourself. It is not a religion, but can enrich any faith. It may be practiced by per- sons of any religious belief, or by those who have no faith whatsoever.” She cautions that meditation is not ‘“‘an escape from life. It is a process, a means to an end.” While it helps you understand the inner you, she says that meditation does not depend in any way on what you believe. “You do not even have to believe in the value of meditation itself! All that is required is a willingness to try it.” Betty says you should give it at least twenty min- utes a day, in a quiet place where you will not be dis- 34 HOW YOUR PSYCHIC POWERS CAN MAKE YOU RICH turbed. She suggests that before you begin, you spend a few minutes reading something inspirational like poetry, philosophy, or religious writings. Some people like to listen to uplifting music. It helps set the tone for their meditation period. “Choose a comfortable sitting position,” she says. “Jt does not matter how you sit, so long as the spine is straight. Many will find that the most comfortable position is in a straight chair, with spine erect and feet flat on the floor. I suggest you place your hands folded together in your lap, or with palms touching and fingertips together. During this first-stage—that I call concentration—your eyes may be either open or closed. I usually have mine closed. “Now focus your attention on one word, one sym- bol, a picture, a feeling, perhaps a soft light. But what- ever you choose, it should be only one thing for the duration of the concentration period, and it should be something that has inspirational or symbolic impor- tance for you personally. “If your eyes are open during concentration, you should be focusing on the object you have chosen. (Many people like to focus on the flame of a candle.) Hold this image to the best of your ability for the full ten minutes. Whenever your mind wanders, gently draw it back and continue. “Simple as it appears,” she says with a smile, “this 3s will build energy and help bring together the physical, the mental, and the spiritual into one har- monious vibration. Without realizing it you will be ‘feeding’ the imner spirit and preparing for the next phase which is to follow.” She always points out to her new students that the puspose of this imagery is to discipline their thoughts. “In order to be receptive to the inner stillness, you must learn to control, to quiet the many thoughts which dart through your mind and scatter the attention, By focusing on a single ideal or picture, you are providing the mind an anchor to hold the thought energy steady.” Christians, she points out, might like to focus their attention on the cross. You can either look at it with your eyes open or else “see” a cross in your mind with HOW YOUR PSYCHIC POWERS CAN MAKE YOU RICH 35 your eyes closed, “Again, you would direct all your at- tention to the beauty and meaning of the cross. No other thoughts would be allowed to intrude. “Your own creativity will present countless ways of holding and intensifying various concentration symbols.” Into the Meditation Stage After you have held this image in your mind for about ten minutes, and haven’t allowed your thoughts to wander around and kick it out as you think about dinner, being late for work, or a letter you must write, you can move into the second stage, which Betty calls meditation. “When ten minutes have elapsed, or when it feels Tight (and this feeling will come with practice), just turn your hands over, palms up, and let them rest gently on your lap. Continue to sit in the same posture. “Now release your mind from its controlled atten- tion on the concentration symbol. Put your mind in neutral and allow your thoughts to flow. You are still, or passive. But you are also alert, fully aware of what is happening. You are in a state of passive aware- ness. Don’t try to control your thoughts. You might pretend you are watching a motion picture in a movie house, letting the images progress, not trying to hold them.” Betty Bethards says that this is “a time of listening and learning.” To some, the information comes in pic- tures, images, or symbols. Others “feel” the knowledge coming into them. Still others hear “voices.” “However it comes,” she says, “accept it as your deeper, inner self coming into your conscious aware- ness.” Don’t be upset if you don’t think you are getting anything for the first couple of times. Meditation is not Jearned instantly. However, its results are long-lasting. The peace of mind and relaxed inner feeling of con- tentment are worth, to some, more than pictures and messages, “After ten minutes—or when it feels right—you may

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